The sun was shining, the birds chirped, the morning breeze slowly swept the air. I just had breakfast and was ready to leave the house, I had an appointment with Doc. Walter that morning and it seemed like I would be just a little bit tardy. But I'm sure he wouldn't mind me arriving at his office a little bit behind schedule, nah that's just my lazy ass procrastinating mind talking. Of course I don't want to be late for my appointment with my doctor, he's a fucking doctor for crying out loud, one of the persons who rarely have enough time for themselves. 

I think the people who values time more than the rest would have to be the doctors, because they could be having dinner at home with their family and then receive a call the next minute telling them to get to the hospital that there's been an emergency with a patient. Or could be on their day off and just wanting to relax, letting the daily fatigue wash away in a massage palour but then they might receive a call which requests their presence because the head doctor or specialist would need to take a look at a patient the other doctors were having issue with. 

It was time to head out and I just needed one more look at myself in the mirror, after all looking good is good business, one of my dad's favorite quotes from my previous life which had stuck with me apparently. I was wearing a black turtleneck with black pants then I looked over to my bed on which I had carefully placed my coat. I've been obsessed with dark color clothing for as long as I could remember, so now I can barely remember having any favorite color that isn't on the dark side. 

I made my trench coat come to me with only a thought as I wore the Gotham themed trench coat which made my ungroomed white hair stand out even more, for some reason trench coats were a trend in Gotham. Even their head if the police who I often saw on the news was always wearing a trench coat. Anyway enough about the trench coat, time to head out. 

I got to the hospital and the smell which permeated through the air was nostalgic as it brought back memories of my time waking up here. I almost can't believe it had been almost five months since I woke up. I entered an elevator which led to the floor of my doctor's office when it occurred to me that Christmas was just two months away. 

I wonder how they celebrate Christmas over here at DC, I'm sure that's the time villians suddenly decides to be merry and share chaos to the public. I bet the festive seasons are the most busy times superheroes, they would have to start hunting and stopping villians who are being naughty and not staying put so the public could have an enjoyable season without having to worry. 

I walked down the hall from the elevator with deliberately calculated steps as my aristocratic upbringing started to show itself. I arrived at a door with Doc. Walter boldly written on it and proceeded with my knocking ritual, I knocked at the door without saying a word and waited for few a seconds before hearing his voice as he asked me to come in. 

"Good morning Doc, it's been a while." I said as I locked the door behind me then walked up to his desk. 

"Tom, aren't you a sight for sour eyes." He responded with a smile crossing his lips, showing his somehow shining white teeth as he gestured for me to take a sit. 

"You literally requested to see me this morning, I don't understand why you are looking a bit surprised. Well doesn't matter am here anyway."

"I'm actually surprised, you look like you are doing a good job at adjusting to this strange world considering you lack any memory of it and that had me very much worried." He calmly spoke as he took a deep breath of relief. 

"Yeah, I'm trying my best to understand this crazy world." I referenced to the world being a strange one to me but I bet he thought I was saying so because of the amnesia. 

"Well I'm glad you are doing more than fine." He stood up and walked over to a section of the office with a coffee maker plugged in to the wall. 

"Coffee?" He asked as he poured a cup for himself. 

"Yes, I could use some caffeine right about now." I replied as it seemed like I had shrugged something off. 

"Is everything alright." With a concerned look on his face he handed a cup of coffee to me then walked around his desk then proceeded to take a seat. 

"No, not at all. Things with me have been good lately, great even. Just that everything seems to be moving so fast while I'm still trying to figure some things out." I sighed as I took a sip of the deliciously smelling hot coffee. 

"Don't worry I'm sure it will all work out. Eventually." He gave me an assuring look

"I'm glad you are doing fine, I called you here today so I could see how well you are faring and let you know that I am here for you. You are like a son to me, but after the accident and with your amnesia, it feels like that relationship is slowly falling apart. But I'm still holding on to whatever shards are left hanging." He added as he adjusted in his seat, trying to get a little more comfortable as the conversation just took on an awkwardly emotional path. 

"Thanks for the concern doc, but I'm fine. Also I keep in touch with my grandparents every now and then even though they insist I go visit them." As I spoke I came to realize how much I appreciate the love they showered me with and they are the only family I have here. 

After a few casual conversations with him, his secretary informed him about another appointment with a patient he had that morning and I took my leave when it was due for me to leave. 


Leo and I were at Central City's  park that evening taking in the beautiful scenery as we had a casual conversation. 

"Oh, before I forget, congrats on pulling off an Incredible heist kid." He patted my shoulder like he was impressed with how smoothly the job went for me and without he's involvement. 

"Yeah, thanks. It was a game changing job for me, to be able to pull off a an operation as big as that was as exhilarating as can be." I added with a small smile on my face. 

"You are getting kind of popular kid. Word on the streets has it that there's a man called Ghost who who supervises operations and produce results with almost zero chances of failures. It seems one of the men in the crew you went on the last operation with must have told someone about Ghost, and that person must have told another. 

"Wait. What?" I was as surprised as could be because I wasn't expecting a news like that. 

"You are blowing up kid, and fast too. Not you of course, your alter ego." His calm nature made it difficult not to listen to him when he was speaking, even after giving me such news. 

"But how did you get to know about this?" I asked so I know how my name was spreading. 

"Criminals with huge jobs are in search of the man named Ghost and are trying to use their resources to contact him, I just got wind of it myself."

"I'm just a contractor and I'm willing to take any thrilling jobs from anybody." I said as I pondered on the thought of helping people out anonymously in exchange for an affordable fee. 

"Any ideas how you would like to help people get in contact with you directly without them knowing whom they are actually communicating with?"  He asked as he anticipated my reply. 

"I don't know, but you are right. I can't have people knowing how to contact Ghost directly, that was the point of the name after all, to be a ghost." I clutched my hands together as I leaned forward like I was trying to think up something which I might not be able to get an answer to immediately. 


In my study I sat on my reading desk as I thought of the conversation I had with Leo the other day. I don't want to work for people only as Ghost but start a legit side hustle. One where I could use my in depth analysis skills to help people accomplish different tasks for just a couple bucks, I won't mind who they were so long as they pay the fee required for that particular task. 

I've been thinking of this for a while now and the only way to spread the word about a business to people all around without putting it on the news would have to be a website that can be easily accessed by anyone. 

That is not such a bad idea, but the website would need to be untraceable. Anything that would link it back to me would have to be erased as I create it. I stroked my chin as I thought to myself on how I would create a website people could trust and it would be so legit that it won't draw the attention of the police and label me as a criminal. 

Professors who are having issues with an equation or a topic would pay a good sum to be taught how, criminals would want to help on their operations, detectives who are working a case but are stomped at a dead end could contact me for professional insights. 

Imagine being contacted by a superhero and given a job which concerned an operation I helped a criminal with and supervised myself. 

Damn, wouldn't that be ironic. 

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