Virtual adventure F.O (Fantasy Overdose)

Chapter 10 [wyverns are annoying ]


Two small lasers of light pierced 2 harpies and killing them

"alright 2 down 48 to go," I said silently

The wave right now consists of only flying enemies so Nathan couldn't do anything when the enemy is flying so I'll be the one fighting in this wave.

But the problem is my arrow is limited so I too have to use my magic atk to conserve arrows.

"alright that ability before is powered by elemental magic right so what if I used magic other than light energy," I thought 

Some of the tiles of the side walls move back and forth and summoning harpies and small wyverns.

Harpy have almost the same health point amount as a wolf so I can kill them easily if I just barrage them with water bullets but the wyvern is far stronger if a harpy has 50-60 heath points a wyvern has 100-220 health points, thankfully in this wave the amount of wyvern is just 10 while the rest being harpy.

Alright enough talking more fighting.

I take out my wooden arrow (17 left) and test what happened if I infuse it with another element first  I tried water.

I poured a bit of my mana and make the mana have a water attribute at that moment the arrow glowed a light blue light and strangely, at the front of my bow, a circular rune appear although it doesn't seem to do anything other than pulsing with light.

As I let the arrow gets launched the rune began to contract to the arrow and making it glow brighter and making the arrow let out a small blue trail like a shooting star.

As the arrow hit the harpies that is flying the arrow exploded with a big splash of water (it's like Yelan's special charge ) damaging or killing opponents in a meter-and-a-half radius.

'holy that's beautiful and strong ' I thought
"Nathan did you see that " I shouted

"sure did that attack is beautiful" Nathan shouted back

Hearing that I smiled and continue my harpy slaughtering.

[5 enemies killed out of 50]

With a bow and arrow, it'll be slow to clear this wave so I used water bullet magic because it doesn't have a cool down I can make hundreds of it at once and I did just that

I raised my hand in the direction of those harpies
"Let's see you dodge these harpies [water bullets ]"
I cast upon a barrage of water bullets to kill those harpies.
Bullets of water fly through the air some hit the harpy and some inevitably miss, its not accurate but it's not supposed to be.
[13 enemies killed out of 50]
[24 killed out of 50]
[35 killed out of 50]
[40 killed out of 50]

Alright the harpies are done now for the Wyvern
Water bullets can't damage them because they couldn't pierce their skin.

"alright y'all might have hard skin but can you surv... Oh sh*t "

As I tried to take out my iron arrow I see the wyverns line up with several colors of light above them, well I don't need to think of what they would do they showed me.

The glittering light shined brightly and then launched fireballs, water balls, electric balls, rocks, trunks, wind balls, and strangely a cat?.

"hieek, [barrier]" Surprised by the sudden attack I deploy a barrier to protect myself.

The barrage of attacks collided with my barrier and caused smoke to fly everywhere a moment later after the smoke clears out there still can be seen the same barrier with a huge crack protecting me, is this the feeling to have a taste of my own medicine.

'this is the first time my barrier cracks, probably because I put just enough mana on this ' I thought to myself.

Up in the air with the wyverns, the light has died down a bit but is charging and pulsing brighter little by little.

Seeing this I concluded something.
The Wyvern attack with magic, and it's powerful magic at that but after every barrage of attack they will have to charge their magic again although I don't know how long they need to charge it's still a time when we can attack them safely.

With that in mind, I have concluded a plan and that is to use a barrier to block their attack and when they're charging their magic I would take out my arrow and shoot them down.

It's an excellent plan if I do say so myself.

"alright the plan is decided now just to execute it," I said to myself

In the time that I thought of a plan the wyverns have finished charging and began to throw another attack
In anticipation of that I deployed a barrier, a stronger one this time with a total of 2% of my mana reserve used so that it would not crack from the attack.

A moment after the barrage of magic from the wyvern stopped I immediately go out of my barrier and take one of my iron arrows and infuse it with ice attribute magic.

When I got a clear shot I draws my bow with the iron arrows and used my [snipe]art to kill them from far away.

The arrow that has been infused glowed a white-blueish light and the moment I let out the string of the bow the arrow flies at a speed faster than normal, although fast it was still not faster than the light attribute.

Right after the arrow hit the wyvern ice exploded from inside its body killing them instantly if not it would make them fall to their death.

Seeing this result I take out another wyvern with the same techniques.

"alright this works well and now to redo it all over again," I said a little annoyed
[enemy killed 50 out of 50]
[player elly has killed 40 harpies and 10 small wyverns you got 130 xp and 200 gold ]

Nathan comes to me and said "Dang, elly that water barrage attack is soo cool also you can do ice magic! Since when "

"I know right also didn't I tell you that before " I answer

"you did but you don't tell me the when," he said

"oh then it's because of this, " I said as I showed him my silver ring " I can use ice magic since I used this ring that gave me the title to do so "

"How weird," he said

"pardon" I replied

"think about it an elf that can use light magic, plants magic, water magic, and ice magic just how weird is that also what are you supposed to fill a role in you can almost fill in everything " he answered

"I have thought about it many times and yes it is weird anyway can you give me some mana pots I strained myself a bit there with the barriers," I said

"Sure here you go," he said as he gave me some mana pots

[mana potion: recover 15% of mana gradually in 2 minutes ]

I drank the potion and the flavor of lychee and blueberry fills my mouth

"This taste strangely sweet," I said after I drank the potion

"really but not as sweet as yo- <splap>" I slapped him before he complete the sentences

"stop that will you" I said

"Alright, anyway what do we get this time "

"let me see"

*health potion 6×
*mana potion 2×
*pure white waist scarf
*improved spear
*silver arrow 7×

"nice Nathan I might have a better spear for you, "I said as I showed him the spear

"ohh it sure is although it trades off a little of my attack with speed,  heh it's just a little ill use it for you my lady- guack " he grunted in hurt as I kicked him in the groin area

"oh godh- so this is how it feels when boys is kicked in the groin " he grunted as I look at the scarf that I got

[pure white waist scarf: a scarf that's used in the waist to see the statistics of this equipment you need to see an item appraisal ]

'another one of these huh I wonder what would I get this time ' I thought

"When is the next wave," I said

[next wave will start in 10 seconds please be prepared]

"Alright, Nathan are you ready yet "

"aye aye captain," he said still sitting on the ground

<wave third >
This wave will consist of 2 big enemies 33 minion enemies and 15 medium enemy 

[0 out of 50 enemies killed ]

"alright Nathan it's time for teamwork " I shouted

Nathan who is finally rising up shouted back "let's do this elly"

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