Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 130: : I am a fat ball flying fish

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"This forest is a bit unusual!"

A half-elf mercenary paused slightly, and he watched the forest in front of him cautiously, and found a decaying breath in the forest. Whether it is the color of the trunk or the foliage, it is much darker than the normal forest.

Compared with normal humans, this half-elf mercenary has slightly pointed ears and Weibi's eyes. These characteristics indicate that the blood of the half-elf of his body is not rich and relatively thin.

Despite this, the blood of the half-elf still makes him more suitable for the forest than normal people. Without relying on any reference object, he can barely distinguish the direction in the forest, and the result of this judgment is roughly correct.

The expedition team appointed him to investigate in the front, which is also the best use.

"Wouldn't it be..." The half-elf's expression gradually became more serious, and he thought of information about the blade spider.

This information has been circulated to everyone, in order to increase the probability of survival of everyone on this island.

The half-elf was careful to reduce the speed to the slowest, and gradually penetrated into this dark forest.

After a while, he returned to his place with cold sweat.

"Acknowledged! A large group of blade spiders perched in front." The half-elves soon informed the large troops behind this important information.

"Is there a spider web?" the boatman asked with an excited tone.

The half-elf shook his head.

The boatman sighed: "According to intelligence descriptions, the blade spider's web is sticky and tough. It is most likely to be a sail or even a superior material for bonding wood!"

"Don't worry, we will get it." Pin Jin smiled. "It's almost evening, stop walking, and camp here, then we have to solve this group of spiders!"

"Yes, sir." Everyone led the order.

After the camp was burned down, the people rested for a few days, and according to the results of the joint discussion, they began to move forward through the forest.

In the eyes of most people, there is still a blue dog jackal alive, and it is of little significance to stay in place. It is likely that the new camp has just been built and will usher in an attack of the larger Warcraft Legion.

Leaving the original site of the camp, the farther the better.

In addition to this reason, there are several other important reasons.

First, the sea ship is huge and it is impossible to build in the forest. Because it is necessary to transport the built ships to the sea, the engineering volume is too large to exceed the limit of manpower. Unless it was good luck, he was transported to the beach by the boat. This method of relying on luck is obviously unreliable.

Second, the sea boat is not a river boat, the bottom of the boat is not flat, at least there must be a V-shaped. Such a structure can better counter the huge wind and waves in the ocean. The V-shaped hull is difficult to launch. Towing on the ground and pulling hard will damage the hull. Therefore, everyone needs at least a dock, and the dock is naturally built near the water.

Third, the workload of building a sea vessel is very large. The more manpower is needed, the better. The team returned to the beach and merged the remaining survivors to have the largest labor force. At the same time, according to the size of the remaining personnel, it is possible to determine exactly what type of sea vessel to manufacture. The construction is too large and unnecessary, wasting time and manpower and adding risks. If the construction is too small, it is necessary to abandon some people and stay on the island. This is what Jin Jin does not want to see.

Pin Jin’s order was quickly conveyed, the team stopped, and everyone began to get busy in an orderly manner.

Cangsu is responsible for the overall arrangement.

Marlin led a group of people to use weapons and flames to disperse snakes, insects, rats and ants.

Bai Ya led people to lay traps around the campsite.

Black rolls and others got the medicine distributed by Zidi, and began to sway in the camp and the built tent.

Muban lay on the ground and checked the trailer.

These trailers are designed and manufactured by him. A total of 12 trailers are manufactured, which provides great convenience for the team to transport materials.

The towing of the trailer mainly depends on manpower. Eight of the trailers are handled by big men, and the other four are allocated to other physically capable people.

The main inspection of Muban is the axle of the trailer.

"This one is about to crack. Big man, remove the wood from above, we have to change the axle." Muban cried to the big man.

The big man was sitting on the ground, sweating, and after glancing at the short wooden shift beside him, he moved his eyes away.

Muban shook his head helplessly and shouted to the boatman not far away: "Hurry and talk about your son."

"How many times has he said that he is not my son." The boatman immediately retorted and immediately raised his voice, "Hurry, move all the wood on the car."

"Okay, Dad." The big man immediately stood up and dragged his tired body.

He has the bloodline of a giant, a humanoid crane, holding the wood in one arm, then throwing it, throwing it on the ground, and rolling a few times.

Muban seemed to be stepped on his feet, jumped up, anxious and angry: "Silly big guy, light, light, you rude guy. We finally moved this wood here, don't break it. Even in the forest, such good wood is rare!"

"Slow down, let it go gently, understand?" the boatman shouted loudly.

"I see, Dad."

"Don't call me dad!"

After some noise, the wood on the car was unloaded, and the trailer was overturned by a big man, and Mu Ban took people to dismantle the axle.

"There are not many spare axles."

"If we stay here for a long time, we can seize the moment and make up for some."

Mu Ban planned in his heart.

Most tents are set up, not everyone has a tent.

The number of tents is still relatively tight.

It is not uncommon for several people to be packed in a small tent.

Of course, the pin gold tent is the largest and often the first one to be built.

As the day was full of sunset, the window on the top of Zidi's tent also began to smoke thickly.

The smoke has a strange smell-this is the purple pedestal is seizing the time, using chemicals to dissolve the ore, extract the iron in it.

Speaking of this, when the team left the original site of the camp, Pin Jin specially guided a small team to find a large amount of ore in the cave.

The weight of these ores is very large. It is the result of the continuous excavation of needle gold into a monkey tail brown bear in the night after the war.

This discovery led Cangsu to speculate that monkey-tailed brown bears may have the habit of grinding their paws.

For the old scholar to have such misunderstanding, Pin Jin can only say sorry in the bottom of his heart, he is not easy to explain.

When the sun went down completely, the night fell and the whole camp was much quieter. The construction work has been completed, several large bonfires are burning, and people start making dinner.

Now even if there is a swarm of fire and poison bees, people are not worried.

Zidi's pharmacy has made many achievements. Whether it is a bat monkey or a threat from the fire bee colony, it has plummeted because of the pharmacy.

Jing Jin watched the players sitting next to each other, chatting and discussing before the bonfire, sometimes making a laughing sound, and satisfied.

At this moment, it seems that identity, ethnic barriers, and prejudice never existed.

Before, the team split into two camps, but now everyone is very harmonious.

Speaking of which, I would like to thank the Warcraft Legion. At the same time, there is another reason that the status of the needle gold is raised again-in the hearts of everyone, the teenager is not a simple Templar knight, but a godly knight!

Of course, in order to unite everyone as much as possible, Pin Jin also secretly summoned the rope after the camp defense, and talked to him, clearly assuring him that he would help the rope in the future and build a new sea boat for him.

But Nazismo refused his proposal and instead knelt on the ground, expressing to Jin Jin the desire and prayer to follow Jin Jin.

In Sisuo's view: Rather than follow his father's old path, it is better to be loyal to the needle. The prospect of following a godly knight is so bright and bright, and in normal circumstances, even if you want to hold this thigh, you can’t reach it. But the shipwreck gave him a unique opportunity, he could not allow himself to miss.

While thanking Cangsu for his speculation and propaganda, Zhenjin agreed to the loyalty of the cable.

At the same time as loyalty, Mange also succumbed, converging his ambitions, without any desire to challenge the authority of gold.

Such a result is enough to prove that Jin Jin's strategy to hunt down the blue dog jackal was correct.

He deliberately showed his strong fighting power in front of Mange. Not only is it convenient for you to be able to use part of the mutation ability in public in the future, but more important is to deter this powerful orc.

Mange is very big picture, otherwise he will not overthrow the second officer, nor will he promise to return to the camp with him.

After knowing that even a duel with Pin Jin would not be his opponent, Mane Ge then worked very well with Pin Jin.

The situation in which Mange fully rescued Pin Gold also made Pin Gold treat the half-orc eye-catchingly.

In short, under the unremitting efforts of Jin Jin, the team has obtained the best stage results.

He tried his best to preserve the vitality of the team without excessive internal friction due to division and confrontation.

He wiped out the Warcraft Legion, and the three blue dog jackals were killed by him.

And his credit and hard work, the tribulations and risks in it, I am afraid that only he knows best.

To wear the crown must bear its weight.

What Jin Jin secretly carries is beyond the expectations of ordinary people.

Perhaps this is the price of being a leader.

In the middle of the night, Pin Jin left the camp again.

His habit of night patrol is well known. As a leader and aristocrat, needle gold has always set an example and paid in silence. The key night watch is almost uninterrupted. Such perseverance makes people respect him.

However, everyone did not know that every time the needle was far from the camp, the first thing was to strip off his clothes.

After the camp defense, not only the armor but also the personal clothing were destroyed. But soon after, he had new clothes and crocodile-headed hammer-tailed leather armor.

Putting the armor properly and storing it, the needle gold changed into a silver flying squirrel.

After practicing hard for a while, he sighed in discouragement.

Still can't discharge.

I can't find the feeling of muscle strength.

Speaking of that, Jin Jin once caught a few flying squirrels alive, but the Yingzhai all died in the first battle.

However, because Mange has temporarily surrendered to needle gold, needle gold is no longer so urgent for mastering discharge skills.

After practicing a flying squirrel form, the pin gold switched to a silver bat monkey.

During the day when the team was moving forward, he opened his mouth slightly, often using ultrasound to probe the team's direction and the situation nearby.

Ultrasonic detection is very convenient and more practical than lizard eyes.

But even if a powerful Warcraft is detected, as long as it does not endanger the entire team, Pin Jin pretends to be unaware.

Before the half-elf mercenary found the blade spider group, Pin Jin had already discovered it, but he remained silent about it.

Of course, he can "predict" certain things in the name of God, but if he always does this, he will give the impression of "abusing God's grace with needles and gold, this Templar knight doesn't know what to do". Cangsu and Zidi are smart people, and they will make them suspicious.

"One, two, three..." Pin Gold came to the spider forest and used ultrasound to quickly find out the location of all spiders.

This group of spiders is larger than he has ever encountered.

There are two silver-level spider heads.

Without flying into the spider forest in the form of a bat monkey~www.readwn.com~ At the next moment, the needle Jinyi became a... fat ball flying fish.


The fat ball flying fish pin gold fanned the shark fin, swinging the fish tail, slowly rising, and rising all the way above the canopy, then he flew to the spider forest.

Then he kept spitting towards the bottom.

The body temperature of fat ball flying fish is very high, you can spray hot saliva. The attack effect of this method is very weak, and the really powerful method of fat ball flying fish is self-detonation before death.

However, the saliva of the flying fish needle gold has completely changed qualitatively.

Every saliva is the fragrance of the blue dog jackal!

The scent was sprayed everywhere, and it quickly evaporated due to boiling heat. Soon after, the scent permeated the entire spider forest.

Pin Jin waited for a while, he canceled the flying fish form, turned into a bat monkey, and fell into the canopy.

The blade spiders looked at him quietly, and this huge spider beast had already surrendered to him!

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