Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 200: : Murder the fiance?

Latest website: The avatar rescued the needle gold, and then bravely rushed into the camp, almost defeating the bat monkey group with one person's power, saving everyone.

The camp is safe, the stand-in was warmly welcomed by everyone and treated as a hero.

Apart from the joy of victory, Zidi's heart was extremely heavy.

The sudden appearance of needle gold increased her pressure and made her panic.

She originally planned to treat the double as a tool, and if she escapes from the Strange Island, she will continue to cooperate with the Baizhen family. Because the war dealer died, she was simply unable to carry out the original plan.

But now, after so many adventures, Zidi's idea of ​​a substitute has changed drastically.

Compared to needle gold, she is more willing to think about the substitute from the heart.

However, the double is only a double after all, relying solely on her, relying on the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce like a candle in the wind, and relying on a double who has not yet known the truth, how can it resist the Baizhen family?

"I almost exposed my stuff before." Zidi was pacing in the tent, still lingering in her heart.

Everyone in the camp was cleaning the battlefield and was in a hurry.

"Wait a second, he must be impatient now, and will come to me on the initiative. I must hold him steady first!"

Sure enough, Zidi's conjecture was verified, the tent was opened, and the needle gold quickly got in with her waist bowed.

Seeing the girl with purple eyes, Zhenjin smiled exaggeratedly, and her attitude was very enthusiastic: "My dear Zidi, you are fine, it is really great! I thought you were killed, and I was very sad all those days."

Zhenjin stepped forward and opened his arms, wanting to embrace Zidi.

Disgust suddenly surged in Zidi's heart. She immediately took a step back, pretending to look around nervously: "My lord, be careful to be seen by others."

In fact, the two of them were in the tent, cut off from sight, where they would be seen.

Zhenjin was rejected, and his face suddenly collapsed.

Zidi hurriedly pretended to be excited, explaining, and deliberately complimenting: "After the shipwreck, a group of people and I were washed by the ocean current to another part of the island, which is a beach. My lord, I have been trying to find out these days. You. We all deserve it! I just saw you and I almost broke your identity with excitement, but fortunately, I saw your gaze, your lord, that made me sober."

After hearing Zidi's words, Zhenjin suddenly felt better, and he asked about the strength of the double.

Zidi shook his head: "He is a beast, but the memory instillation is not complete. I found that he can be part of the beast. As for whether there is a stronger combat power, I don't think there are many."

She concealed many things, such as the double can completely transform into a silver gun scorpion.

But Zidi went on to narrate some things in detail. These things were indifferent, but successfully won the trust of needle gold.

Jin Jin couldn't help showing a disappointed look: "In this way, he can't beat the mane."

Zidi was about to ask who Zong Ge was when footsteps came from outside the tent.

"Someone is coming." Zidi suddenly became nervous and immediately reminded the needle gold.

Zhenjin can only terminate the brief exchange with Zidi and leave quietly.

Bai Ya's voice came from outside the tent: "Master Zidi, the wounded have been gathered. Everyone is waiting for you to take action and treat them."

Zidi went to check on the wounded, in which she saw a comatose fat tongue.

The girl felt happy and relieved.

The veteran of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, he followed Zidi's father very early and was loyal and cared for Zidi.

However, when the shipwreck happened, Zidi tried to find the fat tongue, but could not find it. The boat was getting faster and faster, and Zidi could only lead a team of men and horses to leave quickly.

When Zidi was thinking about what kind of medicine to prepare, Fat Tongue woke up, and when he saw Zidi again, he was very excited.

"Okay, okay, get up quickly." Zidi stepped forward and patted the fat man on the shoulder, "Come with me to see Master Zhenjin."

"Acupuncture, acupuncture gold, adult? Adult's future, fiancé?" The fat old man took away his hand, looking confused.

Zidi explained: "Please don't blame me for the old man. I concealed some things from you. This time I went to Baisha City, not just to stand up for the Baizhen family. The real intention is to cover up the deeds and remove the needles. Master Jin escorted to Baisha City in advance. The people arranged by the Baizhen family for Master Jinjin suffered misfortune halfway through. I discussed with Master Jinjin and felt that this was malicious obstruction by competitors."

"There is a time limit for the election of the city lord. If you do not arrive in the election city within the specified time, you will lose points greatly. In order to prevent the competitor's conspiracy from succeeding, Master Aijin will follow me incognito under the guise of me. Beside him, boarded the pig kiss."

"Originally, it turned out to be, that's it." Fat Tongue suddenly realized.

Zidi brought his fat tongue to see the substitute. The substitute was in the camp, surrounded by many people like stars arching over him.

Zidi introduced: "My lord. This is Fat Tongue, one of the veterans of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce. This time we go to Baisha City, and he is my deputy."

"Fat, Fat Tongue pays respects to the adults." The fat old man hurriedly saluted the substitute, with a smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Zidi was in a trance.

She couldn't help but look forward to it: "If he was really a needle, how good it would be!"

"Unfortunately he is not..."

At this moment, Zidi hoped that the war dealers were alive. Because of his backing, the previous plan to replace needle gold can be successful.

Ask Muban about their experience as a substitute.

"Everything went smoothly, but the shipwreck happened suddenly and unexpectedly. The Pig Kiss broke up in two halves, but fortunately, it was very close to the island, so most of us fled ashore. We found out The captain is missing, and the chief officer presides over the situation..."

Muban told his substitute as much as he could about everything he knew.

Zidi's heart also fell back.

She found that she was not suspected. Although the captain's body was found, the mane had become a scapegoat. day by day

At the same time, she also learned about the performance of needle gold during this period.

"He has been playing Black Roll and has never come forward."

"He is obviously a real Templar and the only heir to the genuine Hundred Needles family. Such a noble identity can clearly make him support. But he is so weak and timid that he has been disguised."

"On the contrary, he is a half-orc who presided over justice and protected a weak woman."

"When I saw him before, he was also running away, abandoning his companions who were still fighting in the camp, and did not take the slightest responsibility."

Although Zidi had been exposed to needle gold very early and recognized his nature, at this moment, she was still very disappointed.

And the ironic nature is ridiculous.

"The real needle gold is so timid, but the false needle gold is a real, impeccable knight!"

"It would be great if the identities of the two were changed."

Thinking of this, Zidi suddenly had an idea in her mind-what if I kill the needle gold?

This thought spread her thoughts quickly.

"The needle gold is now a black scroll. He is dead and no one knows the truth. The substitute doesn't know the secret, he always thought he was a needle gold. The war dealer died too. I have been on the island for so long and I haven't seen it. Sharp diamonds. They must be so bad! I am afraid that only I know this secret in the world."

"Kill him and this secret will be covered up."

"We will go to the Wilderness Continent, far away from the Shengming Continent. I'm afraid we can't keep up with the competition for the position of Baisha City Lord, which is actually not bad."

"As long as you are not in a high position, who will care about the identity of a Templar knight?"

"Even if someone checks it, it's much looser than checking the identity of the lord of a city."

"Pretending to be the city lord, I must need the help of a war dealer like this. But disguising a knight, maybe I buy some magic items, it may also be fooled?"

When Zidi thought of this, her heart trembled and she felt terrified!

The object of terror is not others, but herself.

A strong sense of guilt and guilt spontaneously arise.

"I...what's wrong with me? I'm going to murder someone?"

Zidi has always been law-abiding.

She refused to marry, no longer use the money her father gave her, no matter how difficult life is, she did not do anything out of the ordinary.

After the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce incident, she endured it for a long time. In order to avenge her father, she took the risk of taking over the crippled chamber of commerce.

Subsequently, she was involved in the vortex of struggle.

The assassination of snails and the persecution of sharp diamonds made Zi Di involuntarily choose to marry the Baizhen family.

However, on the Mysterious Island, the war dealers had a more vicious conspiracy, forcing Zidi to cooperate with his plan.

Zidi had to do this.

On the pig kiss, the war dealer died, and Zidi's magic contract and marriage contract were invalidated.

The shipwreck was not part of Zidi's plan.

All the way to escape, she struggled to get here, but she was caught between the two men, the needle gold and the substitute, and she suffered.

For the first time in her life, she had the idea of ​​murdering her fiance.

"Gosh, why do I think this way?"

"Even if the needle is unbearable, he is still essentially an innocent person."

"I want to kill an innocent person for my own benefit? Zidi, when did I become so vicious? Are you such a vicious woman?"

Zidi severely suppressed the thought of crime in her heart.

The avatar talked with everyone for a while, but the boatman did not return.

The situation is not right, the substitute immediately set off to meet the boatman and his party.

During the conversation, Zidi learned about Zong Ge's strength, which made her worried.

"Under normal circumstances, the UU reading www.uukanshu.com stand-in should not be able to withstand the half-orcs. But if he becomes a beast, the trouble will be out of control! I must do my best to help him."

Seeing the double return the silver power of the rapier to the needle gold, Zidi immediately persuaded the double to keep the sword.

She succeeded in persuading the double to join the group of doubles.

After successfully rescuing the boatman and his party, Zidi and the Three Sword Commander met again, and they also saw the power of Mane Ge.

Zidi did not pry the people of the Three Swords Mercenary Group, and tried to attract the mane.

Zong Ge was not simple, he saw through the reality of the needle gold, and refused to solicit.

Almost, the double fought against Zong Ge.

Zidi looked terrified.

In the end, the stand-in made the decision to accept Zong Ge and his party.

This makes the girl more worried.

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