Urban Sims

Chapter 18 - Business battle, victory

Since modern times, because China has been in the era of feudal emperors for a long time, the economic base is mainly agriculture, and industrial development is extremely backward.

In Western capitalist countries, after two industrial revolutions and nearly a hundred years of industrial development, the efficiency of commodity production has increased exponentially, and production costs have continued to decrease.

When the industrialized countries bombarded the door of the last feudal dynasty of the Chinese civilization with strong ships, facing the tide-like industrial products, no matter whether the quality or price of the local industrial and agricultural products did not have market competitiveness, the backward Chinese agriculture Civilization has become a dumping ground for products of Western industrial civilization.

But to dump their own products, it is not convenient for Westerners to go out shirtless in person, and with some interest, they have supported some agents in China to help dump their industrial products.

Such people are so-called compradors.

Zhou Ming really understands the roots of these compradors. The capital of these compradors is nothing more than two points. One is the industrial products with good quality and low price in the West, and the other is the strong ship artillery in the hands of the Western colonists. These two points of indifference and being broken will expose their weak and incompetent nature.

Uh …

Lunar December 25th, six o’clock in the morning.

Near the city center, under a four-story building that has just been renovated.

“Are all links ready?” Zhou Ming, wearing a thick windbreaker in the cold wind, asked the middle-aged man aside.

“All ready, at 7:30 in the morning, Fuwanjia supermarket will open on time.”

“Where are the 17 Fuwanjia supermarket chains in counties and cities around Shanghai, are they all ready?”

“The telegrams have just been sent, they are all ready and will open at the same time at 7:30 this morning!”

“Okay! Today, I will let those compradors see to what extent the various products produced by our revitalization industry will be discounted!”

Uh …

At 7:30 in the morning, a deafening sound of firecrackers resounded throughout Shanghai!

Citizens who had just got up shortly or were still asleep, after hearing the sound of firecrackers, opened their doors and asked each other what happened.

“Major news, major news! Fuwanjia Supermarket opened today with 50% off and 50% off all products!”

“Fuwanjia Supermarket opened today, whether it is needle thread brain, rice noodles and oils, rouge gouache, chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, there is nothing you can’t think of, there is nothing you can’t buy!”

“Buy the best goods at the cheapest price!”

“Seven days after opening, all 50% off! The opportunity is inevitable, the loss will never come again!”

“All 50% off, all 50% off!”

Countless children who distribute leaflets at the end of the street all emit explosive messages with a strong penetrating voice.

Fuwanjia supermarket?

Only you can’t think of it, you can’t buy it without it?

The cheapest price, the best goods?

All 50% off?

These information flowed into the minds of the citizens, and it was the “all 50% off” that was repeated the most in the propaganda discourse.

When a large number of citizens carried bamboo baskets, handbags and cloth bags to the door of Fuwanjia supermarket, they were immediately frightened by the surging wave of people in front of them, even if there were hundreds of strong security guards desperately trying to maintain order at the door of the supermarket. But still can not resist the shopping enthusiasm of countless customers.

And some of the customers who came out of the side door of the supermarket and carried large and small bags in their hands were also full of excitement and excitement.

“The two bags of rice I bought are really cheap, half cheaper than the rice shop!”

“Pork is also very cheap, a quarter of a pound, I bought fifteen pounds!”

“I have long wanted to change the kitchen knife, the kitchen knife here only needs a penny, and the outside needs a piece of five!”

“The rouge gouache on the third floor is only one piece of eight, which is half of Tianxiang Lou! It is not bargained inside, it can not be cheaper, otherwise I will buy more boxes.”

“I don’t have much money on my body. I want to come back and buy some later.”

After listening to the chatter of customers passing by after purchasing the goods, the customers who came later hardly hesitated and turned to squeeze into the turbulent crowd.

Uh …

At ten in the morning, after hearing the opening of the Fuwanjia supermarket under the Zhenxing Industrial Group, attracting tens of thousands of people from all over the city to buy, Hu Tiankui and others who were drinking tea and watching the drama immediately withdrew the stage, and the frightened Wang and Kong , Song and other compradors together urgently discuss the coping strategies.

“Just my housekeeper came over and responded. In the dozens of cotton shops in my Wang’s house today, there are almost no **** tits, there is no one customer!”

Wang Yonggui, the head of the Wang family, seemed to have a waking nightmare, and it was difficult to believe this fact.

“The situation of my Confucian family is also the same. The business is cold, and the rice noodles, grains and oils can’t be sold anymore.

“This … how can this be good, isn’t the jinx of Zhenxing Industry nearly killed by our team a few days ago? This, suddenly, how did it make such a big deal?”

Song Yuanbo, the head of the Song family, did not dare to talk to each other, and his heart could not bear it. In order to suppress the Zhenxing Industry, they have spent countless efforts in recent years. Recently, they have invested a lot of money. What …

“Bang!” A surnamed Chen, who runs ironware, hammered the table fiercely, like a red-eyed gambler, gritted his teeth and said: “Follow, we continue to follow! He is 50% off. We also hit 5 Fold, no, we have to be cheaper than him, to see who consumes who! “

“Brother Chen, please be calm!”

Hu Tiankui, who was sitting at the head, waved his hands, and after tasting a cup of tea, there was a silence, and then he said leisurely: “I Hu Tiankui has also experienced a lot of people who have experienced strong winds and waves. Not to mention that from the invincible hand, it is considered that the experience is old, but I did not expect that the strongest opponent I met in my life was an 18-year-old young child, a terrible afterlife, and a terrible afterlife! If my ignorant son had this young Half of my talents, even if I get into the soil, I feel at ease. “

Hu Tiankui’s words made the man in his thirties or thirties look embarrassed on his face, his mouth moved, and he was a little dissatisfied.

“Ye Hu means … Do we just admit defeat? Give a Maotou to admit defeat?”

“Master Hu, can’t you admit defeat like this! Once we admit defeat, we don’t have any place to stay in Shanghai! Foreigners have to kick us aside, and bite your teeth again, let’s join together. Can kill Zhenxing Industry! “

“Yeah, we will lose everything if we admit defeat!”

“No way, let the foreigners grab the kid and kill him on any charge!”

Everyone came up with all kinds of attention. Extremely, they already wanted to destroy Tian Jian’s body physically.

“Talk about peace, it doesn’t make sense to fight like this anymore. Also, there are rules of commercial warfare. Don’t break the rules … Heshun, send me a post card. After two days, I want to visit the Tian family in person. Fan. “

Urged the housekeeper that Hu Tiankui made a decision on how to develop this commercial war.

Supermarkets, when this kind of business concept beyond decades of this era emerged, Hu Tiankui understood that there is no way to fight price wars on a few commodities. These people are unlikely to be the opponents of Zhenxing Industry. Now they are the only ones. The only way to ensure that the losses will not increase is to negotiate with Zhenxing Industry and agree on a rule.

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