Velvet Abyss

Chapter 25 Crossroads

Yoshiki recounted the supposed truth of the Eris wars I took his words with a pinch of salt seeing how we had just met and I wasn’t too keen on offering my trust to anyone in this world not after Shinobu was viciously murdered.

According to the propaganda of the Hyogo church the second largest city Kimura housing a population of roughly five hundred thousand people was attacked unprovoked by a battalion of Eris soldiers who entered the city under the veil of night and purged the citizens in a relentless slaughter pillaging and plundering all the while with no regard for the lives of their victims even as they begged for mercy.

The black streets of the city of shimmering lights was smeared with the blood of those who called it home and even now no one under the guidance of the church would venture into the once great city now known as the fallen star.

This is the tale the denizens of Shikishima village believed till their dying breaths till their last day alive that Eris was an oppressive empire hell bent on dominion over all of Ascar when in truth it was the opposite the Hyogo royal family and the Flanade church had made a declaration of war on the Lancaster Alliance who succumb easily to the superior strength of the Hyogo army 

See in terms of power and assets Hyogo reigns above all others and Lancaster is dead last and  the Dresden republic are famous for never meddling in the affairs of the other territories and that currently Lancaster was controlled entirely by the church the hostile takeover coincided with an utter surrender of the Dresden Republic which now serves them as a vassal state and vital ally in ensuring control throughout Ascar

“So why would Dresden just kneel for them like dogs?”

“Because President Anna Octavian is a cunning and wise young lady.”

“No sensible leader will drag their denizens into the hellish flames of war if it can be avoided.”

“A quick death is superior to a life of servitude, don’t you think?” Mari asked.

“Predictable words spoken by a soul that knows not the horror of war.”

 “In war those lucky few are granted a swift death, others will be tortured and the rest will be left to starve to death due to a lack of food and other resources a slow and cruel demise.”

“You raise a fair point still I won’t let them get away with this, that’s all the more reason to tear down everything they’ve built.”

“And on that point we agree we share a common interest, Mari we both want to see the blight of the Hyogo family removed from this life.”

So while Ascar pretends to have four free territories with one openly waging war on another, in truth two of the regions are under intense subjugation of the third while one is fighting desperately to raise a rebellion against the oppressor’s tyrannical regime 

Mari felt anxiety wash over her like a great wave as Yoshiki painted a picture of the true nature of of the world the thought that he could be lying still lingered in her mind of course but his words reeked of conviction the polar opposite of that slithering worm Seijuro.

That bastard condones torture and was willing to abandon those loyal to him saying that they’re lives were of zero consequence his life was the only one devoid of consequence and Mari would undertake any action to hasten the day where she could end it with her own hands.

“So the citizens of Hyogo fear the very people trying to liberate them?” Mari asked.

“You hit the nail on the head, they fear their liberators while blindly worshiping their captors.”

“Well, isn’t that just peachy?”

“So now that you know the truth, what are you going to do?”

“Well, I’m thinking of taking all my grief, crushing it down into a ball and then exploding it all over the capitol.”

“So a suicide run is your best answer.”

“I don’t have any choice I can’t exactly open a quaint little cafe somewhere when the whole damn world is run by those shit-eating maggots.”


Yoshiki looked frustrated as he sighed before raising his voice once again Mari scowled feeling that he was about to arrive at the crux of the matter and put his proposal on the table.


“Trying to fight the Hyogo kingdom alone is foolishness incarnate but.”

“It’s not like a have a choice I don’t have any friends in this world I won’t forget that and if I’m going to die than, I’ll rampage and go out with a bang.”


“God, you’re stupid, will you just shut up and let me finish a sentence?”

“You can barely control your magic for more than a minute, do you really think you can take out an entire kingdom with an army of over eighty thousand in such a short time.”

“I can try.”


“You couldn’t even best me a lone man, don’t be so arrogant even with your magic right now your nothing more than a pesky flea on the kingdom’s ass.”

“A tiny vexation at best.”

“So what am I supposed to do than?” Mari shouted, winding her fists into a tight ball.


                                 “Leave and head to Edelgard the capitol of the empire and upon entering the city make your way to Lisianthus Academy and present yourself to the headmistress.”

     “What am I supposed to do just walk in like I own the place.”


     “I was getting to that, you idiot, here.”


Yoshiki tossed a red and gold coin in the air and Mari could barely catch it fumbling it clumsily throw her fingers.


“Show this to anyone from the city guard to the headmistress and they’ll know what to do.”


“How convenient.”


“So what will you do, Mari?”


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