Ugly Bastard

Chapter 33 – Smile and wave, just smile and wave

Guys, sorry. This chapter was so long and hard to pour out of me it squeezed all juices out of me. I have to strength to proofread it a few times. I'll fix all problems you find tomorrow. Right now I only wish to fall down and sleep. Enjoy.

"So that's what happened. God! This is terrible." Said the gentle calming voice of a woman dressed in a very stylish dress with a tempting long slit on the side of it and deep cleavage cut.

She bent over the table reaching to hold her friend's hand, while her spine stayed absolutely straight as a tightened string of bow, making the body embracing dress she wore repeat every curve of her magnificent fit body to the finest detail. Her wonderful valley, at that moment, was showing so much it felt as if those gorgeous globes were infinitely close to spilling out of that illicit deep cleavage of her dress, yet held there as if defying the world that dreamed of seeing them in naked. Even just sitting on a chair with her legs crossed one on the other revealed her mesmerizing thigh through the slit on the side, invitingly calling to check what's hidden under that gorgeous dress tightly hugging her curvaceous body. 

All that allure that she emitted with every fiber of her body was done without her even putting any deliberation to it. Master temptress and seductress, even sitting in a private room, alone with her friend she never stopped to exude the regal elegance of high born lady, mixed with allure of belly dancer and lewdness of most wanton slut that always kept man, seeking for her company, in awe, and trepidation at her every move. 

Her friend however, when sat in the same room as this master temptress looked more like a ruffian that would mug you on the street.

Samantha was a tall beautiful woman with a strong trained body and wonderful opulent chest pushing out her clothes, however in comparison with Madam Irene the difference was so strong, that people would not even notice her presence if they were to enter this room, mistaking her for Madam Irene's shadow.

Two women that grew up always supporting each other like sisters, took absolutely different routes in their lives.

One a professional adventurer and now a slaver and criminal traveling around the country, the other a cheap whore and now a Madam of the best Brothel in the Greenville city where even City Lord would behave meekly. 

However they always stayed as sisters to each other. When Samantha showed up at her porch, after many years of not seeing each other, Madam Irene didn't hesitate a single moment in offering refuge for her and her friends. Hiding them inside her establishment even knowing that these unexpected guests might be wanted and chased by every soldier in the city if they looked as bad as they were at the moment.

Some time ago, just after Samantha appeared on her porch with a distressed fave and a team of girls ina disheveled states, Irene arranged everything necessary for them and left them in a private back room getting back to her business and customers to not bring any suspicions in case there are people on the hunt after these girls.

After Irene got more or less free of the business matters that held her preoccupied for hours she rushed back to her friend, finding Samantha bawling her eyes out in the embrace of the empty cask like friend Danny, that in the past as Irene remembered was always too loud and behaved in a happy go lucky manner.

Irene knew how strong Samantha was. They both grew up on the same streets. Whatever hurt them so much that broke her friend, Samanthat bore through stoically, however she was hurt just as much as them only held it inside. 

When Irene entered, Sam's tears stopped and soon a mask of a stoic responsible leader was drawn to her face. That wasn't good thought Irene at that moment. Samantha clearly needed a strong shoulder that she could trust at that moment. Not the one with half vacant eyes. But someone she could share her trouble with, pour her soul out.

Irene took Danny's hand and brought her back to the bed, laying her down. Then she straightened her open palm and blew at it gently.

Fine dust like powder flew like smoke from her palm into the vacantly staring at the ceiling girls face. Soon Danny's eyes closed and her breathing changed to that of a sleeping person. After that Irene walked around the room and breathed the same powder at the other two restlessly sleeping girls, making them breath out as if in calming down and sleep soundly.

"They will not see any dreams with this. It will help them rest well." She said turning to Samantha.

She then beckoned Samantha to follow her and brought her to a small dim room next door with a few soft chairs and a table. One wall of the room had a window with blinds that looked over the whole hall of the establishment. 

And in this room they currently sat chatting in privacy. Or rather Irene listening to the Samantha's story.

Irene took out two fancy glasses and poured some alcohol that she took out of her ring. Hearing out her friend and finding out what happened to them really shocked her however her mastery of own facial expressions did not allow her to overly express it.

From Samantha's words she understood that, it wasn't just the hardcore fucking, that the monster gave them. What harmed them most, was the maddening lust the monster gave them, that raked their pleasure senses, to what felt to them as, right up to 1000%, overloading their brains, almost frying their heads and turning them to vegetables. 

As a best brothel proprietress and master of pleasure that could satisfy her every clients needs, she knew exactly what it meant. She herself has driven countless costumers, seeking special kind of excitement from being dominated, to similar heights of raving desire. Irene knew exactly what this could do to peoples minds if not handled properly. 

Her friend was damaged by that beast. It did not show on her face, but under that stoic mask there was a hurt girl.

She carefully nudged Samantha to speak further and listened to her carefully.

After what happened, every time Samantha closed eyes, events of that day flashed inside her memories as if the brightest magic lamp ignited suddenly in the darkness. The way he beat her. The way he roughly manhandled her. And she liked it. Wanted it. The rough way he took her while she begging him for more. She was defied even the right to stay human at that time. He turned her into a beast of lust and desire with single wish in life to be a tool for that monster's pleasure.

Irene saw how her friend shuddered in fright from remembering it, yet also saw in her eyes the echoes of that excitement and pleasure. For a second Samantha's face lost in the memories turned to that of a mindless fool starting to drool at the corner of her mouth. Then she startled at her own feelings took hold of her emotions again and sat there trembling, afraid of her own dark desires.

"Sam. I see your pain and how hurt you are. And there is not much I can do besides holding your hand and listen to you. However if you allow me, I would like to suggest a method that might help you to alleviate it a bit." Said Irene still holding her trembling friends hand.

"What method?"

"You need to dilute these horrible memories with more pleasurable memories making them weaker." Answered Irene.

"Where do I find these memories? The only thing I have in stock is an ever turning whirlpool of crap that is called my life." Said Samantha.

"I suggest you substitute those dark events memories with a newer and better ones."

Samantha looked at her friend questioningly.

"You suggest me to go fuck someone else? After all I just lived through?"

"Not fucked! No. To let yourself be loved. Be treasured. Let yourself be pampered by a man that would be as gentle as if you are the most fragile treasure in his hands. Be loved as a woman." Corrected her Irene.

"As if there is a man like that." Said Samantha sarcastically.

"Sam. There are years of experience at such matters in this behind my back. If there is anything you can rely on right now it is my expertise in this. All I ask is your trust in me." Said Irene gently.

Samantha did not answer she just looked at her friend for a long moment and then nodded slightly.

"If you are sure about this…" She muttered after turning her gaze away, starring into the floor.

"I am. Now be a good girl and wait for me here. I already saw a proper man for this occasion." Said Irene standing up and throwing her gaze at the window leading to the entertainment hall of her establishment, where just a few moments ago, from the corner of her eyes, she noticed one young man being led inside the establishment. Young man that reeked of shy innocence and green freshness of the inexperienced boy that barely turned old enough to visit such establishment.

Samantha watched her friend leave the room, then picked the bottle from the table and poured herself another glass. Downing it in a single go.


Noah sat on the couch in a shy and nervous state turning his glass in the hands, while looking around the place trying to choose a girl.

He knew they were all prostitutes, yet it did not make him any courageous in starting a conversation with any of them. He still felt troubled from realizing he would have to come over one of these gorgeous ladies and ask her to spend a night with him.

While he watches around, two women with smiles as if in passing by stoped near him and started to talk to him. They were professionals, making it an easy chat even for a guy that sat there tense as a bow string. They made a small chat, asking him what's his name and where he came from. Making small jokes and funny remark. Sometimes joking at each other, not making the conversation to be concentrated simply at him. And after a time piece by piece a small flirty remarks started to seep into the conversation. Making Noah a bit shy but still open for a chat with them and a smile on his lips.

When girls were about to sit down to have more "in depth conversation" with him a strange sound spread in hall. Some man turned their heads and greeted a lady coming down from the second floor.

She moved through the hall with regal elegance smiling sweetly at the costumers and simply greeting them while passing by without stopping to chat with anyone.

Funny thing is, she was walking toward him.

When this gorgeous looking woman that even among all the beauties surrounding him in this establishment, stood out a moo  between dim stars clearly outshining everyone, came over to him, the girls that stood chatting with him gave a small bow of respect.

"I am sorry for disturbing your chat." She said more to Noah than to the girls standing nearby, however there was no doubt that it was addressed more to the girls than him. "May I have a bit of this gentleman's time for myself?" She asked kindly.

The two girls that chatted with him made a curtsy and after excusing themselves sweetly and waving at Noah walked away to find another man to char.

"Good evening, sir. My name is Irene." Said the woman holding out her delicate hand for a greeting. 

"Irene as in Madam Irene's entertainment club?" Asked Noah after jumping up from his spot, not daring to disrespect her talking to her sitting while she addressed him standing.

"You are very attentive." She answered while Noah was taking her hand in his. "Yes, indeed. I am this establishments proprietress."

"It's my greatest pleasure, meeting you." Said Noah bowing at her hand with all elegance that was taught to him in his life of nobles family's son, making Madam Irene startled with surprise at his mastery of a proper etiquette. "I am Noah…Noah umm… Noah Danniels." Introduced himself Noah almost giving out his true last name on the reflex, but managing to change it at the last moment without seeming to think too much on his own last name. In result changing it just a slightly but hoping no one would make any connections with the dead High Noble House's recently deceased son.

"It is such a pleasure to have a person with such refined manners visit my humble establishment, Mr..Noah Noah Daniels." Said Madam Irene with a smile while "unconsciously" not taking back her hand after his introduction and holding to him for a few moments longer than it was normally appropriate in a high society circles.

"Just Noah is fine." said Noah smiling at his own clumsy introduction.

"Nice to meet you Just Noah." Answered Madam Irene

"You are teasing me, my lady." Said Noah smiling at her making a small joke at him.

"Indeed. My apology. It is an unconscious gesture of mine to tease such sweet and handsome man such as you." Said Madam Irene flattering him sweetly with her words and noticing a shy redness added to his ears.

"May I ask, how you enjoying your time in my club?" Said she finally taking away her hand and sitting down at the couch, where he previously sat, beckoning him to accompany her for a conversation. Noah nervously obliged her, sitting down near her while keeping a proper distance between them, as he would with a respectable noble lady instead of prostitute.

"It is…novel for me to come to such establishment. So I am not feeling quite courageous to allow myself any nonchalance and enjoy the clubs to it's fullest. But I like this establishment very much."

"Oh, I have indeed noticed your, so to say, inexperience at visiting such places, as well as, I am pretty much sure, every other lady here did too." Said Madam Irene smiling at him with a gentle smile. "May I enquire if you have already found a girl to your liking?" She asked.

"N..not yet." Stuttered Noah. "Ummm. I was thinking on imbuing with the atmosphere of this place a bit more, before making a choice." He said timidly.

"I see." Said Madam Irene, undoubtedly clearly seeing his true reason of such indecisiveness laying in his lack of experience with opposite gender. "I can guarantee though, that any choice would not leave you unsatisfactorily. All girls here are the best professionals of our trade."

"I have noticed it." Said Noah. "At least if the skills of allure could be a measure of their skill in other regards, the ladies here are really very skilled in my opinion." He added throwing a quick look in the direction of a couple sitting at the corner table, where man was throwing occasional glances in Madam Irene's directions ever since she entered the hall. 

However a moment later his companion lady slightly bent forward pressing out her mesmerizing cleavage and gently caressed his cheek with the finger, directing his attention back at herself and making him notice that magnificent valley in front of him. In combination with a few sweet words she whispered to him, he was undoubtedly captivated in her charm with no chance of him being distracted by anyone else again. A few moments later she took him away to one of the private rooms at the second floor.

Madam Irene smiled at Noah, noticing what he was looking at.

"Indeed. The skills of our ladies are top notch in all regards. However may I suggest a little bit different….offer for you?" Said Madam Irene with a bit of delay in her words, as if searching for a proper word to use.

"Different offer?" Asked Noah a bit surprised.

"Mr. Dannie…umm Noah," said Madam Irene changing her seat and sitting down so close to him that their knees were slightly touching while they face each other sitting on the same couch. "I would like to as you for a favor. Can you please help with one very troubling matter."

"I have no qualms when beings asked for  help by such lovely lady such as you Madam Irene, however I would like to know what this particular favor would imply to." Said Noah hiding his smile and looking at her with seriousness.

"Please do not misunderstand me in any way dear Noah." Said Madam Irene taking his hand in hers. "What I would like to ask of you is no different from what you have come here for. However it is the choice that you would make that I would like you to hear my plea for."

"My choice?" Asked Noah without making any movements to take his hand out of delicate embrace of her palms.

"Yes, I would like you to spend this evening in the company of one particular lady, that I would like to introduce you to." Answered Madam Irene.

"Ummm. Why me?" Asked Noah with a bit troubled voice, but a lot calmer than when first heard her mentioning a favor.

"Noah," said Madam Irene lowering her voice so as to not be overheard by others. "would I be right to assume that you are an inexperienced in the matters of male and female relationship?"

Noah blushed a bit more after hearing her question. "Umm is my look very saying of that?" He asked with shyness. "Yes, I would be what you might say a virgin, yet." He said in an almost whispering voice.

"Please do not be shy. I am very happy at this very trait. You see I am quite in need of a man with this particular feature help."

"How so?" Said Noah amazed.

"I will explain, if you'd agree to my plea to help." Said Madam Irene looking into his eyes pleasingly.

Noah looked into her face for a few moment before nodding his head. "If you really don't mind it being me, then I have reason to refuse your plea, my lady."

"Thank you very much." Said Madam Irene sighing with a breath of relief. "Would you please follow me to another place, where we would discuss this matter in more details?" Said Madam Ire e readying to stand up, however Noah quickly jumped to his feet offering her his hand.

She smiled sweetly at his wonderful manners and took his helping hand, standing up from the couch. She did not let go his hand and turned to the direction of the stairs leading to the upper floor beckoning him to follow her by pulling him behind herself.

They moved to the stairs an up to the second floor under the amazed gazes of some of the usual guests, thinking that it was a rare occasion  for Madam Irene to pick a customer herself.

When they climbed to the second floor, she led him to the furthest room down the corridor and let him in, entering the room in fron of him.

"Noah," Said Madam Irene after she closed the door behind him "you see the girl that I would like to introduce to you, had an unfortunate event happening to her recently. Event that deeply harmed her inside her heart."

"I see." Said Noah nodding with a serious face.

"To lessen her pain and move her memories away from that terrible experience, I would like her to experience something more pleasurable. Something that might make her warm in her heart."

"Madam Irene, while I am flattered at you asking me for help, I am not sure that my lack of experience would be a proper…" started to say Noah, however Madam Irene's delicate finger touching his lips, stoped him from continuing.

"Noah, I believe that this particular feature of yours is exactly what she need right now. You see there is no other man that could be as gentle and caring as a virgin that has his first time at seeing and laying with his first woman." Said Madam Irene.

"I would like you to touch her with gentleness and curiosity with wich only an inexperienced boy like tou can. I would like you to give her all your attentiveness and care. I would like you to love her as a first woman that you would remember for the rest of your life." Said Madam Irene taking away her finger. "Do you agree with my request, Noah?"

"Yes. I will try my best."

"Please just be a boy that is being graced by a lovely woman that allowed him to be his first." Said Madam Irene. "Worship her body as only a boy in presence of his first love can."

"I understand."

"Thank you, Noah. Thank you very much. This means a lot to me. I promise you that you will enjoy todays experience as you would enjoy any other lady here. I also promise you that if you were to stay insufficiently satisfied by her company, I will accompany you later myself. All you need is to ask later and I would take you to private evening alone with me and gift you any dream tou wish. Do you think this offer is appropriate, Noah? Would you like to have my body as guarantor? Would I be satisfactory to you?"

"Yes, Madam Irene. This offer is more than fair."

"I am glad. In this case I will go call the lady I would like you to cherish this night. Please wait for us here." Said Madam Irene before leaving the room.

A few moments later a gentle knock sounded at the door before it opened and two women entered the room.

"Noah, I would like to introduce you to my friend." Said Madam Irene after closing the door behind them. "This is Samantha. Samantha this gentleman is Noah Danniels. He agreed to be your chaperone for this evening." Introduced Madam Irene, not noticing a strange look on Noah's face of a racoon in the sudden light of the magic lamp, that was trying to steal from your garden under the cover of the night.

*User,* Said system in his mind *do not make any stupid moves. Just stand there pretending to be small and innocent.* Advised system inside the head of a scared shitless Noah.

/Fucking hell! This is the girl I raped!/ Screamed Noah's voice inside his head, while he stood there with an awkward smile that Madam Irene interpreted as him being too shy.

*Just smile and wave, just smile and wave.* Said system in it's attempt to calm him down.

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