Uchiha's naruto world

Chapter 778 Good Luck

"Teacher Ji Zhu, what happened just now?"

Running towards the rescue, Xiang Liao couldn't help but asked.

In fact, it wasn't just Xianglan who couldn't help it. Ya and Shino also looked at Yoshitake with question marks on their faces, because what happened just now really made them unable to recover.

They are now eager to figure out what is going on. Are the two people from the Akatsuki organization crazy?

And who are the two Anbu who appear next?

"Just now..." Jizhu was silent for a moment, and then shook his head helplessly: "I don't know very well, and even if I know some things, I can't say them casually, can I?"

Ji Zhu hesitated for a long time, and finally he felt that it was better not to say something, but now his mood was much better.

Even though everything that happened just now seemed a bit magical, he confirmed a lot of things, many things that he had never dared to confirm and had never dared to imagine before.

Just before, when Brother Kisame and Uchiha Shisui were fighting madly, the two of them suddenly stopped fighting each other for some unknown reason. In the end, the two of them seemed to have reconciled and launched an attack on Yoshitake and the others. attack.

Facing this scene, Yoshitake could only grit his teeth and resist. His opponent was Kisame, while Shisui rushed to the side of the three imps.

Yoshitake wanted to get some useful information from Kisame, but unfortunately Kisame didn't say a word to him, but treated Yoshitake with an almost harsh fighting attitude.

"Your shooting movements are still so slow. How did you become a Jonin?"

"You were hesitant when attacking and not decisive when defending. How come you have regressed after so many years? You were not that stupid back then!"

"Is this how your jutsu is used? It's neither used to support attacks, nor does it have a containment effect during defense. You really don't deserve to be this jounin!"

"You're still taking care of students like this? I advise you to resign as soon as possible so as not to waste your children. Don't wait until your students are destroyed and you are fired. Then you are really a waste!"

There was no emotion in Kisame's words, and he didn't even hesitate in taking action. Yoshitake was really taught a lesson by Kisame from beginning to end.

No matter how hard he fought back, it seemed that it had no good effect in front of Kisame.

In fact, Ji Zhu is not that unbearable. The biggest problem with his situation is that his mentality has been affected.

However, as he kept knocking down Kisame and getting up again to fight back, he seemed to have regained the memories of himself and Kisame training continuously at the training ground in Konoha.

These memories have always lingered in his heart and have never been forgotten with the passage of time.

But this moment it became clearer and more real.

Therefore, Ji Zhu began to constantly adjust his mentality, striving to put his best foot forward and bring out all his strengths.

Although there was no other dialogue between the two of them, the scene of this confrontation between a teacher and a student made Ji Zhu seem to know everything, and it also made him understand everything.

On the other side, Kiba, Karin and Shino are also struggling against Uchiha Shisui.

Although they worked very hard, when facing Shisui, their strength was obviously not enough.

Even though Shisui wasn't dealing with them seriously, the gap in basic strength was so huge that these three little guys couldn't pose any threat to Shisui even if they tried their best.

Fortunately, Shisui never killed them, as if he was playing a game, constantly defeating them and then waiting for them to attack again.

Kiba, Koso and Shino had no way to deal with this situation. Although they were aware of Shisui's attitude, they could only fight with all their might in the face of such an enemy.

It's just that the more they fight, the more desperate they feel. Faced with the absolute strength gap, no matter how they cooperate, no matter what tactics they come up with, they still can't deal with this guy.

In addition, their teacher was constantly defeated by the shark face. Even if they were mentally tough, they would not be able to stand this situation.

But at this moment, two men wearing black ANBU costumes suddenly appeared.

The two of them quickly separated the teams of Kisame, Shisui and Yoshitake, preventing them from continuing to attack these two teams.

"Anbu?" Yoshitake didn't expect that there was a team behind them, so he frowned and asked strangely.

"You continue to support Minister Kakashi, leave this place to us." One of the ANBU said in a low voice: "Move quickly, you have delayed a lot of time."

Yoshitake couldn't help but reject this ANBU's words. Yoshitake was a little hesitant. He had basically seen Kisame's current true situation and situation.

Not only Kisame, but also Uchiha Shisui's situation seemed a bit beyond imagination, which made him unwilling to leave here at all.

Just when he thought about his mission and the situation Kisame was in now, he knew that he really had to obey orders honestly.

Only in this way can he avoid causing trouble, neither exposing Kisame's situation nor attracting too much attention.

that is it.....

"Oh? Has it been replaced?" Just when Yoshitake was hesitating, Kisame suddenly showed a cruel smile with a split mouth: "It's interesting, I just happened to be tired of playing, maybe it would be better to change to someone else. "

"You guys leave quickly, these two people are not something you can deal with." The voice of another ANBU also sounded a bit harsh, especially after he took out a bone spur one after another, his cold aura became even stronger: "What's next? If the fighting affects you, that would be bad."

Ji Zhu looked at all this, and then looked back at his disciples. In the end, he could only sigh and made the most correct choice.

He had to evacuate, otherwise he didn't know what would happen next, but no matter how he looked at it, it wouldn't be a good thing.

"Teacher Ji Zhu, what are you thinking about?" Just as Ji Zhu was recalling everything he had said before, Xiang Ling's voice sounded again: "Why did you stop talking all of a sudden?"

"It's nothing." Ji Zhu shook his head, and his eyes became more determined: "Let's speed up. The ANBU people rescued us, so we should also speed up to complete the task we want to complete."

"Yeah, but that Uchiha Shisui and the shark face that the teacher dealt with were really scary." Kiba sighed with some emotion: "I hope that the enemies we will face later are not so perverted."

"It's not good to think like this, Kiba." Shino shook his head: "You must know that among the people we have to face, there is Orochimaru."

Orochimaru is definitely a formidable enemy, and looking back on what he did three years ago, he really left a deep impression on these three little guys.

Yoshitake also remembered everything that happened that year, but he was too lazy to say anything. It was impossible to say that Kakashi was in front of him, right?

"Okay, stop talking." Jizhu interrupted these little guys, staring ahead: "We are here, let's get ready."

As Yoshitake's words fell, the three of them already felt the strong chakra bursting out, and not far away from them, the three of Naruto were fighting Orochimaru desperately...


"Long time no see, Shisui."

After confirming that Yoshitake and the others had completely left, one of the two ANBU who came to support suddenly spoke.

The power of this voice made Shisui tremble slightly, because he had already heard who the owner of this voice was!

Uchiha Itachi, how could it be him?

Shisui frowned involuntarily. This situation was really not what he expected. The previous encounters with Sasuke were still vivid in his mind, and this guy Itachi...

However, Shisui remembered that when he left, Uchiha Kei told him that all this would be clearly communicated to Itachi.

Then Itachi should know the relevant things, but Shisui didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. Even if he would never be cruel to Itachi, he still had to consider his own situation.

But at this moment, the guy who pulled out the bone spurs from his body suddenly made a seal, and then he pressed his hands to the ground.

In just an instant, huge chakra penetrated the surrounding area, and countless bone spurs rose from the ground. Under the influence of these bones, the forest instantly turned into a gloomy bone forest!

When Shisui and Kisame saw this scene, they knew who this guy was almost immediately.

There are many bloodline heirs in Konoha that Kirigakure Village was once proud of, and the Corpse Vein is one of them, and the identity of the owner of the Corpse Vein is very unusual.

Not only does he have a deep relationship with Uchiha Kei, after all, he lives in the Uchiha clan. According to legend, he was brought back by Uchiha Kei himself.

And his relationship with Kakashi is also extraordinary. When he was a child, Uchiha Kei sent him to Kakashi's command and let Kakashi lead him to grow up.

Ordinary people may know very little about these things, but Shisui was originally a member of Uchiha and had served at the root.

He knew a lot more than ordinary people about many things, and he even speculated whether this corpse was brought back when Kirigakure was attacked by a mysterious organization.

Because there was no such action record within the Akatsuki organization, he even speculated whether the person who attacked the Akatsuki organization was Uchiha Kei.

And Kisame also knows a lot of things. He also served under Kakashi back then, and even worked with the successor of the Corpse Vein in front of him. Now he basically knows who these two people are.

"Okay, no one should be eavesdropping for the time being." After Kimimaro finished all this, Itachi continued: "Even if there is, I'm afraid someone has come to put an end to the noise you two made. I heard Said that person is also one of ours.”

"Sure enough... you knew earlier that this shark face is actually one of ours, right?" Zhisui shook his head with a wry smile: "Also, Master Kai also told you about me, right?"

"Yes, I've told you before." Itachi nodded. He looked at Zhisui with a somewhat complicated look. After a long time, he sighed quietly: "Thank you for your hard work, Zhisui."

"And you, Kisame." Kimimaro also took off his mask: "Long time no see, you've worked hard too."

Both Kisame and Shisui were a little silent, and they felt very comfortable being recognized by their own people.

Just thinking about the eight years that the two of them had been together, all kinds of inexplicable battles of wits and courage, thinking that the other was a traitor, and trying to get each other in trouble.

These messy things came to their mind, which made them feel very uncomfortable.

If they hadn't noticed that something was not right before, and then Shisui made some simple tests, they might have really fought to the end.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense anymore. Your body should not be yours." At this moment, Itachi suddenly said: "Let's go, just think that our battle is over."

"Our mission is to support you. We can't delay you here for too long." Kimimaro also spoke at this time: "Since Itachi said that you are not the true body, then there is no need to fight. It might be more interesting if you are the true body. ."

After the two briefly explained their situation, they immediately ran towards the location where Ji Zhu's team had evacuated.

But Kisame and Shisui stood there without releasing the technique. They turned their heads and glanced at each other in tacit agreement, and finally couldn't help but sigh.

"Introduce yourself." At this moment, Shisui suddenly spoke: "Uchiha Shisui, directly under Lord Kei, was ordered to infiltrate the Akatsuki organization."

"Kakisaki Kisame." Kisame also said quietly: "He is directly under Kai-sama and has been ordered to lurk in the Akatsuki organization and cooperate with the people in the organization."

After the two said this, they couldn't help but fell silent again, and their minds couldn't help but recall what happened not long ago...



In Shisui's illusion space, he looked at Kisame in silence. For a moment, he had mixed feelings and didn't know how to ask.

"You..." Kisame was the same, but in the end he did not let everything turn into a silent show. He slowly asked: "You didn't betray Konoha, were you sent in?"

"Well, yes..." Zhisui nodded, and then he asked curiously, "So, you too?"

"Well, me too..." Kisame nodded, and then said calmly: "I was in ANBU before."

"I..." Shisui hesitated: "I have been lurking..."

After saying these words, the two of them seemed to really not know what to say anymore.In the end, the two stood there blankly looking at each other, silent for a long time, until...

"I think we should go out and solve some problems and continue discussing this matter. What do you think, Shisui-kun?"

"Well, we should indeed solve some other problems first, Kisame-kun."


In the cave that sealed the first tail, the sun shines and the cave roof has completely collapsed. This was caused by the battle between Chiyo and Scorpion.

The destructive power caused by the two puppet masters' unrestrained fighting was even more terrifying than that of ordinary ninjas.

At this time, the battle has completely entered a fierce situation, and the puppets of the Third Kazekage have long been turned into pieces and scattered on the ground.

In the sky, hundreds of puppets dressed in red floated, controlled by Scorpion with chakra threads.

On the other side, Chiyo's fingers never stopped for a moment, and the ten people in Chikamatsu seemed to be alive under her hands.

This is the masterpiece of the Chikamatsu Ten Men, Bunzaemon, the founder of the puppet master, but Chiyo did not let its glory dissipate, and even developed a stronger reputation under her hands.

White and red puppets intertwined with each other. Amidst the fierce fighting, puppets kept falling to the ground and broken wood was scattered.

Almost all of the broken puppets are red, and the white puppets are also damaged to varying degrees, but they are still very strong.

It's just that Chiyo's face has become a little unsightly, even though her Chikamatsu Ten are terrifyingly strong and powerful.

However, the tactic used by Scorpion is obviously to use quantity against quality. For now, it seems that Chiyo still has the upper hand, but she knows that if this continues, it will only be a matter of time before her puppet is broken.

"It can't go on like this."

Chiyo silently controlled the puppet, constantly getting closer and trying to get the puppet closer to Scorpion's body. Unfortunately, it was of no use in front of the opponent's sea of ​​puppets, he couldn't help but think silently.

No matter how many were broken, more puppets would swarm up in the next second. In addition, she was old and her energy was much lower than when she was young. She began to pant at this time.

"It seems like there is nothing you can do to continue, Granny Chiyo."

As a puppet master who is not inferior to or even surpasses Chiyo, Scorpion is naturally very aware of Chiyo's current situation.

It is really difficult for Chiyo, who is fighting alone, to achieve any effective results against him.

And due to the loss of energy and the degradation of body functions due to age, it is unimaginably difficult for Chiyo to defeat Scorpion, who has almost completed the whole body transformation!

It can even be said that Chiyo has no chance of defeating Scorpion.

"Sure enough, a decaying body cannot recognize the ultimate art." Xie looked at Chiyo indifferently, and while controlling the puppet to launch an attack, he slowly said: "Eternity is the ultimate art. Look at you now, what I The art of pursuit is the most correct!”

"Birth, old age, illness and death are the natural cycles of a person. It is a good thing that you have your artistic pursuits, but I'm sorry..." Chiyo also lost the slightest, and retorted while attacking: "I don't agree with your idea. ."

"It doesn't matter." Scorpion's voice was still calm: "Anyway, you are dead!"

While speaking, Scorpion launched another attack, and this time his body also launched an attack!

Chiyo's ten Chikamatsu people were like solitary sails submerged in the ocean, even though these ten puppets were destroying the Scorpion's puppets one after another under her control.

And their individual strength is indeed very powerful, but Scorpion's strength is not weaker than Chiyo at all, and his body quality is also more powerful.

This also led to Chiyo's continuous defeat due to the combination of energy, number of puppets, strength and other comprehensive factors when he fought thoroughly and seriously.

In the original work, she still has Sakura as her assistant, who is not only good at medical ninjutsu, but also has terrifying assault abilities.

No one will help her now. This is what she asked for, and she can't blame anyone!

After a few minutes of strong attack, her puppet was completely defeated by Scorpion, and Chiyo was also knocked to the ground.

The winner has been decided at this moment. Scorpion defeated Chiyo without giving Chiyo any chance to fight back or give Chiyo the chance to know his secret.

"It seems that this time, the outcome has been completely decided." Xie walked slowly in front of Chiyo, looking at Chiyo who fell on the ground without any emotion: "You lost, just like you couldn't find Bai Bai back then. Like teeth.”

"Hate can't change anything..." Chiyo said weakly, her voice trembling as she looked at the Scorpion in front of her: "Hate will only continue, and then..."

"Having been exploited by someone with ulterior motives, does Li Ran know the final explosion?" Xie interrupted Chiyo before she could finish her words.

Chiyo's eyes changed slightly. She didn't expect Xia to actually understand these principles, but what made her even more unexpected was that since Xia understood why she still persists in hatred?

"Is it weird?" Xie looked at Chiyo indifferently and couldn't help but shook his head: "I have to say, I am very disappointed in you, really disappointed."

Having said this, Xie sighed boredly, then turned around and walked towards the cave outside.

As he walked, he said slowly: "War creates hatred. This is inevitable. I have always had hatred in my heart, and I also know where my hatred comes from.

I hated the people who caused the war, so I wanted to seek revenge from Hatake Soshige, but he committed suicide.

Speaking of which, I really want to thank Konoha. Of course, I would rather do it myself if possible.

Since I have no choice about White Fang, I can only place my hatred on the person who initiated the war with Konoha, so..."

Speaking of this, Xie paused, but his eyes were already looking at the third-generation Kazekage puppet that was slumped aside and appeared to be somewhat damaged.

Stretching out his hand, a tiny chakra thread connected to the puppet, and then he took out a scroll and quickly sealed it.

"So you killed the Third Kazekage, and the Third Ninja War was also because of you..." Chiyo stared at Xia and said in disbelief: "Do you know what you did?"

"Of course I know, but at the end of the day, why don't you think about what you did."

Xie looked at Chiyo indifferently, without any emotion.

"Hate is a beast. Since you have released the trapped beast in my heart, you will naturally suffer the consequences.

Whether it's Konoha or Sunagakure, these are the same, and I...

Just a man trapped by a beast. "

At this point, Xie had already reached the entrance of the cave, but he did not kill Chiyo.

I don’t know whether he still has some feelings for Chiyo, or whether he simply doesn’t bother to kill Chiyo in her current state.

Chiyo was also very confused by what he did. She was now filled with guilt for Scorpio and all kinds of guilt.

She really would rather die in Scorpion's hands.

"That's it?" Chiyo stood up slowly: "Is that just that?"

"Otherwise?" Xie didn't look back at all, he still walked forward indifferently: "Kill you? It's meaningless, especially for my art...

In my eyes, you are nothing more than a walking corpse. It won't take long for you to completely turn into withered bones. Why should I waste my energy on dealing with you? "

"When you die, maybe I can use your body to make a perfect puppet."


"These are a bunch of interesting little guys."

Outside the cave, Orochimaru stood there covered in mucus, and next to him there was a body that looked like a corpse.

The Orochimaru Clone Technique, which consumes half of one's own chakra to restore oneself to a complete state, can be regarded as Orochimaru's core and most life-saving technique.

It's just that this technique consumes too much, and even he is unwilling to use it too much.

Because once used, it is not as simple as consumption for him.

He doesn't care about pure consumption, but once this technique is used, it can only mean one thing - that is, he is completely in trouble, and it is still fatal trouble!

The group of brats in front of him really surprised him. In Orochimaru's opinion, these brats were even more difficult to deal with than the Uchiha Kei and Imai Kenta he met back then.

There may still be some slight differences in the strength of a single target. After all, Uchiha Kei and the others have been training on the battlefield for so long, and the life-and-death combat experience they have accumulated is really beyond what ordinary people can compare with.

But the coordination ability of these three little guys is really not comparable to that of Uchiha Kei and Imai Kenta who were causing trouble for me at that time.

The cooperation between those two guys makes Orochimaru a little speechless even now.

He really couldn't understand how these two guys survived on the battlefield with their cooperation.

To put it bluntly, the two of them do not cooperate at all. They are very powerful when fighting alone, but once they are combined, it is an absolute disaster!

"You bastards!"

Naruto's whole body was burning with Kyuubi's chakra, and his expression was still full of anger, but at this moment his anger had been relieved.

Maybe it's his own personality, or maybe it's the help of Kyuubi that keeps him cool down.

Now the nine-tails chakra on him is no longer red, but has been converted into golden chakra.

In this state, the strength that Naruto can display becomes even more terrifying and daunting.


Orochimaru ignored Naruto's intentions at all. Although he was weak now, he also knew that he would not be in any trouble.

Looking at Kakashi with the old god beside him, he knew that these guys had not started fighting with him in a real sense.

Otherwise, that guy Kakashi would definitely be able to walk around without food.

But just when Orochimaru was thinking about how to continue fighting, he suddenly realized that the Scorpion guy had actually ended the fight and walked out of the cave leisurely.

At this time, he had removed a puppet that was hidden by him, revealing his true face.

However, Orochimaru realized very keenly that even in his current state, he was still just a puppet.

"Your movements are so slow, Orochimaru." Xia frowned, glanced at everything around him and said contemptuously, without concealing his disgust for Orochimaru in his tone: "Maybe these are basilisks, a group of guys like this , can’t you solve it quickly?”

"This is not a problem that I want to solve quickly, but my opponent is not an old, weak or sick person." Orochimaru licked his tongue and hit back unceremoniously: "What's the matter? Kill an old, weak and sick person. Are you proud?"

"If you want to die, just say so. I don't mind using your corpse as a puppet." Xie raised his eyebrows and said in an extremely cold voice: "Although your corpse is extremely disgusting, just like you."

The two of them were now at war with each other, which really made Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata a little confused about the situation.

But they also knew that the appearance of this guy might mean that the old man Chiyo had failed.And the price of failure may be extremely cruel.

They don't want to think about these things because it's all too scary in Tai Chi.They would rather think more about how to deal with these two guys instead of focusing on some not-so-good things.

"Chiyo is dead?" Kakashi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw Scorpion walking out of the cave.

This is not really good news, although Kakashi is also very bad for Chiyo's senses, both from a personal point of view and from a village point of view.

But after all, the identity of this old woman is too special in Sunagakure. She can be said to be the pillar of Sunagakure!

If it were any other time, it wouldn't matter if the old woman died. No matter how you look at it, it's just a blow to the opponent, and there's nothing wrong with it.

But she died in a joint mission with Konoha, especially if she was involved in it, so this would not be good.

Kakashi was also a little depressed at this moment. Why did he agree to Chiyo, an old woman who wanted to die?

If you want to die, wouldn't it be better to find another place to die?

He had to die in such an embarrassing place, which made everyone very embarrassed now.

"Forget it, I don't want these things." Kakashi shook his head helplessly, his hand gently resting on the ninja sword at his waist: "Let's finish solving these troubles now."

While thinking, his Sharingan had turned into a kaleidoscope state, but just when he was about to take action to kill the scorpion, he was keenly aware of a strange movement in his Sharingan, which stopped him immediately.

Sure enough, soon a guy wearing a black red cloud robe and a mask appeared next to them.

Kakashi almost immediately confirmed who this guy was - Obito!

Obito appeared here and looked around, and nodded vaguely to Kakashi before he spoke in a low voice.

"I didn't expect that the two of you would actually make such a big fuss." Obito said with some amusement, "But it doesn't matter, let's go."

"Leave?" Xie frowned: "Just leave like this?"

"Otherwise?" Obito shrugged: "I know what you mean, but now is not the time to deal with them, and haven't you noticed that their support has already arrived?"

Xie tilted her head, and finally nodded indifferently.

Not many people came, just a small team for the time being, but how could someone who could break through the defense of Uchiha Shisui and Kisame be mediocre?

Thinking of this, Xie looked at Kakashi and others indifferently: "You are lucky this time, next time...

I will definitely kill you! "


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