Urban Game System

Chapter 20 0020

A taming wave bound the turtle's neck, Chen Hui snapped his fingers, and the turtle obediently swam over, carrying Chen Hui to the farther sea.

After swimming for a while, the color of the sea water became darker. Under the sea surface, the size of the fish was obviously larger than before, and there were more than a dozen dolphins swimming.

Looking at the big fish that shuttled back and forth, Chen Hui's eyes gleamed greedily, they were all full of experience points!

The Beast Taming wave was played round after round, and the experience value increased.

"34! 35! 36!"

When the No.30 six big fish were domesticated by Chen Hui, a sense of extreme exhaustion and distress instantly hit the whole body.Chen Hui felt his eyes were heavy, and couldn't help but close them together.

There is also a sudden message displayed on the beast taming skill in the skills interface: lack of energy, unable to release the beast taming skill.

This is tens of meters below the seabed, if Chen Hui fell asleep at this time, he would definitely die!
He pinched his lower back with five fingers, and the severe pain made Chen Hui wake up a little bit. He gave the sea turtle an order to float up quickly!

On the surface of the sea, the waves were separated quickly, and the big turtle floated out of the sea with Chen Hui supported, and then a dozen red trout, a few swordbacks, and a dozen dolphins floated up at the same time. If you look carefully, you can see them in the eyes of these fish Loyalty is found in the heart.

Weak and weak, Chen Hui lay on the back of the big turtle for a few minutes, then he recovered a little bit, and sat up slowly, feeling very scared, "Although it is convenient and quick to gain experience with the animal taming technique, it is limited by your own mental strength." Restriction, if the big turtle didn't carry me out just now, I'm afraid I would be buried in the bottom of the sea."

"Compared with this, cooking skills are more durable. Compared with short-term bursts, long-lasting is more popular!"

After checking the experience value, it has reached lv5, and the experience value is 376/500.

"With more than 100 experience points, I can upgrade to lv6. At that time, there will be a mental power ring that can only be worn at level 20, which can speed up mental recovery by [-]%. It should help me."

Rubbing his tired temples, Chen Hui looked around and saw Lin Yaru was still lying in the swimming circle enjoying the afterglow of the setting sun on the sea about 1000 meters away.

This woman is not only big in size, but also big in heart!How dare you come with me into such a deep sea.You know, Chen Hui dared to go to the deep sea because he had skills and equipment to rely on, while Lin Yaru was just an ordinary woman. Thinking of this, Chen Hui couldn't help admiring Lin Yaru's psychological quality.

Fiddled with the sea water comfortably, Lin Yaru poured some sea water on her body with her hands, feeling the sea breeze blowing on her body, and murmured: "Chen Hui, who obviously wants to die, but is still reserved, can't let me alone Let the woman go first, she is still a big girl, really!"

gull!gull!Lin Yaru was suddenly awakened by the clear and crisp singing of seagulls.

A tense expression appeared on her pretty face for a moment, Lin Yaru sat up abruptly, looked around, the sea was calm, without any waves.

What about Chen Hui?It's been at least 10 minutes since I dived into the water just now, right?

With a sharp tug in her heart, Lin Yaru felt as if her heart had been hit hard! 10 minutes, no normal person can hold their breath for more than 10 minutes!However, Chen Hui has been submerged for 10 minutes, and there is not even a bubble on the surface of the sea. Although she is very unwilling to believe this cruel fact, Lin Yaru understands in her heart that Chen Hui's chance of surviving has infinitely tended to zero!

Just when Lin Yaru was about to dive down to look for Chen Hui, there was a sudden crash on the sea surface on her left, the sea was pushed away, and a dolphin emerged.

The dolphin came out of the water cheerfully, stood upright on the sea surface, patted its small wings towards Lin Yaru, and then shot out a mouthful of seawater, which hit the big one without leaning to one side.

"Dolphin!" Lin Yaru screamed in surprise with her small mouth slightly opened.


The sea water was opened everywhere, one, two, three...

More than a dozen dolphins came out of the water one after another, shooting water around Lin Yaru, making Lin Yaru even more wet.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen swordbacks and a few red trout also emerged from the sea. These fish and dolphins formed a circle, surrounded Lin Yaru in the middle, swung their tails vigorously, and pushed themselves upright. Get up, swing left and right~

Originally, she was excited because of the appearance of a dolphin, but now she was suddenly surrounded by so many sea creatures in a strange circle, and a feeling of terror swept over Lin Yaru's whole body.

Could it be some kind of sacrifice?Although Lin Yaru is not superstitious, the situation in front of her is so strange that Lin Yaru has to feel horrified.

Wow~ The water below the swimming circle was suddenly lifted, and a human head emerged from the sea, which made Lin Yaru's cheeks turn purple in fright!
"Chen Hui!" When she saw clearly that the head was Chen Hui, Lin Yaru quickly rolled over from the swimming ring, and said nervously as if grabbing a life-saving straw: "Look, Chen Hui, what happened to these fish?" It's so weird!"

"Is it strange?" Chen Hui smiled and snapped his fingers.

After receiving the order, more than [-] fish jumped out of the sea at the same time, making a seven hundred and eighty mid-air spin!Then it fell back into the sea, splashing gurgling waves!

With another snap of the fingers, more than thirty fish jumped out of the sea again, shooting dozens of sea water in unison, and Lin Yaru's flower branches trembled wildly.

"Why do these fish listen to you?"

Seeing that Chen Hui could command the fish, Lin Yaru was very pleasantly surprised, but felt that all this was too unreal. If it was a fish in the aquarium, it would make sense, but the fish in front of him were all wild, so how could they listen to Chen Hui?Lin Yaru suddenly felt that the man in front of her was very mysterious!
"Secret!" Chen Hui smiled stinkingly, pretending to be unfathomable, and then suddenly asked: "There are more powerful ones, do you want to meet them?"

"Oh? What do you want to show me? Something better than a golden cudgel?" Lin Yaru pulled the edge of the shoulder strap and tugged. Lin Yaru let go, and bounced back with a snap, looking sideways with pretty eyes Chen Hui.

Seeing the huge tremor, Chen Hui was startled, deliberately pretending not to see it, but whistled towards the sea water in front of him.

With a whistle through the sea, a huge turtle comes to meet you!

Just wondering, Lin Yaru suddenly felt a sense of solidity under her feet, and then her whole body was pushed up by this force.

Wow, a large piece of sea water under the feet was pushed away, and a large turtle with a square meter of two square meters appeared at Lin Yaru's feet, lifting Lin Yaru out of the sea.

On the gentle sea, facing the afterglow of the setting sun, a big turtle lifted the woman up high, and a circle of fish around them flapped their fins and chirped cheerfully towards the woman.This kind of scene can only be seen in movies with fantasy colors, but at this moment it really happened to Lin Yaru.

Every woman has a dream of a princess in her heart. She looks forward to the day when she and her prince can meet in a beautiful scene. At this moment, Lin Yaru's girlish heart is completely stimulated, and her mood is beautiful. Slightly closing her eyes, she became more certain in her heart that Chen Hui is her true son!

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