Shield and Herald, Thursday Edition, issue 156
TUESDAY night, at 7 o'clock, the ladies Mrs A. M. and her daughter Miss B. M. were leaving Watshire to return to their home in St-Grey-on-Ceald when they were accosted once more by the villains who have been besieging the roads of the Brynemoor.
The ladies were unharmed but were terribly shaken. Mrs. A. M. reported 4 pounds full stolen in coin, along with 15 pounds 12 shillings in clothing and jet jewelry. Also stolen was a horse belonging to the Clarke Carriages, and the driver's hat, shotgun, and his boots although as per company policy the driver refused to enumerate them.
We here at the Shield and Herald again ask how this may happen when the 34th Paeth Militia remains close at hand, Welltraveler or not. The safety of commerce and people depends upon able-bodied men to defend the roads, but our sources indicate that Captain Rourke of the 34th is more interested in wasting the tax on providing drink for himself than the necessary rations and men to patrol the routes. As of now, the Shield and Herald have tallied that 1345.56.20 has been stolen, comparable to the yearly donated cost of running the Gideon House for the Poor in Takesea.