Undead Emperor

Chapter 3925 - Join forces to fight against the emperor

Chapter 3925: Joining Hands to Fight the Devil Emperor

On the side of the three burning lions, those ghosts couldn’t get close to it at all, and the hot heat waves around them directly shook all those ghosts into nothingness.

Seeing that Su Zhen and the Three Blazing Lions were so aggressively offensive, the spirit emperor suddenly narrowed his eyes. It seemed that they wanted to kill him as fast as possible!

Is he really their opponent?

The spirit demon emperor’s body shook, and the endless ghosts in the sky suddenly gathered together and turned into a huge ghost shadow.

“It seems that the moves of your demons are exactly the same.” After Su Zhen took a look, a smile appeared on his face. The moves of the Spirit Demon Emperor and the Zhenxian Demon Emperor were similar.

At the same time, his speed didn’t stop in the slightest.

In a blink of an eye, he came to the front of the shadow of the ghost.

The Ling Rui sword energy that can penetrate everything, directly passed through the shadow of the ghost, and the sword power was still extremely fierce, straight and straight and continued towards the Ling Demon Emperor.

But the next moment, a cold smile appeared on the face of the Ling Demon Emperor.

Upon seeing this, Su Zhen frowned.

At this moment, behind him, a black wind blew up.

The pierced ghost shadow unexpectedly began to transform into a huge black tornado, stirring up the nearby breath, and the space everywhere was distorted to the extreme.

At the same time, in the deepest part of this space, a surprised voice came.

“An outsider is here again…” The voice was extremely low, as if it came from a bell, but immediately afterwards, his voice also changed slightly: “Oh? I didn’t expect my demon people to be too. He has come here, and he is still a demon emperor. It seems that this emperor will finally get out of here!”

There is no lack of joy in the voice.

But the next moment, his voice changed again: “This breath is very familiar. Is it the Immortal Emperor who came before?”

When he was talking to himself, a shock wave burst out from a distance, shaking out all the way.

The entire space seemed to be destroyed under this tremor.

“Boy, see what else you can do to counterattack!” The Spirit Demon Emperor laughed wildly, and then a vigorous aura poured out from his palm, and then slapped Su Zhen with a dozen palms.

Every palm was burning with black indestructible fire, and at the same time there was a black tornado hurricane that swept in the back, which completely smashed Su Zhen in the middle.

Upon seeing this, Su Zhen did not retreat but moved forward, and his breath became more fierce.

He turned into a sword qi, and directly collided with the palm print that was braving the black fire.

Accompanied by a deafening clash, Su Zhen and Ling Demon Emperor both flew upside down by the other’s breath.

At this time, the power of the black tornado behind was already about to come into contact with Su Zhen who was flying out.

At the same time, the three fiery lions turned into a rainbow light, flashing to Su Zhen’s side, the fire light burned, forming a monstrous flame barrier, forcibly blocking the black tornado out!

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the Spirit Demon Emperor suddenly narrowed.

“Leave me alone, kill him!” After Su Zhen’s figure stabilized, he disappeared in the same place in an instant. When he appeared again, he was already behind the Ling Demon Emperor.

“Silence Fist!” The black fist light melted out of Su Zhen’s fist, and slammed into the spirit emperor.

The atmosphere around him became low as the fist appeared.

The fist light was like a dragon roar, and at the same time, with the potential of decayed things, it bombarded the Ling Demon Emperor directly.

“The Palm of the Soul!” At the time when the Ling Demon Emperor was in the nirvana boxing, a monstrous clutch of the Ling Demon Emperor was also shot on Su Zhen’s chest.

Both of them coughed up a mouthful of blood, and their bodies fell heavily.


Two clusters of dust aroused on the ground, flying like falling water.

At this time, the three fiery lions also came to the sky above the Spirit Demon Emperor, and when they saw the Spirit Demon Emperor falling, three pillars of fire spewed out from their mouths, falling towards the Spirit Demon Emperor.

The loud and trembling sound was almost never heard.

The spirit emperor’s face is ugly at this moment. If Su Zhen is alone, he is fine, but the cultivation of these three fiery lions is about to rival that of the immortal emperor. Although fighting alone, three fiery lions only It would be for him to be tortured and killed, but it’s teaming up with Su Zhen, which makes him a headache.

In a short period of time, I am afraid that I will not be able to find the flaws in Su Zhen and the Three Blazing Lions.

On the contrary, he still needs to take into account both front and back.

Once the slightest flaw is revealed, it will be instantly destroyed.

“Emperor Lingmo, take this emperor’s sword of resentment!” Su Zhen shouted loudly at this moment, and then a golden sword flashed past.

While the golden light whizzed, one of the arm of the Spirit Demon Emperor was directly cut off!

The three fiery lions continuously breathed out fairy fire, which turned into a rain of fire for a while, and turned into a pillar of fire for a while, constantly attacking the spirit demon emperor, and at the same time interfering with him unilaterally, so that the spirit demon emperor could not devote all attention Go to Su Zhen.

“How can this emperor be killed by you?” Ling Demon Emperor was injured and furious. On his body, black flames gushed out again and covered his whole body.

The next moment, he stomped the sole of his foot against the ground, and then rushed towards Su Zhen quickly.

For some reason, Su Zhen didn’t feel any temperature from his body.

As if the flame itself had no temperature, it was very different from the raging fire condensed on the three blazing lions.

“Purple Demon Spear!” A purple spear shadow appeared out of thin air, and then was directly thrown out by Su Zhen.

The breath on the purple magic spear was like a whip, constantly beating.

At the same time, a fierce sword aura was born on the sword of Cang Yu, and it whizzed out again!

The sword light and the spear shadow complement each other, so that there are no dead spots around him. As long as they are in this space, they will become the souls of his sword and spear!

It’s just that Su Zhen was surprised that the Spirit Demon Emperor even rushed toward him regardless of the fact.

And when the spear light and sword energy fell on the spirit emperor, the black flame directly blocked all the attacks.

At the same time, everything that was touched by the black flame, or touched the black flame, was instantly burned and dissipated.

The Cang Yuan Sword was okay, it itself was the emperor’s thing, with supreme power, it was impossible to destroy it.

However, the purple magic spear was directly attached to the black flame, and it was directly burned into nothingness by the black flame just for a breath time!

That purple magic spear is a pinnacle magic weapon of extremely high rank!

But I didn’t expect that under the inextinguishable black fire, he would appear so fragile! Vulnerable.

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