Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City

Chapter 357: The Zodiac!


It had been a while for him to hear this name, especially after Isao defeated her with Aiz in the past. Frankly, he had forgotten about her since many things happened, and he also hadn't thought her value was that important either, especially when they had gotten all the information they needed. 

As for using her as a goon, for someone who dared to kill Aiz in the past, how could they dare to do that? 

No one had a good impression of Revis, especially the Loki Familia. Even if she was beautiful, so what? 

At that moment, Revis was just all bones; her hair was dry, and her cheeks sunk as if she hadn't eaten anything for so long. She had been begging, but when Dionysus' madness happened, her existence was forgotten, especially when all the members of the Loki Familia were busy. 

No one in the Loki Familia was a goon or weakling, and all of them could fight, so they had no time to take care of Revis, so for so many days, no one came to her. 

Her voice was feeble, and she couldn't move her body; she just lay on the cold stone ground, alone and in the darkness, hoping that someone could save her.

Everything made her crazy, and she really didn't know what to do, feeling frightened as she thought that she would continue to stay here without anyone as she was unable to die. 

Yes, like Filvis, who had become a creature, unless the crystal on her chest was taken out, it was impossible for her to die, but even so, dying was much better than her current situation where she was trapped inside this abyss. 

Fortunately, her luck was good, and someone was about to build part of the headquarters of the Loki Familia; they happened to enter the prison area of the Loki Familia and noticed Revis. 

Naturally, Revis begged with all of her might, and it led to the situation where she wished to become Isao's dog. 

"...you want to become my dog?" Isao looked at Revis, whose face was like a homeless person. It was a bit like him, who spent his weeks in the dungeon without eating and drinking, spending all of his time fighting before his War Game with the Apollo Familia. It was kind of nostalgic, especially when he had walked his path until now, and now, Revis, who was his previous enemy, begged him like this. 

However, this woman had wanted to kill him and Aiz before, so—

"If you can't accept me, then please kill me." 

Before Isao made his decision, Revis said those words and bowed her head, showing her neck as if telling him to kill her right away. For her, instead of being trapped in this place, alone, and being tortured by solitude, it was better for her to die since that way, there was no need for him to be tortured like this anymore. 

"Why don't you take her, Isao?" 


Isao looked at Aiz strangely when she heard her suggestion. "Why?" 

"You are about to have a War Game after all. Isn't it better to have her?" 

Now, while the Hestia Familia situation wasn't bad, especially with Isao, Aiz felt that he needed to add more numbers since Filvis, Cassandra, and Daphne weren't enough. 

Yes, Filvis might be a Level 7, but Cassandra and Daphne were just Level 3. 

If possible, it would be great if Hestia Familia had another strong adventurer in her Familia. 

Revis fitted that requirement well, especially when she was powerful, and, more importantly, she was obedient, since if she wasn't obedient, what would await her was just another torture. 

Lastly, even if Revis appeared like a homeless woman, there was no doubt she was a beautiful woman. 

While Isao agreed with the last point, he felt that he needed to keep his image, even if his image wasn't that good to begin with. 

'This is the fall of the good person persona...' 

Still, Isao never expected that Aiz would tell him to get a woman without hesitation. 

Had she started to grow up? 

He felt happy somehow. 

Yet, in Aiz's mind, she felt that it was too wasteful to keep Revis, especially when Revis did nothing and just ate the food from the Loki Familia. More importantly, if there was someone who kept a beast woman like Revis as an obedient pet, it was only Isao. 

As for Revis, would they enter Isao's room to seduce him? 


Aiz had grown up, and she didn't think Revis, this stupid woman, could seduce Isao at all. 

"...." Isao.

"Okay, then follow me." 

"Thank you!" 

Revis bowed her head repeatedly at Isao, knowing that she had made the right choice to become Isao's pet. 

"If you want to know about the fallen spirit and everything, I will tell you everything." 

After she washed her body, ate, and got new clothes, she directly showed her loyalty to Isao without hesitation. 

Still, everyone who watched how such a haggard and dirty woman quickly transformed into a plump, healthy, beautiful woman was dumbfounded. After all, what Revis did was just eat and wash up, yet she could recover instantly, showing how frightening the physical ability of the Creature was as crazy as ever. 

"Spirit, huh?" 

Evilus, Dionysus, and other things aside, Isao was quite interested in the fallen spirits, especially when those fallen spirits could turn into monsters with powerful strength. 

Whether it was Filvis or Revis, they also gained strength because of the fallen spirit, showing how much potential that creature had. 

Yet, compared to all of that, Isao had Aiz with him, the real descendant of the wind spirit, Aria herself as his woman, so there was no need for him to get the fallen spirit. 

Rather, he had already gotten the DNA of the fallen spirit and Aiz on himself, so there was no need for him to think about those spirits anymore. 

However, if he could go back to the past and meet a real spirit like Aiz's mother,


Aiz tilted her head as she felt Isao's gaze on him. 

'No, no.' 

Isao quickly shook his head since if he really did that, then Aiz wouldn't be born, right? 

More importantly, he was a good person, so he shouldn't do anything that would harm other people. 

Yes, he admitted that he wasn't a good guy and often pretended to be a good person, but he still had his bottom line, and he wouldn't bully the weak. 

If he wanted to bully anyone, he had to bully the strong since the feeling was much better, especially those deities, who thought that they were all above him, yet the truth is he was the one who played with them. 

Nevertheless, while Revis was eager to show her worth to Isao, Hestia, who had gone home, stared at Revis speechlessly, but she felt that it was all good since, this way, her small Familia had grown once again. 

So, at night, Hestia couldn't help but feel nostalgic for the improvement of her Familia. 

"Now, there are five members of my Familia." 

"Yeah, it has grown a lot." 

"It's nothing compared to others, though." 

Compared to other deities who had hundreds of members, Hestia knew that her five members were nothing. 

"Do you want to add more members?" Isao asked curiously when he saw Hestia's smile. 

"Hmm... let's keep the number few like you told me before." 

Hestia wanted to laze around, so a small elite member was far better than having hundreds of small fries. "At least... 13!" 


"Yeah, with you as the center, there are 12 guardians around you. Isn't it great?" 

Watching Hestia's pure smile, Isao wondered whether Hestia wanted to make a zodiac number. 

"So, it will be like a zodiac?" 

"Zodiac? Oh! That's a great idea!" 

"But let's think about that tomorrow." 

"Yeah. Let's think about that tomorrow." 

The two decided to think about those complicated tomorrow before their eyes met into each other, melted, feeling each other's intention.

Feeling his touch on her soft, smooth legs, Hestia kissed his lips and used her tongue to play with him happily, like a puppy. 

The two of them played a game, a game with their hands that made them happy for the entire night. 

Still, what he loved the most about Hestia was the large fruits on her chest. Her body might be petite, but her fruits were the size of Demeter's, which made him love to suck them as if a sweet nectar could come out from them. 

Meanwhile, Hestia looked like a gentle mother, gently rubbing his two heads, which were on the top and below, with her two hands as she sighed comfortably when Isao sucked her like a baby. 


Nevertheless, while they enjoyed their small games, on the next day, the meeting for the War Game that everyone had been waiting for came, and the Ishtar Familia had made up their preparation and only waited for the time to show their venom. 

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