Under Pressure

Chapter 5: Sanctuary

This begins what I had originally thought of as “Book 2” of Under Pressure. As a result, the beginning will have a few details that are a bit obvious to people who have come this far already.




It was cold outside the apartment building. We had our coats on despite the short time out there, the children getting into a taxi to go back to the airport and return to their lives. The time together had been great, we made many more memories. One of them even complimented Lucy and I on whatever workout routine we had been using, since it was working.


Oh, if only she knew, and I was not about to tell her.


Lucy and I had been very restrained during their stay. Our sex life had been rekindled in the past month and then boosted into the stratosphere, but having our three kids over (though the one who had a Plus One got a hotel room) put a real damper on it. Why, Lucy barely ever got into her alternate forms, and even then only fully human ones. After those secret massages I had given her, though, staying normal was putting a strain on her, and she was getting hungry.


Yeah, hungry. While she could eat food, her favorite sustenance was feeding upon my lust and sex. She had barely gotten one or two orgasms out of me a day for a week, and that just wouldn’t do. We were barely into the hallway of the building before we took off sprinting back to our apartment, and she was starting to grow. Her legs lengthened, gaining power and definition. Her hair lost all traces of gray, cascading down her back in golden waves as her jacket’s hem crept up past her expanding ass. Her laughs changed, going from “cute” to the kind of sexy that bypassed the brain and went straight to the balls.


We got in our door without anyone else seeing, and her clothes practically flew off of her as she let herself come to her full form. Her breasts went from cute to sizeable to absolutely enormous, defying almost all influence gravity attempted to exert as they climbed their way through the alphabet. Her face took on a supermodel look, then well past it, until one look at it would have had me rail-hard if I wasn’t there already. The muscles I had seen developing continued all over her, impossibly firm and soft at the same time. At the end, seconds later, dimly glowing blue tattoos sprung up across her body, connecting the twenty-one pressure points I had used to give her this transformation and a flowing heart design over her womb.


“I have been far too patient this week, lover, and I am starving. I need you.”


I had been shedding my own clothing as quickly as I could, though without her supernatural speed. My own body was much improved from being with her, all smooth muscle and power combined with a penis that would now put me near or at the largest in the world, with a glowing blue ring of my own around its base


As soon as it was free, my wife practically dove onto it mouth-first, taking more than a foot straight down her throat and sucking like her life depended on it. The sensations were incredible as she did things I’m fairly sure nobody else could, her tongue working my length and her throat constricting and milking it with the same dexterity as her hand would have. I was almost as pent up as she was, losing control and cumming within a couple of minutes. Not that I was interested in holding back, as I came her muffled moans got more and more intense as she joined me in ecstasy. The lines of power on her body glowed a bit brighter, and she smiled broadly (quite the trick considering she still had a foot of dick down her throat). She pulled back, let me out of her mouth, licked her lips, and looked me straight in the eye again. “That was a good appetizer, but we are not done. Round two will be on our bed.” She got up, under control once more, and shifted herself back to what I had begun to affectionately call her Friday Form. “Merely” six and a half feet of fitness model perfection, with flawless skin and mighty H cups on her chest that could (and had, more than once) convince girls they were bi-curious after all or throw a restaurant into chaos without needing to be fully exposed.


Gravity took some of its hold back on her, and the supernaturally glowing lines disappeared. This did not mean that the hypnotic cycle of a butt that looked like it was the result of ten million squats was any less powerful, nor that it couldn’t bring me back to full hardness in seconds despite the powerful orgasm I had just had.




It was in that form that she rode me into our bed. We made love this time, it was more than just lust. We took our time, resisting the urge to push forward and finish. I made sure to twist and angle us for maximum pleasure, making my ultra-sensitive wife cum screaming several times along the way. Even so, eventually we both knew that it was time to put the icing on the cake. I was ready to burst, ready to shoot a gigantic load deep into her, to give her what would be her fourth or fifth orgasm of the night, when something unexpected happened.


The doorbell rang. Several times, rapidly. Someone was in a hurry to get our attention.


Lucy reacted quickly, looking in the direction of the front door. Nobody who would come calling to our door needed to see her in that sexified form, so she immediately shifted again to the same one she wore around the kids. There was just one problem with this idea. Specifically, that form was not designed to take a foot of cock balls-deep. The sensations of our lovemaking suddenly went from near the very peaks of pleasure to feeling like I was caught in a vice. I know some people might like that, but I’m not one of them.


The doorbell kept ringing, sounding frantic. Lucy heard my involuntary grunt of pain and immediately tried to jump off of me. This, unfortunately, did not result in her popping off of me. Rather, it resulted in her (normally delicious) pussy pulling me with her by the dick. My grunt turned into a half-suppressed but anguished scream. She realized what she had done in about half a second, but that was more than long enough for me. Lucy shifted back to the form she had been enjoying a few moments prior, which released me enough to slip out of her. She dove into the closet to get a night robe, I pulled on underwear and pajamas in remarkably fast time considering which sensations I was having to ignore to do so.


Well, no worries about greeting whomever needed to see us so badly with a boner. It was gone and forgotten.


Given that her robe was much easier to put on, and given that she was just so much faster than me now anyway, Lucy got to the door first. Even got it halfway open before she realized one critical detail: she was still in the amazing Friday Form after letting me go. Her reaction would probably have been much funnier if the situation hadn’t been so serious, she literally dove to the left, behind the opening door, to get into the coat closet there. Once she was no longer between me and the door, I could finally see who had been so desperate to get our attention.


Standing there, reaching for the doorbell yet again, was a petite young woman wearing a thick coat against the cold outside. One whom I recognized, though we had not much interacted before, as a member of Lucy’s monthly book club. Asian in feature, with dark hair and eyes and a dusky skin tone that suggested a Southeast origin. Her hair was long enough to get to her mid-back, though I could not see it well as it was pulled back. Lilly, that was her name.


“Lilly? What brings…” I noticed something important then. Her other hand was resting on a suitcase. “... come in, come in! Lucy, your friend Lilly from the book club is here.” Lucy came back around the corner, wearing the same but now much larger looking night robe as she wore a face and form more familiar to our visitor as she stepped in the door and I stepped out of the way.


“Lilly! Sorry for our state, but we weren’t expecting visitors. What’s going on?”


Lilly looked back, a single tear rolling down her cheek. Her voice was a small, quavering thing as she said a single word, barely louder than a whisper: “Sanctuary.”


Lucy reacted like she had come in saying she’d been shot. “Oh, honey! Come here, of course we can help you!” Lilly immediately broke down crying, running into Lucy’s arms. “Jay, get her things into the guest bedroom. I’ll explain later.” The poor woman’s sobs were only getting louder as she let the tears flow. I grabbed the suitcase and quickly brought it to the room our daughter had recently stopped occupying. I hadn’t even gotten a chance to put it away yet. Turns out this was a good thing.


Something told me Lilly would not appreciate me putting her things up in the closet as much as she would leaving her some privacy. All I did was make sure there were some empty hangars up and blankets on the bed before coming out to the kitchen, following the sound of the sobs. Lilly had calmed down only slightly, still clinging to my wife like she’d drown if she let go. Lucy, for her part, was giving her water and calmly telling her that she was safe, that she could stay for as long as she needed


Without stopping, she gave me a loaded look. I got the point quickly, left the room silently, and went back to our bedroom. Lucy would tell me what she wanted me to know soon enough, and we did not keep secrets from each other.




The soft sobs faded out over the next bit, but it was over an hour before Lucy came to join me in our bed. I was sitting up and reading a book, an activity I had admittedly fallen behind on the past month. The Hunchback of Notre Dame was on Lucy’s bedside table, so that was what occupied my time and my mind for a bit.


I felt the bed shift a bit when Lucy sat on it, still in her public face. “How long does she need to stay?”


“Skipping a lot of questions, there, love.”


“You’ll answer the other ones later, I think. That bit, though, I need to know up front.”


“Until her divorce is final. Could be a couple weeks, could be a couple of months. Honey, you couldn’t see it, but when I carried her over and laid her down in the guest bed she had a bruise on her chest. I knew her marriage wasn’t going well, but we can’t kick her out after that!”


“Never even considered it. Alright. Her husband works at the Eastern hospital, right? Just need to keep her away from it, and for now that means us, too. University should do. We have enough food for a bit with what we stocked for the kids.” I sighed. This wasn’t exactly how I’d imagined the evening would go, but this was more important than sex. “If it is going to go for a while, that suitcase isn’t going to be enough. You need to take her around town tomorrow to get supplies, and get one of those separation checklists so that he doesn’t ruin her in the meantime.”


Lucy nodded, a tear in her own eye. “Thank you, love. She needs us for now.” She got herself calm quickly. “And what we need is to sleep. Come to me, love, I need you in my arms.” She grew once more, then, until I would be the one tucked under her chin. I felt comfort there. She was not the only one distressed about Lilly’s situation.




The next day was a Monday, and vacation was now over. I was once again thankful that Lucy and I both drove and had vehicles, since today would have been nearly impossible otherwise. Post-vacation drag was also real, so even if I was up and out the door before either of the others were out of bed I wasn’t enjoying it much. My students seemed to agree with me, didn’t mean it was any easier for any of us. I would not be spending this time idle, though.


I had some research to do. I could do that.


Brad, Lilly’s soon-to-be-ex husband, was a fairly prominent and successful doctor, I knew that much plus his last name and where he worked, so it was easy enough to pull up bios and news clips. Graduated with honors, married shortly thereafter, and had a meteoric rise in the local medical community after he displayed an aptitude for distinguishing certain neurological conditions from each other. Came from generational wealth even before his paycheck hit. Lots of shaking hands, lots of awards dinners.


Not a single pic of Lilly that I could find anywhere. Her name was mentioned once in the five snippets I found. Further digging had to stop as students started coming in, one asking me who I knew with MS that would make me dig up info on the doctor. I told him it was just research for a project. Wasn’t even a lie.




I got home that afternoon with a lot on my mind. I mean, a lot had happened, and I knew that Lucy and I would have to stay on our best behaviors as well. Even more so than while the kids were here. I opened the door, and did not get even a hug at the door, something that had not happened in over a month. Come to think of it, I didn’t even see Lucy.


I could see Lilly at the kitchen table, though. She was also giving me an uncomfortably intense look. “Jay, right? I need to talk to you.”


Look, even at nearly 50 years old with a supernatural hottie for a wife, those words will make your stomach clench. Speaking of… “Sure. First thing, though, where’s Lucy?”


“She dropped me off to get the guest room set up while she went to get a few things. Said your painkillers had expired, or something. We took care of groceries earlier. Now, would you care to tell me who that was I saw last night?”


Of all the… “You saw myself and my wife, that’s it once you got here. Why are you asking?”


“Neither of you is a two meter tall supermodel. I have eyes, Jay. They work.” They work intensely. She had not let go of that glare yet.


“What are you even trying to say, Lilly?”


“You are cheating on your wife. I saw it with my own eyes, while she sleeps in the same house. She thinks the world of you, I’m telling you that it’s not worth it. Break it off and come clean.”


I knew it wasn’t a good idea, I knew it would be immediately misunderstood as soon as it was coming out of my mouth, but I couldn’t help it. I began to laugh. Low at first, rising in intensity until I was almost hysterical. I had no say in the matter, I could not hold it back. Not only was the accusation false, it was literally unthinkable. Not only wouldn’t I, if I did Lucy would be cheering me on. She’d only be mad if I didn’t ask her to join in.


I hadn’t gotten myself back under control before my wife came in the front door, still laughing though I’d lost some of the hysterics. “Hey, honey! I thought I’d beat you back!” Lilly’s glare had only intensified, her brows taking an angry furrow


“I didn’t get anyone asking questions after class, can’t plan for that one. Need me to get anything?” Lilly had lost some of the direct anger, trying to reconcile what she was watching with what she could have sworn she saw.


“Not today, pizza is in the freezer if you want to start preheating the oven.” Lilly’s confusion only increased as I did what she said, and as I kissed my wife on the lips when she came over.


“Any news from today?”


“I wouldn’t want to play chess against Lilly. The lawyer she hired served the divorce papers and caught Brad ice cold. Apparently, that was happening yesterday as she was coming over to us, he came home expecting his wife and found a guy in a business suit instead.”


“Hah, alright. How much time does he have to respond?” Meanwhile, alarms were ringing in the back of my head. She thought I was cheating, and would be watching us closely, on top of a brain that could set something up like that and the will to get out of the situation.


“State doesn’t require separation time, so just the 30 day standard.”


“Got it. Lilly, you brought one suitcase of things. That’s probably not enough to last a month in the middle of winter. Our clothes probably won’t fit you, but otherwise anything we have is available. Don’t worry about costs, we don’t have anything better to be spending on right now.”


She looked at us strangely, again, and I saw her give her head a shake. Tiny, but there. She set aside her concerns about me, at least for the moment. “Thank you again. Just glad you remembered the word, you didn’t show up for the monthly book club meeting, so I was worried you might not.”


… Of course. Sanctuary, the cry at the doors of Notre Dame, begging for shelter and safety. I’m glad we could offer a better result than the book. Lucy’s eyes got a bit of a twinkle as she responded. “Sorry I missed that one, life got really crazy around here after Thanksgiving with the move and all, but really. You show up crying at my door with a suitcase, I’m going to help even if you don’t say anything. I’m guessing others couldn’t help out?”


Huh. Things like the Ladies of the Library Book Club tend to fall by the wayside when you’re in the middle of a weeklong process of becoming a sex goddess. Made sense, but it’s the little things you don’t think of.


“You were the first I came to, and I’m sorry I couldn’t warn you. Wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep it a secret long enough to make it.”


“Well, you’re here now, and that’s what matters. Come on, ladies, pizza’s about done. Don’t know about you, but I’m hungry.”




Some hours later, evening work done and dishes put away, Lucy and I were settling into bed. As soon as I had closed and locked our bedroom door, she had dropped her clothes and shifted all the way back into her full, supernatural form. She gave a sigh of relief, too. “Finally. Holding my public face takes effort, love, and it’s making me… hungry. This time we won’t be interrupted.”


She sashayed over to the bed, where I had promptly decided that pajamas were not at all necessary for now. Even without getting herself juiced up, this kind of thing had always done it for me. Now, with close to seven feet of absolute perfection on her side and the ability to control her sway to the millimeter for maximum seduction, I didn’t stand a chance. I went from zero to absolutely rock hard faster than the blood should have been able to get there, and when she pushed me backwards onto the bed it was sticking straight up. She stepped up onto our bed, lowering herself onto me, bringing me within her heavenly pussy, and just let her body take over. At least, until the overwhelming pleasure started to pull a moan out of me. Lucy covered my mouth with her perfect hand, the feral look in her eyes as her insides continued to work me, her supernaturally seductive voice coming out. “Tut, tut, we have a house guest, remember? No matter what happens, you cannot make a sound. You can’t let her hear you. Now, focus, love, and let’s see who wins.”


I’ll insert a detail here. If she really wanted to, she could have brought me to a screaming orgasm so intense I might literally have a heart attack within a second or two. She was not choosing to do so today, but neither was she taking it easy on me. I wasn’t just resisting her perfectly smooth in and out motion of her body as she silently pounded me into the bed. I wasn’t just resisting her hands on my chest, finding sensitive spots on and under my skin. I wasn’t just resisting her supernatural control of her internal muscles. I was resisting all of the above in perfect coordination, from a woman who knew me better than I knew myself and had since well before she ever gained these abilities.


So… I cheated a bit. I grabbed one of her amazingly sensitive, amazingly perky, amazingly huge breasts and shoved my face into it. I pulled her perfect nipple into my mouth and used it to muffle my voice, the sensations driving her wild to the point that she lost that tortuously delicious control and set me off, cumming like a firehose into her, setting her off around me. We came together in silence, intense and focused, until we came back to reality with twin contented sighs. She decided to stay that way, with me inside of her, and merely rolled to the side a bit so that we’d be cuddling while joined together for the pillow talk. I had no issues with this whatsoever, since that meant I’d be using those perfectly enormous breasts as my pillows while we talked and while we slept.


“Thank you, love. That was a good one, you gave me enough to keep going a couple of days if we need to.”


“I’m glad, because we do have a couple of things to talk about before going to sleep. First things first, Lilly thinks I’m cheating on you.”


“What? How the heck is she getting that idea? I’ve brought you every partner you’ve had in the last thirty years other than myself.”


I did mention I love this woman, right? Because I love this woman.


“She seems to be under the impression that I’m having sex with a two-meter tall supermodel while you sleep. Something about this supermodel answering the door and diving to the side last night before you walked up.” Lucy had the grace to look slightly sheepish, a look complicated by the fact that the body she was in would set that theoretical Jezebel to absolute shame.


“That would explain some of the vague hints she was trying to drop on me today. I thought she was just complimenting you on your muscular body and clean silver fox looks.”


“She had just accused me of it and told me to come clean with you to save our marriage when you came in, which is why I was laughing so hard.”


Lucy giggled, which created quite the sensation within her. “I was wondering. You normally insist on telling me things that make you crack up like that. One of the many things I love about us.”


“She’s a good friend. Would have been way too easy to decide she didn’t want any of this or not to risk her shelter to tell you what was going on. Even noticed when you missed your club meeting. Once we manage to get past this bunch of crises, I’d love to keep her as a friend.”

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