Under Pressure

Chapter 3: Greatness

I woke up in the morning feeling amazing. Still satiated from the previous night, especially after we went for round two not ten minutes after the dishes were clean. She felt amazing in my arms, curled up and tucked in to my body. Still had to get up, still had to work. I gently untucked myself, replacing the arm she had been sleeping on with the firmest pillow within reach. I stood up and stretched, feeling lighter on my feet and without many of the nagging aches of age. I knew she wasn’t using the pressure points on me, it was probably just how amazing the week had gone.

At least, I thought so until I looked in the mirror to shave. My shirt was distinctly looser than a week prior, and removing it showed the beginnings of muscle development happening. A bit of the weight was dropping from my midsection, too. Sex with an unbelievably hot wife was amazing exercise, as it turned out, and I was getting a lot of it. Both for the past few days and for the foreseeable future.

Thursdays had morning office hours, unlike Tuesdays, so I couldn’t take my time. I grabbed coffee and a quick breakfast, and was out the door before Lucy woke up. Though I was tempted to take another picture, to play with the point mapping some more, I knew it was pointless. Her measurements were going to change enough that I would need to hunt for the last four points this evening regardless. My students had noticed my increasingly good mood by now, and the rumor mill had begun. Was I getting tenured? Was I having an affair? Somehow, none of them even came close to the truth.

My phone pinged me during lunch, Lucy’s number. The message was simple, and once again had me rock hard. “I’m already overflowing the new bra.”


A couple of hours later, as soon as I possibly could, I put a sign on my office door saying the afternoon office hours were unexpectedly canceled. I made the trip in record time, well faster than the law would have approved of, so it was a good thing that there were no police between myself and home. I swung our door open to find my wife trying on a swimsuit.

At least, I think that’s what it was supposed to be. A small, shimmering silver bikini to offset the deep tan of her skin. It would have been pushing the limits of decency on her two days prior. Now, though, it wasn’t hiding anything. The back of the bottoms had slid firmly up between Lucy’s ever-more-amazing behind, the front existed to mold into a cameltoe and nothing else. She was bulging out of the top in all four directions on each cup.

She heard the door and turned. “Oh, thank you for coming home early! Can you help me out of this? I put it on before lunch and now I can’t get them off!”

Boy HOWDY will that get your attention fast. Her breasts were firm, but thankfully soft enough that I could press them down enough to escape the heroic bits of silver material one by one. The bottom was more difficult. I’m fairly sure we stretched it out, but it eventually peeled off. With that, my wife was gloriously nude before me.

I stood, and found that I still had to look slightly upwards to see her face. She wasn’t wearing heels, so I knew that this would be how it went from now on. Her muscles, which had only been hinted at before, showed the definition of a fitness model now. As if a fitness model would have those amazingly huge and perky breasts, they had to have been at least an F cup, possibly more.

Her skin was perfectly smooth and clear, the tone even and without a hint of tan line. Even her cheek bones and jaw line seemed to have adjusted themselves, gaining that perfect look that drew observers to her sapphire eyes. There was no hint of gray in her hair, just a glorious gold. She walked over to one of the bags, pulling out a loose shirt from the day before. I could tell that it would not be anywhere near as loose today, even at a glance, but she did not bother to put it on just yet.

She caught me admiring. Not like I was trying to hide it. “Before you ask, it feels like it slowed down. What you see is what you get until you give me more. I think, though, that you are going to want a more direct demonstration of what has been going on inside of me.”

She dropped to her knees, unzipped my pants, and without the slightest bit of hesitation deep throated me. There was no resistance, no gagging, and never once did her mouth and throat stop working every inch of my length. There is no shame to saying that I did not last more than about a minute until I was firing off directly down her throat, pulse after pulse after amazing pulse of pure pleasure.

I fell backwards onto the couch after it was done. Hadn’t even realized she maneuvered us so that it would happen. She smiled again, looking satisfied. Looking like she had just eaten at a Michelin starred restaurant. “That should help you think straight once you catch your breath.” I nodded. “Well, then, it’s not quite four in the afternoon. What do you say we clean up a bit and have ourselves a movie night in before you finish what you started? I was going to suggest going out to a nice place to eat, but I don’t I have any shirts that fit well enough to go out.”

I nodded again, eyes wide. My breath was only just starting to come back to me, and that mental image wasn’t helping. She disappeared over to our room as I got back to the kitchen and started putting movie snacks together. Even without going out, some things just set the mood right. Popcorn popping, cans of soda fizzing, she came back out and to the kitchen.

If anything, she had understated the fit of her shirt. It was a button-down number that would have been stylish and attractive for a night on the town. Now, though, it fit her like it was painted on, the buttons hanging on for dear life, leaving a solid three inches between the bottom and a pair of yoga pants she also squeezed into. I could clearly tell that there was absolutely nothing under them, either. I froze in place, my heart going from a normal-ish rate to a million beats per minute instantly as I watched her pull out a cutting board and knife, working some kind of magic with meats and cheeses for a charcuterie board. Watching her bounce as she sliced and chopped was hypnotic, and only the microwave beeping at me snapped me out of it.

We grabbed the food, made our way out to the couch, and proceeded to Netflix and chill. Literally, she had a musical pulled up on screen (something about a Cuban honeybear), and we cuddled on the couch. Snacking, holding each other, kissing, flirting, and just generally enjoying that we were both there. Around the finale, though, both of our self-control began to crack a bit. My hands strayed to her luscious breasts first, pawing them over the clothes shortly before going for the straining buttons and snaking in under the shirt to feel her more directly. I could see her eyes flutter, her breathing picking up, as her free hand went south and felt its way down my abs and to my own rising hardness.

She turned towards me, the one hand unzipping me and getting my pants out of the way. The other came to my face, feeling it as if to memorize it. My other hand strayed south as well, under the waistline of those yoga pants, finding her hot, wet, and eager. The second I found her clit, she stiffened up, both breasts falling out of her now-unbuttoned shirt. “I can’t wait any longer, love. Finish me. I want to feel you in me, I want to become everything this is leading towards.” She stood, letting her shirt fall back off of her, then sensuously removing her pants. Much less patiently, she took my clothes off of me as well. She stepped forward and climbed onto the couch, straddling me and wrapping those gorgeous legs around me as she sank onto me.

The sensation was indescribable. It felt like before, but even more so. It felt like she was perfectly molded to accept me and only me into her, and at my deepest I could feel that I was exactly bottomed out in her. She was twitching and pulsing inside, as if in a constant state of orgasm herself. Certainly, from the look on her face, she might well have been. She started to move, slowly up and down on me, working me with both her motion and her inner muscles. Her breasts were shoved in my face, and I felt like I was going to drown in an ocean of cleavage. I would die a happy man if I did.

“Now, Jay. I want to feel it, I want you to transform me!”

Who was I to disagree? While my lips found a nipple, my hands came to her knees, to the side and just towards the back, and went searching. It didn’t take long to find the two pressure points, given how much work those areas were currently doing. She felt me starting to work at them, sinking down onto me and pausing her efforts to let me focus. Moments later, I felt them both release themselves under my attention. She once again immediately came, crushing me into her like she wanted to take me in, her pussy spasming and pulsing around me like it had a desperately horny mind of its own. She did not scream, did not need to, I could feel the intensity of her in my arms as I hung onto her for dear life, fighting with all of my will not to orgasm right there.

I managed it, though I’m not sure how. About a minute later she settled, panting, and looked at me with desperation. “That was even stronger than yesterday. Are you ready, love?”

I did not respond with words. Instead, my hands moved to her hips. Buried deep within her pelvic cradle, near enough to her core that I could feel the pressure on my dick as I worked on them, were the last two points I had marked. It was difficult to press these two, both because of just how deep into her they were and because they were awkwardly far away from anything to press against, but her panting and soft vocalizations of pleasure told me I was on the right track as I worked on them. Eventually, I felt them put up the now-familiar last bit of resistance, and they suddenly let go.

The reaction was again immediate, but this time much more dramatic. She could not hold back her scream of ecstasy, her orgasm feeling like it was clamping down on me without ever wanting to let go. I could feel more than just the orgasm, though, this time the changes happened rapidly enough that I could feel them, too.

While she writhed and pulsed on me, she grew. Her legs wrapped further around me, the cleavage I was buried in got deeper, and when I looked up to her face I had to look up further. The muscles which I had been admiring gained more sleek definition, even her voice dropped to an unbelievably sexy alto. It seemed like every piece of her was joining in the orgasm, and inside of her the patterns of pressure within her were milking me for all they were worth. After an eternity that probably only lasted a minute or two, I came inside of her, my own blast of pleasure seeming to last forever. I could feel the intensity all the way up and down my body, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her to me just as hard as she was doing the same.

This time around, both of us fell unconscious on the couch, still joined together.


I awoke to a sensation I was not ready for. I was much warmer than expected, for one, since I immediately noticed that I was on the couch with no clothes on. There was a lot of weight on me, warm and soft. I could feel the sensation of a gentle orgasm going on around my penis, and opened my eyes. My wife was passed out on top of me on the couch, most of her weight supported off to one side by virtue of how she fell. She was completely unconscious still. A glance at the clock on the wall showed me that we had been that way for over an hour, yet somehow she was still twitching on me. A certain soreness let me know that there was every possibility that I had cum again within her while we were both out of it, possibly more than once.

I slowly shifted a bit and withdrew from her. My mind drifted back a couple of days, and I decided to return the favor. I got a blanket and laid it onto her, then went and found the loosest pair of pajamas she had and set them on the coffee table next to the couch for when she woke up. After that, I went to our room and closed the door in order to keep things quieter for her, and called in to the university. “Yeah, I won’t be able to come in tomorrow, can you assign a sub again? Something is up with my wife, and I need to take her to take care of her. Not coming in, just in case. Should be easy, they just have to hand out the pop quiz in the top drawer.”

I mean, all technically true. There was definitely a thing going on, and I definitely planned to bring her out to help get her set for it. Just not quite what they were thinking, and definitely didn’t involve getting swabbed for anything.

I pulled out my laptop once more, an idea forming in the back of my head. I didn’t have a new picture of her, but I didn’t need it for this. One last time, I pulled up the file with her pressure points and meridians mapped, and pulled the overlay of the motherboard to the top. It took a lot more tinkering than the other layers did, but eventually I got the board itself clear while the golden lines upon it were fully visible. Then, I slowly shifted it around searching for a match to the torso of my wife.

Found one, too, over an hour later. Once I had that, I cut the segment out and got to morphing. The match wasn’t 100% perfect, but it was extremely close. Close enough that each of the pressure points visible from the front of the body was within a few pixels of a component of the board. I started erasing lines that were not connected to those matches, and ended with a map that was very close to the meridian one. All except for one detail.

My heart rate once again picked up to thunderous frequency and power. If what I saw there was remotely correct, there weren’t 20 pleasure-oriented pressure points on the body. There were 21.


I woke up the next morning cuddled with my wife again, though the positions had changed a bit. She wasn’t tucked up under my chin this time, we were facing each other and my head was laying upon her pillowy breasts. We weren’t curved as much, her leg draped over me and our arms around each other. Neither of us was wearing anything, pajamas entirely forgotten. Well, forgotten for me, I’m not sure she had any in the house that would fit her one way or the other. It was heavenly, and I laid there for a few minutes just savoring the soft feel and slight cinnamon smell. Her skin was smooth and pliant, even as close as I was her pores were so small as to be nearly invisible, not a hair south of her eyebrows nor blemish to be seen. Including when I glanced downward, her vagina was as bare as if she just came from the most expert Brazilian wax on Earth.

Although I tried to let her sleep, apparently the nap she got yesterday meant she was close enough to awake now that she felt me trying to extract myself. She had other ideas for the morning, and for my morning wood, rolling me onto my back and mounting me. The feeling was electric, her insides coiling and pulsing as she pulled me deep inside of her. I didn’t even try to hold on this time, erupting within her in two minutes flat only to feel her entire body follow, flushed and panting, as the first spurts hit the back of her womb.

“Good morning, love. Shower?”

Once again, I was not about to let that opportunity pass. She stood, now well taller than me and wearing nothing with the best of them. Her entire body was firm and soft in perfect proportions, her breasts shunning comparisons to letters and venturing into fruits and sports equipment as they stood perky and proud. Even with all of this, her face drew the eye, looking like it belonged on the front of every magazine on the planet. She didn’t waste the opportunity either, repeating her deep-throat trick from the day before to pull more cum from me than I knew I had before making sure we were both cleaned up. If I didn’t know any better, I could have sworn from her moans and body language that she had orgasmed again herself, but I was nowhere near any piece of her that should have made that happen. It was all on the pleasure of giving alone.

I explained to her the plan over breakfast. “I took the day off today, as fun and amazing as this has been, there’s a bit of practical consideration to remember. You need clothes if you ever want to leave the house again. Or have guests over.” The look in her eye was indicative of a very different kind of guest than I’d been thinking of. Not that I minded. “That means we need you to get measured again, too. We also need to restock the house for a few things, and I owe you dinner on the town since we couldn’t last night. Made the reservation last night before bed.” She smiled even more broadly at that thought. “Finally, we also need you to test things. I know you are infinitely more driven and energized than you were before, but I don’t know what else changed inside of you. I can admire your physical form all day long, and plan to, but how far did it go?”

She considered my words for the moment, but quickly nodded. I wasn’t the one to make plans very often, and even before all of this she was usually excited when I took the initiative.

“Makes sense, love. I don’t feel like I’m changing anymore, it all happened so quickly after those last few pressure points. Inside... it’s hard to describe. I’m still me under this. I love you, I love our kids, I remember all my old hobbies and skills. It feels sharper, too, like a lot of the rust got taken off. I’m thinking faster, seeing more, remembering more. At the same time, laid over all of that, I feel like the most joyous slut of all time. I adore having sex with you, I feel super sensitive all over, especially in the places you love to stroke and caress, and have a constant horny tingle in the back of my mind. Just sitting here, not touching, I’m feeling it as strongly as when we were on our honeymoon and you were actively teasing me, and I love it. My brain is just full of all the amazing things I can do to you, and for you, and anyone else I care to. Just having you inside me at all is like a neverending high, and when I came for you it went higher than I could have imagined last week.”

That was better than I could have hoped. Especially paired with boobs significantly larger than her head. She was happy, and horny, and absolutely high on life. It was also exciting like crazy, and only the fact that I had already cum twice in the last thirty minutes kept me in control. “Okay, then. Work from the inside out, then? Let’s get to the store before there’s a lot of traffic to get you underthings and get those amazing breasts some semblance of restraint.” She laughed at this. “After that, we move on to clothing, then all the other things. End of the night, I think I have one more big surprise for you. Sound good?”

“Sounds good. But first…” We were delayed by about fifteen minutes, but it was entirely worth it.


We were almost to the mall when my brain caught up to something from the morning. “Love, quick question.”

Lucy was in the passenger seat, properly readjusted. The luckiest seatbelt in the world was directly between her massive boobs, and she was wearing what had long ago been a maternity shirt. It was the wrong size even then, draping off of her like a poncho or a curtain that fell on her, and got lost in the back of a closet as a result. Now, it was barely enough to be decent, ending closer to the bottom of her breasts than her pants and exposing several inches of midriff. The sweatpants she had on were doing an amazing imitation of yoga pants, too. There was nothing remotely resembling underwear or a bra on her. “Fire away.”

“I noticed that you threw away half of your breakfast. It was good, and you are not as small as you were. Would have thought you’d eat more, not less.” I turned into the parking lot, and upon rolling over a speed bump it took the single greatest effort of will of my life to keep my eyes forward.

“You know, I just wasn’t hungry. I ate a bit because I knew I should, but I felt full already. Like I didn’t need it, or I got what I needed some other way.” I’d need to consider that later, we were pulling in. The Victoria’s Secret had an outside door, and was just about to open for the day. The lot was nearly empty, but even so I could see at least two people staring at my wife as she bent over to retrieve the bag of underclothes that no longer fit her.

Couldn’t blame them, really. I was in a good mood. Feeling charitable.

The door wasn’t locked despite us being a few minutes early. It chimed as we walked in, I could see the grate still down between the store and the rest of the mall. A chipper voice called out “Hello! Sorry, was the door unlocked? We’re not open…” The source of the voice had come into line of sight. A really pretty woman, sexy even in the presence of the goddess to my right. Looked like she might model for the store. Dark hair and eyes, well taken care of and fit, nice proportions and about my height. This put her in second place by about two leagues, but that comparison wasn’t very fair. Her name tag said “Vicky”, and her voice had drifted off as she laid eyes on my wife.

Lucy smiled a bit. “Hi Vicky, you helped me the other day, and I’m sorry to say they don’t fit after all! I need to be re-measured and see if you have anything my real size.” She said this while not-so-subtly pushing her chest forward. I’d be legitimately shocked if anything here fit her rack off the rack.

Vicky probably knew this immediately, but the look of hunger on her face meant she’d try anyway. “I… ah… I’m usually good at estimating, but if you’d like I can… uh, measure you. Over in the fitting room. Let me lock the back door, it wasn’t supposed to be open.” Her mind was made up, she walked past us, brushing against Lucy and breathing deep as she did, then going to an unobtrusive door near us, labeled as the dressing room. While retrieving a measuring tape. Lucy had apparently decided to have some fun today, and walked over with her hips and breasts swaying freely. She glanced at me with a wicked grin, I gave her a similar one with a small nod. Standing directly next to the woman, Lucy grabbed the hem of her shirt and, slowly and deliberately, pulled it off. Vicky’s eyes went absolutely enormous as she stepped in behind my wife, closing the door. I could smell her arousal from three paces away, and stepped forward next to that door to listen to the proceedings.

“Let’s… okay, first we need to get the band measurement…” I knew that this would involve literally digging up under those amazing breasts, Vicky would be getting a facefull of them right about now. Her panting confirmed this. “And now… the breast measurement…” I knew that this was NOT the right word for it, but I couldn’t blame her for being distracted while running her hands over them. “That would make you a… 34H… oh my word… And for your panty size… That’s... ”

“So tell me, Vicky. Are you single?”

“Uh… yeah… no time to date these days…” Vicky practically whimpered these words, helpless in front of the vision in front of her.

My wife chuckled. “Good.” Her voice had taken on a tone that had me aroused from outside the room, and it wasn’t even pointed at me. “Then there’s nobody who would object… to… this… mmmm”

I could hear a matching sound coming from Vicky, getting louder and louder as she apparently came from a kiss, muffled by my wife’s tongue. I really wished I had been in there to see the show, but listening was almost as good. A moment or two later, a very dazed-looking Vicky left the changing room, walking over to a far corner of the store. A moment after, my wife walked out with a very satisfied smile on her face again. She looked at me, and suddenly a flash of a very different emotion crossed her face. Fear? Guilt? Whatever it was, I wasn’t about to let it stay.

“Love, we can talk about it later, but for now, know that I not only don’t mind, I was incredibly turned on listening to that.” Her relief was everything I needed to see right then. I wasn’t going to have her feeling guilty over something I enjoyed. A lot.

We heard a soft cough. Vicky was back. “Ma’am? Lucy? I don’t have much here in that size, it is not a typical one, but I have one daily wear and one sports fit. We can special order more but they will take a while…”

“That’s perfect. As you could see,” Lucy gestured at herself, “I didn’t have anything at all in the right size.” The poor woman (poor woman? She was loving it…) was ringing up the purchase and inputting the order with shaky hands. Lucy went back to the dressing room with the sport one, should keep her slightly more contained. When I paid, I immediately noticed that there was an employee discount on it… and that the special notes had a phone number that I rather strongly suspected was Vicky’s. I’d take it.


Lucy couldn’t get panties there, though they were on the order. Thus, despite her chest being much less active, I still knew there was only one piece of fabric between me and heaven. I ended up dropping a lot of cash on a new wardrobe (though, oddly, much less than the tags would normally say) and left with enough to wear out and about. “I don’t intend to wear anything otherwise,” she whispered in my ear as we left the last one. It would definitely make the laundry go further, but the consequences for my underwear would likely be catastrophic. We were there for a while, through lunch and then some. No matter how much people wanted to be helpful, finding anything that would fit on her, not look obscene, and still be somewhat fashionable was a difficult exercise.

We got back into the car, but before I could shift gears to head out she put her hand on mine. “Love… Jay… are you sure you’re alright with earlier?”

I knew the question was coming and had been turning it over in my head. I chose my words carefully. “Lucy, please listen and believe me when I say this. I have no issues whatsoever with what happened in the store. I think it’s one of the hottest things to have ever occurred in my presence that didn’t involve me being literally inside of you. We are in new territory, but here’s the way I see it. I am going to do my best to keep up with you, but I know that won’t always be possible. If you find a girl and seduce her, more power to you. Especially if you bring her home, we can share if you two are down. I have only two rules. I’m the only guy who gets to experience you raw, and you come home to me at the end of the day. That’s it. If you want to post pictures of yourself in every corner of the internet, go for it. Let everyone else be jealous, we’ll anonymize it so they won’t find you unless they see you in person. If you want to take on five guys at once, try not to give them heart attacks. You’re mine, I know you’re mine, and as long as you keep being mine we will be good to go. That’s where I stand.”

Her jaw had dropped halfway through, and her eyebrows climbed higher and higher as I said my piece. She never did say that she understood, but the way she almost literally dove on top of me to kiss me deeply said enough. I felt her turn up the power of the kiss, until she realized that I would not be able to change out of soiled pants and stopped short of the full treatment. She took a deep breath, settling back down, as I drove us home. We were mostly quiet, listening to the radio as I drove, getting our minds right as we went. I parked again at home, a little bit later. Once again, she put her hands on mine before I could exit.

“Jay, thank you. Thank you for everything, and for all of your understanding. I want you to know something, too. The entire time we were out there, every time I found a woman who was reciprocating, I wanted her whimpering and melting under me like Vicky. I felt it soul-deep, and I’ve been walking with you all day today knowing that there was no way I could guarantee I’d be 100% faithful. You telling me that was like a lead weight falling away from my conscience. I’ll hold to your conditions if you agree to do the same. My only lines are a lot like yours. You always come home to me, and you never transform another woman without my permission. Besides that, I’m more than happy to share everyone I bring home with you. I’ll do what I can to convince them to do it, too. We can have them together. Okay by you?”

My smile was big, but my erection was much, much bigger. “Deal. Now, you’ve gotten me excited, and I want to show you just how far out of literally everyone else’s league I think you are. Let’s get inside.”

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