Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 22.1

Hannah didn't need the System to tell her what happened she watched it... as the monitor was showing everything. Her legs started shaking as she stumbled back into the desk were Noma's body, but it was inevitable her knees gave out below her.

The sound of her tail crashing to the floor alerted those at the barricade who only just had Marcus got over the second to last barricade before the one that everyone else was set up on. checking his charge Hamilton rushed to Hannah's side.

"My Daughter what is wrong!" But he got no response, and as he knelt down and shook her. Again no response. "Omnissiah be damned!" Choosing the best of all the bad options he smacked her upside the head, which thankfully to Hamilton the hit awoke but once refocusing onto the monitor she could tell the Daemon Old-Mate had torn apart, the upper half that he spat out was still alive... moving and regrowing it's lost limps.

With a firm shake. Hannah stood up and asked the only question needed, "Noma... how many are in the facility?"

The answer took a few milliseconds to be answered, "Answer: Five matching the similar on in the Cargo Area and one Larger entity in the lowest level."

"Ignore the all but the ones on this level. How many left?" She ordered, instead of an answer the monitor showed all of the Daemons and instantly closed those that didn't meet Hannah's needs, leaving only two. One was slowly repairing itself and the other seemed to be confused at where his buddies were gone.

Looking at it... weirdly she could tell it's human behavior. Maybe when inactive they are more docile, with another shake of her head and the cries of alarm from the barricade she turned drawing her sword.

"Hamilton guard the STC." She ordered which he nodded though reluctance, entering the hallway with her tail and ears raised in a mix of emotions but in her calmest voice, "Juliana, Marcus, Gillian. Come with me, everyone else from a perimeter around us."

"Ma'am. Felica is injured and I maybe needed to treat her!" The Squad Medic replied as she was still giving her patient a check up not even to look at Tech-Adept.

"Yeah and your Prince is spilling his guts onto the floor now hurry up!" Hoping the barricade she ran down the hallway and only giving a brief look behind herself as she reached the next one along.

Hannah saw a hesitant look on Juliana's face as she finished her check up on Felica but with a firm shake and finding nothing she hopped over the barricade, and with ease passed the commissar by leaping over.

Returning her own attention in front of her as she reached the room. Pausing slightly at the scene, but resolving herself and drawing her sword in a effort to delay the Daemon as she walked past it she cut off it's head and arms off before she made her way to Joseph.

Flipping him over she saw the extent of the wound, from right to left it looked as if three lines were drawn on his stomach with only his arms wrapped and whatever was left of his uniform holding his intestines' in. Old-Mate wasn't much better, with his side looking as if torn open by an animal.

Hear a bolter and Las-gun firing and checking over my shoulder yeah... that thing was nothing more then paste. But she could only see Marcus where's-

Feeling a pair of firm hands on her shoulders gripping hard, "Move!" Juliana Stated as she pulled and thrown onto her ass. The Medicae only needed to see the extent, "Fuck..." Slowly unwrapping Joseph's arms which in the brief time they'd been wrapped were already stuck like glue. "Marcus... can you get back to the surface... I'm not going to be able to save the Prince and the dog at the same time. I require those other medics now!"

With the perimeter forming around them with a one or two double tapping the paste that was formerly a Daemon. Marcus holstered his bolt-pistol and the moment his foot stepped onto the lift it started moving upwards.

Dear Readers.

Sorry for delays and it being short. I've had several family related events happening and not counting Christmas.

Expect uploads to resume with some regularity within a week or two.

Your Author Royal Jeager.

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