Urban Sims

Chapter 55 - future plan

A day in midsummer June.

After half a month’s long journey, Zhou Ming, holding a royal eagle flag, returned to the Grand Colleague who had been away for nearly four years.

Seeing that his son graduated from the Wangdu Knight College with the best results, Baron Conner celebrated the feast, and the banquet, whether it was an old opponent in the surroundings or a family member who had a history of marriage, all invited over, good wine Good dishes and meat were served like water, and the feast was held for seven days and nights. Even the lower-level leaders of the Grand Collar were dipped in light, and each household distributed a bag of white flour.

At the banquet, some familiar figures are indispensable, such as Baron Garcia, thinking of his eldest son who has been in the Royal Academy of Knights for two years and has not even received the apprenticeship of the Knight Medal until now. His son is so good … as if he lost the extremely crucial battle of the Baron Garcia. He sent the strongest knight of his martial arts and wanted to suppress Zhou Ming ’s proud arrogance. As a result, he only lost more than ten matches and lost the battle. Garcia The baron was like a defeated rooster, drinking two sips and silently leaving the banquet.

Baron Shawn, who made a baby kiss with Earl Connor very early, also brought his grown-up daughter Fanny, 18-year-old cardamom, like a flower and bone that has not yet fully bloomed. There is a little charming in the middle, and Gu Pansheng exudes a different charm.

“Edward, let’s have a wedding with Fanny in a few days, you are not too young, it is time to start a family, have a few children early, let me be a grandfather!”

Baron Sean, who was blushing, pushed his daughter into Zhou Ming’s arms, half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Men in this world generally take the age of 20 as the limit of their adulthood. Most of them will marry around the age of 20. Of course, there are marriages earlier, but they are generally above 18 years old.

Zhou Ming is only a few months away from reaching 18, and Baron Sean is so anxious to marry his daughter because he is afraid that the baby-sister-in-law is too good. He does not take the time to take up the position quickly, if the family conditions are better The nobleman snatched it, and his family’s losses would be great.

After all, strong marriages are an important reason why many families continue for thousands of years without declining.

“Master Father-in-law, as long as you agree, I can marry Fanny in the door today, and give you a little grandson at night!” Zhou Ming, who had taken some wine and pride, hugged the dripping face in her arms. The fiancee who came out of the water said a word of laughter.

“Okay! Okay! Anyway, with so many people present, the wedding is now in order and sent to the cave immediately!” Baron Sean smiled, feeling that the son-in-law was more and more interested in himself, and Fanny was his favorite Daughter, she was able to marry such an excellent son-in-law, and the stone in his heart was also put down.

“Ignore you!” In front of everyone, Fanny who was ashamed like a red cloth, lowered her head, twisted the corner of her skirt, and trot all the way away from the banquet hall.

“Hahahahaha ~”

Uh …

In the next two months, in addition to going to Baron Nathan to take the offer and offer of gifts, he went to St. Marne ’s Abbey and invited Robert to come to be the host of his wedding. Either ride a horse, take a few servants, go hunting in the forest around the castle, relax, and most of the thoughts are still on the future development plan.

Before entering the game, although Zhou Ming gave himself a lot of gold fingers and established a lot of early advantages, he stood at a higher starting point for development. It stands to reason that he should not have such a headache.

However, the complicated and complicated problems in reality are often not solved in a single stroke of the head, but must be combined with specific actual conditions.

For example, farming, hundreds of years of farming experience, Zhou Ming can come up with hundreds of solutions to promote agricultural income, invent more sophisticated, practical, and efficient agricultural tools, which can achieve a breakthrough in the production of grain per mu in the era of ancient agricultural civilization Thousand catties …

But is it useful to do this?

If farmers have no farming habits of using new agricultural tools, no desire to learn new planting methods, no higher pursuit of life besides food and clothing, even if Zhou Ming originally envisioned the best, the effect achieved during the specific implementation process, There will still be a considerable gap.

For example, a few days ago, Zhou Ming glanced at the statistics of the grain output of the Grand Colleagues recorded by the housekeeper Bunod on the books and found that in twelve years, excluding the big two years of the middle, the average annual grain harvest of the adult farmers of the Grand Colleagues From the initial less than 50 taruns, within five years, after increasing to 110 taruns, in the next five years, there has been basically no upward growth. According to weather changes, it has been hovering in the 105-115 range.

This statistic is similar to that of Zhou Ming. In the later part of the last game, the average annual grain harvest of the adult farmer in Glen Collar is generally more than 300 tarun, and the peak harvest year can reach a harvest rate of 500 tarun. At most, only one third was dug out.

In addition to agriculture, the development of the industrial and commercial fields of Grand Collar is even more inadequate. After all, the amount of goods carried by merchants is limited, and in order to prevent them from being sucked by some greedy lords, even if the courage is large in the commodities such as food with meager profits. Traveling businessmen did not dare to be trafficked by hundreds of vehicles, and became a walking fat sheep, walking in front of robbers from all walks.

Therefore, Baron Conner, who has n’t sold food very much, has had the most headache in recent years because there is too much food in the granary of the castle, and the oldest grain in the bottom layer has become moldy and rotten. , The problem of inability to consume.

Finally, Zhou Ming suggested to build more livestock farms, raise more pigs, cattle, sheep and horses, feed them with steamed wheat grains in the forage, and then take out some old grains that cannot be swallowed and distribute them to the territory. Those widowed and lonely families gave poor households with too many people in their families … After all these measures, the food stocks finally fell down, and the lords received some kindness.

In addition, the land that plays a fundamental role in the ultimate development potential of a territory is also a problem for Zhou Ming.

It is like playing a strategy game. At the beginning of the farming period, the resources in the territory are enough, but after a period of time, the territory ’s population, soldiers, food production, and resource output reach the upper limit, and if they cannot grow, they want to break through. The bottleneck, to continue to move forward, can only take the path of external expansion and plundering neighboring territories.

Zhou Ming has calculated that a Glan collar with a radius of 20 miles and an area of ​​about 300 square kilometers has a maximum population limit of 30,000 and a maximum elite soldier limit of 2000. Without expanding on the premise of external expansion, if you want to continue to develop upwards, only Being able to take the path of destroying the environment or restricting the birth rate of the population, otherwise, with such a high population density and a linear increase in the rate of plague outbreaks, only Zhou Ming’s efforts will be in vain again and again.

“In recent years, thanks to the increase in food production, the population of Glen Collar now has about 5,000, and there is still some room for improvement … But with the development potential of this small piece of land in Glen Collar, up to ten In 1949, when I built an army, I had to embark on the road of external expansion. Otherwise, if the development is too slow, the hurried time of a person ’s life for up to one hundred years, not to mention occupying the world, is to lay down a middle kingdom. problem……”

Someone may have to ask why he did n’t expand from the surroundings of the Grand Colleague, like the last generation, to occupy the land of the barons and counties, to beat the entire kingdom of Warris at the fastest speed, and then swallow the Quartet …

Of course Zhou Ming thought about this, but the rebellion within the system is more difficult than setting the table outside and cutting down everyone. Once Zhou Ming wants to expand externally, he must first consult his father, Baron Connor, and Baron Connor agrees not enough. He also had to nod his ten knights. Even if these people all agreed to fight the surrounding territories, they were all aristocrats who had loved their relatives. UU read books www.uukanshu. No one can go to that com.com.

Like Baron Sean, the father-in-law of this life, can Zhou Ming, like the previous life, disregard her wife’s feelings, and ruthlessly plunder her father’s territory?

Different status and different things of concern. He came from the bottom of the previous life. He hated all the nobility, and he started to start from the bottom. He came out of this life, issued orders, and even sympathized with the people at the bottom. Sincerely.

Not to mention, to pull the army composed of these bottom figures and cut down all the nobles who belong to their own class.

“This direct path of violent expansion can no longer be taken. Without raising its own title, the flag rebellion cannot be considered prematurely. Now if we want to gain more territory, we can only think of ways to do so in the neighboring countries. , You do n’t have to worry about so many things when starting with neighboring countries … “

What are the neighboring countries that can start nearby?

The savage kingdom in the north is icy and snowy and difficult to survive.

The southern kingdom of Iron Fort has strong national strength and cannot be provoked. It must be ten years after the civil strife and robbery take place.

The Ural Plateau in the east is too high in altitude and the air is thin, which is not suitable for human survival. It is more difficult to reach the new world on the opposite side of the Ural Snow Mountain.

“It is said that the golden-horned silver-rimmed grass belly, the Grand Collar is also a corner, but it is a dead corner. It is a bit difficult to expand to the surroundings. I still have to plan the future development path, otherwise my hands and feet will be Such concerns are limited, and the final achievement may not necessarily be a revolt in the previous game. After cutting down all opponents, it is even higher to re-establish a new system … “

It is time to plan well, which development model should be adopted, and the effect of external expansion is better …

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