Vintage Red [GL]

Chapter 37: Love Bites

Question time: who is your favourite character out of both my series? (Both Vintage Red or Twisted Destiny) and why?
This can be a main or a side character. You are free to choose!!!


CW: This chapter is lewd. Just sayin'. You've been warned.

With our spicy salad done and the chicken sitting nice and toasty in the oven, I had some time to show the money coffer to my girlfriends. Luckily, having placed it in a fairly accessible spot meant I didn’t have to stay very long in that blasted room. After having retrieved the suitcase, I locked the door firmly closed behind me and headed back to the living room.

“Here it is.” I plunked it down on the sofa as we’d already set the table for dinner. With two small pops, the locks of the coffer shot open, revealing its contents to Emma and Ria.

“Wow… You said it was a lot… but I didn’t quite expect this…” Em took out a stack of one-hundred Euro notes.

“Do you plan on keeping it in that room, Rora?” Ria tugged my sleeve.

“I can’t really take it to the bank, can I?”

“Yeah, that’s probably not a good idea.” Emma put the bills back in the coffer. 

“But you hate going in that room....” 

I smiled and gave her a head pat. “That’s true, but I’m fine, really.”

“If you say so.” She hugged my arm. 

“I’d invest in a safe, though, if I were you. Should be well within your budget at this point.” Emma closed the coffer and handed it back to me.  

“Maybe. Do you know any good brands?”

“A couple, but they’ll probably ask some annoying questions if they were going to install one here. If it’s Viktor’s money, he must know someone, right? If he knows people to fix doors and replace blood-soaked furniture, chances are that he knows safe sales people too.”

“That’s a good point.” I rubbed the back of my head.

“I’m honestly surprised he didn’t give you one to begin with.”

“Maybe he just wasn’t thinking about it.” Ria commented. “I sometimes get forgetful too.” 

“Like forgetting your underwear when you stay over at your friends?” I couldn’t help but to tease her a little. 

“Yeah…” She blushed and shyly looked down.

The sound of the kitchen timer made Ria hop a little out of surprise. 

“Ah, time for the chicken to get out of the oven.” Emma quickly ran over, taking the oven mitts to take the hot dish out. “Auro, where can I put this?”

“I put some trivets on the dinner table.” 

“Ah, I see, thanks.” 

“Ready for food, Ria?” 

She shyly nodded. “Mhmm.”


I sat down at the head of the table with Emma and Ria to my sides and took a relatively small portion of food.

“Is that all you are going to eat, Rora?” Ria asked while putting food on her own plate.

“Yeah. I haven’t told you yet, but I technically don’t need to eat anymore.” 

“You don’t get hungry?”

“Only thirsty…”

“Oh... so at school I was forcing you to eat while you didn’t have to…” 

“Don’t be sorry. I still like the taste of food - I just need to get used to eating without having the need to do so.” I pricked a bit of salad on my fork and put it in my mouth. It actually tasted quite good.

Emma was also clearly surprised by the salad. “Woah, I actually really like this. Maybe Ria is a culinary genius after all.” 

“Really?” Ria cautiously tasted her salad too and the moment she did her face brightened. “Yummy!” 

“That doesn’t mean you need to stop being careful with spices, though.” I laughed and took another bite from the salad.

“Maybe it tastes so good because she seasoned it with love, Auro.”

“Ah, that would definitely explain it.”

Ria was fidgeting cutely on her chair at our comments.

I looked at my girlfriends in glee, wondering why I deserved these amazing girls in my life, and then continued to blush furiously, remembering what I had to do after dinner. So much so that I almost choked on a piece of salad.


After dinner was over, we all collected our plates and put them in the dishwasher. I looked around the room one last time before Emma squeezed my shoulder. 

“Auro, quit stalling.” 

“I-I’m not stalling.”

“You’ve been staring at the empty table for five minutes now.” 

“...Oh Goddess, I am stalling…” 

Emma nodded knowingly. “Ria’s been nervously shifting her weight back and forth all the time, too.”

I looked back at Ria and when she noticed she started blushing furiously.

“The both of you know you don’t have to, right?” 

“B-but I want to…” Ria protested cutely. “I-it just makes my heart race so badly…” 

“It’s the same for me...”

“Gosh, why am I in a relationship with two disaster lesbians…”


“Yes, I know I’m one myself too. We’re pretty much a calamity polycule at this point.” 

This did make me and Ria giggle a bit, which was probably what Emma was trying to do.

“Anyhow, I’d suggest you go to the bedroom as I’d like to watch the television without getting distracted for a while.” She gently pushed me and Ria towards the hallway and then walked back towards the living room. “Have fun.” While she was trying her best to hide it, once she looked back at us, it was clear that she was holding back a blush as hard as she could. 


“Emma is really thoughtful, isn’t she?” 

“Mhmm.” I nodded, taking Ria into my room and closing the door behind me. “Em’s always been like that.”

In the meantime, Ria had already taken a seat on the edge of my bed. “S-so how does this work?”

“Uhm… I just need a place to b-bite you… I guess.” 

Ria nodded and pulled her sweater over her head. She was only wearing a bra underneath, which made my heart thump audibly. “I-is this okay?” 

I nodded. “Y-yeah.” I sat down next to her. “Just make sure you are comfy, okay?” 

She moved to the middle of my bed and sat on her knees, I followed her along. 

“I-I’m ready…”

“You sure?”

“Mhmm.” She nodded in confirmation and looked at me.

I took a couple of seconds to take in the situation before a laugh escaped my lips.

“Is something wrong, Rora?” 

“No, it’s just that… When I bit Emma the first time, and then the second… it was mostly out of necessity… But now it’s not and my body still desperately wants it...”

“And do you want it?” She put her hand on mine and squeezed it. 

“Mhmm… I do…” I used my other hand to brush her hair away from her neck. “C-can I?”


I put my lips against her neck and gave her a soft kiss before I opened my mouth and gently started biting. There was no resistance whatsoever. I was hit by an enormous wave of pleasure, even more so than the previous times, as my teeth sunk into her soft skin. Ria moaned as she almost instantly went weak in my arms. I guided her back down to my mattress, with me on top of her. Her breathing was erratic, but I could tell she was enjoying it, this only spurred me on to continue. The taste of her blood was just oh so sweet that it was getting hard not to overindulge myself.

“R-Rora…” She moaned softly, pulling me closer to her. “D-don’t stop.” 

Ria didn’t have to tell me twice, although my instincts did tell me to slow down my feeding considerably. But even without feeding, the sensations we were both experiencing didn’t lessen a bit. On the contrary, they even got stronger. Ria’s moaning grew louder and louder by the second, to the point where she began covering her own mouth so as not to disturb Emma in the living room. The look on her face was so darn cute that I lost track of time.

Ria tapped on my back some time later. I could tell she was exhausted by the way she was breathing, almost gasping for air. So I gently withdrew my teeth from her skin and kissed the area on her neck where I’d been biting. To my surprise, my bitemarks disappeared within seconds. I rolled off of her to give her some breathing space and laid down on my back next to her. To which she crawled over and put her head on my shoulder. The both of us didn’t say a word. Curled up in comfortable silence, the only thing I could hear was the sound of our breathing.

“That… was... so intense…” I said when I’d calmed down a little, gazing at the ceiling.

Ria still didn’t say anything. She was still trying to catch her breath, and so replied by squeezing my arm with her hand.

-I accomplished this just by biting her… what if…- My hand started playing with one of her bra straps. -No, hand, no.-

“Next time…” Ria finally spoke, running out of breath half way through the sentence.

“Next time, what?” I blushed. 

She took a deep breath. “Next time Rora should undress too…” 

“That’d only be fair, wouldn’t it?”

Ria nodded, her hair that brushed against my neck tickled me a little.

“Aren’t you cold?” I ran my hand over her arm.

“Not really.” She nuzzled in closer against me. “Rora… warm enough…”

I smiled and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. “That might be true, but I don’t want you to catch a cold.” With my free hand I managed to grab the hoodie Ria was wearing earlier and draped it over her like a smallish blanket. “There you go.”

Ria said nothing and just happily snuggled up to me even more.


-Maybe I died and went to heaven? Because there was an angel next to me right now. And an incredibly cute one at that.- 


Don't forget to answer the question <3<3

Obviously you don't have to if you don't wanna.




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