Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 159 Fire!

Chapter 158 Blocking the Door

When he learned that Chongqi was the 'bride', Li Yelai was shocked and ridiculous. He did not expect that Chongqi was the 'bride'.

Didn't you expect her parents to be so vicious?

He actually dedicated his daughter to the returnees.

It's true that there were circumstances where they had to give up their daughter, but for such a long time.

They can contact the authorities to deal with the returnees.

Now, the existence of psykers in the great city is an open secret. Shouldn't they seek official help when faced with such supernatural forces?

However, they just sat back and watched as the returnees came to take away the heavy horses.

Isn't that their daughter? Isn’t it their flesh and blood?

Due to family reasons, Li Yelai was very resentful of his father.

Because he abandoned his seriously ill wife and himself and his sister. He was a complete scumbag.

However, people are compromised, and Li Yelai's father seems to be less of a scumbag in front of more beastly people.

At least, he wasn't evil enough to sell his sister.

It’s really incomparable to Chongqi’s parents!

In terms of animals, I, Li Yelai, am willing to call you the strongest!

"You should have been arrested and shot for ten minutes!" Li Yelai said angrily, but then calmed down.

After all, these things can only be considered after dealing with the returnees.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the returnee to be a lolicon." Li Ye glanced at the motorcade in the distance and couldn't help but cursed.

"Indeed." Jing Lin glanced at Chongqi and nodded in agreement.

Chongqi is about the same age as Li Yelai, around twenty-four.

But the overall appearance seems to be a little younger than the nineteen-year-old Kage Liu.

She is about the same height as Cheese, both less than 1.6 meters tall.

But the physical difference is huge.

Cheese usually wears sweatshirts to look slim, so it's not obvious yet. But Li Yelai knew that she had a very good figure.

However, Zhongqi is not obvious no matter what he wears. Coupled with his delicate face, he gives people a childish feeling of underage.

Now that the returnee wants to take her as his bride, isn't he a lolicon?

"Well done, don't scold me again next time."

Chongqi said expressionlessly.

Unlike other girls, she doesn't like others to say she is young, as it seems like she has not yet developed.

"Start a direct war? There are many opponents. We may not be able to defeat them while ensuring people's safety." asked the detective.

His own combat power is not high, but he is very aware of the combat power of Li Yelai and Chongqi, plus Jing Lin, a strange four-sense psychic. There is still a chance of winning, but... I just don't know if it will not endanger other people who are dragged into the ghost world.

Now, the convoy has arrived downstairs in the community. If a direct war begins, there will probably be many accidental casualties.

"We can't start a war here. If it's to pick up a bride, they will definitely take me out of the community. It may be better at that time." Chongqi responded: "I will leave with them first, and you will take action based on the situation?"

"No, leaving directly is too risky." Li Yelai shook his head: "Now, we don't know how many handler colleagues have entered the ghost world. But there must be some. They may have started planning or gathering. So, I think The most reliable way is to delay!”

"Delay?" Jing Lin frowned.

"Yes, wait until colleagues are fully prepared. Even if we fight here, we can ensure the safety of the people." Li Yelai responded.

Li Yelai had requested support before, and several execution teams had already arrived nearby, either staying in hotels, sleeping on rooftops, or simply sleeping in cars.

If nothing unexpected happens, someone among them will receive the invitation and enter the ghost world.

As long as they cooperate with Li Yelai and others properly.

It should be able to protect nearby residents.

"But how to delay it?" Shadow Liu asked: "He is almost at the door. Even if we pretend that no one is there, they will break in, right?"

"Simple, since ancient times, welcoming a bride has never been easy." Jing Lin said with a smile: "When the women of our Jing family marry other psyker families, the person who comes to pick up the bride not only has to give a red envelope, but also has to give us the stone lion puppet that guards the door. Defeat. Otherwise, you won’t even be able to get in!”

The stone lion puppet is usually a decoration, but in fact it is a warning instrument and has considerable combat power. It is most convenient to use it to test the strength of the opponent himself or the psyker he controls.

Over time, it became a tradition of the Yao Qingjing family.

"Then your Jing family is really not afraid that your daughter won't be able to get married." Li Yelai complained and responded, "Then I have a solution."

"Now, we are my mother's family, so we have to torment him!"

Since the other party is using ancient rituals to get married, then just follow his wishes!

"I don't agree with this marriage!"

Li Yelai's deep voice echoed in the old community, causing the originally noisy wedding reception team to quiet down for a moment.

On the corridors of the community and in the open space of the community, those strange figures all looked at the door with their lifeless eyes.

The people in the community who were secretly watching quickly covered their mouths, not daring to make a sound.

They simply couldn't imagine that in today's weird situation, anyone would dare to respond? Does anyone dare to refuse?

Wouldn't it be enough to just hand the person over to him? You really don’t know how to read the atmosphere at all?

The handsome man who was knocking at the door was also shocked when he heard this.

This was not his first bride. As a returner, the body of consciousness condensed after death.

He has made many trades with humans and taken the rewards. One of them is to take away the ‘bride’

Of course, he also encountered resistance and the other party refused to pay. And organize forces to resist. That's simple. The army of Yin soldiers behind you will let the other party know the price of breach of contract.

But he has never met anyone who said he came empty-handed and refused to open the door.

how? At this point, you still dare to ask me for a red envelope?

Do you have a big heart, or is there something wrong with your brain?

Didn't you see the team behind me? Didn't you see the Yin soldiers downstairs?

In the room, fully armed Li Yelai and Jing Lin were guarding the door with weapons in hand.

The two looked at each other in silence, waiting for the man outside the door to respond.

"Who are you? What do you have to do with my bride?" the man asked.

"I'm her second cousin." Li Yelai chuckled: "I want to come in with nothing. I really don't understand the rules! Since you don't understand the rules, please come back."

"The parents ordered the matchmaker to tell her." The man said flatly, "I signed a contract with her father a long time ago."

Father? Li Yelai turned to look at Chongqi, who shook his head slightly.

Her father had already formed a new family and was not legally qualified to make any contract.

If he wasn't his biological father, then Li Yelai thought that the beautiful woman he saw in the afternoon could be his stepfather?

Okay, okay, let’s play like this, right? After killing the returnee, go find trouble!

Li Yelai thought to himself.

"Then you ask her father to marry you." Li Yelai said coldly: "Now you want to come in with nothing? You are very handsome and your thoughts are beautiful!"

After a few seconds, the man outside the door said, "Okay, I understand."

After a brief hesitation, he still chose to follow the other party's rules. Anyway, these were the steps that should be taken when welcoming a bride.

It will also make the subsequent wedding more fun.

He didn't want to break up the wedding.

However, if you want to play, then just play with him.

The man made a choice after thinking in his mind.

According to the ancient human rites of marriage, an opening poem should be written at this time.

Then, the man's hoarse voice sounded: "The red candles were lit in the wedding room last night, and I waited in front of the hall to pay homage to my aunt. After putting on makeup, I asked my husband in a low voice, and the eyebrows were darkened."

This is the opening poem extracted from his memory,

After that, it’s time to give red envelopes.

After giving the red envelope, the other party may not be satisfied and may still refuse to open the door. Then you have to find an opportunity to break open the door yourself. This is within the rules.

Of course, there are more rules, including the six rites of marriage in ancient rites.

Nacai: The man's family invites a matchmaker to propose marriage to the woman's family. After the woman's family agrees to propose marriage, the man's family prepares gifts and goes to propose marriage.

Name question: The groom’s family asks the matchmaker to ask for the woman’s name and date of birth.

Najib: After the man retrieves the woman’s name and horoscope, he performs divination in the ancestral temple.

Nazheng: Also known as Nabi, the man’s family gives betrothal gifts to the woman’s family.

Request period: The groom’s family chooses a wedding date, prepares a gift and informs the bride’s family, and asks for their approval.

Welcoming in person: One or two days before the wedding, the woman delivers the dowry and makes the bed, and the next day the groom comes to the woman’s home to marry her in person.

He didn't finish any of them, but that didn't stop him from continuing the wedding.

As he finished speaking, two strange-looking young men behind him stepped forward and presented two flower baskets.

In the flower basket, the strange paper money turned into a huge red city coin.

They lifted the flower basket to the peephole so that the 'cousin' inside the door could see it.

"You can take these with you. Can you open the door?" the man said calmly.

Since his birth, he has collected many substances through contracts. These valuable possessions are nothing to him,

But for humans, it is a huge sum of money that is hard to refuse.

Even if the other party is not satisfied, the man will rush in as soon as the other party opens the door and takes the red envelope.

Although, this will meet with fierce resistance from the natal family. For example, the bride's relatives may use a mallet wrapped in linen to hit the groom or the wedding attendants.

But it's also within the allowed range.

As soon as the door opens, enter by force!

"That's it?" However, mocking laughter came from inside the door. Li Yelai sneered: "You are so petty and want to marry my cousin? Do you deserve the keys? How many keys do you deserve?"

"Then what do you need?" the man continued to ask, and he was already ready to bleed.

"Jiujue magic potion, any path will work." Li Yelai said decisively.

The man frowned, magic potion? Still sleeping?

"What? You can't give it to me? How dare you come to pick up a bride?" Li Yelai sneered.

"I don't have any magic potion." The man shook his head slowly. Behind him, the expressions of the people on the wedding team became more and more ferocious.

"Okay, okay, who told me to be kind? Then let's change it." Li Yelai responded when he saw this: "Then go and get rid of the king of the restricted area in Black Source City!"

Jing Lin on the side almost laughed out loud, and compared words with Li Yelai: 'You are the only one who has the nerve to say that my Jing family can't marry a daughter? ’

In today's world, who can give such a betrothal gift? Not even the King of the Forbidden Zone!

"You're kidding." The man's face darkened, and behind him, two more boys came forward and handed over two more flower baskets.

This time, the two flower baskets were filled with gold nuggets.

Those people who were hiding in the room had the courage to peek through the cracks in the door, and they couldn't help but reveal their greed and envy.

In their opinion, it is nothing more than a woman. It is too profitable to exchange for so much money!

Inside the door, Li Yelai and Jing Lin looked at each other and nodded slightly.

It's been dragging on for ten minutes now, that's almost it.

So, Jing Lin slowly retreated to the living room, while Li Yelai opened the door.

The moment they heard the door open, the weirdos in the wedding team all showed excitement.

The first two boys immediately rushed to the door, trying to force their way into the room.

These are all allowed behaviors during the wedding ceremony, and the red envelopes are meant to feed the natal family and open the door.

Now that the other party has opened the door to take the money, it's time for them to break in.

As for resisting haha, are you serious about just kidding me? Human resistance is so slight and hilarious to them.

However, the two boys bumped into the half-open door, but failed to open it?

As if they had hit a mountain wall, the two boys felt like their bodies were about to be shattered.

That's natural, they hit the door opened by Li Yelai.

Through psionic refinement, the door panel is infused with psionic energy, making it hard and heavy. Although Li Yelai is not very proficient in this technique, it is still possible to simply increase the hardness of the door panel. His strength and physique were already strong, and he held the doorknob like he was holding a shield. Of course there is no benefit from running into it.

The two boys at the back, although they didn't understand that the two people in front failed to smash the door, they took the opportunity to squeeze in.

As long as they enter the gate, all is enough. They will subdue the 'bridal family' behind the door and open the door for the owner to welcome the new 'bride'.

However, the moment they burst through the door, they did not see the panicked woman.

But he saw two tall figures wearing heavy armor.

The two men were both over 1.8 meters tall, and both wore heavy armor and held long weapons. Like two door gods!

Just by looking at it, I felt a sense of coercion and oppression.

The inexplicable panic made the two boys want to retreat. The next second, they saw one of the 'door gods' lift a big black umbrella and smash it down.

He also shouted a strange number: "Eighty!"


There was a huge and dull sound, and the first boy who entered the door instantly fell to the ground, his head was sunken from the middle, and his neck was twisted into three parts. He fell to the ground and twitched.

The second boy looked frightened, and his already terrifying face became even more ferocious. However, the second umbrella had already hit his chest.



There were several crisp sounds in his chest, and it sunk directly into his back, and his body suddenly retreated and hit the wall. Thick black blood fell from his mouth and nose.

This made the handsome man who was about to enter the door stop and look at the two of them with cold eyes.

"Are you planning to break the contract?" he said coldly.

Downstairs, a large number of Yin soldiers raised their weapons.

"You really don't need to fight." Li Yelai smiled, with black blood dripping from the black umbrella in his hand: "Okay, then you have passed my level."

"What's your level?" The man looked at Li Yelai coldly.

"Is it possible that you think I am the only one from my mother's side?" Li Yelai sneered.

In the living room, Jing Lin smiled at the man: "Nice to meet you, I'm her eldest cousin."

At that moment, the man who had no blood pressure felt that his blood pressure was soaring.

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