Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 18 God-making

Purification is a very simple first-level magic, and Ange quickly learned it. When he saw the holy light emitting from the hands of a skeleton, Negris had the pleasure of being satisfied with his evil taste.

Some people say that the purification technique is a magic to purify undead creatures. Undead creatures cannot learn it. Negris scoffed. It is true that light can overcome darkness, but light can overcome undead. It is mainly due to the fact that undead hate sunlight.

But don't living people hate sunlight? Put him in the sun for two hours at noon in summer to see. It can only be said that living people have a relatively high tolerance to sunlight.

In the history that Negris knew, the reason why the purification technique restrained the undead was because it was 'holy' light magic.

The addition of the word 'holy' in light magic means that it belongs to the category of divine magic, and has a part of the effect of ideas in it. Holy light magic not only restrains the undead, but also restrains all heresies, including demons and elemental creatures.

As long as there is no such targeted 'idea' effect, holy light magic will become very simple light magic.

After drinking a cup of purified holy water, the little girl quickly lifted her negative state and fell asleep peacefully.

The boy breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked Ange gratefully. Ange was busy with work, raining and purifying, and he saw it all. This made him realize that it was not the one on the altar who rescued his sister. The fire was the skeleton in front of him.

Another two soul flames floated up from his body, and instead of throwing at the sacred fire of the undead, they sank directly into An Ge's body.

I saw two soul flames entangled and condensed in Ange's soul, turning into a strange symbol, floating on the flames swallowed by his soul heart.

As soon as I told Negris about this strange change, I heard the jealous voice of the brass dragon: "What a lucky guy, you got his belief, from now on, he is your believer, fanatic , shit luck guy, you don't even have a godhead, you false god, you even stole the soul network, chambada!"

Chambada has the meaning of insulting and killing in the magical language family. When used alone, it has a strong modal particle effect, which means that Negris is in a bad mood and wants to curse.

Negris once conducted an in-depth study of the relationship between gods and believers, and finally came to the conclusion: it is not the gods who create the believers, but the believers create the gods.

Like Negris himself, he was originally only a knowledgeable brass dragon, and because of the many people who believed in him, over time, he ignited the divine fire.

But to be honest, he, the god of knowledge, is a bit vain. The igniting of the divine fire depends on the accumulation of time and time, and on living long enough. It was not until he was about eight thousand years old that he barely ignited the divine fire. Fanatics.

Think about it, how many people who believe in knowledge can become fanatical? Intellectuals are even more scumbags than the most scumbag men. Yesterday they swore that the earth was flat, but today they can eat up everything they said when they got sufficient evidence.

They believe in the truth, not the brass dragon who imparts their knowledge.

But there are thousands of truths, and they are ever-changing. It is true that water flows to low places, but in a certain abyss plane, water flows to high places, because there is a lot of liquid mercury in that abyss, and the specific gravity of water is low. will float to the top of the mercury.

Human beings have a short lifespan, with an average lifespan of 40 to 50 years, but they have created a large number of gods. Why? Because they have a large number of fanatical believers.

If believers create gods, then fanatics are the key to creating gods, because he will spread your deeds and infect more people to believe in you, so fanatics often become the key to igniting the fire of gods.

Can a brass dragon not be jealous? He has lived for 8,000 years without encountering a fanatic, and his followers are relatively scumbags, resulting in the lack of divine power.

It doesn't matter if the god's power is weak, but he still has the godhead. No, the undead king has taken a fancy to him and sealed him in the brass book. And his scumbag believers never said to find a way to save him.

The brass dragon is complaining, but Ange has already put on a straw hat and transformed into a human form. Only in this way can he speak out: "What happened? Are they chasing you?"

Seeing that Ange's hat turned into a human being, the boy's eyes widened. Isn't this a miracle? If washing hands in the oil pan is considered a miracle, then the great transformation of the living is a miracle among miracles. In an instant, the boy's faith became a little stronger.

"Plague, blockade, those who leave home, kill, sister is sick, don't save, die, fight." I thought that Ange's words were clumsy enough, but I didn't expect the boy to speak even more clumsy, jumping out word by word .

However, this happened to be in line with An Ge's speaking habits, and he understood it as soon as he heard it: "Plague? Dysentery? This?" He pointed to the little girl while speaking.

The blockade came suddenly, and Anger only saw that the believers stopped coming overnight, but he didn't know what happened.

"Yes, a lot of people died, they were quarantined, and the skeletons were sent to eat, but no treatment was given," the boy said.

In fact, it’s not no treatment, it’s just that there are too few healers, poor people like them won’t get treatment, if they are sick, they can only bear it, everything will be fine if they get over it, and if they can’t get over it, they will die at home.

"A lot of people died?" After thinking for a while, Ange asked, "Can the skeleton go out?"

"A lot, the skeleton is fine, not infected." The boy replied.

Ange took out a plate, filled it with clean water, performed several purification techniques, and then prepared to leave the temple with the plate in his arms.

"Where are you going?" Negris couldn't help asking.

"Give it to the tauren." An Ge responded.

"Oh, that family is very religious, go and have a look, but shouldn't you ask what your fanatic's name is?" Negris really convinced Ange, this is a fanatic, even his name Don't ask, how will I use him in the future?

Ange asked the boy's name, and the boy responded excitedly: "Ouke."

Bringing the purified water to the tauren's house, the tauren's family had already been lying on the bed, vomiting up and down until they were dehydrated and dying. The poor tauren who are so poor that they eat moss don't even need to think that they are bound to be recruited.

After drinking a cup of purified water, the tenacious Tauren family suddenly became alive and well. The family worshiped Ange when they caught Ang, which was the only way they could think of to thank him.

The soul flames gushing out from them were directly thrown into Ange's body, and there was no need for the transfer of the fire of the undead.

This change is obviously related to the symbol on the soul fire, but An Ge's attention has been attracted by other things.

Hanging on the wall is an animal skull wearing a blindfold. From the two pointed horns on the skull, which are almost the same as those of a tauren, but thicker, it can be seen that this is the ancestor of Aunt Niu's family.

"Yes, this is exactly my great-grandfather, Pulling the Cart Ironshoe." What an unpretentious name.

Of course, it was not the skull that attracted Anger's attention, but the fire of the soul inside. This skull had already given birth to a soul and became a skeleton. Unfortunately, it was hung on the wall, and there was no skeleton nearby for assembly, so it was only I can hang like this.

"Has a soul? No wonder its eye sockets are burning, so grandma put a blindfold on it. What should I do? This is the skull of our ancestors. It's too disrespectful to keep hanging it. Why don't we put it in the temple?" The family discussed. , decided to hand over the skull to Ange and take it to the temple, believing that the temple of the undead can better arrange the souls in the skull.

In this way, An Ge somehow brought back a bull skull, and when he returned to the temple, he found that Ferlin had been waiting here for a long time and was running around in a hurry.

Thank you book friend 2019011003017242. Skeleton wants to build a foundation, Dakini Liuhui, 13086, time breaks dawn, Bronya Zajcek, surnamed Wu, suddenly glanced at it, Bai Shouhe, pandas love to drink coffee without sugar.

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