[VRMMO] Chaos Doctor

Chapter 198 – Doctor in the Frenzy Labyrinth – Part 5.

[You have obtained: Mad Turtle Meat Cleaver] – [Epic]

"Huh…. He was still using this thing, eh?" – said Phantasia as he held the great sword used by the Zeus after he had returned to his previous "Dark knight" appearance.

(Well, I can't really argue why he was using it for so long. This is pretty decent great sword, but I guess he was thinking about getting new one soon anyway…. Oh well, I just helped him in making that decision much quicker.)

(Not only him, but even regular members of his guild dropped some nice things… Well, this was somewhat expected, since his guild is an mid-sized one where they focus on power of each person instead of recruiting people left and right.)

(I wasn't also expecting to get back one of my magic gun rifles I had sold to him… Huh. I guess they must have used it for quiet long time, eh? Well, even though its an prototype, it does have some kick and it has some range… So, it does make senses for them to keep using it in some situations.)

(Anyway, lets start having fun!)

Phantasia took out an weird barrel looking device before then pulling out an handle on top of the device and then twisting it, causing it to transform the barrel shaped device to open up from the side and began slowly shooting out an green smoke from the sides.

(Oh, things will get chaotic pretty much soon and that will be fun!)


(OH YOU GOT TO BE FUKING KIDDING ME!) – though the player who was hiding behind the corner and using an stealth skill.

(Doctor?! An fuking Doctor is here?!) – though the hooded figure who turned out to be an female scythe and shadow magic user that tried to rob Phantasia before.

(You got to be fuking kidding me!)

(Why the hell is he here?!)

(And what the hell was that?!)

(He transformed into an giant mechanical monster and straight up annihilated the Hunting Wolf guild one sidedly?! I fought that Zeus bastard before and I know he is strong, but you are telling me he beaten him up one sidedly AND his entire guild as well?!)

(Fuck me!)

(I though Phantasia guy was bad news, but this guy is straight up nothing compare to him!)

(He fuking turned into an monster and then turned back as if nothing happened as well?!)


(Wait… Where is he going?)


(Wait, wait, wait. What is THAT?!) – though the PK player as she saw the weird barrel like device emitting the smoke as Doctor walked away.


(Wait…. WAIT!)

(Is this by any chance the thing he is using to spread the plague?!)

(Is that guy is planning to infect the entire 6th floor with an plague?!)

(Shit! What kind of mess did I gotten myself into?!) – though the girl as she opened up an chat window.

[Video chat request have been sent.]



"Common! Common! Pick it up you bastard!"

[Video chat request have been accepted.]


["What is it? I'm busy so make it quick."]

"Yea! I will make it fuking quick!"

"Listen! The fuking Doctor is here! The REAL ONE IS HERE!"

["…. What?"]

"He is fuking here! I saw him! He straight up slaughtered the entire Hunting Wolf guild one sidedly and even killed Zeus as if he was nothing! I saw everything from start to finish!"

["…. Are you absolutely sure?"]

"Do you fuking think I'm lying?! For fuck sake! I don't even know what the fuck happened myself!"

"He straight turned into some sort of giant mechanical lizard bird thing with guns!"

"And this isn't fuking all!"

"He took out and put some sort of weird metallic barrel on the ground that is releasing some sort of green smoke! I think that bastard plans to infect the entire floor with his plague!"

["…. Shit."]

"Yea! "Shit" is an correct word for this situation!"

["…. Okay. Tail him."]



["I said tail him and moni- "]


"You can't be fuking serios right now!"

"I fuking saw him annihilate the entire Hunting Wolf guild with ease on his own and- "

["And you remember the contract, right?"]

["You will be paid and be also paid extra for this extra task if you accept it."]


"I fuking hate you."

["Feeling mutual. Now get to it."]



(I will fuking die, won't I?) – thought the female PK player.

While the female PK player was discussing something with someone, the Doctor obviously didn't waited around and after setting up his device he had started wondering through the floor 6 while encountering and hunting down any monsters he had encountered on the way.


(Huh… So, I wasn't wrong.) – though Doctor after hunting down two headed monkeys.

(The monsters here got an big boost in power.)

(Its not just those gorillas, but other monsters here are also noticeable much stronger than regular monster of the floor 5.)

(So, like what?)

(The difficulty got increased bit more after floor 5? So, like every 5 floor will cause the difficult to get even more increased?)

(Well, I'm not really complaining and if anything, its good since the amount of EXP gained got much higher.)

(But I wonder about floor 7? I really want to go there and start hunting there, since I could definitely level up a lot in there.)

As Phantasia walked through the dungeon, he ended up coming across an orc player.


"Who- "

Phantasia rushed at the orc player an quickly murdered the player without any mercy or warning.

"…. Tch."

"Random nobody."

(Random nobody my ass!) – though the PK player that saw the murder and was tailing Phantasia from the shadows.

(That was that unranked Italian player!)

(Jezus fuking Christ! Is this bastard aiming to kill everybody and anything he sees on his way?!)

"…." – Phantasia looked around while standing in place and taking out an map.


(It would have been nice if even an single person would drop an map or something, since filling out the map from the start will take WAY too long….) – though Phantasia as he began walking randomly in one direction.

(And there is also the whole keys collection thing…. Yea, it will probably take some time until I even find an single-)

"Oh, never mind." – said Phantasia as he stumbles on the boss room.


(Nobody in sight or anything like that.)

(But just to be safe.)

"[Nightmare Toy: Deploy]."

Phantasia summoned an giant box and put it in front of boss room before then entering the boss room itself.

And while that was happening, the PK player who was stalking to the Doctor was typing and sending messages to her employer.

(Found… New boss room…There. Send.) – though PK player after sending an message.

(…. Okay…. Now what the fuck is that?) - though the PK player as she noticed the giant colorful box right in front of the boss room.

"The fuck is this?"


The PK player hid herself as she noticed an two players approaching the giant box.

"… Is that an monster? And look what is behind it. It's an boss room we were looking for!" – said the female dark elf player.

"Yea! Holy shit! We found it way faster than we had through…. Still, what do we do with this thing? Its standing right in front of the door…. Is it really an monster? But it is not attacking us?" – said the male dark elf player as he poked the box with his dagger.

However, as soon as the man poked the box with his dagger, the box began playing melody, alarming the players.


"Shit! What the hell you did?!" – shouted the dark elf player as she took out her daggers.

"I don't know! Just destroy it!" – shouted the male dark elf player as he and the other player began attacking the colorful box with their daggers and skills.


"What the fuck?!" – the female player noticed her daggers not sinking into the box while the music continues playing.

"The hell is this thing made out of?! Pure steel?!"

"Just keep hitting it!" – shouted the male player.


(Yea…. I can kind of see those two random idiots getting killed now.) – though the PK player as she observed the music continues.

Suddenly, the music stopped playing and exactly moment later, the top of the box opened up before then something big instantly popped out.


The two players looked up, but then an giant blade swinged around the box, hitting both players and impaling one of the players on the giant blade.


"Mark?!" – shouted the female player as she saw her companion high in the air while being impaled by the scythe.


"What in the actual fuck is this?!" – said the scared PK player.

The giant box turned out to be an jack in the box nightmare toy that represented an giant clown like monster that wielded an giant scythe.

[Joe In The Box]

The monster closed the scythe blade to its mouth before moments later the clown monster opened up its moth, revealing an mechanical mouth filled with many blades and drills before then giant clown bit the player off the scythe and removed him from it as he screamed in agony while the female player watched in terror and shock.


"What?" – said the female player that was consumed by the fear, before moments later getting impaled by the scythe as well and then get eaten alive and then torn shreds.

After killing both of the players, the giant clown closed its nightmarish mechanical mouth, before then starting to look around, forcing the PK player to hide behind the corner in order not to get spotted.


Upon not spotting even an single thing, the giant clown monster retracted back into the box and squeezed into it as the top of the box closed down.


(Okay…. WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAD HAPPENED?!) – though the scared PK player.

(The fuck is this monster?!)

(Was that an boss monster?!)
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(Did that bastard created an boss level monster?!)



"Maybe I should have just given up on this job."

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