Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 192: : Resurrected from the dead? !

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"Strange." The avatar inspected the bloodline snake's body, "Where is the crystal nucleus in this monster?"

Zidi explained at the right moment: The beasts on this island are full of vitality, but there are no magic crystals in them. It may also be because of this that none of these monsters have shown any spell-like spells.

After explaining this, Zidi's mind suddenly flashed.

"Wait, maybe the forbidden magic environment on this island was prepared for these monsters!"

"These monsters are all made by war dealers, and the magic power in the body may not be balanced, so they can only survive in a forbidden environment."

"Once the forbidden environment disappears, these beasts may die out or even explode due to the imbalance of their magical power."

The more Zidi thought about it, the more he felt that this conjecture was right.

Since landing, she has witnessed many modified monsters.

"If these man-made monsters are so powerful, then war dealers would have sold them as arms dealers."

"But he didn't do it."

"This shows that these man-made monsters have fatal weaknesses and are not yet universally applicable."

Zidi glanced at the needle gold, to be on the safe side, she did not explain this conjecture.

Zidi secretly regretted: "The forbidden environment is likely to have always been there. When I first landed on Mysterious Island, I was received by a sharp diamond. I should have received special treatment at that time."

"The key now is that I don't know the scope of the forbidden demons. If the substitute has a silver-level cultivation base, will he be banned? He can't use his anger. Is it because of amnesia?"

"In short, now that he is the key to survival, we still need to stabilize him first!"

At night, by the campfire.

Zidi's gaze fell on the armband of the substitute Shintoku, and sighed: "If you had this iron armband, you would not have been injured by the bloodline centipede, my lord."

Zhenjin couldn't help but move his heart slightly, and couldn't help but stretch out his hand to stroke Zidi's hair.

Zidi trembles slightly.

"Big, sir." Zidi lowered her head, seeming to be frightened by the needle gold movement, holding her breath nervously like a kitten.

She was really scared, because she suddenly thought of one thing: "Acupuncture is a **** person. Should the double inherit this?"

"Go all the way in the day, cautiously, now it's night, only me and him."

"If he really has any intentions against me, I can't resist at all, and no one will come to save me!"

But the double quickly withdrew his hand and asked faintly: "Zidi, what do you think of me?"

This is a very difficult question to answer.

A bad answer will reveal flaws.

Zidi subconsciously held his breath, his thoughts turned sharply, and after careful consideration of the words, he responded: "Master Zhenjin, I don't actually know much about you." (The tone is set first to avoid many questions. .)

"But according to the rumors, adults, you are usually not close to women, and you are alone. Even if you encounter major events, you don't easily express emotions." (In this way, I hope you can reduce your attempts at me!)

"You spend most of your time doing temple penance, with a solemn expression and taciturn. And your clothes, food, shelter, and every move are elegant and calm, full of noble demeanor."

"Although you have few friends, you are willing to help others, especially to protect the weak and help the poor. So adults, your reputation among the lower classes has always been very good."

"Also, my lord, you suddenly made a move this time, and successfully joined this competition for the City Lord of White Sands. It seems to have surprised the other Templars."

Zidi's words created an almost perfect image of a Templar knight.

Since the memory is completely lost, then such a process is to shape and control him.

As for the future, returning to the human society, whether the double would have doubts because of knowing the truth, Zidi can no longer care so much. In fact, even if it is doubtful, Zidi has already explained in the first sentence-"Master Zhenjin, I don't actually know much about you."

There is no doubt about him as the substitute, because of Zidi's words, he quickly sketched the image of a boy with a city government in his heart.

Just as he was about to continue to inquire for more information, the fire bee swarm suddenly struck!

"Why is there a swarm of poisonous bees here?!" Zidi was shocked, almost confused.

At this moment, there is no loyal guard around her, only an amnesia substitute of unknown character.

Under the threat of death, if the substitute abandons Zidi and escapes, Zidi will not be surprised at all.

"My life is now on his body." At the critical juncture, Zi Di's mind flashed, "Yes!"

"This is the fire bee, my lord, run away. I'll come to the queen!"

"Hurry up, my lord!!" Zidi shouted, very urgently, revealing his death will.

"My lord, go away. I have medicine to detoxify!" Zidi urged again.

"You go! I'll deal with these poisonous bees." The substitute chose to stay, resisting Zidi's body.

Zidi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, under the attack of the swarm, the double fell into a bitter battle.

"Is it destined to be my death date today?"

Just when Zidi was close to despair, Zhenjin suddenly displayed his fighting skills, a hundred needles.

"This is?!" Zidi raised her head, her expression shocked, with surprises.

Zhenjin's counterattack gave her hope.

"As expected of an adult!" Zidi blurted out, cheering for the needle gold.

One by one the poisonous bees fell on the ground, and the Hundred Needle Wind Fighting technique restrained these poisonous bees.

"My lord..." Zidi was fully guarded, looking at Zhenjin's back at the moment, his eyes reflected the weakening campfire, shining brightly.

"It seems that the memory crystal at least instills some content, but it requires strong stimulation or targeted triggering."

"He has been protecting me, he should be convinced of what I said."

"For a short time, he is reliable."

"Damn, he has been stung too many times. I have accumulated too much fire and poison, even if I have the medicine, I can't save him."

Zidi stood behind the avatar, watching carefully and becoming more worried.

The last wave of fire poisonous bees struck, and the avatar knew that it would be difficult for him to fight again, so he could only take Zidi's hand and turn around and flee.

The two plunged one head into the dark jungle.

"My lord, let me stay. I'll get it away..." Zidi gasped.

"Shut up!" Zhenjin suddenly stopped and turned to face Zidi.

The girl exclaimed and slammed into Zhen Jin's arms following her inertia.

The next moment, the girl turned around, her vision changed drastically.

After regaining her senses, she realized that she had been held in her arms by the needle and she kept running wildly.

Zidi clings to the hard, broad chest of the substitute, feeling the strong male breath he exudes from the vigorous exercise.

She has never been hugged like this by a young man!

In her field of vision, there were patches of dark shadows attacking her.

Those are branches and vines in the rain forest.

Because of the rampage of the avatar, the branches and vines along the way were broken and torn one after another.

"Is this... the feeling of being protected?" An inexplicable emotion rippled in Zidi's heart.

But soon, she cleared up her emotions and calmly took out a potion from her purse. With the help of the firefly-like gleam of the potion itself, he tried his best to help the substitute barely distinguish the way.

Then, she used one potion to try to delay the pursuit of the fire bee colony. Soso

The teleportation took place at this stage, but the double and Zidi were both in a very tense state and did not notice this.

In the end, they were forced by the fire bee colony and had to escape into the cave.

The fire broke out, and the status of the substitute was extremely poor.

Zidi gradually became desperate.

Leaning on the only trace of clarity left in his mind, he weakly said to Zidi: "Go, go."

But the girl shook her head violently, her eyes flickering with tears, she said with a hint of crying resolutely: "No, my lord! I will never leave you. I finally found you, we finally got to this point, why? I can give up!"

(Without your stand-in, how could I escape from the Wandering Island alone? The big deal is just like that! I just lost the bet, underestimated the Wandering Island, underestimated the war dealers, I accept this result, it does not mean me Can't afford to lose.)

An accident happened.

The monkey-tailed brown bear felt that the territory had been violated and rushed out, driving the swarm of fire and poisonous bees out of the cave.

Zidi and the double are temporarily safe, but the double is in worse condition and is dying.

Zidi shook his head again and refused: "I won't leave, I won't give up. My lord, I can dispense the potion, and I can definitely dispense the correct potion! We still have hope, please don't give up!"

"Quick, quick, move faster!"

Zidi shouted in her heart, while pulling out one by one potion bottles.

In order to save time, she poured the medicine directly on the spot, corroding a small round pit.

"Simple medicines can no longer save the substitute, but can only temporarily dispense targeted, more powerful medicines!"

"Zi Di, come on!"

"You must succeed! Save the double, you still have the possibility to survive and escape from here!!"

The girl's movements were unprecedentedly swift, and the contents of the barbarian potion that had been memorized by her memorized quickly turned in her mind.

She mixed several medicines together, and then took out many kinds of dry grass leaves and roots from her arms, first crushed them into pieces, and then poured them into the pit.


The mixed medicine in the round pit began to bubble and smoke.

Zidi knew that her hope of survival was at this moment, and it was up to her whether she could grasp it.

The tremendous pressure forced her, she shed tears while dispensing the medicine.

In order to pursue the ferocious medicinal effect, she risked to mix in a lot of violent potions, and she had no idea, but she knew that other methods were absolutely hopeless.

Fortunately, the medicine she prepared successfully awakened the double and eliminated a lot of fire poison from the double. But at the same time, the ingredients of a large number of violent potions are also squeezing the vitality of the substitute.

Once the effect of the medicine is over, the substitute is dead or alive, and Zidi is unsure.

The avatar took Zidi to escape the cave, but saw the scaly-horned panther group and the monkey-tailed brown bear fighting.

Because of the blocking of the herd, the substitute and Zidi's escape plan failed, and they could only retract into the cave again.

The monkey-tailed brown bear returned victoriously and ate ore to heal his injuries.

Faced with a difficult choice again, the substitute once again awakened a certain memory of needle gold, he finally made a decision and rushed to the monkey-tailed brown bear without hesitation.

The tragic fight!

It's totally fighting for life.

The double arm was completely broken, the muscles of both arms became minced meat, many fractures on the body, and severe internal organ bleeding.

The claws of the monkey-tailed brown bear pierced the double's belly and nailed him to the ground. The hot claws cooked his intestines and flesh instantly.

In the end, the stand-in and the brown bear bite each other, and both of them perish!

"All, all dead?!"

Zidi stood in a daze. It took a long time before her body trembled and she woke up suddenly.

She hurried to the body of the substitute, checked him with a chance, and after confirming his death, Zidi's emotions became very complicated.

The first is shock.

She had never seen such a brutal fight so close.

Gratitude followed.

"He died for me."

"He's like a real knight. No, the war dealer once said that he was a silver knight before the transformation!"

"I should trust him more."

The last is loneliness and fear.

"Now... I am the only one left!"

The stand-in was awakened, but after spending a day and night together, he died.

In the huge mysterious island, in the dense jungle, among the endless fierce beasts, there is only one person left by Zidi.

How should she go? How to survive?

Zidi has no answer, no direction, she is shrouded in despair.

She sat on the ground, leaning on the body of the substitute, thinking about her life, thinking of her father's hatred, and recalling the shipwreck.

She is sometimes angry, sometimes hateful, sometimes regretful, sometimes unbelievable, and it feels like a dream.

After all, she is just a fifteen year old girl!

She curled up her body, embracing her legs with her arms ~ www.readwn.com~ The silent cave became her grave.

Time passed silently, and I don't know how long it had passed.

Zidi suddenly raised her head. There were still tears on her face, but her eyes had become firm again!

"No, it's not the last moment. I can't give up yet!"

"Even if I'm the only one left, I have hope of getting out of here."

"Even if the hope is extremely small, I will try my best to grasp it."

Zidi regained her fighting spirit, wiped her tears severely, and started to take action.

The first thing she needs to do is to collect the materials for the medicine.

In this forbidden environment, the most helpful thing is the medicine. Especially the potions on the barbarian leather rolls.

However, when she was half kneeling on the ground, collecting the blood of the bear corpse, she heard a soft bang.

Zidi's heart beat fiercely, and quickly turned her head to see the awakened double.

The strong shock struck suddenly, and she exclaimed in her heart: "Impossible, he was already dead just now!"

Resurrected? !

For a while, Zidi could hardly believe what she saw with her own eyes.

Because there is no magic here, let alone divine art, how could it be resurrected for no reason?

"Wait." Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in her mind, "The double was made by the war dealer himself, and the war dealer personally admitted that this is his most proud work!"

"Could it be that this is one of the effects of war traffickers reform?"

"Think about it carefully, it seems very possible! The war dealer wants to replace the needle gold with a substitute, and even the blood of the queen golden bee is used. He makes all-out efforts to transform it, and it is reasonable that the substitute has the ability to resurrect."

Zidi reacted in almost one or two breaths.

The girl immediately rushed to the substitute and exclaimed in surprise: "My lord?! Lord Needle, you are awake!"

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