Unto the Ages

Chapter 11

Upon seeing what was causing his foot pain, Grud stomped his foot down and splattering the slimy looking creature across the ground. From that splatter, a small perfectly round ball, the size of a ping pong ball rolled a few feet away. 

Grud checked on Nita, saw that she was still sleeping with a silly smile on her face and carefully extracted himself from the cuddle. He went to pick up the small round ball, then made his way to the pool of water to wash off whatever it was that was wrapped around his foot and still giving him the burning sensation.

As he made his away towards the pool he studied the small ball, “If that was a beast, this should be its heart, I wonder what strength I would get from this thing” after looking at it a little longer, he popped it into his mouth and cringed at the horrible taste as he bit into it.

It had the texture of a fruit with hard flesh and tasted like rotten meat and dirt. Grud did not bother to chew it further after the first bite and swallowed hard, while picking up the pace towards the pool to wash down the bad taste and his foot.

After getting a drink and washing off his foot, he went back to lay down beside Nita and helped himself to her milk, as Grud was lazily drinking, Nita hugged his head into her breast and they both fell back asleep.



About an hour later, in Grud’s stomach, the slime nucleus that Grud ate was being digested, as it was eaten away by the digestive juices, it revealed a tiny crystalline shard no longer than the size of the pinkie’s first knuckle.

When the digestive juices made contact with the crystalline shard, a fast reaction took place. Within seconds the shard dissolved, a raw and violent energy that even his improved body was not meant to handle flowed through Grud’s body.

Grud’s eyes opened wide and gradually became bloodshot, before he could let out a shout of pain, all the muscles in his body seized up and veins throughout his body started showing due to the tensing of his whole body.

As soon as the foreign energy flowed thru his body, the mutating agent sensed it, while this energy was invigorating, it was too much and too fast for the body to handle. Like medicine, taken too fast, in too large a quantity was the equivalent of it being poison. Immediately the mutating agent in his body got to work and began doing what it was designed to do. Adapt.

The mutating agent started to search through Grud’s body for anything that it could use to mutate its host body to survive this situation. It found the genetic data of the slime that had great environmental adaptation abilities and incorporate it into Grud, the acid production looked good for digestion acid but that had to wait until after its host got out of this situation alive.

As it looked around some more, it noticed an energy that had always been there and similar to the invading energy, flowing through the host body. It was so insignificant and so evenly spread throughout the body that the mutating agent assumed it was the baseline for the host. The difference between this energy it just found and the energy that is currently wreaking havoc in the host body was one was like pure, filtered water and the other energy was raw unfiltered water with bits of unknown particles, that nobody in their right mind would drink but in vastly greater quantities.

Just as the mutating agent noticed the pure flow of energy, all the rampant energy started consolidating into a spot near the host’s heart and soon a small crystalline shard identical to the one dissolved in Grud’s stomach, but smaller than a grain of rice started to grow slowly but visibly.

As the shard grew to a rice grain size, thick red pulsing veins began growing outwards from it. Fortunately, by this time the mutating agent found a solution to this problem. While the rampant energy flowed through the host’s body, it noticed that every part of the body managed to catch a miniscule amount of the rampant energy before it gathered to form the shard, then started refining it into the pure energy that had always been in the body. 

The problem was that the refining process was not going fast enough to keep the shard from expanding and causing more damage to the body, currently the only part of his body that was doing any intensive refining at all was just around where the shard and pulsing veins were growing. 

So in order to adapt to this issue, the mutating agent purposely escalated the issue that was damaging the body, in a controlled manner. Since it could not possibly colasps the whole body in on itself to refine the shard, it did the next best thing. The mutating agent forcefully pulled and extended the pulsing veins connected to the shard throughout the whole body while trying to avoid internal organs as much as possible.

This forced growth of the pulsing veins halted the growth of the shard and after some time, pulsing veins networks had grown throughout the whole body. Thru those pulsing veins that were spread evenly everywhere, flowed the raw, rampant energy which the whole body was now busy absorbing and refining.

With this done and everything looking stable while the body was busy refining the energy, the mutating agent took that as a job done and became dormant again.



After an hour of Grud washing off his foot and coming back to lay down and cuddle, Nita noticed that something was warm, a bit too warm. She opened her eyes to notice that Grud had his eyes wide open and bloodshot while his body was burning up. She had taken care of some tribe members that had a fever before but Grud was worryingly hotter than that. After trying to get a response out of Grud to tell her what was wrong and getting no response, she got to her feet awkwardly with a slightly cumflated womb, most of the cum already being absorbed in her body and started dragging her heavy husband to the pool where they washed up on. Lucky for Nita, the pool was relatively nearby and downhill.

After dragging Grud for a meter so so, Nita noticed angry pulsing veins on the center of his chest popping out from under his skin and spreading outward in all directions. Nita picked up the pace and after a good few minutes of dragging and running off to get their now dried off clothes, she dragged Grud into the shallow part of the pool to cool him off and rested his head on her lap to keep it above water and used the fur she had been wearing as a skirt as a cold compress for his head.

From the moment she saw the veins spread from his chest, Nita’s anxiousness turned to fear of losing her loved one. Now she could only do her best to keep her love alive and wait.



Sometime in the middle of the night, Grud’s temperature had returned to normal and he woke up to total darkness, not even his night vision helped. Then he realized there was pressure over his eyes, he moved his hand to remove what was blocking his vision and came in contact with a familiar feeling, it was big, soft and supple.

Grud realized what was blocking his vision and slid out from under Nita’s breasts that were resting over his eyes and as he turned around, he saw a still naked Nita that had fallen asleep sitting up while giving him a lap pillow. He did not remember what happened after Nita started dragging him and the pain that sprouted from his chest spread halfway down his torso.

As he tried to stand up from the water, he stumbled a bit while feeling weak and having a pulsing ache throughout his body. Along with the pulsing ache he also felt tingles throughout his body but these tingles did not feel bad. He looked down at his own body in the moonlight of the clear night sky and with his low light vision, he noticed the pulsing veins that ran all over his body. As he looked further down he cringed “it is all over my dick and balls too”. He hoped that it would not cause problems with making love to his wife.

“Well there is nothing much to do now, might as well warm ourselves up while I am awake.” Grud picked Nira and carried her to the tree they were resting under previously. As weak as Grud was feeling, he was still most likely the strongest man alive at the moment, making Nita weigh as light as a small bird to him. As Grud walked towards the tree, the tingling feeling he was feeling was getting stronger and was somehow being drawn to the tree.

After laying the sleeping Nita down, went to the tree and touched it. He felt a connection and a soothing energy flow into him, after a while of connecting with the tree, he remembered that he needed to build a fire. He went to search for some sticks from some trees that were growing a short walk away. As he was collecting fallen branches, he came across a sapling that looked like it would make a good spear. Grud took note of its location and went to build a fire to warm Nita up first, then he went to the pool side and found a disk shaped stone and put into practice his flint knapping skills that were taught by the elders of the tribe.

Soon he had a somewhat basic but shoddy axe head that his elders would disapprove of due to his lack of practice, but now was not the time for that, he was cold, butt naked and did not like the feeling of his low hanging dick and balls dragging on the ground as he was squatting to chop at the base of the sapling with axe head in hand.

After he chopped half way through the sapling base, he bent the sapling over using his body weight, snapping it at the base. After hacking through the last few fibers connecting the sapling to the base, Grud stocked up on some extra firewood and went back to camp to watch over Nita.

While Grud was waiting for the sun to rise, he kept himself busy by making a makeshift spear from the sapling that was too long for a spear and was most likely going to make an axe handle from the excess length. But for now he would concentrate on the spear tip. He burned the tip of the sapling in the camp fire until it was brittle enough that he could grind it into a sharp point using a stone slab he got from the poolside.



When the morning light hit Nita’s face, she slowly started to stir, while grumbling about it being to bright, a sudden thought came to the forefront of her mind “Grud!” She quickly sat up and looked around. 

The only things that were different from what she remembered from last night was, she was no longer sitting in the water with Grud’s head on her lap but under the tree that rested under previously, there was the smoldering embers of a dying campfire and both Grud and his loincloth was missing while her skirt and bra were dried and placed beside her. 

Nita felt slightly relieved knowing that if a fire was made then Grud must be alive. As if her thinking of Grud summoned him, she heard footsteps coming towards her and when she turned around to see her love walking towards her cradling some fruits.

She immediately got up and ran towards Grud while shouting “GRUUDD!” and crashed into him with a hug, forcing him to drop the fruits. She buried her face in his chest while sobbing “I…I was so scared that you were going to die.” she looked up at him “Are you ok? Are you in pain? How are you feeling now?” she said as she was tracing the pulsing veins across his chest with her fingers.

Seeing the pure concern in her eyes, Grud’s heart was touched and pained that he caused her this distress “I am fine, body is just a bit sore. Nothing to worry about.” he said while stroking her head.

This reply caused Nita to frown and started berating Grud the same way she saw her mother berate her father many times. “That is not fine!” she said as she left his embrace and went behind him to start pushing him towards the campfire “And I have every right to worry about you after seeing you like this! Now you will go lay down and let me take care of you! Go!” she said as she was ineffective pushing Grud.

Grud could only smile a silly smile and went along with his wife pushing him and laying him down then proceeding to collect the fruits he dropped. When she came back she lifted his head and rested it on her lap then gave out a cute satisfied huff. Grud thought to himself ‘how could my wife who shows such silly faces after getting fucked be so cute.’

They both drifted into peaceful silence as Nita stroked Grud’s hair while he closed his eyes. Nita looked down on the peaceful resting face of Grud and whispered “I wish we could stay like this forever” Grud hummed back in agreement “Mmmm…. This is a nice place. It has a nice spot for sunlight, the place is cool, there is drinking water and there are some fruit trees and berry bushes. It would be a nice place to hide away.” Nita nodded in agreement while imagining them having their own hut here while living out their life with the coming child and many more of their future children.

Nita looked down at her love and started to notice something different “Grud, did you grow taller again?” Grud peeked open an eye and asked “I did?” Nita leaned forward to get a better look at his body and her still naked breasts rested over Grud’s eyes. At first Grud was not in the mood after seeing his wife in distress from seeing his condition but now that everything has calmed down and with a pair of massive tits pressed into his face, how could he not pitch a tent on his loincloth.


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