Urban Sims

Chapter 78 - Son of Diana

After marrying Princess Elena, Zhou Ming did not leave Wangdu Wads City immediately, but stayed for a while.

He spent the honeymoon with the princess, and at the begging of King Herian, he asked the lieutenant general to take five thousand horses to support the Luga Fort under the siege of the Earl of Luga. Only one accelerated charge, and the siege , The exhausted army of the Kingdom of Arrino, rushed to the ground, and fled in embarrassment.

On this day, Zhou Ming, who was taking Elena to hunt in the forest, heard a hurried bodyguard, put down his bow and arrow and apologized to the princess after a report in his ear. Hurry back to Wards.

North of the city.

A house is generally low, the layout is messy, sewage and garbage are everywhere, and odor can be smelled everywhere.

Zhou Ming led several guards holding their noses, under the guidance of a local guide, walked through a winding alleyway like a maze, walked for more than ten minutes, and finally came to a building with a height of less than two meters, low Dilapidated, cluttered at the door, in front of the house with stone walls covered with dirty black spots.

“Honorable Knight, this is the home of” Poisonous Mother “.”

Zhou Ming made a wink, and the guards took notice, took out a money bag from his waist, and threw it into the hands of the guide.

Took the money bag, the middle-aged guide was overjoyed, and he kept bowing his waist, looking around for a while with vigilance. He quickly put the money bag in his pocket, bent down, and resigned.

“Dangdang ~”

In front of the low room, a bodyguard stepped on the door and knocked on the door. After a while, he heard the sound of the door bolt pulling, and a young, green face came out of the door.

Zhou Ming was shocked.

Several guards beside him also looked surprised and looked at each other.

Like, it’s too much!

Especially the eyes and mouth are carved in a mold.

“Do you have anything to come here?”

Seeing the crowd, the young boy stared at them and asked, bowing his waist slightly, like a leopard with a ready head, his face full of doubts and vigilance.

When glanced at Zhou Ming in the middle of Gongwei, the teenager was also a little stunned, this man …

“We are here to find” Poisonous Mother “, is she at home?” A bodyguard asked.

Hearing the word “poisonous grandma”, the teenager seemed to be greatly stimulated, shouting his arms and shouting to the crowd: “Not here! You are looking for the wrong person. There is no grandma here. Hurry up!”

After finishing talking, the teenager turned and retreated into the house, taking the door to the room.

“Wait a minute!”

Zhou Ming shouted and took two steps forward: “I am Diana’s friend, I came here today just to see her, nothing else.”


The teenager was startled, how did this person know his mother’s name? Look at him again before reaching out, reaching for the doorknob and looking at himself and whispering, “Let me go in alone, go in and look at her.”

“Cough cough cough!”

At this time, there was a violent coughing sound from the house. The teenager panicked and released his hand against the door. He hurried towards the house and took the hand from the bed that he had taken out of the bed Back in the bed, he asked with concern: “Mom, are you okay?”

In the bed, a blade-like sound came out of the bed: “Otto, the guests are coming, let the guests come, cough …” Then he coughed violently.

“Mom! He is not a guest, he said he is your friend.” The teenager was anxious, and his mother became sick like this, and also remembered her guest!

“It’s me, Diane …”

Walked in, Zhou Ming, just halfway through the words, was immediately shocked by the patient on the bed, his mouth wide open, unable to speak.

What kind of respect is this?

The face is full of dark brown, wrinkled wrinkles, the skin is like dead wood, the bone is like a skeleton, the beauty of the country is young, the smile is even a little, the expression is even slightly moving, the mouth is talking, caused by Wrinkle movement, scalp numbness when people see it, pantothenic acid gagging.

Poisonous grandma.

Zhou Ming now understands why those people outside have taken such a nickname, poisonous, really poisonous.

“It’s you?”

Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, the woman on the bed, her eyes suddenly widened, as if she was relieved, and sighed gently: “You are finally here, okay, okay …”

Let the teenager withdraw from the house, Zhou Ming moved a stool and sat by the bed, and had a good conversation with the woman who had a dew relationship with him.

In these years, how did Diana and her son come over?

Zhou Ming would like to know the answer to this question, and would like to ask, how has the mother and son been doing these years?

But about this, Diana in the hospital bed said nothing, but smiled with a “brilliant” face. The more urgent Zhou Ming asked, the more ugly and terrifying the smile on her face was.

In fact, the answer to this question was sent by Zhou Ming as early as possible. After analyzing and summarizing through clues, the answer was already clearly in my mind.

After Diana gave birth to a child in the deep palace, she may have missed the old feelings. The old king did not treat her well. Even though everyone was well-intentioned, she still declared that it was his son, only to diminish Diana for punishment. For the court maid at the lowest level, all treatments for petting concubines were cut off, including the kind of medicine Diana often takes to maintain skin elasticity and radiance.

In this way, after spending three years in the deep palace, when the old king died of illness and the new king came to power, Herian did not hesitate to give this wrinkled woman and his three-year-old hybrid son, They rushed out of the palace together.

Ten years after he was kicked out of the palace, after Hua Guang saved up, how could the mother and son continue to survive, it is almost predictable.

Does not have any survival skills, Diana who will only entertain her in her life. In addition to career planning in projects she is good at, what other jobs can she choose?

Heard again that in the slums, people talked about the special service of “poisonous grandma”, and Diana, who was good at thinking about men’s psychology, opened a market of heavy tastes.

“What is the child’s name? What is his name?”

After a moment of silence, Zhou Ming, who was no longer entangled in the answer, asked Diana.

“Otto, his name is Otto, in my country, this means the majestic lion.” A trace of pride flashed on Diana’s face, this is the name she gave her son!

“Otto … Majestic lion …”

Zhou Ming chattered twice in his mouth, looked at the quiet, thin, thin and thin young man standing aside, and his green face, which was similar to himself, was covered with his age. The gloomy adaptation, the frowning from time to time, releases the heart-breaking fortitude and maturity.

“Ah!” “Ah!” “Ah!”

Suddenly there was a fierce noise and fighting sound outside the house.

“what happened?”

Zhou Ming frowned, walked to the door, and saw the person lying on the ground as if he was a rogue gangster, who was being beaten by the fists and feet of several guards, and uttered a wailing cry.

“Sir, these few savages said Otto owed them 500 gold coins, and now came to the door to ask him to pay back the money.” A bodyguard came to explain.

“Nonsense! I obviously borrowed only 50 gold coins. I said that I would return 100 gold coins a month later. This is only two days after a month. You said that I owe 500 gold coins. I have so much money to pay you back. ? “The teenager came out of the house, arguing angrily.

In order to treat his mother, he has sold all the things that can be sold in the family. Now the only thing worth some money is this well-located house, so he dare to **** the bones from the black. In his hand, he borrowed 50 gold coins, and a month later, he used the house to pay off the debt.

But he lived two more days, and the usury actually rose to 500 gold coins …

“Boy! You do n’t yet know the rule that the loan shark is overdue by one day and the interest rate doubles again? If you moved out of this house two days ago, that ’s no problem, but today, you not only have to take this house into debt, even you You have to go with us! You should look good with your handsome appearance. Those dignitaries and nobles in the south do not know how they will fight for it! Hahahaha, do n’t think that these people you invite, can Keep your life forever! “

The scorpion leader with blood on the corner of his mouth said with a laugh.

“Palm!” Zhou Ming’s brow furrowed and said to the guard on the side.

“Pap! Pap! Pap! Pap! Pap!”

After a while, the slap face was swollen like a pig’s ground ruffian leader, desperately crying for mercy.

“Give them 50 gold coins and roll them all! Dare to come again and kill them all!”

Was frightened by the substantive murderousness in Zhou Ming’s eyes, and the ruffians and hooligans who got their money bags left the place of right and wrong.

The young man who watched all this, looked at three words and two words, solved the most savage and hooligan gangsters in this group of slums, raised his hand to the foot, Zhou Ming, full of the breath of the upper class, and a huge soul shock, let him be speechless, A small flame, rooted in my heart and planted.

Uh …

A few days later.

Diana on the hospital bed is about to die.

When Zhou Ming came to visit, Diana, who had already explained to her son, reached out to her.

Zhou Ming quickly grabbed this hand like a dry wood cloth, leaned forward, leaned her ear to her mouth, and said, “I am here, what do you say.”

“For me … Take care of … He …” said an extremely weak voice. UU reading www.uukanshuu.com

“Good, I will take care of him, I will take good care of him!”

Zhou Ming promised that after a while, he found that Diana was reluctant to close her eyes, as if there was any wish, with that dry wood and thin hands, slowly leaning on her face.

Seemed to understand what Zhou Ming meant, put this hand on her face, let her gently rub her lips, and move her lips as if to say a name.

“Otto …” In the gradually blurred vision, it seemed to see the grown-up son, Diana standing in front of him. Two lines of tears came out of the corner of the eyes, and slowly closed his eyes.

“Hey ~”

Wiped the water droplets in the corners of his eyes. Even though it was like Zhou Ming who had experienced countless times in a scene, he couldn’t help but sigh.

However, after seeing it aside, Zhou Ming’s face was full of anger when there was no expression on his face as if he had nothing to do with it, as if he had nothing to do with himself:

“Why don’t you cry?”

The young man clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and glared at him with red eyes: “Mom said, you can’t cry at any time without any time! You can’t be timid and cowardly at any time! Because my name is Otto! Call the lion Otto! “


Zhou Ming shuddered violently, staring blankly at the woman on the bed.

A great mother!

For a long time, Zhou Ming stood up and patted gently on the shoulder of the teenager, saying: “My name is Edward, I am your father …”

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