Villain Professor of Heroes

Chapter 90

Gos Hawk hesitated and took a small step back as I asked again.

After all, he was thrown out in one hit during our last duel, and today he fell prey to my skill combinations once more—fear must be consuming him now.

There are generally two ways to convert defensive techniques into offensive ones.

Using the surface of the barrier, or wielding the barrier itself like a hammer.

I had no intention of finishing Gos Hawk off, so I used the latter method.

An ordinary person without Aura would have died instantly from multiple fractures and internal injuries, but Gos Hawk is an A-Ranked Hero.

No matter how excruciating the pain, it likely wasn’t anything fatal.

Still, no one would want to endure an attack strong enough to make them lose consciousness, not even thrice.

Especially with a type like Gos Hawk, who moves like a hawk to confuse vision and strikes from behind.

To such a fighter, I must be the worst possible opponent.

Moreover, back then it was just the two of us on the rooftop, but now there are many witnesses—a defeat now would undoubtedly cause significant repercussions.

Still, to outright reject a duel would tarnish the pride of a current A-Ranked Hero.

Imagine him charging at me as if to kill, only to chicken out at the moment of an official confrontation.

Now, Gos Hawk had found himself caught in a complete bind of no retreat and no progress.

“Will you do it, or not?”

Upon asking once more, Gos Hawk looked at the many people standing behind me with an uneasy eye.

S-Ranked Hero Half Wonder, Professor Yu Hyun Ju from the Academy, brigade troops and support teams, and even more professors still arriving after receiving the alert and landing consecutively.

It looks like he really can’t back out of this.

“What are you going to do?”


Gos Hawk slowly retreated before suddenly spinning his body around.

Simultaneously, a thick and heavy black Aura spread like ink in all directions, shooting rapidly into the sky.

Hmm, so he chose to run instead.

“What is it? Why are you running?”

Watching Gos Hawk shrink into a dot and vanish in a blink of an eye, Professor Yu Hyun Ju rummaged through her tactical suit pocket and pulled out a cigarette.

“Tch, I told you to quit that. Give it here!”

As Half Wonder reached for the cigarette, Professor Yu irritably twisted her face and turned her body to dodge that hand.

“Hey, stop interfering! Are you still treating me like your Sidekick?”

I see. Professor Yu Hyun Ju must have worked under Half Wonder’s office in the past.

Still, the way Half Wonder treats Professor Yu now is akin to a mother worried about her college-aged daughter.

She must’ve taken great care of Yu back when she was her Sidekick.

Yu’s callsign ‘Crocodile’ is well-known to anyone without introduction—a celebrated Hero.

Her cynical beauty, adequately toned muscular frame, and the iconic style of fighting while holding a cigarette between her lips have many fans.

For Half Wonder, who enjoys bragging about their companions, there could’ve been no better Sidekick.

In any case, my part here is done. I should probably head back.

“Half Wonder. It’s a great honor to meet you, but given the situation, it’ll be difficult to converse further. I believe my points have been adequately conveyed.”

As I spoke, Half Wonder turned around, chuckling with her brows raised.

“Yes, Professor. I understand what you’ve said, but people’s hearts can change anytime, you know.”

“That applies to you too, doesn’t it, Half Wonder?”

Having overheard our conversation, Professor Yu assessed the situation, her face twisted in dislike as she stared at Half Wonder.

“Whose side are you on anyway? Just visiting to see Professor Han? Trying to bring along a handsome Sidekick this time?”

“You really are the same, aren’t you? Didn’t I tell you clearly? Behaving like this will leave you alone forever.”

“What do I care if others live alone? Look after yourself instead.”

Professor Yu Hyun Ju isn’t usually one for many words and is known for being a cool character, beloved by both faculty and students.

But when her mood is disrupted or her temper rises, she can be incredibly intimidating, and it seems like this is one such moment.

Following the emergency alert on Saturday, we mobilized only to find not a Villain, but a crazed Hero. Then I was grabbed by the collar and hurled away.

To top it off, receiving unsolicited advice from the Hero I used to serve under—it’s understandable why she’d be boiling over with anger.

Especially given her temperament, having a boss like Half Wonder must have been her worst nightmare…

This incident seems similar to a previous dispute between Yu Hye-won and Half Wonder.

“Professor, if there’s nothing left, you should head back now. I’ll handle the cleanup.”

“Understood, Professor Yu. You’ve put in a lot of hard work this weekend.”

“My blood pressure’s rising just thinking about it—some idiot Hero and…ugh.”

Without another word, Professor Yu only glared at Half Wonder.

As Professor Yu’s eyes shifted from her to me, Half Wonder smiled with a graceful look in her eyes.

“Farewell, Professor. Stay healthy until the next time we meet.”

“Next time… Yes, understood. If the opportunity arises.”

After exchanging pleasantries with Half Wonder, I passed through the main gate and went back into the Academy.

The Academy, which had been flipped upside down due to the air raid alarm, was still in chaos.

Military vehicles belonging to the Defense Brigade roared around, and junior instructors were scrambling to control faculty members rushing out of the dormitories and students sneaking out.

While everyone else was panicking, I calmly strolled along, replaying the events of moments before in my mind.

Half Wonder had come with the intention of adding me to her office décor, but I refused.

Based on Half Wonder’s nature, she won’t harass me relentlessly, so I can put that aside for now.

The problem, however, is with Gos Hawk.

Judging by his face earlier, he was clearly under the influence of something.

Without drugs, he wouldn’t have been capable of such reckless actions today.

The trouble is, substance users almost never quit their habits.

Having suffered a setback today, his resentment toward me must’ve intensified. There’s nothing stopping him from coming back again under the same circumstances after using more drugs.

It’s safer to assume he will absolutely return.

In light of this, it isn’t wise for me to handle this alone. I should inform the Headmaster and also seek minor assistance from Yu Hye-won’s father.

No matter how much I am an Academy Professor, conflicts with an active A-Ranked Hero are not something to be taken lightly.

Right on cue, a call came from the Headmaster.

I reported everything to him—my conversation with Half Wonder and the incident at the main gate.

The Headmaster chuckled at Half Wonder’s absurd proposal but showed concern at the issue of Gos Hawk.

“Is all this your speculation, or do you have some evidence?”

“The intent behind his arrival was stated by Gos Hawk himself, while the drug involvement is speculation.”

“Hmm… It’d be problematic if this repeats. There’s already a media circus as if they’re catching a scent. We’re in a sticky situation right now.”

Of course… an active A-Ranked Hero turning up due to some farcical reasons would be an embarrassment.

“Headmaster, may I suggest a stopgap measure?”

“I’m listening.”

“Announce that the request for Gos Hawk’s office was mistaken. We can say there was an alert of a Villain appearing at the Academy. Gos Hawk responded immediately, but Academy personnel, having received no prior notification, mistakenly identified Gos Hawk as the Villain and engaged in an accidental fire.”

It would serve Gos Hawk better if the mistake was attributed to a false Villain alert rather than the full story coming out.

“What about Half Wonder?”

“For Half Wonder, you could say she came here to check with you about the availability of professors nearing their retirement to mentor Sidekicks.”

It would be better for Half Wonder if this visit was framed as a simple discussion with the Headmaster rather than her being rejected by some random professor.

“Ah, that’s not a bad idea. Thank you.”

Great. That settles that.

Still, the issue with Gos Hawk has not been completely resolved.

Unbelievably, our trouble escalated because Song Do-yoon insisted on going for the internship there.

I’ve already made the Headmaster aware of the situation and should consult Yu Hye-won’s father to ensure separate controls from the Organization.

While it’s uncertain whether Gos Hawk will follow these controls…

Thankfully, I had my Mental Barrier, or it could’ve caused a headache.

However, I soon realized that Mental Barrier wasn’t the only thing that could calm my mind.


From afar, Han Min-ha came bounding toward me, her large chest bouncing with each step.

Behind her, Yu Hye-won with her hands in her pockets, and a lackadaisical Song Do-yoon trailed more slowly.

“Holy cow! I’m so glad you’re safe!”

Han Min-ha launched herself toward me and tightly embraced my waist.

“Min-ha student. Shouldn’t you be in the dormitory? Why are you out here?”

“The alarm sounded, and I saw the professors suddenly mobilize, so I got worried!”

“Haha, I understand. Don’t worry, it wasn’t a Villain. There was just a misunderstanding between an Hero who responded to a mistaken report and the Academy.”

“Really? Whew, thank goodness!”

Han Min-ha buried her face into my chest and cried, causing me a momentary internal conflict.

But it didn’t last long.

I raised my hand and gently stroked Han Min-ha’s head.

“Ah, what a bummer. I missed all the fun.”

Arriving late, Yu Hye-won pouted her lips.

Song Do-yoon moved around me without saying much, seeming to check if I had any injuries.

“I appreciate all your concern. But I’m not the type to fall so easily, so relax.”

“Wait! Isn’t that a bit overconfident from someone ranked C?”

“Hey, you too, Hye-won.”

Han Min-ha sniffled and pulled Yu Hye-won into our group hug.

“Oi! You’re sweaty!”

Even so, Yu Hye-won didn’t resist, instead wrapping her arms around me and Han Min-ha.

As the three of us embraced, Song Do-yun quietly stepped back, watching me intently.

Looking at her for a moment, I smiled and extended my arm toward her.

“Come here, Do-yun student.”

At first, Song Do-yun flinched and widened her eyes in surprise before averting her gaze.

But after a while, she hesitantly approached me, allowing me to gently pull her closer by the shoulder.

As I embraced my three students, all thoughts of Gos Hawk dissipated, and my mind felt at peace.

Perhaps these students are my second line of Mental Barrier.

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