Chapter 1: CHAPTER 0:- The New Era
In the course of human history, there have been many incidents that have been forgotten along the course of time. But there exist many incidents and information related to it which have been kept a secret to not cause chaos among the people. To this day, only a few people remember and have sworn to secrecy to never reveal it. Everything has gone to normal. In truth, people become happy and yearn for power when it is invented but it becomes a nightmare when it is discovered. It is 2282, and there has been very little advancement in technology. It has been nearly 180 years since that incident. No one wanted to spread that story to the next generation; thus, the true story became a legend with no evidence to support it as an actual event. Those who have lived through it curse the person behind all this. Our greed and knowledge knew no bounds and we always wanted more despite not mastering things kept in front of our plate. Our appetite was big back then. Many wonder what if they didn't discover that thing. To cope with all these, people still believe "Whatever happens, always happens for the best." At last, it was over but at what cost?? The only good thing now is that everything has reverted to normal. Many exist in reality while many in legends but this is just the beginning after all with every end a new cycle begins to support the system. This is Verdantia. Welcome to the new era of humanity.