Wandering Dungeon

Chapter 14

“A slime in a bottle?" Blixie was confused. "Why would someone keep a slime in a bottle?"

"Man am I glad to be out of that bottle." A voice reverberated out of the slime as it stretched itself up.

"Slimes can talk in this world?" Garrett asked Blixie.

Blixie turned to Garrett. "No, they don't." She flew down and poked the slime. "I wonder what happened to it."

A small tentacle quickly snaked out of the slime and slapped Blixie's hand away. "Hey! Have you heard of personal space?." The slime said. "Why are you poking me?"

Blixie flew back a bit. "Oh, sorry." She apologized. "I've just never heard of a talking slime before. Where did you come from?"

"Thank you for the apology." The slime produced two tentacles and dusted himself off. "First off, my name is Kyle. I've been stuck in that bottle since the wizard Feldor created me a while ago. Some bandits broke into his lab and stole a bunch of potions and other things they thought they could make some coin on, which included me. They sold me and the rest of the stuff to the merchant that these gentlemen robbed." Kyle pointed to the defeated bandits. "Now I happened to have seen some good looking food in the bag with me and I am starving since I haven't eaten since...well, since I was created. So could I please have some of that food?"

Blixie and Garrett looked at each other, then back to Kyle. "Uh, sure. I don't see why not." Garrett replied. "I don't need to eat and I haven't seen Blixie eat anything since I've met her."

"Thanks." Kyle squirmed over to the bag and using two tentacles he rummaged through the bag pulling out the meat, cheese, and bread. "I wish there was some lettuce here. That would have made a great sandwich." He mumbled. "So what kind of wolf doesn't need to eat and travels with a what...fairy?"

"I'm a pixie!" Blixie shouted angrily.

"Sorry." Kyle said. "I didn't know there were Pixies in this world."

"For starters, I'm not a wolf. I'm a dungeon core and Blixie is my dungeon guide. Also, what do you mean this world?" Garrett had a suspicious feeling abut Kyle.

"You probably won't believe me but I am from another world." Kyle explained. "I died in that world and was reborn in this world by George. He says he is the god of stories and that he met me in that other world but my memories from there are fuzzy and disjointed." Kyle shrugged as of to apologize for the lackluster explanation.

"Hahaha!" Garrett laughed uncontrollably. He lost concentration on his mana threads and the wolf body flopped to the ground.

Blixie and Kyle just stared at the unmoving body confused. Kyle turned to Blixie. "I know you don't believe me but you don't have to laugh that much." Garrett's laughted louder. "Is this normal?"

"I'm not sure what is going on but Garrett is anything but normal." Blixie flew closer to Garrett. "Are you okay Garrett? What made you laugh so much?"

Garrett slowly regained control over his laughter and reattached his mana threads to the wolf. "Sorry Kyle. I'm not laughing at you or your story. I just thought that you hadn't changed even after being reborn in this world."

Kyle was stunned. "What do you mean I haven't changed? Who are you? How do you know me?"

"I met George as well after an adventurer destroyed my core awhile ago. He restored my memories from that world and told me of how I... uh, we died in the world we came from. He took our souls and placed them in special cores he made using the dice we used in the tabletop games we would play." Garrett grabbed the bag from around the wolf's neck that held his core and flipped it upside down. His core tumbled out of the bag and landed on the grass at his feet.

Kyle stared at the small, twenty side gem that seemed so familiar. Memories of laughter and frustration caused by the sound of a similar rolling gem flashed through his mind. As he continued to stare at Garrett's core it grew brighter and larger in his mind. It seemed like Garrett's core was drawing him in, offering the promise of a home he hadn't known he wanted.

Garrett and Blixie grew worried when Kyle stopped moving, transfixed by Garrett's core and stayed that way for a minute. "So you think he's okay?" Garret asked Blixie.

"He is fine...probably." Blixie responded hesitantly. She flew down at poked him a few times. "Hey, Kyle."

Kyle slowly shifted to look at Garrett. "Garrett?" He whispered. "I guess we didn't make it to the con, huh?" He chuckled.

"No Kyle. No we didn't." Garrett chuckled back.


"Hahaha...then you had us have that dance off against the band of orcs. Man that was hilarious." Kyle said as he moved through the forest with Garrett and Blixie. "Too bad I can't dance in this world and I can't even use the excuse of having two left feet. Haha."

"These adventures of yours sound quite exciting but I don't think any orc in this world would settle anything with dancing. The orcs of your world must be very different." Garrett and Kyle exploded into laughter. Blixie was very confused at this point. "What's so funny?"

Garrett Garrett held his stomach with the dainty hands of the elf he was currently puppeting. "We don't actually have orcs in our world, or elves or goblins. In fact there are only humans there."

"What about monsters or dungeons?"

"Nope. Nothing exciting like that." Garrett responded.

"How do you get leather to make armor or wool for fabric then? What about meat or is your planet full of plant eaters?"

“I believe leather comes from the hide of cows and other animals but it has to be processed and takes quite a while. Wool comes from sheep and is then spun into fabric. Meat comes from farm animals like cows, pigs, and chickens, and no not everyone from our world are vegetarians. Three are a lot of people that eat meat but not many know how to butcher an animal. The process is the same here I imagine, we just don't have to fight for our lives to get a new shirt. Haha."

"Your world does sound peaceful but I'm still a little confused. You said it takes a while to make leather or...what was the word you used...butcher an animal for meat, but why would it? When monsters and animals are defeated people just loot leather and meat from them with a simple touch."

"Wow! That sounds amazing!" Kyle exclaimed as he shoved a wedge of cheese into himself.

"This world is amazing thanks to its skills and magic but our old world wasn't too bad since it didn't have monsters and it did have a higher level of technology." Garrett responded. "Either way, since we are here now there really is no reason to dwell on the past. So let's just throw ourselves into the adventure of this world." Garrett cheered.

"I am going to miss having a car but as long as we aren't the destined saviors or end up becoming the targets of some major conspiracy run by a major guild or royal family like those isekai novels you used to read this world could be really fun." Kyle laughed.

"Well, I've already died once in this world and that didn't happen in those books, so I don't think we have to worry about that." Garrett laughed.

Blixie flew beside them confused by the conversation. "What's a car?"

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