Urban Sims

Chapter 4 - Life partner is also rare

“Osmanthus, throw this baby, we already have one big girl, two baby, we can’t afford to …”

The familiar words rang in his ears, Zhou Ming opened his eyes, and saw the familiar scene when he entered the game last time.

Looking at the slightly intimate figure in front of me, countless memories poured into my mind, remembering what the poor couple had paid for themselves, and any Zhou Ming knew that this was just a game, and he could not help but nose I was sour that I almost shed tears.

“Father, mother, this life, I will never let you suffer so much!”

Zhou Ming secretly decided to change the destiny of this poor family!

Time started to fly by again. In order to win the race against time, Zhou Ming used all the available time to learn all the skills he could master.

Less than three months later, Zhou Ming could spit out clear words in his mouth, telling his father Zhang Sanniu, there is a bamboo forest in the north of Niutoushan Mountain, and there are a few nests of bamboo rats under the bamboo forest. Sealed, left one, and then extended a hollow bamboo tube into it, put wet straw in the middle of the bamboo tube, lit the straw, and blowed smoke into the hole, and soon the smoked bamboo rat could be caught in the other hole.

On the afternoon of the same day, the surprised father Zhang Sanniu came back with five fat bamboo rats, two big and three small, one of them was a lactating mother mouse, and he was still alive, and he had enough milk.

The arrival of the five bamboo rats improved a meal at home. At the same time, Zhou Ming also added a new milk source other than his mother’s sweet-scented osmanthus. His small size grew faster than before.

“Being the master, is our second dog upset by something, I’m afraid of this child …” At night, mother Osmanthus whispered to Zhang Sanniu with some fear.

The more remote the mountain people are, the more they are afraid of things that cannot be explained scientifically, and they often associate things like “Chinese evil” and “ghost possession”. , Cast some spells on these evil people, come to a fire to roast Shentang or something, and let them go to evil.

“What do you mother-in-law know, the child of Ergou was reincarnated by Xingjun and sent to our house by God, please don’t go outside and talk nonsense, otherwise it will anger God, and we both feel good!” Zhang Sanniu Yi The face warned fiercely, for fear that the woman would tell the story out of her mouth.

Osmanthus shrunk his shoulders, trembling, and looked at Zhou Ming, who was sleeping soundly and fragrantly, with some fear in his eyes, and a hint of unclear expectation.

At about one and a half years of age, under the care of his parents, Zhou Ming was able to walk, and his legs were easier than his three-and-a-half-year-old brother. His behavior was exceptionally steady, and the words that broke out in his mouth always brought people shocked. Of feeling.

For example, he told Zhang Sanniu that when he planted beans in the summer, each bean plant had one-fifth less bean seeds than in previous years. When the autumn harvest was completed, he could beat 50 pounds more beans per acre of land. According to this method, a half acre was planted, and at the end of autumn, more than 20 pounds of beans were collected.

When winter was short of food, Zhou Ming asked his mother’s osmanthus to go to the bottom of the rice tank to take two corns and put them out of the snow, and then used a wooden stick to support a simple dustpan. Sprinkle some corn under the dustpan, wooden stick The other end was tied with a twine, and for a long time, more than 30 sparrows were caught.

After three years, relying on Zhou Ming’s various clevernesses, no matter how difficult it is, this poor family can survive safely.

Even his brother, Zhang Dagou, was drowned because he drowned under the river to catch fish, but he was spared because he caught him in time.

At the age of six, it was still the familiar night. The younger sister was born. After a quarrel between father and mother, he still hugged her younger sister and walked toward the dark house.

Walked to the door, but his sleeve was pulled by a pair of small hands.

“Two dogs, don’t pull me.” Zhang Sanniu said in a deep voice.

“Daddy, I have a way to feed my sister, I can feed her!”

“Two dogs, how are you …” Then the words rolled down from the throat knot at the mouth, looking at the thin body in front of him, the very serious look on his face, Zhang Sanniu couldn’t believe it, the second son’s mouth could jump Come out like this.

Sister finally stayed and took a name called Zhang Xiaohua.

It was just that there was an extra six-year-old figure in the mountain weeding team the next day.

Obviously, two acres of thin land cannot support a family of five. The only way is to burn the forest to open up wasteland, burn a large area of ​​forest first, then use a **** to dig out the tree stumps, then level the land, and then go through many years of interplanting and fallow Only a piece of raw land can be turned into a fertile cooked land. The painstaking effort may even be the contribution of a generation.

At the age of thirteen, without the assistance of large livestock, Zhang Sanniu’s family simply expanded the original two acres of thin land into five acres of thin land. This outer ring also used the agricultural and forestry techniques he had learned and made a half acre. Orchards and half acres of vegetable gardens, spring, summer, autumn and winter, fruits and vegetables are not lacking all the year round, and even led to a wave of wasteland development in the village, learning the appearance of Zhang Sanniu’s house, and the large unowned forest in the back mountain became an orchard vegetable garden.

After the age of 14, there was basically no food and clothing problem at home. At the age of 15, a bigger and stronger bamboo-wood building was built. Brother Zhang Dagou was also at the age to talk about marriage and marry. One family said yes, after the end of the year, the other party married to Niujia Village.

After solving the big events in his brother Zhang Dagou’s life, Zhou Ming himself also had to consider finding a suitable life partner for himself.

Life partner has a great weight in the rating of this game. Zhou Ming wants to find a better wife to spend the rest of her life together.

The first is to be beautiful, gentle and virtuous, to be frugal and frugal, and to be able to bear a baby. It is best to give him ten or eight baby. After all, the number of offspring is also related to the number of achievement points that the game can finally get, the number of offspring The more nature, the better.

Looking at the mirror, Zhou Ming took a picture of himself and nodded in satisfaction. At the age of 16, he did not say that he was more handsome than Pan An. In the entire Niujia Village, he was considered to be the wind of Yushu and his stature, a good handsome guy!

In addition to the various expressions of the gods he passed on in the village over the years, he was also attracted by more than half of his sisters.

However, what Zhou Ming looked at at first sight was the daughter of Wang Xiucai, the downhill scholar of the village, Wang Xiucai, just a glimpse of the clothes washing by the river. Her graceful and beautiful posture, her shy and beautiful face, and a huge easy The born one … coupled with the origin of Shuxiangmendi, let Zhou Ming glance at one glance that this is the perfect match he is looking for!

“Take down, be sure to take her down!”

Wiping off the slobber of his mouth, Zhou Ming quickly launched an unprecedented love offensive, writing love poems to give gifts, telling stories and telling the heart, and sent the moon to the waves in less than a month. In less than a month, the other party fell completely. Do not marry.

Wang Xiucai, who is known to the portal, of course opposed this marriage, but after learning that his daughter ’s body and mind had fallen into the hands of Zhang Ergou, UU had to read the book www.uukanshu.com and waved helplessly, holding his nose to recognize Zhou Ming ’s cheap son in law.

After choosing Liangchen, Jiri was about to marry his wife, and a news came: Li Wenhao, the second son of Li Shouzheng, the governor, seemed to have also taken a look at Wang Xiucai, the daughter of Wang Xiucai, who had already married a married wife. After being surprised, he immediately sent people to carry 18 boxes of vermilion gifts to the door, insisting on recognizing Wang Xiucai, the old man.

“Nephew Li Xian, I am not an old man, I don’t want it, but my daughter is already in love, you should take these gifts back!” Wang Xiucai waved his hand and refused.

“Whoever likes? Who dares to **** me Li Wenhao’s woman?”

A layer of frost appeared on Li Wenhao’s face, a flash of cold killer flashed in his eyes.

“Do you know Zhang Ergou in the north of the village, my baby daughter who was abducted by this kid.” Wang Xiucai said with anger.

“Zhang Ergou ~!” Li Wenhao gritted his teeth, the murderous intent on his face was more obvious, and Wang Xiu, who was watching the side, couldn’t help but whimper.

Uh …

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Liangchenjiri married his wife and entered the house.

The firecrackers in the brazier at the door have been set for a long time. The auspicious time at noon passed quickly, but the bride’s sedan arrived late.

“It’s not good, it’s not good, the bride and the bride were taken away by the group’s son Li Wenhao with a group of people!”

A very rapid voice brought a thunderous news.

The crowd was in a state of confusion, and Zhou Ming, who was wearing a groom’s suit, was even more staggered and nearly fell over.

“Li Wenhao, you dare to rob my wife, I will fight with you !!!”

The new hatred and old hatred flooded into my heart together. Zhou Ming, who was burning with rage, ripped off his suit, rushed into the kitchen and picked up a kitchen knife, and roared toward the Li Lizheng, the head of the family, and ran away!

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