Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Archenemy.
Immediately they reached the company building,Roh Yoon-ho was received by manager Choi who helped him settle in one of the rooms. The room was the largest with a bunk bed and a single one. The single bed and the lower bunk bed were already occupied. Roh Yoon-ho stared at the top bunk bed for a while before keeping his luggage.
"Hi,"an enthusiastic soft voice said to him.
Roh Yoon-ho turned to face the speaker only to look away a second later,contempt painting his face. He was hostile as he hadn't been gotten even the basic experience on how to live with other people other than his dictator of a mom.
"You're very handsome. By the way I'm Oh Ji-hoon. I'm the one occupying the lower bunk bed. Nice to meet you,"Oh Ji-hoon said excitedly.
'Not so nice meeting you,' Roh Yoon-ho said mentally, ignoring the other boy. He climbed to the top bunk bed and got busy on his phone.
Oh Ji-hoon was immensely hurt by Roh Yoon-ho's condescending attitude. He had met such people before for example Seo Ji-min but it didn't hurt as much as it hurt him that moment. Roh Yoon-ho looked as if he was the same age as him and he thought of making a friend only to make an enemy in return. He felt tears welling up in his eyes. No matter how many hurtful things Oh Ji-hoon had gone through,he was still a crybaby.
"Are you comfortable sleeping on the top bunk bed?"Oh Ji-hoon asked in a soft muffled voice.
Roh Yoon-ho noticed the boy was crying. Oh no! He panicked. He made the boy cry. Even after treating the boy with contempt,Oh Ji-hoon was still kind and concerned about him and it softened his heart.
"I'm fine here. You're the short one you should sleep on the lower bunk bed otherwise you won't be able to climb up here,"Roh Yoon-ho replied in a sarcastic tone but Oh Ji-hoon found it funny and giggled instead of being offended.
"Handsome bro, you're very funny."
'Handsome bro?' Roh Yoon-ho did not see that nickname coming.
"Just call me Yoon-ho."
"Alright Yoon-ho-ssi,goodnight,"Oh Ji-hoon said getting in his own bed.
"Goodnight,"Roh Yoon-ho- mumbled,his heart feeling warm. Since his father's death,no one had told him goodnight and he couldn't help but feel sentimental about it.
The following morning,the appointed trainees were guided to gather on the dining room for their breakfast. There were eight seats arranged on the long table. The table was already set and the trainees settled down. Those who had already been acquainted with each other flashed simple greetings at each other and began taking their meals .
Choi San cleared his throat attracting the attention of everyone. Park Seung-ho stood beside him with his arms clasped behind his back.
"Good morning everyone,"Choi San greeted them.
"Good morning,"the trainees said in unison and bowed.
"I'm Choi San. I will be your manager,"the man with a slightly plump figure said.
"Hi guys. I'm Park Seung-ho,your assistant manager,"he introduced himself with a gentle smile.
"For today we'll do introductions. Tomorrow we'll hold an official meeting with the CEO and we'll inform you more about what you'll be doing. Let's start with you,"Choi San said pointing at the one closest to him.
"I'm Kim Minsu from Seoul. I'm twenty years old."
In their culture age played a key role in defining relationships between people so it made sense that they revealed their ages. Seniority was highly regarded.
"I'm Baek Hyun-jun from Daegu, eighteen years old."
"Moon Ji-hoo from Ulsan, nineteen years old."
"Park James, nineteen years,"he uttered indifferently.
"Oh Ji-hoon I'm sixteen years old. Hope you'll take care of me,"he said in a babyish voice and the others cooed at his cuteness.
"Roh Yoon-ho, seventeen years from Busan,"he recited just like the rest.
"Now that we have introduced ourselves we know who to call hyung,am I right our dear maknae Oh Ji-hoon-ssi?" Park Seung-ho said playfully.
"Yes Mr. Park."
"Don't call me Mr Park it makes me sound old just call me hyung."
'Of course you're old,'Park James smirked at the thought.
"After breakfast you Seung-ho here will give you a brief tour around the company to familiarize you with the place,"Choi San instructed,"Continue with your breakfast."
Choi San concluded and the kids bowed at him and he walked out of the room.
"Take your time guys,"Park Seung-ho said pulling a chair and sat down.
"Seung-ho hyung, you're so handsome,"Oh Ji-hoon suddenly complimented him.
"Thank you Oh Ji-hoon-ssi,"Park Seung-ho replied smiling shyly.
"James Hyung is also handsome. He has blue eyes,"Oh Ji-hoon revealed delightedly and everyone's attention shifted towards Park James noticing his blue eyes. Those cold blue eyes didn't hold any specific emotionbut they looked beautiful nonetheless.
Unlike Park Seung-ho,Park James didn't acknowledge Oh Ji-hoon's compliment. He was used to such compliments that they seemed insignificant to him.
After breakfast,the trainees freshened up and trailed Park Seung-ho as he showed them different places in the small company including the basement gym,their not so well furnished dancing studios and the offices.
"You,"Park James who was lagging behind called out the boy walking lazily in front of him. The others were a bit further away from them. Park James wasn't interested in the little company tour. He didn't see the need for it. And now he was hoping to have some fun.
"You. I'm calling you,"Park James emphasized.
Roh Yoon-ho stopped in his tracks and turned around to face him.
"I have a name,"Roh Yoon-ho said rudely.
"I'm sorry I don't remember your insignificant name ,"Park James replied contemptuously.
"Of course insignificant people wouldn't be able to remember my name,"Roh Yoon-ho spat disdainfully.
"Why would I remember the name of someone who can't even tell direction?"
Park James loved toying with humans, degrading them to the lowest level just to amuse himself seeing how they struggle to elevate their status.
"You!..."Roh Yoon-ho gritted his teeth angrily.
"Yoon-ho-ssi,"Park Seung-ho's gentle voice called out and Roh Yoon-ho's eyes immediately softened and his facial muscles relaxed expelling the rage that was initially building inside him.
Roh Yoon-ho walked ahead catching up with the others. He was an insanely petty person. Now that he and Park James had gotten off on the wrong foot during their first interaction, he had marked him as his archenemy.