Under Pressure

Chapter 7: Growth

It was a short time later that we were all clothed and cuddling on the couch. I was in the center this time, both ladies leaning into me. We weren’t saying much of anything, just enjoying a moment together. My hands stroking hair on both sides, theirs meeting behind my back. “Lilly… please, talk to us,” I said into the comfortable silence. “We are obviously very open here, and I want to know you better than just what my wife tells me. We have had some… let’s call them revelations… today that none of us were expecting.”


She sighed. It sounded slightly different this time, both an admission that it was a topic she didn’t want to talk about and that tucked under my arm was going to be the best place to get through a bad time. “Brad is not the best of husbands, if you didn’t notice.”


“Okay, so he has a bigger ego than penis and doesn’t know how to use it, either.” Lilly legitimately snorted at my wife’s quip. It was cute. “You never dated in high school or college?”


“Not in high school, went to a private Catholic school. In college, well, I didn’t find anyone worth giving my virginity to. Brad was decent, I guess? Not amazing, even at the time, but decent. My family knew his family, I was close-ish friends with his little brother, which is how we met. While I was dating him, he got that high-power job and high-power salary, and all of a sudden my parents were very interested in making sure I kept him.” She made a face. “Better life than PoliSci could give me, according to them. Mom and Dad talked me into it eventually, so I went from graduating with honors to a white dress inside of three months. After that, nothing of value.”


“Oh, I think we can disagree with that.”


“Last two weeks excluded, of course.” Lilly smiled a bit more. “I joined that book club because it gave me something to do. If Brad wasn’t having sex with me or going to a party with me on his arm, I might as well not exist to him.”


“That’s disgusting, Lilly! Thankfully, my wife and I will not be doing any such thing. He doesn’t deserve you… although we have a lot to catch up with.”


“You are already ahead of anyone else I’ve dated. What do you want to know?”


“What you do for fun, what you want to do for fun, any dream jobs, all the rest. I refuse to leave you home bored.”


Lilly laughed at that. “Love, you might not know them yet, but trust me when I say I do. You’ll figure it out soon enough. Lilly won’t be bored at home with me!”


I wasn’t sure if I should be nervous about that one.




Queen sized beds are meant for one to two people, but that night we figured out by experimentation that they will comfortably fit three, if the three are comfortable with each other. We qualified. I was on the bed, sleeping on my side. My wife, in a larger form, was the big spoon behind me. I was VERY comfortably tucked up under her chin, my head upon her breasts for the ultimate pillows. Tucked up under my chin as the smallest spoon was Lucy, feeling tiny as she leaned back into me, resting on my arm as her pillow. I had the best position, objectively, sandwiched in cozy comfort.


The ladies were both asleep, but I wasn’t. Not quite. My mind was simply working on too many things at once for that, though the pure perfection of my position was pulling me towards it rapidly. At least, it was until I felt something unexpected. On my arm, where Lilly’s head lay, I felt a touch of wetness. A drip, just a tiny spot. Lilly was crying, there in my arms, in her sleep. I tried to shift slightly, to get a look at her face, but as soon as I did she pushed herself back into me, keeping me from moving. I settled back down, my eyes closing.


I considered what she had told us earlier, the evidence of my eyes and ears and hands. Lilly had been so strong for so long. Alone, basically. She needed this comfort, she needed to be able to let go for a bit. If I could be the person to give her the ability to do so, I would be a happier man for it.




I woke up first the next morning. Not out of any particular sense of time, unfortunately, but out of a sudden and sharp need to use the bathroom. It took a large amount of dexterity and improvisation, but eventually I extracted myself from between the lovely ladies, ending up with Lilly snuggling into my wife’s amazing breasts. I was jealous, even having just left that same position.


A couple of minutes later, I was done and ready to get started with the important part of the morning. Waffles. The batter was mixed up and and coffee was brewing when Lucy and Lilly came out, saw how far I’d gotten, and promptly kicked me out of the kitchen. Both of them put on aprons over their (lovely) nude bodies, and after admiring them for a moment I went back to our room, carrying with me my first cup of coffee, for the OTHER important part of the morning.


I was not ever going to forget the process with which I made the pressure point map that eventually led to my wife transforming so dramatically. The combination of practicing it several times that week plus frankly absurd amounts of positive reinforcement meant that not only did I have the thing memorized, I had it backed up in three locations.


I began with the latest and greatest pressure point map I had created for my wife on the final day, with all twenty-one of them clearly marked. To this file I dropped in the nude pictures I had taken of Lucy the day prior. Adjusting transparency, angle, and zoom was a matter of a few minutes. The tweaking of the outlines to make my exceedingly tall and busty wife fit the proportions of the petite Lilly took much longer, enough so that Lucy came to get me for breakfast. She paused, looking at my screen.


“I just realized this is the first time I’ve seen you doing this part. Breakfast is ready, love. Do you need more time?”


“Much as I hate to say it, yeah. I’m nearly done, so it’s not like breakfast will get cold. I don’t want to risk anything right now, so I don’t want her to see this until at least the third day is done, like you did.”


Lucy nodded. “I don’t think it will make a difference, but can’t hurt. We’ll see you when you’re done.”


It admittedly took slightly longer than I thought, but it could have been much worse. It certainly helped that I was as motivated as I was. About ten minutes later, I had my rough map printed and ready. More would have to come later as she changed, but this would let me take care of the next few steps.


I was certainly not expecting the scene when I came out. Certainly, most of it was normal. Plates and silverware were out, cups of coffee and juice, waffles and syrup in the center. All ready for a family breakfast. What was unusual was that both were completely nude, Lilly sitting in Lucy’s lap, straddling and facing her, and they were making out like their lives depended on it. I could hear the soft, low “mmmmm” that Lucy always made when she was enjoying herself, along with the high, desperate sounds coming from Lilly. While Lilly’s hands were holding Lucy’s head to her, pulling her into the kiss, Lucy’s hands were wandering all over Lilly’s body.


I paused and drank in the sight. I could get used to this one, it was easily the hottest thing I had ever seen that I wasn’t participating in. Lucy noticed me at the door and came up for air, Lilly literally collapsing against her bountiful chest and breathing as hard as if she just finished a race. “Giving lessons already, love?”


She smiled broadly. “Lilly didn’t believe me when I told her about that side of things. She asked for a demonstration, seemed to think willpower alone would be enough to resist if I wasn’t restraining myself. I think she believes me now, don’t you, Lilly? This is why I’m teaching you.” Lilly, for her part, nodded a couple of times. That seemed to be all the response she was going to be able to give for a bit.


I was diamond-hard, but managed to walk over to the table and took my seat. Their plates showed that they had eaten some while waiting for me, so I went ahead and grabbed some food to get started myself. I was, after all, hungry.




We took a walk that day, out to a nearby park. Though January still held its chill, the sky was clear and the sun was out. No snow on the ground meant that the day was fairly pleasant, and the sudden hit of motivation and energy Lilly got didn’t have a good outlet back at the house. It was slightly comical, Lilly barely able to hold herself to a fast walk while Lucy and I had to keep up. We chatted about many things. The weather, the school, our children, but nothing serious and nothing about the future. That is, until we get to that park.


Nobody was nearby. The cold was more than enough to convince most to stay in their cozy homes, the few humans we saw were off in the distance on jogging trails. There was nobody to overhear us as we talked about a more direct piece of our future. “It’s kind of scary, you know?” Lilly was saying. “I was all set to just sit in that chair, get a bit of a show. I’m in control of myself. Or, I was. That voice you used, Lucy, and the way you moved… I was in your lap grinding on you before I even knew what I was doing. I don’t mind, don’t get me wrong. You’re the best kisser I’ve ever been with, too. Still.”


“Don’t worry, she did it to me, too. Right after I finished transforming her, she figured out that ‘a little extra effort’ went a lot further.”


“It’s why I’m glad I’m here to teach you, Lilly. No accidents, and I guarantee you won’t forget the lessons once you get them. I know I didn’t. You also have a very willing partner to experiment on.”


“Speaking of, if I remember correctly,” I said, looking at Lucy, “Lilly is bursting at the seams with energy and motivation right now. We also don’t have a moving project to work on, so I have some ideas for working that off.”


“Out here, dear? Where the wildlife photographer over there could catch it?”


I laughed. “I like the way you think, but no. Not this time. Definitely later, though.” Both of my lovely ladies laughed. I reached under my coat and pulled out… a frisbee. “Not very sexy, I admit, but I figure if I haven’t done this in a while then you both miss it as well.” They both laughed even harder. I stood. “Come on, we go until Lilly is shivering too hard, and then we get back home to warm her up.”


There are a few simple joys in life beyond just sex. Playing a game in the park with your loved ones on a clear Sunday morning is one of them, and even that photographer nodded appreciatively.




In the end, it took over an hour for the petite lady to get cold enough to start shaking, despite the chill. We got home, stripped our clothes off, and Lilly and I proceeded to cuddle under a blanket on the couch while Lucy (also quite naked and coming back to her full supernatural form) went to the kitchen to make hot cocoa. Lilly went from shivering to comfortable to actively flirting and rubbing on me in five minutes flat. By the time my wife came back out with the drinks, Lilly was already sitting on my lap directly, straddling my rising hardness. She smiled, as warm as the cocoa in her hands. “Drink up, you two, then have fun. I won’t be joining in this time, so don’t wait up.”




“I’m curious about something, tell you later.” She grinned at me, just as feral as any time she had taken me herself. It was a look that sent me from merely enjoying the lady in my lap to full hardness in seconds. Lilly definitely noticed, it came up with almost enough force to physically lift her in my lap. Lilly’s eyes widened as she realized that what she had been playing with wasn’t the full deal. She started grinding into it with more force, and I could feel her heat rising in a way that had nothing at all to do with the blankets.


“Now, now, Lilly, you heard her.” I held her hip down to hold her more still as I reached with my other hand for a cup of cocoa. “Priorities.” She was still flushed, still eager, but managed to control herself enough to get her own drink. Whether the reader chooses to believe me or not, it was good enough to be well worth it.


That doesn’t mean we were slow about it, mind. Minutes later, the blanket was off as our own heat rose in more ways than one. My hands were roaming over her body, feeling every inch of her, almost without my conscious control. I leaned in and whispered into her ear “are you ready?”


“Yes, I want this…”


As she sat in my lap, writhing in pleasure, I ran my hands up the muscles along her spine, gliding through all the tension I found there. Up at her shoulders, I found what I was looking for, the twin pressure points that would begin this phase of her transformation. They did not resist me, surrendering in release seconds after I began to work on them directly. Her reaction was strong enough that I could feel her entire body pulsing with it as she writhed against me, her panting breaths occasionally giving way to whimpers of pure pleasure.


I laid her down on the couch, coming to her feet as she looked at me in her need. The twin points in her feet were much more difficult to find and put pressure on, if only because she was so aroused and desperate that she could barely hold still. Even anticipating her reactions, I wasn’t ready for when I finally got them to release. She literally, in the middle of a screaming orgasm, launched herself at me from her shoulders, spearing herself upon my hardness seemingly by pure instinct.


She was not nearly as restrained as I had been the day before, sinking me much deeper into her and seizing up in a combination of pleasure and pain. I took advantage of this pause as she registered being so full, so suddenly, to lean in and reach for her very lightly-padded chest. Before she fully recovered, I had already found the two points there and was pushing into them, pushing her into the cushions as I released the last ones I was looking for that day.


Her back arched, actually taking me a bit further into her as she came. I could feel her insides trying to crush down on me as I began to pump in and out of her, her feet trying but failing to lock behind me. It was electric and unique, so tight around me that every detail of her was standing out, slowing me down, and forcing me to take my time. She came once more with another scream of pleasure, then blacked out under me.




She looked comfortable there, so I covered her up with a blanket and went to join my wife in the bedroom. I wasn’t exactly sure what I expected to see her doing there, but writing notes wasn’t quite it. She looked up as I came in. “My side of the experiment was a success, how is Lilly doing?”


“Uh, doing well, I think. Blissfully unconscious on the couch under a blanket following the second batch of pressure points. Now, what do you mean by your side of the experiment?”


“Oh, well, I could feel you two out there. You knew that. I was seeing if I could actually feed off of it if I wasn’t touching you two. Last time I was, same with every time I’ve brought someone home to play with. This time I made sure not to. Wasn’t as good as being with you, but I definitely got a meal out of it. I’m feeling all nice and tingly.” She looked at my state. “You, though, look like you were focusing a bit much on her and not enough on yourself. Come here, love, and let me show you something I’ve been practicing.”


I stepped forward to her as she stood… and then kept rising. I was used to seeing her grow, but this was different. She kept growing, past what I was used to seeing as her maximum, until she was easily nine or ten feet tall, her head nearly brushing the ceiling. Her muscles grew even faster than the rest of her, swelling until she looked like a titan in the flesh.


This, I was not expecting. Especially when she reached down and simply picked me up, pinning me to the wall with her oversized right hand. “Mmmm… you look small from up here, love, except for one thing that I plan to enjoy…” Despite my position, I was still rock hard. I could do nothing here to make a difference, so I let myself just feel it and enjoy. Here was a lady who could easily tear my arm off and beat me with it, sucking me off like my balls contained the fountain of youth. She was clearly enjoying it, too, and when I came very shortly after she greedily drank it down.


Once I was spent, she looked at me like she was debating continuing the festivities, but took mercy on me. She reached with both hands to gently set me down on our bed before shrinking back down herself. “Catch your breath, love. I might have eaten well, but you two still need to. I’ll get it started.”


It took me a while to come down off of that particular high, but I eventually managed to get myself to the kitchen. Sandwiches together are better than gourmet meals apart, and Lilly was at the table with the biggest grin on her face as well. Life was good.




Well, life was good until my alarm rang the next morning. Extracting myself from between my two ladies was slightly easier this time, but by no means easy. The coffee would definitely be important this day, so I got it started first. I was just about to head to the shower when I heard a yelp from my bedroom. Was Lucy getting frisky already? I heard light footsteps coming quickly, accompanied by what sounded like “boobsboobsboobsboobsboobs!” Lilly came around the corner, as nude as our nightly habits, and I could clearly see why she woke up excited.


She had, indeed, sprouted a pair of very noticeable boobs overnight. Yesterday, she had barely had any padding there at all. Today, it was enough that she was bouncing and jiggling with every step she was excitedly taking. When she stopped in front of me, it took her chest a moment or two to stop afterwards.


Her chest had skipped a few steps, growing well into plentiful handful sizes and looking like the subject of wet dreams. It wasn’t the only part of her that had changed, either, she had gained a little bit of height and at least a couple of inches around the hips and butt, her thighs adjusting to them as well, her hair becoming more lustrous. She had been hot twelve hours prior. She was now well into model territory. I smiled at the eyefull I was getting and invited her to take a shower with me. You know, to help her get used to it all.


We were lathering up each other as I figured out something about her new assets. They were very, very sensitive, even more so than before. She also did not quite have her balance down right just yet, and I had to catch her a couple of times when my hand brushed over a nipple, and the resulting jump caused her to land differently than she was expecting. “It’s real! It’s so real… I know, I know, I literally watched Lucy transform in front of my eyes multiple times, but it’s so different!”


“I can imagine. You can probably tell this body I’m in isn’t exactly the one I was born with, but it was all less dramatic than what Lucy got.” I turned off the water and stepped out to start drying off. “Things are only going to get more and more dramatic every day. This is the last place you can really say you want to stop, any more and it will go beyond any reasonable explanation you can give to someone who doesn’t know the truth.”


She stopped and thought, dripping. “It’s more than that. I used to be a dancer, too. You can probably tell I’m not moving like one right now. It’s all going to be even more?”


I looked at her. Appreciatively. “You can always stop if that’s your choice. I have to get dressed and go teach, tonight is the next step.”


The delay almost made me late to class, but I made it.




The day itself was a fairly frustrating one. Mondays generally were. Scripting classes were an endless procession of tiny errors, and the department meetings weren’t much better. The dreary rain and traffic also slowed things down, and given what was waiting at home I was feeling particularly impatient. When I opened the door, though, I found something I wasn’t expecting.


Lucy and Lilly were cuddled on the couch, fully clothed, and it was obvious that Lilly had been crying.


I didn’t hesitate for a second before putting down my briefcase, closing the door, and coming to the other side of Lilly to sit down and cuddle with them. “What happened?”


“Brad found us. He came to find me, to bring me back.”




Lucy was stroking her hair, shushing her for a bit. “He said something about a private investigator. He never got to see her, I answered the door.”


“You’re leaving something unsaid.”


“You’re right. I answered the door in my public face, and when he demanded to see Lilly I told him to wait there. Came back looking like six feet of pure sex appeal, used the voice you ask me to save for special occasion to tell him I was Lilly and ask what he wanted.”


My brain was certainly enjoying the image of what she might look like actually trying for it, and just remembering that particular voice almost had me leaping over Lilly to get to her despite our current situation. “How did he react? I don’t see any marks anywhere.”


She smiled a bit. “He came in his pants and started stuttering. I closed the door after a couple of minutes and called the front desk of the building to report a trespasser, then didn’t hear anything else from him.”


My grin was much more evil than hers. “And you didn’t even touch him. Proud of you, love. Lilly, you okay?”


She sniffed. “I will be, Jay. Just… a bit scared. What if I had been the first to the door? What would he have done?”


“You aren’t helpless, you know. You also aren’t alone. You won’t be, either, not as long as we have any say.”


She smiled, very slightly. I’d take what I could get. “There is good news, though. Looks like he got overconfident when his pet PI spotted me. Courthouse got his reply, so they scheduled the paperwork side of things for this Friday.”


“Good. The sooner that’s over, the better.” I sighed a bit. The conversation had gone in about five different directions, none of which I had quite been anticipating. I pulled out my phone.


“Not the smoothest move ever, love. Seriously, your phone? Now?”


“I don’t smell anything in the air, and you both want the cuddles to continue. What toppings do you want on your pizza?”


She forgave me.




We did end up staying just like that until food arrived. I turned on something relatively mindless we could all sing along to, and we just stayed there cuddling. It was nice. My students would forgive me for not having their homework graded. Lilly had a good voice, not what I was expecting, and we had a lot of fun on some duets. By the time the movie got to the climax, she was smiling again, an expression I was glad to see. By the time the credits rolled, the cuddles were starting to get much more handsy from both directions.


To be fair, my hands were doing some exploring of their own, also in both directions.


The heat rose, and without needing to say a word we all stripped out of our clothes. I was suddenly buried in female flesh, both feeling me everywhere with hands and bodies, both kissing me all over, and eventually both converging on my enormously erect member at the same time. Together they kissed the tip, their hands playing with shaft and balls, and it took a heroic effort of will not to explode right there.


Lucy pulled back a moment. “Lilly, this is fun, but if you want to do more than just sex we need you to tell us. Do you feel alright? Jay can continue your transformation now if you want him to.” She dove back in, kissing my lips and chest before sinking back down to engulf me with her breasts.


Lilly took the opportunity to take a couple of breaths and nod. “I’m ready. Just tell me what’s next.” She sounded confident. And horny, but that was to be expected.


Lucy’s voice took on an even sexier tone, the one that could rouse me to full hardness even from complete unconsciousness. “Good. Come here between his legs, take him into your mouth, and give him your hands while you enjoy each other.” Lilly wordlessly complied, kneeling before me and taking me impressively far down into her throat before having to come back up for air. She reached her arms up to me as she went at me with determination, and I took her hands into mine.


The pressure points by her ring fingers put up a lot of resistance, enough so that Lucy got behind her and had her own hands travelling all over the petite woman’s body, cupping her pert breasts or snaking down between her legs. When the points finally let go, Lilly muffled her scream of pleasure on my member, the feelings of it forcing me to pause in order to hang on to my own control. As I worked on her wrists, she started going deeper and deeper, and when those twin points released their power she thrust herself all the way down to the base of my dick, fully deep-throating me like a champion before easing back. She looked up at me as I gently set down her hands, placing them on my knees as I reached down for her.


I lifted her up, and she followed the motion, climbing up to straddle me as my wife stood with her. When she sank herself onto me, she could take me all the way, and sat speared upon me with a blissful expression on her face, one of mixed pleasure and pride. Lucy came up behind her, crushing her into me, Lilly’s lips on mine, as my hands came to the bridge of muscle in front of her armpits and the points concealed there. Unlike the others, these decided to unleash themselves at the slightest provocation, Lilly screaming her orgasm into our kiss as the force of it tipped me over the edge, shooting my essence deep within her. My wife’s eyes closed as she enjoyed an orgasm of her own, her hands squeezing mine and her skin flushing with pleasure.


Lilly’s breathing slowed down, her head coming to rest on my chest as this piece of the transformation began to take hold on her, her insides still twitching upon me on occasion. I looked down, and she was asleep there, looking the most comfortable I had ever seen her.



Lilly did not wake when I carried her to our room, nor when I laid her down on our bed. Lucy was waiting for me when I came out, sweeping me into a fierce hug. I could do nothing but hug her back, savoring the embrace for a bit. “Love, what’s wrong?”


She loosened her grip and looked me in the eyes. “You always do seem to know, don’t you? Even before you gave me all of this.” She sighed. “It’s still an adjustment, love.”


“Lucy, you are and will always be my true love, you know that, right?”


She nodded. “I know that in my head, and I’m even enthusiastic about Lilly, but it still feels different. Sharing you with a random fling is not the same as bringing another woman into this relationship permanently.”


“Not even compared to you picking up Vicky four times last month?” I asked with a grin. She lightly smacked me in the arm, but the smile on her face was genuine. “I know, I know. Trust me when I say that it’s a huge adjustment for me, too. I still don’t know most of her hobbies, and whatever we may look like now she is half our age. I like her, or I wouldn’t be doing this, but it’s still a lot.”


Lucy sighed. “And so many ways it can go wildly out of control.” We began to walk back to the living room. “I’ve been researching the pitfalls in general, too. It’s going to take a lot of openness, a lot of conversation. A lot of effort, even if you’re skipping some of the main relationship killers due to your magic hands.”


It was snowing outside as we stood by the window. It was my turn to take a big breath. “I don’t want to depend on magic, love. We are going to do this right. For Lilly, and if anyone else is going to come to us long term, we do this right. If we can’t make it work without shortcuts, then we let them go with no hard feelings… and bigger boobs, but that’s just a side effect.”

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