Urban Sims

Chapter 39 - Handover

“Ryan, do you really want to do this? They are just a few women, is it okay to drive them away or shut them up?”

In the room, Downey said to another person with a trembling voice.

“It must be done! If they are just ordinary women, it is okay to let them go, but they are the baby daughter and granddaughter of Baron Sean led by Nathan, if Baron Sean knows his son-in-law died in our hands, to At that time, not only will your inheritance rights be questioned, but your life will be taken away by the knights of Baron Sean … How to choose, you should know clearly. “

Zhou Ming’s tone is cold and authentic, telling Downey to break when he breaks.

After Edward’s death, he also left a wife and two daughters who were only three or four years old. His wife’s name was Fanny, from the Nathan collar adjacent to the Gran collar, the Lord Nathan Lord Baron Sean and Kang Baron Na has been a family friend for several lifetimes, and the two families have a marriage history of several generations.

After Edward and Fanny were married, the relationship between the husband and wife was fairly beautiful, and they gave birth to a pair of lovely daughters, which was very popular with their husband and wife and Madeleine.

“But, but … I can’t get that hand!”

Thinking of the innocent and lovely little niece, Downey struggled with his head in pain.

“You don’t need to do it yourself, snake girl, you go there, remember not to let them go too painfully.”

Zhou Ming ordered the Snake Girl behind him. The Snake Girl nodded, took a small purse from her belt, and quietly exited the room.

Zhou Ming patted his shoulder and said: “Donny, don’t be too sad. Since we have already reached this step, we haven’t lost any way back. The next step is the cliff! Forget about these troubles, tell yourself, Brother Edward was unfortunately killed by a thief. Miss Fanny and her two daughters died due to the plague. It was an accident. You became the lord of the Grand Lord, only for God ’s blessing, to the Burns family (Donny ’s surname) ) Left a single seedling, you originally just wanted to be a knowledgeable bachelor. “

Listening to this comforting word, Downey quickly came out of the struggling state. He kept hypnotizing himself: “Yes, accident, accident, not that I want to be a lord, I just want to be a bachelor, all this It ’s God ’s arrangement for me … “

Uh …

the next day.

A mournful cry came from the corridor on the third floor of the castle.

“Fanny! What’s wrong with you?”

“Avril Lavigne! Louise! My cute baby, why are you still not moving?”

“Donny! My heart is so cruel, how can you not let a woman and two children let go, is your heart occupied by the devil? Why are you even more ruthless than the devil!”

Madeleine rushed on one large body, two small bodies and three corpses, crying madly, the servants around wanted to pull her away, but she was grabbed by her hands like crazy, and no one dared to step forward.

“Snake girl, why did you let Mrs. Madeleine come out of her room, please send his wife back to rest quickly. Mrs. Madeleine is overstressed and needs a good rest.”

Zhou Ming walked over with her hands behind her back, and after seeing this scene, she looked disappointedly at the snake girl.


Seeing Zhou Ming, Mrs. Madeleine suddenly raised her head and glared at him. Suddenly, she rushed towards him with open teeth and claws. After being desperately stopped by several servants, she still stared at him, cursing in her mouth: “Devil, you This devil! Everything is brought by you devil, you **** devil! “

Zhou Ming ignored it, even the three corpses on the ground didn’t take a look, and passed by with a light face.

Yes, he is the devil. He has become a devil from the moment when the nobles who were above did not give him the slightest opportunity and tried his best to humiliate and frame himself.

The devil who is about to devour all the nobles in this world.

This is just a little interest.

Uh …

After being “sent” back to the room by the Snake Girl, Mrs. Madeleine, from the beginning crying and noisy, to the calm and quiet behind, only spent a day, and then began to eat and sleep normally, subject to Zhou Ming arranged for her like Activities to inspect the territory, appease the townspeople, and even publicly announced that since then, all matters in the territory and the castle will be handed over to his son Downey.

After such a week, seeing Zhou Ming “relaxed” her vigilance, Madame Madeleine took the opportunity to visit Baron Conner, who was getting more and more ill, and quietly put an envelope in the hand of the Morris Knight in the ward. in.

“Mrs. Madeleine, this …” Morris Knight was a little embarrassed and pushed the envelope back.

“Morris, you have been serving the Burns family for thirty years since you became a knight servant at Connor at the age of 13. Are you willing to help even the most busy during the most dangerous time of the Burns family? Quick! Take this letter to Baron Sean, and now only you can stop the devil from Downey and Lane. “

Mrs. Madeleine looked at Morris’s eyes and said in an almost pleading tone.

“… Well, ma’am, I will take this letter to Baron Sean.”

Morris Knight secretly hid the envelope in his sleeve and nodded to Mrs. Madeleine.

Uh …

An early morning three days later.

Taking advantage of the mercenary guarding the castle gate and the drunkenness of last night, the Morris Knight took a horse from the stable and let the gatekeeper’s farmer open the gate in the name of the inspection territory. Mori collar flew away.

However, just over a mountain, in front of a small slope, Morris Knight saw a figure that seemed to have been waiting here for a long time, and his heart sank.

“Morris Knight, are you going there?” Sitting on a horse, Zhou Ming asked with a smile.

“The time spent in the castle is too long. I want to take a look back at my family.” Morris explained.

“Aren’t your enclosures to the west, what are you doing to run south? Do you want to go to your enclosure from the south?”

“Ryan, you’d better flash me away now, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude.” Morris pulled out his long sword and didn’t want to talk nonsense.

“Knight Morris, you’d better go back to the castle now and practice the pledge of allegiance you made in the presence of Master Downey yesterday. There is only one knight left in the Grand Collar. Don’t force me to do it.” Zhou Ming Sincerely advised that he still doesn’t want to be completely reimbursed for the only high-end force that Grand Collar currently has.

“Less nonsense, get away!” Morris mobilized the war horse and rushed towards him with a sword.

“Boom ~”

However, before reaching Zhou Ming, the ground in front of Morris suddenly collapsed. Morris even led a horse and fell into the pit together.


A dozen thieves with a crossbow machine in their hands rushed out together, first sprinkled a few limes into the pit, and then took the penetrating power of the crossbow machine, launched dozens of Morris Knights in the pit Crossbows coated with venom.

“Puff puff puff puff puff!”

Just like this, the only Morris knight in the Grand Collar, who was still decent in Zhou Ming’s eyes, opened his eyes wide and died in a pit with unwillingness.

Uh …

Dispose of Morris, and after returning to the castle, Zhou Ming asked the Snake Girl to strengthen the restrictions on Mrs. Madeleine’s activities, isolating all possibilities of reporting to the outside world.

And Baron Conner at this time is almost time when the lamp is dry, and the time for consciousness every day is less than half an hour, and it is decreasing every day.

Zhou Ming had to seize the time, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com and Downey together, after some discussion, drafted a will to inherit the will on a blank parchment.

“Master Baron, Grand Colleague can’t be without a lord in one day, you are about to die, please sign this will and give the territory to Master Downey.”

Knelt on one knee beside the bed, holding a will in his hand, Zhou Ming, sincerely speaking to Baron Connor, who was not yet sober about his consciousness.

Hearing this, Baron Conner’s eyes slammed open, shooting a terrifying light, intoxicating.

But this light was just a reflection of the light before the arrival of death. Baron Connor also realized this, his hand shiveringly took the quill pen that Zhou Ming handed to him, and the notes were clear. On the will, he signed himself. name.

“Ryan … Ryan.”

“Yes, I’m here.” Hearing Baron Conner call himself, Zhou Ming hurried forward and put his ears together.

“Ryan, Ge … Gran Collar, it’s yours, please … please … don’t hurt … hurt Downey, it should be … my last request, can you answer … promise me?”

Baron Connor’s intermittent words, although the sound is as weak as mosquitoes, but the words clearly entered Zhou Ming’s ears.

Zhou Ming looked horrified and unbelievable.

Although Baron Conner has hardly left the bed for more than three months, he has seen through all this in his heart.

Even after realizing Zhou Ming’s true purpose, the noble man of his life even used the word “Qiu”.

“Yes, Master Baron, I want you to guarantee!” Zhou Ming nodded and said.

“Okay, okay …” Baron Connor sighed, his body loosened, and he died.

At this point, the little Baron’s territory of the Grand Lord completed the last handover of the two generations of lords.

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