Villain Professor of Heroes

Chapter 70

After finishing dinner with the professor, the students all returned to the dormitory.

Due to the team changes, Song Do-yoon’s room was moved right next to Professor Han’s, so they walked together until the end of the corridor before parting with a brief greeting.

Song Do-yoon silently entered his room, while Han observed Yu Hye-won entering hers and was about to follow suit.

Just as Yu Hye-won was about to enter her room, she glanced at Song Do-yoon’s closed door and said quietly,

“Since it’s Friday, how about a movie?”

“Huh? Oh? Ah… I have something urgent to do today….”

When Han hesitated, Yu Hye-won furrowed her brow and whispered sharply,

“What urgent thing do you have on a Friday night after coming back from dinner?”

“It’s not… There’s something I need to do. I just… want to sleep early tonight….”

“First you say you have an urgent thing, and now you say you want to sleep early?”

Realizing that his excuses were illogical, Han started sweating and couldn’t say anything.

“Shut up. Change your clothes and come over immediately.”

“Ah… then… should Do-yoon come too…?”


Having no other choice, Han followed Yu Hye-won’s command.

After changing into something comfortable, Han went over to her room, where Yu Hye-won had already connected her laptop to a big monitor and was searching for something.

“What movie are we watching?”


Feeling comfortable, Han sat on the bed while Yu Hye-won was about to launch Explois.

Han suddenly noticed something suspicious on the desktop.

One of the folders was named 「Professor Hyun (October 2nd)」.

October 2nd—that was yesterday…?

What is this folder about?

Before he could examine it further, Yu Hye-won opened Explois, and the desktop disappeared.

If I ask about it, Hyewon will likely get angry. I’ll just drop it.

Since she invited me over to watch a movie in her room, there’s no need to hurt feelings.

It’s probably just some files documenting Professor Hyun’s lessons.

Top students must have secrets others don’t know, right?

I’ll ask to see it sometime later. Hehe.

As Han thought this, his thighs began to tingle once more—recalling the image of Professor Han eating seasoned pork belly with soy sauce.

In fact, the “urgent matter” Han had mentioned to Yu Hye-won was precisely this: finding a way to calm his body.

This feeling kept rising, and Han needed to take some action to settle it.

But he ended up here without resolving it, because Yu Hye-won was too forceful.

What do I do now…?

“Do you want to watch this?”

“Yeah, it looks fun.”

Han responded idly to Yu Hye-won’s question. She started the movie, turned off the lights, and sat next to Han with snacks and drinks.

“You seem to like movies a lot, right? You even had a small home theatre.”

“Kind of…”

Though the movie was quite enjoyable, Han couldn’t fully focus because his stimulated body wouldn’t calm down.

“It’s cold, I’ll cover up with a blanket.”

Han pulled the blanket up to his waist and slipped his hand between his thighs.


“What are you doing? Why are you shaking your arm like that?”

“Eh? Oh! No-nothing. I’m just scratching an itchy spot. Some mosquitoes seem to have bitten me. Autumn mosquitoes are quite aggressive…”

Han laughed awkwardly while making up excuses.

“What nonsense.”

Han decided to only move his fingers discreetly instead of using his entire arm.

“Hmm… mm… Professor…”

“Are you kidding me!?”

“Sorry, sorry.”

Han eventually had to grit his teeth and suppress his moans until the movie ended.

After it finished, Han rushed back to his room, ignoring Yu Hye-won’s invitation to stay longer.

Once inside, he locked the door and, unable to make it to the bed due to his urgency, leaned against it, beginning what he had wanted to do all along—”scratching where the autumn mosquito bit him.”

“Hiiik…! Professor…!”

Little did Han know, Song Do-yoon in the next room had been pressing his ear against the wall for two hours, waiting for the movie to end.

After finishing his “mosquito scratch therapy,” Han sighed and slumped down.

“Phew, this is serious… What if I keep thinking about Professor even over the weekend…?”

“What to do, right? But what can I do? It’s not my fault—it’s because Professor is just too cool. And it’s Professor’s fault for making me feel this way.”

“If the professor were less cool, I wouldn’t be doing such bad things.”

“Professors who make students do such improper things shouldn’t even be allowed to keep teaching!”

“I’ll tell you what: when I graduate, you will quit teaching immediately. Once I become a hero, I can support you single-handedly. Hehehe.”

“As if I were some young girl writing dirty fanfiction about her idol in secret.”

Lost in his thoughts, Han chuckled softly, unaware that Song Do-yoon had heard everything.

* * * * *

Seeing the gathered students at the training yard, I was a little surprised.

Both Song Do-yoon and Han had large dark circles under their eyes.

“You two, did you work part-time over the weekend?”

“No… Just tired…”

Han struggled to respond, his lips chapped and dry.

“What about you, Song Do-yoon?”

“Same here.”

Considering the weekend roommate arrangements, did they stay up all night hanging out together?

But the relationship between Song Do-yoon and the other two hadn’t improved to that extent yet.

“Professor, those two didn’t leave their rooms all weekend. They didn’t even eat. Seriously, I don’t know what they were doing in there.”

Leaning with her arms crossed, Yu Hye-won looked at them disapprovingly.

“Even if it’s the weekend, staying up too late isn’t healthy. Self-discipline is essential for any hero.”

“Understood, Professor. We’re sorry.”

“Alright, then let’s begin.”

Since Song Do-yoon had joined, we decided to reset and reacquaint ourselves with each other’s styles so we could better coordinate.

Han’s Aura Assault, Yu Hye-won’s death rays, and Song Do-yoon’s aerodynamics, if used correctly, could create a top-tier combination.

To achieve that, we had to understand each other’s styles clearly and practice maneuvers without getting tangled up.

Formation and coordination during team combat are crucial from beginning to end.

Even if individuals are strong, a misstep in coordination can lead to catastrophic consequences, like attacking your own teammate.

I briefly explained the maneuver formations for today while the students sat down.

“So, when an attack comes in, number 1 and number 2 move here, and number 3 follows… Song Do-yoon?”

“Yes, Professor.”

“You need to focus on me during theory lectures, not your teammates. You’ll have plenty of time to focus on them during the practical.”

“Sorry, Professor.”

Song Do-yoon, who had been looking at Han, coldly apologized and looked away.

Han tilted his head observing this, while Yu Hye-won grinned malevolently watching the two.

Once the lecture ended, we moved to practical exercises.

Equipping his goggles, Han confidently shouted,

“I’m ready, Professor!”

Observing this, I felt a strange, undefinable emotion.

At the start of the semester, Han had been a silent, shadowy child.

How did this shy kid become so lively?

While I didn’t have any particular feelings about teaching at the academy, moments like this were somewhat rewarding.

“Alright, let’s begin.”

The three students, dressed in gray training suits, activated their auras and soared upwards.

As soon as they surpassed the baseline height, they began the complex maneuvers I’d taught them, while I continued guiding them through the loudspeaker.

“Minha and Hye-won to the left rear. Adjust your heights. Song Do-yoon, to the back. Maintain the formation and turn around the training yard.”

As the students followed my instructions, trailing purple, golden, and navy blue auras behind them, I noticed they were coordinating well.

“Good spacing. Now let’s move into attack formation. Slow down the wings and spread out. No, Song Do-yoon, not that side—”

Just as everything was going smoothly, Song Do-yoon suddenly confused the directions and ended up colliding with Han.

“Ah, sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

Song Do-yoon apologized while awkwardly latching onto Han’s waist, and Han smiled before returning to formation.

“Song Do-yoon, focus!”

Yu Hye-won scolded Song Do-yoon.

“Let’s try again. Make a wide circle. Good. Now back to attack formation… Ah! Be careful.”

Even in the repeat attempt, Song Do-yoon lost track of his trajectory and approached Han from behind.

“Sorry. I mistook the direction.”

“Uh, it’s fine. But can you, um, let go of me…?”

As Han pushed away Song Do-yoon’s hand, which had grabbed his chest, he made a strained expression.

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