Unlasting World

Chapter 304: Chapter CXXIII - Exams (part 1)

It's time for the mid-semester exam.


Just like every Monday, the morning starts with a ceremony. The vice headmaster talks about some stuff regarding the exam, yada-yada-yada.


And then, he disbanded the ceremony.


Here we go. Monday, the first week of mid-semesters exam. It's the magic control test. 


Everyone from class E… is hyped.


It's time we destroy the other classes.


The test takes place at the gymnasium, and all five classes in the first year were called there.


There are five tables placed meters away from each other, each for the five different classes. Class E is at the far left, so we aren't exactly sandwiched by two other classes.


The test goes by the ranking, so the lowest ranking goes first.


Which is… me.


"Okay, Rize. Just like you have trained."


Miss Malindey said to calm me down, but I'm calm. I'm perfectly calm.


I placed my hand on the magic control tool and the colour turned red immediately.


"Show me green."




"Wow... Okay, Blue."


Now, Blue.


"Holy... Purple."


And now Purple.


She clicked the timer immediately and announced.


"Four point two seconds!"


Everyone else from the other classes then had their gazes dropped at me. What kind of monster did the test in less than five seconds?


The next student up on the list in class E is Lemillia. Who would have thought someone like her is placed dead last on class E? I mean she is kind of timid and ashamed to show her real colour, but she is definitely talented!


Lemillia quickly did the test and made it pretty easily.


"Six point seven seconds!"


Everyone from the other class quickly skipped a beat. Did class E actually cheat or something?


One by one the students from class E did the test, and none of us managed to get above ten seconds. Our worst one is Manda, who is panicking extremely and managed to ruin her test. But, she still made it in nine point eight seconds.


Nine point eight, that's still faster than any other students from the other class.




"Arfius Polaris! Four seconds!"


A shout from the teacher coming from class A can be heard throughout the entire gymnasium. Everyone quickly turned into havoc and shouted at the name 'Polaris'.


"Oh... That guy."


Jericho mumbles when she hears the name.


So far, I was holding the record of the fastest. And then, he managed to beat me and made it in only four seconds.


He did it intentionally.

I see you… 'Arfy'.


After a while, every student has finished their test. The teacher from class A quickly moved to the tall platform that was made by an earth magician, and he spoke to all the students present at the gymnasium.


"Everyone, thanks for coming and taking the test. If you have a low score or if you did terribly, don't feel bad because there is always the final semester test.


And as the vice headmaster promised, the top three students on this test will receive a reward, which is an extra score. 


"Now, let's see..."


The teacher opened the list and read the top three students who managed to make it the fastest.


"Now at position one, is... Class E, Jericho Ammonel. With only two and a half seconds!"


Everyone in class E cheered loudly for Jericho.


Bloody hell that Jericho... She told the teacher to read the test colours as quickly as she could. And what's crazier, is that the teacher barely said any word, and Jericho managed to do them all correctly.


Hence, the two and a half seconds.


"What the hell?"


"Class E is definitely cheating!"


"Yeah! There is no way!!"


The students from the other classes don't seem to believe it, but it's the truth. She actually threatened the teacher. Haha.


"Second place is... Class A, Arfius Polaris with exactly four seconds!"


The name of the son of the arch mage was called, and everyone shouted like crazy.


"Now this is a legit talent!"


"That class E is a mistake. Arfius is the real champion here!"


"Yeah! This is realzies!"


The students quickly took the side of 'Arfy' very easily. Because they just don't trust the class E at all.


"And in third place... Class E, Rize Violet. With four point two seconds!"


Class E cheered loudly yet again, and this time, many of them patted my shoulders. I only reacted with a laugh.


The teacher then closed his speech by giving everyone a round of applause for trying on the test. After that, we all went back to our dorms and rested for the later test.


Later on at ten o'clock, is the second test which is the magic capabilities test. The test requires us to do some tasks that the tester asked us to do, and everyone will be requested to do the same tasks.


The test is done at the back court, which is nice because I don't have to walk far from the dorm. Though, it is quite hot since the sun is shining on us without anything blocking it.


And as usual, I am the first to do the test...


"Can I like… do the test last...?"


I pleaded to the teacher, and mister Fergulus quickly turned his gaze at me.


"Sure, if you want."



I quickly walked to the back and let Lemillia do first, which somehow shocked her a little because she was always shy.


"Hey! Why are you here?!"


Jericho suddenly called me out when I walked to the back. Apparently she was the top student of class E, so she had to do it last.


"Well, I don't want to be the first all the time, so I'll let Lemillia be the first for this test."


"Wow... You are cruel to the poor Lemillia."


"Well, I just don't want to be compared with Arfius."


Hearing me saying that name, Jericho looked quite surprised. But she understood, so she let go of it.


The test requires us to do multiple tasks, like augmenting the fist, throw a ranged attack, or maybe do a high leap by enchanting the legs.


And from the looks of it, everyone in class E managed to do the test perfectly.


Again, Manda had to mess up on her augmenting. She was too worried that she wouldn't be able to do it, and as a result, she couldn't do it.


She is... the only one who failed the augmenting test…


Like, only her… In our class. 








Me and Jericho facepalmed around the same time.

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