Wait, There’s Another Wayne?

Chapter 3 – And It Begins

Dr. Leslie Thompkins, a doctor and a friend to the Wayne family, dashes into Gotham General Hospital as she hears the news of a Wayne being hospitalized.

Being another parental figure for both Waynes just like Alfred, Dr. Leslie took it upon herself to look after the two orphans after the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne.

She sped up her steps to reach for her destination. Alfred was outside a certain room, standing straight like a true soldier guarding his master. She also saw the oldest Wayne, sitting with outside the room; his back hunched, his hands formed an arch that reaches his mouth, and his face frowning, blood seemed drained from his face.

“Al, what happened, why is Matthias hospitalized?”

“Dr. Leslie, please sit down, I’ll try to summarize what I know...”

Alfred told the situation to Dr. Leslie, and as the story goes, her face pales. Little Matthias was ganged up trying to save two youngsters. The thugs who assault Matthias were also hospitalized. Everyone came to the hospital in a bloodied state.

“And how did he manage to beat these thugs anyway- no wait, that’s not important... How’s he, Al?”

“He’s fine. His injuries, though there are many cuts and bruises, were mostly minor. The doctors concluded that there are no major injuries whatsoever that can harm his life.”

“That’s ... I’m glad.” Dr. Leslie breathed easy. “But, Bruce..?”

“It’s been hard for him. He’s blaming himself for not being there to save Matthias. And, perhaps the trauma from back then made it a little too hard for him to stay calm.”

“He loves his brother; that is evident.” Dr. Leslie knows how much the two brothers cherish each other. Bruce will protect and care for Matthias, and Matthias will in turn heals and mend his heart. This has always been a heartwarming sight for Leslie, who, after the death of the Waynes, took care of both sons as if they were hers, alongside Alfred.

Then, the door opened. Bruce, Alfred, and Dr. Leslie stood up as they looked at the doctor coming out from it.

“Family members may come in...”

--- --- --- ---

[You are extremely stupid. I thought that having lived a past life as you have, you wouldn’t act as recklessly as this.]

‘Yeah yeah, nice to hear you too, Prime. It’s been 8 years.’

[I thought I could just simply oversee your progress until you matured, but this is even beyond my understanding. Don’t abuse my blessing.]

Prime’s voice echoes throughout Matthias’ head. Prime’s been lecturing him in his mind, saying that the blessing they’ve given to him should not be abused; because it’s meant not as a weapon, but as, just like the name, an armor; a protection.

[Who thought that it’s a good idea for an eight years old to fight a group of thugs twice the age and sizes using only a stun gun and a little bit of self-defense training?]

‘Hey, I can’t always turn a blind eye against crime, okay? Besides, by doing this, I can also increase my relevance to the world, right? I can gain powers now.’

[... Right ... Saving people, gaining enemies, winning fights, having bystanders to witness your victories; all of these are surefire ways to become stronger in this world.]

The more Matthias becomes relevant to the world, the stronger he becomes.

‘But, how do you know if I have become stronger? Or even if I gained some sort of superpower, perhaps.

[You don’t. You need to discover them yourself. I wouldn’t worry of not finding out what powers you may be given, because eventually, you can feel it from within.]

‘I see, that’s unfortunate, but still acceptable.’

[Matthias, we will hear each other again. I will oversee your journey.]

‘Thank you again, Prime.’

[Soothe your brother. You were in a bloody mess when he discovered you. His heart and soul are, in a way, a lot darker than it was originally. Remember that you are a Catalyst, so you need to be mindful of your actions.]

‘Perhaps my condition have reawakened his trauma ... I see. Then goodbye, Prime. Please help me wake up.’


A week later, at Wayne Manor, just two days after Matthias returns from hospital; Bruce was tending and helping Matthias eat some fruit.

“Brother... you do know that my limbs are all working fine right? Just- let me eat by myself.”

“No, you’re still weak. Just don’t move too much and let me feed you. Now, say aaah.”

*grumbles* Hhnngg, bro, it’s embarrassing like this. Alfred, do something- don’t just stand there!”

“Master Matthias, perhaps you want me to feed you instead?”

“No! Let me eat myself, at least.” Matthias said as he flails lightly, prompting both Bruce and Alfred to smile.

Matthias, despite saying so, did not actually want to stop them from tending to him. He knows that after the incident, both Bruce and Alfred did not seem like the same as before; they seem gloomier. A depressing sight to say the least.

‘I feel bad, but perhaps with this, I can gain power to protect this family of mine.’

Matthias had actually been fully healed. His scars were mostly cleaned, the bruises gone, and he feels a lot more energized. Having defeated a group of enemies twice the size and age, outnumbered and under-powered, and having the witnesses see his combat prowess; the world deemed Matthias as capable fighter, and a combatant who can face large mobs with ease.
- This means that Matthias is currently just as strong as a fully mature adult with combat capabilities.

Just then, Dr. Leslie burst in Matthias’ room, carrying a large basket of, you guessed it, more fruits.

“How’s my little Matthias! I brought your favorite seedless grapes and watermelon.”

“Miss Leslie! That’s too much!” Matthias yelped.

“I disagreed; you need more nutrition so you can get better faster. Also, is it my time now to tend for Matty? I want to help giving a bath to him-“

“““No!””” Bruce, Alfred, and Matthias quickly answer.

‘Oh god, I take back my words, I want this to quickly stop.’




Three months later, in Bruce Wayne’s study.

“Master Bruce, what is this?”

“What is what, Alfred?”

“This... are you leaving, sir?”

“... I’ll be on a journey, Alfred.”

“Can’t you just stay, sir?”

“And let myself stay a weakling? No, Alfred. I need to get stronger. I’ve been planning for this. Perhaps Matthias saving those youngsters have awakened something deep within me. This city is corrupt, filthy, and dangerous.”

“... Master Matthias will be sad, sir.”

“I know, but I can’t stay knowing that I will always be weak that I couldn’t even save my brother. So just- just keep it secret to him that I’m away.”

“How long, sir?”

“As long as needed; I need to be strong, stronger than my enemies; than those who would seek to harm our family.”

Alfred closes his eyes, and without any further words, turned his back on Bruce.

“Please keep my brother safe, Alfred, and thank you.”

With that, the now 16 years old young boy walks away towards the dark and cold night.

Alfred watches from the front door, and another figure silently watches from his room window.
Tears welled from Matthias’ eyes as he looks at the now disappearing figure.

“So in the end, this world will eventually need the Batman huh. How unfair. If only I have the power to soothe his brooding and gloomy soul...”

Matthias returns to bed, but did not sleep. ‘Fuck you DC Universe. Don’t harm my new family. I take back all my need for power; I just want my brother to be happy.”


Four Years Later...

“Commissioner Gordon, sir, a man named Gary Oldman wants to meet you.” The office coms chime.

Ugh, it’s him again... Tell him to wait outside my office.”

Commissioner Gordon grabs his coat, puts on his glasses, and took a file from his briefcase.

Outside his office in the GCPD (Gotham City Police Department), a man with young appearance, slightly shorter than him, stood up from his seat and greets Gordon. He wears a pair of expensive sunglasses, gray coat with tall collar, and his smile shines brighter than the sun outside.

“It’s been awhile, commissioner-“

“-Yeah yeah, let’s cut the chatter. Come outside, I’ll buy us some lunch.”


To Be Continued...

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