Chapter 306: Chapter CXXIV - Another Day of Exams (part 1)
The other tests went more or less like the first day.
Class E dominating the scores as well as the top three that is being announced by the class A teacher on top of a podium. Actually, some of us even did it a little too overkill.
Especially on the magic output test. Everyone from class A to D was very shocked to see how class E had so much fire power in just a single attack. Not even class A can rival us.
Except for that Arfius guy.
Everyone can only watch in awe when he summons the sky god and slammed the ground with its thunderous roar.
He f*cking summons a creature made out of blue lightning from the skies using his Knight tier lightning magic, and then devastated the ground completely with it.
As a result, the whole arena that the teachers were setting up got extremely devastated to ruins, even though his target was a simple dummy owned by teacher Fergulus.
He received rank one on the magic output test, while rank two and three are from class E, which is Manda and Maneil.
Those two have been improving so much on their destructive magic attacks. I'm so proud of them.
Manda is merging her creation magic and her Intermediate tier fire magic, and as a result, she has a firepower equal to those of a Knight tier fire magic. While Maneil was already a Knight tier water magician, and she is hella good.
Jericho didn't want the spotlight this time, so she just stayed put in fourth place, even though she could easily snatch number two using her Knight tier wind magic.
As for me...
"The headmaster specifically told me that you are banned from this test. No comments."
How the f…-!?
I could only stand frozen when the two teachers, Miss Malindey and Mister Fergulus, confronted me and told me about the headmaster's message.
I can only stand frozen while Jericho and Manda patted me on the shoulders.
And that is how I got banned from a test. Though, I did get the perfect score by default, so I can't have any comments about it.
You win this time, Arfius...
And finally, all the practical exams were done. The test ended and all the students returned to their dorms. And tomorrow, we will go on to the writing based exam or the theoretical exam.
"Come on guys! We have studied hard for this!"
Elmone shouted at the class before the teacher entered. The class E students were very anxious about the writing exam, because this is quite difficult compared to the practical exams.
Everyone else seemed to be gloomy and hopeless, but I simply chuckled. Right now, they are more than enough to handle the matter at the table.
The teacher finally came. Miss Henije then quickly spreads the paper filled with questions and for us to answer one by one. She told us not to open it yet until everyone receives the paper.
And after everyone got it, she told us to open the paper.
"Oh my god."
"Oh... Yes..."
"Haha! I'm saved!"
See? The test is easy.
But things seemed to be getting rowdier, and the teacher turned intense very quickly.
"Hey! Quite down!"
The teacher barked, and everyone quickly went on with the test. They didn't stop moving their pen because their mind already knows the answer.
Now that's a feeling I have missed in a long time. An overkill on an exam, where you are too overly good on the test that it makes you hasty to answer the questions.
In less than ten minutes, everyone had already finished their test.
"What? You are done?"
I walked to the teacher after waiting for ten minutes. Everyone was done, but no one dared to move forward to tell the teacher. So I took the liberty and moved forward to hand the paper.
She took the paper from my hand and then read the answers. She nodded at me and let me leave.
And one by one the students also moved forward to give the teacher their answers, making her very confused.
"You are all done…? Why didn't you all just tell me so?"
The teacher then accepts the paper from all the students and we leave the classroom around the same time. While we strolled down the hallway, we took a peek at how it goes inside the other classes.
Everyone from the other classes is still thinking very hard. They are trying to answer while clicking their pens to the table, and some even pulling their hair because they don't know the answer.
Everyone from class E tried very hard not to laugh too loud as they looked from the window.
As we were walking down the hallway together as a whole class, a single person came out of the classroom that belongs to class A.
It's Arfyes Pluraris.