Unlasting World

Chapter 285: Chapter CXIII - Drowned in Power (part 2)


As I curled my fingers, everything began to change.

Everyone can only watch as the ground started to melt from the fire force of the firebomb. The wind is also fluctuating from the pressure coming from the firebomb, and pebbles on the ground can be seen shaking and bouncing.


Compressing this much of an energy gives me a headache... but, it will be even more powerful than before.

Not only is this thing a Knight tier firebomb, it also has a force that is twice the normal one. It will be… multiple times more powerful.


The ground around me cracked very loudly, and seeing how the surroundings slowly became affected, I quickly fired the firebomb to the skies. 


Even when firing it sounded so different… It's like I'm actually shooting from a cannon. It was both heavy and powerful, that the firebomb was able to fly very far-far away to the clouds, around a kilometer away from us.

But even at that distance...




At first, it was blinding and deafening. Everyone knew this, and immediately covered their eyes. 

Then, the explosion comes.




It's like the sun's collapse all over again, except it was in the skies. 


The diameter started around fifty meters, but it exploded even more and grew beyond a kilometer. The shockwave arrived after around three seconds, which is fairly quick considering how far that thing is from us.


Luckily it wasn't that bad. While everyone was being shoved back by the wind shockwave slightly, my eyes could not move away from the explosion.

Until about thirty seconds later, when the shockwave finally disappeared, while staring at the gigantic cloud of black mushroom smoke I finally muttered.


"Oh, wow… It's a lot bigger."


Apparently, they all heard it.


Sensing the burning gazes, I turned to them and noticed all the stares that were directed at me with a really annoyed expression.


They thought that they have gone much stronger, only to find that there's an other-worldly existence right next to them. Surely, they are extremely annoyed.


"W-What was that?"


A voice came behind us. We all turned to find the earthen magicians team that came to check out the explosion. They were so busy building the little cave that we somehow forgot they were also here.


"Nothing. We were just testing our new abilities."

I said to them, and one of them shook their head.


"Come. I believe it's about to be done."



The interior of the cave might be empty, but damn this is large.


It's as if we are entering the boss room of a dungeon. The cave is ten meters in height, over fifty meters in length, and twenty meters in width. To go into the cave, we have to go down the deep staircase for about twenty meters until we finally arrive.


The way they polished the walls and grounds, as well as the pillars supporting the ceiling is incredible.




I muttered. This room should fit its function well.


"What is this place?"

Elmone asked from behind me.


"This can be our new base."

We explored the new base we have, even though there's nothing here. I planned the rooms with the earth magicians, but they say they are quite tired and will continue doing the rooms tomorrow.


"Okay. Now that we are all finished, let's all return to the academy."

I said to everyone else, and they seemed to be eager to return as well. We closed off the cave's entrance with a giant stone that fits perfectly with the entrance, and left it like that. Then we strolled down the forest, fighting beasts and monsters, until we arrived at the academy together.

"Fuwahh... I'm tired…"


Manda mumbled after we arrived. We didn't go upstairs immediately, because if we did, it might attract attention.


"Okay. Three people at a time. Go."


I said to everyone, and the first three students went up the staircase. Group after group, until it's just me, Manda, and Jericho.


"Okay. Let's go."


"Wait, Rize."

Manda stopped me before I went up the staircase.


"W-What about everyone else? The ones who didn't stay?"


She must be talking about Maneil and the others. I guess it's correct to worry, considering how much they missed in just a single day.


"Well, I sort of predicted that some of them would leave, so I guess it's fine for them to come back. But tomorrow, there will be a punishment for them. How does that sound?"




She must have expected that I would ban them from the training class. I really would, but I do need everyone on board for this to work. I simply forgave them and just gave them some punishment later on.


Tomorrow, the class begins again. And, it's Magic Aptitude class.


Surely, the teacher was very much surprised seeing how ten students were able to tier up that easily. It was merely two days after their last meeting, and somehow, ten students were able to tier up.


But, we can't go to the court anymore, because the back court is currently being used by the senior classes. So, the teacher can only gulp down her saliva.


"Then, today's class will be about the three basics of magic. Destruction magic, Creation magic, and Restoration magic.


We all have seen destruction magic many times, since it was divided into multiple elements. And then the restoration magic, including healing magic. And finally the all rounder magic, the creation magic.


I think we can just skip the destruction magic easily, because all of you already know about that. But for restoration magic, it is divided into multiple types, like healing magic and time magic.


Time magic was mysterious, and the rarity was very high. Finding a time magician was simply impossible, since to create a single time magic, it requires many advanced magicians working together. But, it was said that time magic's abilities only goes to seeing the past or the future, kinda like a seer. Such an ability, and it requires so many things to do, so it was a little disliked by all magicians.


Healing magic, well, we have seen Rize in action. It can heal any wounds and poison. At higher tiers, it can even recover curses or grow a new limb. But at the god tier, it was known to be able to create life itself!"




The students were curious about that, but I already know the story. I read a lot of books, so I know about it.


Long ago, in the past, there was a town that got completely devastated by an evil god. Nearly everyone in that town dies, and it was a rather large town. So, the goddess of restoration came down from heaven and revived those who died in that town.


It was a rather fascinating story, but that was it. It doesn't say anything else about what happened to the goddess after that, or what the evil god's reaction was.


The fact that the evil god even kills humans is funny, because it was so pathetic. Then again, I have met the orc god.


Wait, actually… could the story be real…?


"… And then, there's the creation magic. The creation magic is quite unpopular because of how boring it is. And yet, it's actually the most powerful of the three! With creation magic, you can create all the elements and turn them into destruction magic. With creation magic, you can regrow the wound of a wounded person, like a restoration magic.


Creation magic is basically all other two magics combined. But of course, the scale of the power is much weaker than the two, and it was very difficult to use. In the end, it depends on the caster's strength."


Hearing the explanation, Manda quickly went wide eyed. I can even see sparkles from back here.


"Though, creation magic users is quite rare as well. It's even rarer than light or shadow magicians. Is there anyone in this class with creation magic?"

Manda lifted her hand immediately. But, seeing how no one else has it, she quickly doubts herself and slowly lowers it down.


"No, no. It's fine! That's great how you have that magic! You should polish it and you can easily become like the headmaster or the arch-mage in the future!"




Everyone was amazed, but Manda was even brighter. I simply sat here with a chuckle.




Ah, right... The highest rank.


Xyphon is a kingdom that is widely known for its magic and mages. Which means, ranks for mages were also heavily recognized by the king. The highest rank that a mage can get, is the arch-mage.


An arch-mage's second name is Magic King. Which is fair, because there is only one of them in the kingdom. And he basically ruled over all things military in this kingdom.


I wonder how strong the arch-mage is… I wonder if I'm strong enough to beat him.


After a while, the class ended, and everyone else left the room.


"Rize, Rize! Let's go to the library!"


Manda suddenly approached me before I left the class room.

"I want to look for a book about creation magic. I believe it's about time I learn it!"


"Ah, me too."

Jericho came behind her. The two are already like a nut, inseparable.


"Ah, can we come too? We also would like to read about the higher tiers of our magic."


Elmone came behind us, and along with his two other male friends. We decided to go as a pack to the library.


"All right then, but be wary. Libraries are the place where silent killers are at."


The boys didn't get my sentence, but Jericho and Manda understood completely. 


After all, we had an experience there.


And just like that, I turned around and led the way to the library. Then, somehow it slipped my mind…


"Ah… which way is the library… again?"

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