Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 466 What family?

Looking at the bank card, it only represents the first week's share.

The hands of the students in the scientific research class started to shake.

Four million more.

There are as few as two million.

How many people may not be able to earn so much money in their lifetime.

How many people have entered the society and still worry about tens of thousands of dollars on weekdays.

Millions, this is their unattainable dream.

But such a huge sum of money is only their weekly share.

After that every month, at least tens of millions will be credited.

At the end of a year, even if you pay your taxes, you will still have at least one small goal left.

With such a big sum of money.

Their future will be incredibly free.

They will be able to do whatever they want.

You will no longer have to worry about living, buying a house, caring for your parents, marrying a wife and having children like ordinary people.

They can also be like those bullies on the Internet.

If you are in a bad mood, buy a first-class ticket and go to Europe to feed the pigeons.

When I feel depressed, I look at the few hundred million dollars left in my card and feel sad and in a daze.

He even gave a speech and said that the thing he regretted most in his life was the development of Xingchen m1 new material.

The happiest time for me was when I received a scientific research incentive of 10,000 yuan from the college.

Anyway, you can do whatever you want to show off.

It can be said that this huge share is distributed.

It directly puts their lives into simple mode.

In the future life, there will no longer be any challenges.

Even if you just lie down, you can still live a happy life.

And all of this is undoubtedly brought about by the academy.

Students like them, who were in the first batch of civil engineering majors, actually didn’t score very high.

Mainly because the civil engineering industry was in decline at that time.

Even the civil engineering major in northern Qing Dynasty has to rely on adjustments to fill up its staff.

The entire industry is like a thing of the past.

In this context.

The outside world naturally did not think that the civil engineering major of Xingchen College would have any future, so they were given a chance to pick up the slack.

But now it seems that this is indeed the biggest mistake they have picked up in their lives.

At a time when graduates from other colleges are still worrying about employment.

Their bank card had just received millions in dividends.

When other college interns are still worried about whether they can pass the internship period and their salary is not enough to pay the rent.

From now on, they will receive an amount of money beyond their imagination every month.

But what impressed the students the most was that the college actually paid them a share of the money.

There was no reason to delay or any reason to withhold.

It should be as much as it should be.

Even personal income tax is not withheld, but they are allowed to pay the tax themselves when the time comes.

This made the students feel guilty for their previous anxiety and worry.

The college and the principal have been so kind to them.

They are actually worried that the college will deduct their share.

It is really too much to use the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman.

But such a huge amount of funds approaches tens of billions every year.

As time goes by, as long as Xingchen's new material remains popular, the academy will distribute more and more money.

It is not impossible to reach hundreds of billions or even trillions.

With such a huge amount of money, even a slightly larger country would have to hesitate.

But here in my own college, I just handed it out to them in a normal way.

This makes students' trust and gratitude towards their own college reach an even higher level.

"Long live the Academy!"

"Long live the principal!"

"It's not easy for my mother to work hard to support me! I want to tell my mother this good news. I want her to live the rest of her life like those with pensions, traveling every day and dancing in the square every day..."

"Haha, two million and four hundred thousand, haha. I want to send a screenshot of my balance to my high school girlfriend. I want her to know how wrong it is to abandon me and run away with the rich second generation. My one-year share is higher than that of the rich second generation and others. The family business makes more money in a year, I want her to regret it to death..."

"My parents have always been afraid to go to the hospital for a physical examination for fear of spending money, but now they don't have to be afraid. After the holidays, I will take them to the Imperial Capital for a full physical examination as soon as possible."

"My relatives are all very rich, but they always look down on our family and are sarcastic. But I don't plan to show off, so as to save them from borrowing money..."

"I have to call my brother. My brother's wife wants a bride price of 400,000 yuan, and my family is having a headache. I want to tell my brother that our family is rich. We can marry ten wives worth 400,000 yuan!"

Under the stimulation of such a huge amount of money being recorded, and the possibility of continuous sharing in the future.

The students are letting themselves go a little bit.

In addition to thanking the college, cheering for the principal, long live the principal, and the principal's magnanimity.

Some have even shouted to make their high school girlfriends regret abandoning them.

There are also many students who have already thought about what they want to use their money for.

After all, many problems in this society are caused by lack of money.

As long as you have money, 99% of things can be solved perfectly.

On the podium, the teacher looked at the excitement of the students and understood.

After all, if I make so much money at such a young age, I am destined to become a billionaire, and I will probably lose my temper even more.

However, this also proves the principal’s foresight.

After leaving enough excitement for the students.

The teacher on the stage cleared his throat, signaled the students to be quiet, and announced another matter.

"Students, don't be too happy yet. This money is still frozen. You can only look at it, but you can't use it..."


The students were stunned when they heard this. They were particularly shocked.

The college has already issued the money, why freeze their money?

This made many students who were already thinking about buying a dream car sober up.

The teacher continued to speak in the confused eyes of the students: "Because you will have some classes next!"

"A total of seven hours of basic investment courses."

"This course will teach you basic financial management knowledge, and at the same time will show you various investment and pig-killing schemes, and teach you how to distinguish and avoid them!"

"Secondly, there are three hours of gambling hazards courses!"

"There will be professional gamblers who will teach you with what they have seen and heard and their own experiences, telling you the harm of gambling and what means the casino will use to deceive you into the game."

"Secondly, there are three hours of DP prevention courses."

"The principal has invited retired drug enforcement police in Yunnan to teach you, and will show you the harm of DP and various schemes to lure you into the trap."

"These courses will start in the next week."

"All students must attend the class, and only after completing all the classes will the college unfreeze the funds..."

Hearing this, the students probably understood.

This is because the college is afraid that they will become bad and go astray after having money.

To be honest, the students were moved, but also a little indifferent.

Nowadays, the Internet is so developed that students have long known the harm of these things.

They will definitely not touch them.

But the attitude of the teacher on the stage is very clear. This is the request of the principal.

Although the principal is very good to students and considerate.

But he is also very strict when it is necessary.

For example, there are several students in the college who have made serious mistakes, such as peeping, spreading rumors, and secretly drying clothes next to their bodies.

The parents ran to the school gate and kowtowed to beg not to be expelled.

In the end, they were directly expelled by the principal.

It caused a lot of discussion at the time.

So the students had to accept it.

However, when the students attended the first class, they were all eye-opening.

Looking at the missing fingers of those senior gamblers and the gunshot wounds on the back of the body of the retired drug police.

And various scams were split and analyzed.

There are also various pictures that must be mosaiced when posted on the Internet.

The students couldn't help sweating.

They realized that the world is much more dangerous than they imagined.

Compared with what the lecturers on the stage said, the information they thought they saw on the Internet was too gentle.

There are tycoons who earn hundreds of millions of dollars a year, who were set up in Las Vegas and lost everything, even their hands and feet were cut off.

Some people just had dinner with ordinary friends, and when they came back from the toilet, they were drugged in their drinks and got stuck...

There are also super-rich people who invested in seemingly good projects, but ended up being tricked. Not only did they lose all their investment, but they also had a lot of debts and could not recover for the rest of their lives.

When some dark sides of the world are truly revealed to students.

Some students were even scared to have nightmares at night.

They finally understood how young they were before.

They thought they knew all the tricks.

But in fact, if they were really targeted by these people, the ending would definitely be bleak.

And when the seven-day course was over.

The students who originally wanted to show off and show off were undoubtedly too calm.

They also completely understood the good intentions of their principal and were full of gratitude.

The college not only gave them money, but also taught them how to protect themselves.

It really can be seen in every detail that the college cares about them.

Being able to choose Xingchen College.

It is really the luckiest thing in their lives.

No doubt about it.

Now, they have new ideas when they see the huge amount of money unfrozen in their accounts.

They also have new plans for their future lives.

The new material m1 of Xingchen Academy is popular all over the world.

The experiments abroad have also been a great success.

This has brought the global attention of Xingchen New Materials to a peak.

And in this case.

The news that Xingchen Academy distributes money to students in the scientific research class is naturally impossible to conceal.

As soon as the news came out.

It immediately caused a sensation on the global Internet.

Xingchen Academy actually distributed 5% of its profits to students in the scientific research class.

Everyone can see the sales volume of Xingchen New Materials.

Just a little calculation will show how huge this 5% share is.

In a year, it is close to tens of billions of huge sums.

Just distribute it to dozens of students like this?

On average, everyone is a billionaire.

The most important thing is that this is not just for one year.

But as long as the new materials are still making money.

It will continue to be distributed.

Even if the student is gone in the future, it will be distributed to his children according to the student's will.

Such a conscientious way of sharing and the huge amount of money.

This sharing has directly been on the hot search list of countries around the world.

Countless netizens around the world are discussing it enthusiastically, envious, jealous, and excited.

In fact, every year when a new unicorn company goes public, it will usher in a new batch of billionaires.

There are many young people in their twenties.

But there are as many as fifty students in the Xingchen Research Class, and they have not graduated yet. Some of them started school early and may be just twenty years old.

The emergence of such a group of billionaires is simply unique.

How can people not be envious and jealous.

But what is most discussed around the world is the generous dividends of Xingchen Academy.

Over the years, it is not that there has been no top technological innovation in the world.

But the main money-makers are basically company bosses and shareholders.

As for scientific researchers, although the treatment is not bad, they can also get bonuses.

But want dividends? Basically impossible.

But in fact, what happens more in this world is that the cunning rabbit dies and the running dog is cooked.

Researchers work hard to develop new technologies, and then are kicked out.

Sales staff work hard to sell a large amount of goods and wait for commissions, and then are fired for refusing to pay.

This kind of thing is common all over the world.

Most companies will do anything to get commissions and dividends of hundreds of thousands or millions.

It also highlights the conscience of Xingchen Academy.

"Xingchen Academy is really conscientious. They are willing to share such a large sum of money."

"I remember that I worked part-time as a salesperson in the capital during the summer vacation of 2008. I was lucky enough to sell two villas and got a commission of more than 200,000 yuan. As a result, the boss fired me directly..."

"Me too. At that time, the company had sales incentives. I ran sales every day for a year and got a commission of at least one million yuan. As a result, the boss actually changed the commission policy. I really wanted to kill someone at that time."

"It would be great if all companies in the world could be like Xingchen Academy!"

"Xingchen Academy has never broken its promise so far. I feel relieved to cooperate with such a company without signing a contract."

"I will buy Xingchen Academy's things and business without thinking in the future. There is nothing else. An academy that is willing to share hundreds of billions with students will never cheat."


Netizens are talking about it.

In the business field, countless big bosses and capitalists are also shocked by the fact that Xingchen Academy has to share tens of billions with students every year.

Anyway, they ask themselves.

If they have the opportunity to default on their debt, they will definitely default on it without hesitation.

In their hearts, what Xingchen Academy did is even a little stupid.

After all, this is not a simple 5%.

It is 5% of the profit of the new material's life cycle.

What a huge fortune this will be?

Just divide it among a group of students.

It is simply stupid.

But no matter how much they disagree, there are many people who laugh at Xingchen Academy behind their backs.

But if they are asked to choose a partner.

They will definitely choose Xingchen Academy without hesitation.

Because they will never have to worry about being cheated by cooperating with Xingchen Academy.

After all, Xingchen Academy is willing to take out tens of billions or hundreds of billions of profits without hesitation.

How could they cheat them of a little cooperation money?

And if Xingchen Academy's companies go public, they will definitely be willing to hold shares at the first time.

No other reason.

Companies like Xingchen Academy will never commit financial fraud or falsely report business.

In short.

Because of this dividend event.

Xingchen Academy has gained unimaginable recognition around the world.

Today's Xingchen Academy is synonymous with credibility.

Even in the West, many ordinary people still have prejudices against Chinese companies and Chinese products.

But because of Xingchen Academy, their attitude has also changed dramatically.

A college has made a group of students become billionaires through dividends.

This is unheard of even in the United States.

What family?

This gives them a feeling.

That distant China is no longer the China they remember.

It is June now.

The college entrance examination is coming soon, and the registration season is about to come again.

The hot search of fifty students who are about to become billionaires has also made the popularity of Xingchen Civil Engineering soar.

Last year, even though the news of Xingchen New District was boiling, Xingchen Yipin was so popular that thousands of people rushed to buy houses.

But the civil engineering major is still not a first-line major of Xingchen Academy.

But now it is different.

The students in the scientific research class have proved it.

As long as you study hard, you can research results.

You may have no worries about food and drink for the rest of your life, directly cross the class, and even benefit your children.

For example, most of the students in this class can earn 100 million yuan a year after tax deduction.

And it is not just for a lifetime.

People can continue to share after they die.

As long as Xingchen Academy is still there and Xingchen New Materials are still being sold.

Then there will always be.

This is really attractive to most families.

Many parents are posting on the Internet, asking what grades are required to enter the scientific research class.

From this, we can see.

This year, the admission score for civil engineering and architecture majors will definitely increase a lot...

But soon.

Xingchen civil engineering and architecture majors will become more popular, and the popularity will rise again.

Because with the successful test of Xingchen New Materials in the United States.

A large number of foreign construction and chemical companies have begun to contact Xingchen Academy, hoping to reach cooperation.

This made netizens on the Internet realize that they had overlooked another thing.

That is, the current share of Xingchen students is only domestic.

If the foreign market is further developed, wouldn’t the share at least double?

Now the annual income is over 100 million.

Double it again, how much is that?


The popularity of the entire network exploded again.

Fifty students majoring in civil engineering and architecture have become the lucky ones that everyone envies, no one else.

Some of the students in the research class have accounts on the Internet.

They are directly conquered by female Internet celebrities who want to marry into a wealthy family.

Open the private message list, all of them are asking for favors and friends.

Some even sent private photos directly.

This made the students in the Xingchen research class feel particularly emotional.

The goddess is cold?

That's just because she is not interested in you.

If you have the conditions to attract the other party, the other party will let you know what it means to take the initiative. (End of this chapter)

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