Wait, There’s Another Wayne?

Chapter 11 – What Accounts for Victory

WayneTech, one of the newest subsidiaries of the Wayne Enterprises, born after Bruce Wayne became the chairman of the Wayne Enterprises and appoints Lucius Fox as the CEO of the Wayne Enterprises.

In less than the allocated time, the WayneTech has begun its production just as soon as it went public.

The WayneTech has then researched new technology and invention to increase Gotham living condition. Not only that, they have begun a partnership with the GCPD to help creating new tools to combat criminals that run rampant around Gotham city.


Matthias is in his family’s car, driven by Alfred, to the Wayne Tower. Using the pretense of visiting his brother in the Wayne Tower, Matthias preps himself to meet the man he’s been calling a few days ago; Lucius Fox.

When Matthias was scouting the Ace Chemicals, he’s been making plans on how to privately meet with Lucius Fox. The reason of needing to meet him is simple; he can’t win alone, he needs a support with the right man.

Thus, Matthias had secretly called Fox to meet with him privately.

‘If there’s anyone who can support me and supply me with necessary tools and equipment, it’s got to be Lucius Fox.’

And so, Matthias is currently on his way to the Wayne Tower...

“Young Master Matthias, we’re almost at our destination. Please don’t forget present.”

*Sigh*, why is it that I need to bring a present, Alfred?”

“Well... the young Master said he wants to visit his brother at work, so, wouldn’t it be nice to at least prepare something to give for?” Alfred explains with a straight face, looking as if he’s talking seriously, but Matthias knows Alfred was only messing around him.

“This is embarrassing, I’m carrying a box of a failed creation of a tart and a random watch I bought from the store yesterday... Brother’s gonna laugh at me.”

Alfred giggles at Matthias’ statement, “I’m sure Master Bruce would like whatever you give him, Master Matthias.”

Alfred has been thinking all these time about his two young Masters.

Bruce Wayne, the oldest one, has been to a traumatic past of losing his family in front of him, feeling powerless and incapable of saving them. This trauma made him gloomy and brooding, and in the past he’s been silently crying in regret ever since his parent’s death.

Matthias Wayne, the youngest one on the other hand, though did not receive proper parental love, has been amazingly mature even when he’s still at his young age.

‘I feel like if Master Matthias wasn’t around, perhaps Master Bruce will never receive any sort of joy in his life.’

Alfred has been thinking that, if Matthias was never born, Bruce Wayne’s heart and soul will end up blackened and permanently scarred. Matthias’ existence is what soothes him and mend his soul.

‘After all, Master Matthias is the true gift for Master Bruce. The two cherishes and protects each other.’ Alfred finishes his thought with a smile on his face.

“Hey Alfred, I can see you grinning over there. Stop laughing at me, okay! Even I know brother will laugh at these remarkably poor gifts.”

 “Oh I assure you that Master Bruce would love your gifts, Master Matthias.” Alfred laughs, and Matthias sighs as he leaned back on the car seat.


Bruce was reviewing documents and papers in his private office within the Wayne Tower. His work ever since the Wayne Enterprises went public has been hectic, but manageable. With the aid of Lucius Fox’s magic touch, many of the oncoming projects have been successful.

The office phone on his desk rings and flashes red...

{Sir, you have a guest. He’s waiting in your room.}

‘Must be Matthias. He told me he’s gonna be visiting, today’, Bruce clicks a certain button on the phone and the flash turns green... “Thank you, Margaret. I’ll be out for thirty minutes.”

{Sir, I must remind you that you have a meeting with Mr. Dent at 2:30 this afternoon.}

“I know, Margaret, thank you for reminding me.”

Bruce steps out of his office and headed towards his private room within the Wayne Tower.


“So... let’s see what you’re bringing to me, this time.” Bruce sat down on his chair and crosses his legs, smiles plastered on his face.

“I will if you would stop grinning like an idiot, brother.” Matthias sat down on a sofa, face frowning, and still carrying a small box on his hands. “It’s obvious you’re planning to laugh.”

Bruce laughs at his little brother’s silly conducts. He finds it cute that his little brother, who always acts mature ever since young, also sometimes act silly like these.

He knows how smart Matthias actually is, and how strong he is considering he managed to become Gotham’s vigilante at some point before stopping.

That’s why; Bruce always tries to cherish these adorable actions his little brother sometimes is making.

“Okay~ fine... no laughs, no grinning like idiots. Now, let’s see it.”

Matthias slowly opened the box; a failed but otherwise edible little cake is inside. There’s also a small watch of unknown brand wrapped together in the box with the cake.

Bruce held back his laugh, but his nose rapidly exhaled as a result of holding it.

“I knew it! You’d laugh at these!”

Bruce, still trying to compose himself, quickly replied “I’m sorry, Matthias. It’s just that... *giggle*, I never knew you’d be bad at baking.”

“Can’t help it, okay! I’ve never baked anything, before. Even Alfred had some trouble trying to teach me.” Matthias grumbles.

Haha, well, as long as it’s edible... Ermmm, and what’s with the watch?” Bruce points out the wrapped watch with his index finger.

“Alfred’s idea. Said I need to balance out the failed cake with something already made, and suggested a watch. I bought one randomly, though. I don’t know your style and Alfred didn’t stop me from buying this one.” Matthias said. He showed the watch he bought as a gift.

The watch is a random brand watch, and it doesn’t match with Bruce’s overalls. But Bruce happily accepts it anyway.

“Thank you, Matty.”

Then the alarm in his phone blared. It’s almost time to go.

“Do you need to go somewhere, brother?” Matthias asked.

“Yeah, I need to meet with someone.”

“Oh, who is it?”

“It’s Mr. Dent, a candidate attorney.”

* ! ! ! *

Matthias eyes went wide. “Harvey Dent!” He exclaimed.

“You know Harvey, Matthias?”

Uh? Oh, ummm... no, I don’t” Matthias composed himself.

“Well, I have a meeting with him this afternoon. You better go home soon, Matthias.”

“Okay brother.”

Bruce stood up and went back to his office, and Matthias stays in the chairman room for a while before finally moving.

‘I almost forgot about Harvey Dent. Hmmm... He’s actually a good guy until after someone disfigured his face and turned him into the infamous “Two-Face”.’

Matthias then walked towards a certain area in the Wayne Tower.

‘All the more reason I need Lucius Fox’s help. I may be able to stop the incident that disfigures Harvey Dent’s face, and then Gotham can have him as the new trusted district attorney.’


Lucius Fox was walking around the Wayne Tower. He had an appointment made with the youngest Wayne; Matthias Wayne.

Matthias has made a call several days ago, asking if he could ask Lucius for something. Though Lucius happily obliged, he also felt as if the ‘something’ Matthias wants is not a simple request either.

“The two Wayne Brothers are no simple youngsters, it seems.” He muttered as he walks.

He arrived at the storage area in the basement, the same storage area where he met Bruce Wayne months ago.

“Feels like a déjà vu, only this time it’s the younger brother.” Lucius inwardly laughed.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Matthias arrived and greeted Lucius.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Fox.”

“Good afternoon, young Master Matthias.”

“Ummm... it’s okay to just call me Matthias, Mr. Fox.”

“Very well, Matthias. Now... shall we?”

After these short greetings, Lucius brought Matthias inside the storage.

“Mr. Fox,” Matthias started as they walk, “I require some assistance from you...”

“Sure thing. What do you need?” Lucius inquire as they sat on a chair.

“... before I begin, I want you to keep this secret. This... talk, and whatever I am—we are doing here.”

“Keep it secret from Mr. Bruce?”

“Yes, Mr. Fox, from my brother.”

“Well then... with all that said, what is it that you need from my assistance, Matthias?” Lucius asked.

This prompts Matthias to think for a bit before answering

... “ ... I want gears and equipments; I need a suit, a mask, and some weapons, to gadgets.”

Hearing this, Lucius felt another déjà vu, and a bit confused. Lucius massaged his temple before finally answering.

“So, let me get this straight, you need protective gears and weapons and utility tools from the WayneTech?”


“Are you perhaps also planning to do some clean up, young Matthias?” Lucius felt his headache increasing.

“Is that what my brother told you when he asks you some of the equipment here?”

“Well... Mr. Bruce did not tell me much about it. But, although I’m not exactly sure what he’s doing, I still have some ideas to what he’s actually been doing around Gotham.”

Lucius may not have been informed of what Bruce Wayne is doing, but he’s not so dense to not know anything about what the equipment are for.

Lucius then continues, “Well, I won't ask further questions then. That said, how do you want the equipments to be?”

“Well, Mr. Fox... I want these equipments to... fit me, specifically.”

Matthias describes his specifications, and then as soon as he finishes describing, Lucius Fox quickly went to work on the request, while Matthias returns to the parking lot space privately owned by the Wayne family.

Alfred was sitting around, waiting while sipping a cup of tea, ‘Of course he would be sipping on a cup of tea while waiting, he’s British...’ Matthias thought as he approached.

Alfred sees Matthias and then puts down his cup, stood up, fixed his bowtie and suit, and assumes a butler stance.

“Master Matthias, are you all done?”

“Yes Alfred, it’s time to go home now.”

“Understood. This way, please.”


Less than a month later, the equipments from Lucius has been made. Matthias made an arrangement with Lucius’ help to make sure neither Bruce nor Alfred knows about the package.

First was for Matthias to buy some new limited edition gaming consoles under his name via the Wayne Tower which then Lucius will offer to help packaging the console machines.

Next was to wait for a correct schedule when Bruce was busy maintaining the family business, and when Alfred was busy with supervising the Manor.

Last move was to mark the package under the label of “Fragile Items” and “Limited Item” to avoid being checked, and then send it straight towards the Wayne Manor.

“Well, at least I got new limited edition consoles...” Matthias mutters, but he only sets aside the consoles and went straight for the equipments.

A special package containing the equipment; Matthias opens it and begin listing each and every gear packed inside, all in high quality, and all specifically designed according to Matthias’ needs.

  • Black bullet-proof faceless mask: An experimental tactical bullet-proof mask to protect and hide the wearer’s face. Designed to look like a lump of darkness, and adds the mysteries behind. Also adds intimidation points as a plus.
  • Black Kevlar suit: Similar suit worn by the Batman, but the sleeve is only as long as the elbow, and the lower part that covers the waist down is missing.
  • Black hooded coat: Made from nylon, cotton, and Dyneema. The cloak will be used to cover the figure, adding more intimidation points. The nylon and cotton fabrics makes it soft, and the added Dyneema composite fabrics makes it extremely durable and very hard to tear.
  • Black leather boots and gloves with metal plates: Military standard, added metal plates for extra protection and punch.
  • Black Katana-shaped metal blunt sword: Long metallic blunt weapon shaped like the Japanese Katana, made of aluminum alloy. Very durable and high quality, and the sword-like shape adds intimidation points.
  • Several extras, such as: Smoke grenades, Flash grenades, TASER gun with extra CEWs and batteries, grappling gun with dulled claws.

"All in blacks, huh. These looks so edgy now that I think about it. I hope I don’t look cringe worthy wearing all these.”

Matthias took out all of the equpments and puts them on him.

He wore black turtlenecks for the innerwear, and dark greyish trousers, and then he puts on the armor on. To complement the look, he wore the black coat and puts the hood down. Then he looked in the mirror.

... ‘Damn I look good,’ was his first initial thought.

Matthias took the steel katana and inspected it.

‘It’s actually a bokken1Google is your friend, but it’s basically a Japanese wooden blunt sword used for training but it’s made of metal, and an aluminum one at that. This actually complement my all-black looks.’ He looked like a shadow assassin or some sort in other fictional universe.

Matthias took several swings of the sword while still in his new getup. He assumed several fighting stances to get used to the sword.

*Swish* *Swoosh* *Swing!* *Fwooosh!*

The sword made several sounds as Matthias attacks the air. He’s starting to get used to his new weapons, and the attires he wore did not restrict any movements and comfortable to wear.

‘Mr. Fox is really good at his job.’

Matthias then proceeded to alter his voice.

Since a part of his relevancy in the world includes him being able to shape-shift a little, he used this ability to change the tone of his voice.

Ahem, testing, one, two, three...” A new gruff and deep voice came out.
“Nice, I’m getting better at changing my voice.”

And with that, a new vigilante is born. Matthias is ready.

Preparations account for Victory. Now I am ready.” All Matthias needs now is to keep tab with the Ace Chemicals.

Hey what is up guys, Author here.

Quick question, do you like my showing images to better the description of what items is being described?

Or is it unnecessary?

Let me know.


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