Velvet Abyss

Chapter 16: Mari vs Daphne

“Now just take your punishment like a proper sister.”  That bitches voice and Shinobu’s cries sounded distant. A dark aura bathed my body and i dispersed my bindings with ease.  That sadistic woman was far too preoccupied with tormenting her victim. She hadn’t even noticed I was free.


“Mari?” Shinobu said.

“Your mongrel won’t save you, Just submit already.”


I moved like lightning, closing the distance between us in less than a second; I caught Daphne by surprise and off guard.  “How did you?”  I landed a punch square into Daphne’s ugly face, sending her flying with enough force to shatter one wall and careening her outside to the village square.


I could already feel the fatigue and I knew that I didn’t have the stamina to maintain this level of power for wrong, I had to finish it.  I picked Shinobu up, placed her gently on the bed and kissed her forehead before chasing after Daphne.


Daphne was on her feet by the time I arrived, “You’ve got a nice hook if I hadn’t used my wind magic to both dull your punch and cushion my fall, I’d be dead now.”  I dashed forward driving my fist into her stomach like she had done to Shinobu cutting her off mid-sentence.


“How dare you punch me, you fucking cur.”

“Slice my target with razor wind, Ventus Laminae”


Dozens of giant wind blades rushed towards me, I didn’t bother dodging as they merely broke against my body leaving me unharmed.  Velvet’s power was astounding, I felt invincible.  I punched Daphne in the stomach again, making her fall to her knees.  I straddled her and brought my fist down to her face repeatedly.


I couldn’t stop, the fury was too much to quell, and I felt reason slipping away. The only thing I wanted was to feel her brain matter in between my fingers.  I kept pounding away smiling hell I’ll admit it I was enjoying myself.


“Great wind guide me to the place I need to be, Ventus Lorum”


 My punch crashed into the earth below, splitting the ground around me and sending out a shock wave that rocked the village. That blow would have cracked Daphne’s skull if she hadn’t cast her little spell.


Her body had turned to wind moments before impact. She was a cunning sorceress leagues above Shinobu and the other sisters, no wonder she was in charge of hunting a Darkthorn would be nothing to this woman.


This was bad I felt my strength draining my stamina couldn’t handle Velvet’s power I’d collapse soon, I need to finish things. I tried to get a hold of Daphne’s scent; it was too faint, so I couldn’t pinpoint her exact location.


“You’ll pay for this, you bloody stray, how dare you touch me.”

“I am one of the elder sisters of Hyogo, my authority here is absolute.  I’ll show you what that means.”


Daphne was hovering in the air suspended by her wind magic she propelled herself towards my room she was going after Shinobu there was no way in hell I was about to let that happen.  I blinked, and I was in front of Daphne, who was moments away from entering my room.


“How did you?”



I clasp her head in my hands and head-butted her with all my strength. The impact was colossal, and she vomited blood as she fell to the ground, her body rag dolling upon collision.  The other sisters and the children rushed over to her side.


“Mari, what happening, why are you attacking Daphne?” Caroline asked.

“Because this cunt tortured and degraded Shinobu.”

“But why would big sis Daphne do something so terrible?”

“Because Shinobu and I had sex, it’s not a big deal.”

“Shi broke the hallowed precepts, she deserved to be punished.”

“Don’t tell me…”

“Oh lord of earth, I am your emissary, shape for me a spear of stone, Lancia Terra.”

  “You’re shitting me.”


Caroline hurled her spear at me, but I skirted it and knocked her senseless with a single strike. This is bad, I have little time left.  The other nun’s turned on me too, I hated religion with a passion.  


I knocked the others unconscious, but I was feeling it now, my limbs felt heavy and it was getting harder to move. I cursed my lack of stamina as I was stumbling back to my room and Shinobu when Daphne’s voice stopped me in my tracks.


“Halt you stray, You’re going to suffer for what you’ve done, let me show you what true power looks like, something far beyond worthless scum like you.”



“Oh lord of wind, I am your emissary, armor me in your embrace so I might fight the world itself, Ventus Armatus”  



The wind itself enveloped Daphne, fashioning herself a suit of armor, she held a majestic wind lance in her left hand and a shield in her right.  A squall encircled the village preventing retreat she wasn’t playing around anymore Daphne was on a whole other level, I felt like shitting myself.


 “Dance for me, my raging winds tear the flesh from her bones.”


A giant tornado raced toward me and the other nun’s she had no scruples about killing her sisters if it meant taking me out.


“God, you’re a tacky bitch, you play dress up and expect me to be afraid of you.”


This was going to be the last attack I needed to weather the storm and then shatter her armor along with her stupid face at the same time. I should probably protect the nuns while I’m at it, but they betrayed me. Oh well, Shinobu would be sad if they died.


I prepared to block the attack, but my body failed as all the strength left my muscles and I fell to my knees.  The tornado struck with titanic force; the vortex dragged me in and what felt like a thousand cuts lacerated my body; I felt like I was being torn apart.  At this rate, I was definitely going to die again.

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