Wait, There’s Another Wayne?

Side Chapter – Barbara Gordon

Sup, Author here

Just gonna announce that from this point forward, I won't be posting daily, and instead, a mass release.

Thank you for reading. Enjoy.

Good morning, my name’s Barbara Gordon. I’m a twelve years old 7th grader studying at a private middle school in Gotham. My dad’s a Gotham Police commissary who’s always working, even at a day off sometimes. I have no mother, since she died from car crash when I was very young, and I guess this is why at times my dad always acts overprotective towards me.

Well, I guess that’s what I get at being the daughter of Gotham’s sentinel.

But enough of my family or me, I want to talk about someone else, a boy my age, studying at the same school and in the same class as me.

No no no! This is not some kind of love talk, mind you! But, I’m rather curious about him.

He is Matthias Wayne, youngest son of the Wayne. He’s quite handsome and mature for his age, and quite smart too. He always places first academically not only in our class but also in the whole school.

Everyone in school knows him. Some would always sneer at him, saying that he’s only capable on placing first because of his family’s influence or perhaps money, but many also looks up to him because of his maturity at handling many problems, and even would help those who ask.

I had asked him a few times too, mostly academic stuff though.

I remembered one day about four years ago, his older brother, Bruce Wayne, suddenly just disappeared. I was curious to where his brother was gone so I asked him, but his answer was, “My brother left to train to become a greater individual.”

His face was full of smiles, but I can see some pained expressions deep within, a family longing for his long lost family member. Not that I know that feeling or anything, since I barely know my mother and I’m an only child.

Well, I never inquire anything other than academic stuff from him from that moment on.

I also remember some time ago, when I was about to walk home, I see him protecting a smaller group of students from being bullied by another bigger group of school jocks.

Jeers and mockeries were thrown at him at that time, “You’re just a rich boy.”, “A weakling Richie rich like you shouldn’t disrupt us.”, “Where’s your older brother, huh? Maybe he no longer wants to go home.”, and the like.

At first I was just observing the situation so that in-case it gets chaotic, I can quickly run towards the teachers to break the fight.

But something unbelievable happened.

When one of the jocks approached Matthias and tried to grab his collar, Matthias just grabbed the hand and put him in a lock position. The others were trying to gang up on him, but Matthias was just effortlessly handling them without a speck of sweat.

I saw him just simply swatting any punches given to him, and when some was about to tackle him, he just brushed it off and knocked them over to the side.

Matthias did not throw any punches, and all he did was just evading attacks and overpowering the grabs. It was as if watching a professional martial artist facing against naughty children, the former became Matthias and the latter the school jocks.

In the end, the jockeys just drop down all exhausted and furious, as well as a little bit afraid of Matthias’ prowess.

I kind of snapped back to reality and quickly called for a teacher.

When the teacher arrived, Matthias and the jocks were called in by the principal and were reprimanded, but in the end since there’s nobody suffered any injuries, they were all let off with a warning.

I still remember all the talk about Matthias at that time. In just one moment, he became the school’s most famous student, and people became a lot more respectful and frightened of him.

And now? Well, I heard that his brother has just returned back home sometime ago, ready to take over the Wayne Enterprises as the chairman.

At this point, the gossips and rumors about him have become so convoluted that I can’t follow them anymore. Well, it’s not like I care or anything, anyway.


“Hey Barb, you’re still daydreaming after all this time?”

Ah!” Speak of the devil, it’s him! I snapped back to my reality and adjusted my reading glasses, “Hey Matty, you need something?”

“No nothing, it’s just funny how out of it you’ve been since some time ago. Hmmm, you perhaps were thinking about me?” He says, full of smiles.

Ugh, I hate that smile of his, but I can’t help blushing for a bit.

Hmph! Listen, Matthias Wayne, maybe you’re all the talk of this school, but that doesn’t mean everyone’s gonna have you in their mind 24/7 you know!” I say as I glare at him.

“Hahaha! Yeah, well, I don’t mind you having me in your mind 24/7.” He says. Dammit, stop smiling like that!

Guh! To think that you’re this much of a playboy...”

“Hey, it’s not like I’m hurting anybody, why the frowns?

Heee~, you’ll eventually make a girl cry if you act like that, and when you do, I’ll be there to beat you up.” I say, as I can feel a smirk coming from my lips.

Hmmm sooo... if I make you cry, then who would beat me up?”

Urk! W-what! Why would I cry because of you?”

“Weeellll~... I wonder why.” He said. Dammit! Stop smiling like that!

I can feel myself blushing hard... This jerk!

“Y-you! Stop messing with me!”

“Okay okay okay, relax... I won’t mess around anymore.” He said, still smiling as if he’s enjoying this. “Anyhow, you’d miss lunch time if you keep daydreaming like that, cmon, I’ll treat you something nice at the cafeteria.”

“Oh, really! Then treat me those new milk pancakes on the menu!”

“Alright, just get to moving quickly, we’re almost out of time.” He says with a sigh.

Well, sweet food kind of cheered me up, so... I’ll forgive him this time.

We walked towards the cafeteria; I was humming while thinking about those new milk pancakes I’m about to stuff myself with.

“...Hey Barb.”

Hmmm? Need something?”

“... No... it’s nothing...” He says. I saw his eyes looking at me, and his expression kind of weird. For some reason, it looked like my dad’s face when he was very concerned of me. Maybe I’m wrong.

“Well, if it’s nothing then let’s quicken our pace! I want to have those pancakes!” I yelled as I ran to the cafeteria.

... “I won’t let... the Joker... cripple you...” ...

Hmmm? Did you say something?” I thought I hear him saying something.

“No it’s nothing, let’s go to the cafe. Don’t run in the hall though, that’s the school’s rule.”

Welp, I’m not gonna wait any minute for that pancakes so... let me break that rule just this once.

He he ~

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