Chapter 200 – Doctor in the Frenzy Labyrinth – Part 7.
"So, shall we continue where we left off? Miss stalker?" – said Doctor in his monster form as he closes in towards the PK player.
(Shit…. This is hopeless.) – though the PK player.
(Can I go past that guy using my shadow magic? But would the same trick work twice on him?)
(He would be wary this time and he would murder me instantly! He has those magic guns of his, I heard about him attacking and robbing Phantasia,)
(Then what about my behind?!)
(…. No. There are monsters of his and one path is blocked with plague. I can maybe force my way through the plague mist, but I don't know what kind of effect it would have.)
(If anything like an slow debuff would be mixed in, I will be 100% dead.)
(What do I do?!)
(Do I just accept my death?!)
(I will still get the contract money….)
"Hey. Can you hear me?" – asked Doctor as he looked up close to the PK player with his giants green beast like eyes.
"Y-yes." – replied scared PK player.
(I don't mind dying, but what if I end up on this pshycho hit list?!)
(If I tell him info, he may end up exposing me to my employer, but at least he will get me off his list!)
(Do I take the risk and not tell him?!)
(Or do I take an safer approach?!)
"Hey. Do you want to talk- "
"Or not?" – asked Doctor as he pulled out his guns and aimed them at the PK player.
"Fine! You win!" – said PK player.
(I may end up losing the contract and money, but I want to keep playing this fuking game!)
"Then, will you answer some of my questions?" – asked Doctor as he bringed his guns closer to the girl.
"And I would advise against lying, since if you would, I will hunt you down over and over until you learn your lesson."
"I-I understand." – replied the PK player.
"Good." – said Doctor as he moved away his guns.
"Then first question."
"Who are you? What is your in game nickname?"
"And I don't want you to tell me. I want to show me it so I can be sure of it."
(Bastard.) – though the PK player as she hesitantly opened up her [Option] menu and then turning on [Reveal Nickname] option.
"Really? I mean… REALLY?" – said Doctor.
"WHAT?! I name myself the way I want!" – said the PK player who had nickname [Thanatos].
"You are wielding an scythe."
"You are using some sort of shadow magic."
"And you name yourself after an god of death…. Yea… Its quiet bit edgy." – said Doctor.
"OH, FUCK OFF!" – shouted Thanatos.
"I originally used an spear and dark magic since it was an nice combo! I didn't knew I would end up with scythe and fuking shadow magic!"
"You say that…. But considering your nickname, do you really think people will buy that?" – asked Doctor.
"Fuck you." – said Thanatos as she flipped off Doctor.
"Moving on." – said Doctor.
"Why did you stalked me?"
"I can tell you are scared, but even so, you stalked me."
"I…. I was originally stalking different people…. The Hunting Wolf guild…. An guild you killed." – said Thanatos.
(Hunting Wolf guild?) – though curios Phantasia.
(Well, this just got interesting?)
"Why were you originally stalking the Hunting Wolf guild?"
"Because I was paid to do it."
"I was told to tail Hunting Wolf guild and report their current location to the bastards I have deal with."
"Who?" – asked Doctor.
"I don't know. Some guys called "Wanderer" guild." – replied Thanatos.
"…." – Doctor bringed his gun closer.
"I SWEAR! THEY ARE CALLED "WANDERER" GUILD!" – replied Thanatos in panic.
"Wanderer guild? I never heard about them." – said Doctor as he retracted his gun.
"I don't know about them either. They just appeared out of a blue one day." – said Thanatos.
"Not only that, but they recently registered into the rankings and had already became an ranker guild."
"I don't know what their deal is, but they are currently on the floor 6 and they want to keep tabs at some dangerous rankers or ranker guilds on this floor, so they hired me to tail them and report their locations over time."
"And after I defeated the Hunting Wolf guild, you started tailing me, is that correct?" – said Doctor.
"Y-yes." – replied Thanatos.
(Honestly…. I can't say I'm not impressed?) – though Doctor.
(She tailed me all this time without me noticing at all until that little slip up of hers.)
(I fought her before as 'Phantasia' and I know she is strong. She maybe even an ranker in term of power.)
(But an ability to tail me without me noticing?)
(Heck. She reminds me of the Shadow Mask. She even has the whole shadow magic thing just like him.)
(Honestly, I though she was just stupid and greedy PK player that got lucky and obtained some nice classes, but I guess she has some skills and brain in her head.)
(I don't think I will like where this is going….) – though Thanatos as she could feel even more nervous.
(Should I recruit her?) – though Phantasia.
(I mean, like to have not join the organization, but instead me….)
(I don't know if I will be staying in the organization in the long run or if I will have to detach myself from if not straight up back stab them and go on war with them.)
(True. I can create monsters, but…. Nah. It won't do with her.)
(I can't trust her, even if she wrote some sort of contract. I can't trust her.)
(She may try and gain my trust, only to find out who Doctor really is and then instantly betray me.)
(But then again, I would need some solid allies later.)
(I can't rely on the toys or chimeras, since they obviously lack intelligent…. Unless I find an way to make an intelligent monster.)
(But should I try and recruit her? Heck. Not even her, but anybody?)
(Heck. Recruiting people does sounds like an solid and proper plan no matter how I look at it…. But the problem is trust.)
(I can definitely only recruit only people that are scumbags like me, since not many players would be willing to do "Naughty" things.)
(But then again…. It would be an waste to let her go. She is somewhat perfect candidate for recruitment.)
(She is perfect!)
(An assassin build user!)
(An player that can hide in shadows and gather informations without getting noticed.)
(And an person that can disappear and appear out of a blue and murder people!)
(When playing this game, I realized one of most important thing here is INFORMATIONS.)
(Without informations, you will lose battles and wars. That is an simple thing that everybody knows.)
(And with her abilities, she should be to gather those informations easily.)
(She is somebody I NEED on my side permanently!)
(But again, the problem with trust…. And she would definitely not trust me completely since I'm still not using my real nickname and people only know me as the Doctor.)
(I won't trust her nor she will trust me.)
(Hm…. Do I give up on this plan then?)
(Should I rely…. WAIT!)
(What if the thing I'm lacking are homunculus?!)
(Can I make an intelligent one that would handle somethings?!) Stay connected via My Virtual Library Empire
(Hell! I could maybe use the homunculus knowledge for my monsters creation and maybe mix them with chimeras and nightmare toys and that would make things way more interesting!)
(Then again…. What do I do with her?) – though Phantasia as he stared at the nervous Thanatos.
(I don't even know if the homunculus would work or not, or how long it would take for me to make an intelligent monster that can act like leaders.)
(But again, she is like an Shadow Mask. She even uses the fuking shadows like him to disappear and appear.)
(I really and I mean I REALLY WANT HER!)
(But the problem is trust…. And I have already some experience with her and I can tell she is "scumbag" type of person.)
(However, "Scumbags" and other people like would be the only ones be willing to work for me.)
(But again, those kind of people would be hard to work with, since they could easily betray me.)
(Ah, fuck it.)
Doctor began transforming his body and turning into his black knight form he was using as disguise.
(Fuck recruiting her. Its way too risky. Its better if I focus on monsters right now…. Wait.) – though Doctor as he began searching his inventory and taking out an orb like object.
"Here." – said Doctor as he handed over the object to the Thanatos.
"What is …. Is this an fuking bomb?!" – asked scared Thanatos.
"It's not an bomb you dumbass. It's an communication tool." – said Doctor.
"And pricy one at that as well."
"Here is an little advice. Keep it on yourself all the time and if you do not, I may end up looking for you and murdering you." – said Doctor.
"I may or may not contact you in the future, so be friendly and do what I say."
(Fuck. What the fuck I ended up being roped into?!) – though Thanatos.
"Em…. Okay?" – said Thanatos as she put away the orb device into her inventory.
"So… I guess this is over, right?"
"Then goodbye." – said Thanatos as she tried to walk away.
"Hold it." – said Doctor as he grabbed Thanatos by her shoulder.
"We are not finished yet, are we?"
"Let's talk for bit more, since you maybe hold some interesting informations."
"How about it? "FRIEND"?"
(Oh I'm going to ask those motherfuckers to give me an fuking extra for all this bullshit.) – though Thanatos who gave up running away.