Unto the Ages

Chapter 22

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Shortly after Grud ran off to participate in the Great Hunt, Nita and Ida walked hand in hand on their way to browse the accessories and trinkets that were up for barter.

But as they started their journey, Nita felt a pat on her shoulder and turned around, there she saw five young women that looked her age standing there rather shyly. The one who patted Nita’s shoulder spoke up.

“Um… Are you the wives of that man who won all those displays of strength earlier?” Nita smiled as she realized what this was, these women were husband hunting.

When single women went husband hunting, they would, like any good hunter, scope out their target, then research their target. They would ask around to know which tribe the man was from, was he married? How many wives does he have? Children? Were there any bad rumors about him? Was he a capable man? These would be the questions that single women would ask the women of the tribe the targeted man was from.

If the man was single, they would approach directly, if the man was married, it was still a better decision to go through the man’s wife to avoid future conflict. In this case, the five young women could go direct to his wives to ask, because in the end, if they married the man, it would be better to be on friendly terms with the existing wives.

Nita eyed the five young women up and down, their faces looked pretty enough, when glancing down at their bodies, she knew what her husband liked and looked at their tits. They ranged from B to F cups and when looking at their hips, they were all nice and plump, good for childbirth, especially the woman with the B cup breast, she had exceptionally wide hips.

“Yes, we are, I see that you have taken an interest in our husband. Do all five of you mind being sister-wives with each other and us?” the five young women looked at each other and nodded in the affirmative.

Nita smiled, nodded then asked, “So which tribe do you girls come from?” The woman who was talking for the other four answered, “We are from the Falling Axe tribe. I am Reta, these are my friends, Uchi, Silne, Sonu and Oso”

Nita recognized the tribe's name and remembered that it was one of the bigger tribes. “The Falling Axe tribe is quite a big tribe, why do all five of you want to go after the same man?” Nita asked.

Hearing that question, all five of the young women blushed with their faces looking anywhere but Nita’s direction.

“Umm… can we tell you somewhere more private?” Reta asked, Nita nodded and led them away to a more secluded area behind some trees.

When Reta was confident that they were the only ones around, she looked at Nita and Ida and said “We want to marry the same man, your husband, because we do not want to be separated from each other. So we need to find a strong and powerful man that can accommodate all five of us… together.”

As Reta was giving her explanation, Nita noticed the five young women almost instinctively come together and started holding each other gently… almost too gently….

It was the same kind of holding each other that she had seen her mothers do, and now even she was doing that gentle holding with Ida. Slowly a picture of the situation began to form in Nita’s head, which made her blurt out the question.

“You girls love each other don't you, and not the sisterly kind of love because you all don't look alike, No… you make love to each other.” Nita said as a grin started to grow on her face, as the five young women and even Ida started to blush from Nita’s blunt words.

Nita closed in on her prospective future sister-wives “I will allow it, and I am sure my husband will be more than happy. But there are two things that you must be prepared for if you join our family.”

Nita paused for dramatic effect then continued “First are you prepared to have a lot of children?” this time it was the woman with the B cup tits, wide hips and big ass, Silne who spoke up “Yes, in fact, we all want children.”

“Good.” Nita said as she nodded “Second, are all of you prepared to have sex with our husband at least twice a day and often deep into the night?” the five women murmured amongst each other and Oso, the one with the E cup breasts asked “All of us? At the same time.”

Nita replied with pride in her voice as she pulled Ida to herself by her hip “Yes, and that includes the two of us too. Our husband’s mighty body also extends below the loincloth.”

The five women huddled up and started discussing in hushed whispers, shortly after they broke up their huddle and Reta said “We agree, we will ask out parents and guardians to arrange the meeting.”

But before the five young women walked off to make arrangements, Nita stopped them “Wait, before you go, I will need to inspect you ladies first, please lay down and spread your legs, I will check your purity”

The five women looked at each other with apprehension and Reta stepped forward to take to lead. Looking around to make sure there were trees and bushes to block them, Reta hiked up her skirt, laid down on her back and spread open her legs. Seeing this the other four followed.

Seeing this both Nita and Ida became a little wetter between the thighs, especially Nita. Nita went up to Reta, brought her face close to Reta’s pussy, and gave it a long deep sniff, then used her fingers to spread her pussy lips apart to reveal her hymen.

Nita could not resist and stuck her tongue into Reta’s pussy to have a taste of her sweet pussy juice. After tasting Reta, Nita moved on to the others while tasting their different flavors while Ida stood to the side, rubbing her nipple and pussy while watching.

After Nita was satisfied that all their purity was intact, she said “Once you are done making arrangements, you can find us tomorrow at the Rock Skull tribe’s camp.” then she pulled Ida along to browse more of the other tribes that were bartering.

During their walk around, Nita and Ida encountered a few more husband hunters that came in ones or twos. These ones seemed more well informed than the first five women. Nita and Ida were asked if the rumors of their husband’s sexual prowess were real, it seemed like their tribe women had been interrogated already.

Most of the husband hunters were scared off when Nita got… descriptive… about what their husband did to them and the size of his tool.

After a few hours of walking around they finally heard the sound of the horn that signaled their husband to start gathering to the Great Hunt.

They watched as Grud sprinted off into the forest the moment he was given the signal and sometime later, came back with a Tusk Pig over his shoulders like it was not a big deal, and in record time too.

A few minutes later, it seemed like the news had reached the ears of the husband hunters in the area, and young women started arriving at the sidelines of the event, Nita and Ida even recognized some of the husband hunters that questioned them earlier among them.

When Grud brought in two Tuk Tuks over his shoulders, Nita and Ida could see the sparkle in the husband hunters’ eyes, and that sparkle got even brighter when Grud brought in one more Tusk Pig and Tuk Tuk before the time ended.

The two wives knew what was coming, but took the knowledge in different ways. Nita took this as a point of pride at the future prospect of showing off her husband’s virility at the number of children he would sire.

Ida on the other hand had a very practical worry. The number of mouths to feed.

When Grud heard the word come out of Ida’s mouth, he was worried, even Nita looked at Ida with a worried face.

They decided to take this discussion back to their tent, when they were all sitting facing each other, Ida started “Grud, with you showing off and winning in the Great Hunt with such good results, you do know that many women are going to try become your wife, right?”

Both Grud and Nita had a smile light up on their face when they heard this and Nita asked “That's a good thing right? We will have a bigger family and our husband will have more women to pump his seed into.” the last part being said while giving Grud a lascivious smile.

Ida shot this idea down with a slice of reality “As good as that sounds, you saw to amount of women that were eyeing our husband, there were tens of them, with more that we have not seen. If he takes on that many women, how are we going to keep them fed, especially when they give birth? Remember that your tribe just absorbed my tribe which is made up of women and children, that is a lot of mouths to feed.”

Hearing this, Nita looked a bit downcast, while Grud had a thoughtful expression on his face before he said. “If that is the case, I think it would be better to check with Chieftain Froll to see if I can afford to take on more wives.”

So they proceeded to go look for Froll, and found him at his tent with his wives. After informing them about the upcoming problem of Grud’s success and Ida’s worries, Froll nodded his head in acknowledgment of the problem.

Froll furrowed his brows while doing some rough mental calculations, and after a few seconds said “It would be best if you keep it down to at most three more wives, any more than that and you will have to take responsibility for their care by doing more hunting. So far from what I have heard, maybe around four of our single women are marrying out to other tribes, maybe more by the end of the meeting.”

After discussing a few more things, Grud’s group went back to their tent where Nita and Ida told Grud about the women that approached them to ask about marriage, where Nita highly recommended the five young women from the Falling Axe tribe.

Seeing the excitement in Nita's eyes and the blush on Ida’s face, Grud decided to go along with Nita’s recommendation. ‘It is two more than what Froll said the tribe could afford, looks like I would be doing more hunting.’ Grud thought to himself, then asked, “So, when will we be meeting the parents and guardians of these women?”

“Tomorrow.” Nita said. Grud nodded and peaked his head out of the tent to check the position of the sun in the sky, seeing that it was mid-afternoon, Grud decided to start making up for the five more wives that he was about to add to the tribe’s supply burden. “I will be going out for a hunt while there is still daylight, I take it you two can handle the rest of turning down the other marriage requests?”

Nita and Ida nodded and gave him a kiss on each cheek and said in unison, “Stay safe husband.” before seeing Grud off.

By the time Grud returned, it was already evening and close to dinner time, even at the fast speed that he was traveling, Grud had to travel for quite a distance due to all the tribes clearing out most of the prey in the nearby areas. 

Over his shoulders and neck were slung three deer that he passed to other tribe members to process and went to clean himself up for dinner.

After dinner, Grud was called over by Dhuk “I hear you were quite successful with the Great Hunt today, and quite popular with the young ladies too” Dhuk said while wiggling his eyebrows.

Grud nodded and said, “Yes, I will be taking part in the final Great Hunt in three days and apparently I will be meeting the parents and guardians of five women tomorrow to arrange our marriage.”

Dhuk hummed in acknowledgment and continued with what he wanted to say, “After the Great Hunt, the Chief Shaman wants to train you on how to use your power while you are still here, so make yourself available from then until we leave on the expedition.”


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