Twin Flames: The Eastern Chronicles

Chapter 3

Weeks pass as the brothers make their way through the rugged Georgian wilderness. The journey is treacherous, with steep and rugged terrain that tests their every step. They left their horses behind as a gift to thank the monk for his hospitality and wisdom, also due to the fact the difficult landscape cannot be crossed with them. As they press on, the vast mountains to the west slowly come into view, a daunting sight that looms imposingly over the landscape.

As the duo approaches the mountains, they can feel the air grow cold and crisp, as if the ominous peaks themselves are exerting a chill over the surrounding area. The mountains rise up like a wall, the sheer, rocky cliffs seemingly impenetrable and impossible to climb. However, as they make their way closer to the base of the mountains, the brothers notice a path of crumbled stone and rubble, partially hiding amid the dense vegetation. It appears to be an old, abandoned passageway, leading towards a narrow crevice in the mountain-side. They stalk close to the trees, and stake it out from a distance, observing it and the surrounding area closely.

"Brother... What do you think of the monk's tale? Could it be true, or just the ramblings of an old man?" Oleksandr looks at the crevice in the distance, his eyes scanning the terrain. He contemplates for a moment before responding.

"I don't know, brother. The tale of the spear may well be just that, a tale. If such a weapon exists, it could be our only chance against the Griffin."

"We will die of old age before we find the damned thing. It could be a thousand leagues from here at best." Thekkur grumbles. Oleksandr nods, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"You are correct, Theko. The chance of finding the spear is slim. It may be hidden miles away, or it may no longer exist at all. But I can't be damned to trek through Turk-infested Anatolia for an extra couple of months." Oleksandr rummages through his pack, searching for something specific. After a moment, he pulls out a long, slender object wrapped in cloth. He carefully unwraps the cloth, revealing a small, hand-carved wooden flute. The flute is intricately crafted, with beautiful scrollwork and runes carved into the wood. Oleksandr holds it up, his expression thoughtful. Thekkur nods, understanding the thinking behind Oleksandr's plan.

"A sound plan, brate. Using the flute to lure the Griffin out is much safer than searching blindly. If it works, we will be able to see the beast before it sees us."

Oleksandr raises the flute to his lips, before Thekkur pauses him. "Wait. Demetrios said the spear was made from the steel of these mountains, yes?" He points to a boulder within the trees, large with smashed fractions of it scattered about. Oleksandr lowers the flute, his eyes following Thekkur's finger to the large boulder. He squints, studying it for a moment. He looks at the sling in Thekkur's hand before he nods to him, the flicker in their eyes communicating all they need to know. Thekkur splits off to collect stones into his belt pack. Oleksandr watches as he moves off, and then waits for him to signal that he is in position.

After a moment, he sees Thekkur peeking out from a ledge, quickly unraveling the two long blonde braids at each side of his head, and Oleksandr takes off his bandana. Doing this, they've made themselves indistinguishable from one another. Thekkur nods, signaling that he is ready. Oleksandr looks at the flute in his hand for a moment before putting it to his lips and beginning to play a soft, melodic tune, the song rising into the crisp mountain air, carrying across the open landscape.

He listens intently, his keen eyes scanning the area for any sign of movement. Thekkur has taken position on the ledge, watching from the shadows, his own eyes scanning the terrain for any signs of the Griffin. The music continues to echo across the mountain, the haunting melody blending with the stillness of the landscape. He continues to scan the area, his senses heightened, waiting for any sign that the music is having an effect. Oleksandr's ears suddenly prick up as the forest around him goes eerily silent. He looks around, a growing sense of unease and anticipation building within him. The twins exchange a knowing look, their minds in sync.

A screech fills the air, a primal cry that chills the blood. Oleksandr turns, his eyes locking on the fleeting shadow that streaks across the ground, leaving a sense of dread in its wake. Oleksandr ignores the fear that tries to take hold of him, pushing it aside, an emotion that is long forgotten. He grips his scimitar tightly, and steadies his shield, his eyes fixed on the skyline, waiting for the creature to appear.

A gust of wind hits Oleksandr's back, and he instantly ducks low, just in time to avoid its vicious attempt to slash him, feeling the powerful winds of the mighty creature as it passes overhead. He looks up, taking in the sight of the creature in its full glory. The Griffin is a fearsome sight, its massive body covered in sleek golden fur, its wingspan spread wide, adorned with iridescent feathers that shift in the sun like fire.

It is the spear in its talons that catches his eye, the black metal glistening in the sunlight.

Oleksandr knows that they have to act fast if they are to have a chance of taking the spear from it. He takes a deep breath, his grip on his sword tightening as he steels his nerves. As the beast crests past him after its missed strike on him, he quickly rolls into the cluster of rocks, momentarily hiding from its sight. Thekkur emerges on the ledge, and the attention of the beast shifts towards him.

Seeing the identical man on the ledge, the Griffin lets out another ear-piercing screech, its eyes fixed on Thekkur. He steadies his stance, his sling ready in his hand. He waits for the perfect moment to shoot, knowing that this could be their only chance at taking the spear. The winged monstrosity dives towards Thekkur, intent on knocking him down, but he is quick to act, leaping out of the way at the last moment. As the Griffin crests, Oleksandr emerges once again as his brother obscures himself, scimitar in hand, letting out a fierce battle cry. The beast is briefly baffled by the sight of Oleksandr appearing again, no doubt confused by how this one man is seemingly appearing in different locations so rapidly.

It turns its back to Oleksandr, temporarily distracted, trying to figure out what is happening. That is when Thekkur winds up his sling with a powerful spin, the steel node flying around with incredible force. With a mighty leap, he releases the stone with all his might. The sound barrier is broken as the stone rockets through the air, its speed creating a crack in the sky, hurtling towards the unsuspecting Griffin like a cannon.

The stone connects with the creature's wing with a sick thud, sending it off balance. The Griffin's talons open involuntarily as it caws, and the spear goes flying, dropping down to the ground below. It flutters in the air, disoriented and off balance, struggling to gain control of its flight. Oleksandr moves with incredible speed as soon as it drops the spear, diving out and catching the weapon mid-air.

He lands in a roll and immediately sprints away from the Griffin, who shrieks in realization. Thekkur quickly sends another rock flying, the stone connecting with the Griffin's shining head, further disorienting it. It stumbles in the air, struggling to regain control of its flight. Oleksandr grips the spear tightly in his mighty hand, drawing back his arm and taking a moment to gather all of his might.

With a powerful leap, he winds up the spear and hurls it at the Griffin with all his strength. The spear flies up towards the creature, shooting through the air with masterful force and precision. The beast lets out a fierce screech of anger and pain as the spear connects, plunging deep into its body. The creature falters in the air, its wings fluttering weakly as it struggles to stay aloft. It lets out a mournful cry, its wings losing their power as the blow from the spear weakens it further.

As the monster begins to fall, Oleksandr and Thekkur watch, their expressions grave and intense. They know that the beast is nearing its end, the spear having done irreversible damage. Oleksandr quickly moves to reach the falling Griffin, his own cry of warrior's victory matching the creature's mournful shriek. He meets the Griffin on the ground and rips the spear from its body, taking a moment to observe the mythical creature in all its glory. With a sense of pity, Oleksandr ends the beautiful beast's suffering by delivering a final, lethal blow to its chest.

Thekkur rapidly climbs to the ground, jogging over to join Oleksandr beside the lifeless body of the Griffin. He stops next to his brother, joining in the moment of silent contemplation. Oleksandr continues to stare down at the beast, his eyes taking in every detail of the slain monster. Oleksandr kneels down next to the body, studying it with a mixture of curiosity and fascination. After a moment, he carefully plucks two of the long tail feathers from it, handling them gently as he does so. He turns to Thekkur, holding out one of the long tail feathers, offering it to his brother. Thekkur takes the feather from him, his eyes studying the intricate patterns and colors on it. He holds it reverently, understanding the significance of the item in his hand.

The feather is long, nearly three feet in length, with glistening iridescent scales adorning it that change depending on the direction of the light, like that of a fire opal. With a final look at the slain Griffin, Oleksandr and Thekkur gather their belongings and make their way towards the narrow passage. They move silently, the weight of their victory and newfound weapon heavy in their hands.

They pass through the crumbled stones, carefully navigating the rubble that partially blocks the path. The light of the day begins to fade as they make their way deeper into the passage, shadows growing longer and more ominous as they make their way into the mountain. As the duo moves deeper into the path, the sounds of the wilderness begin to fade, replaced by the faint echoes of their footsteps and the soft whisper of the wind. As they continue, they notice the scattered skeletons of dead animals and men littering the ground around them. The remains are a grim reminder of those who have fallen victim to the Griffin before them, the scattered weapons and belongings a testament to their fruitless attempts to defeat the mythological beast.

They continue forward, the scattered remains of the adventurers increasing in number and variety as the path narrows. The silence of the passage and the increasing number of remains makes the surroundings even more foreboding, hanging over the twins like a dark cloud. As they press forward, the path begins to take a slight downward curve, the shadows growing even longer and denser around them. They follow the path as it begins to descend deeper into the mountain, their footsteps echo softly in the narrow passage, the only sound other than the soft whisper of the wind and dripping of stalactites. The passage continues to descend deeper into the mountain, the narrow pathway winding and the dim light growing almost non-existent. As they continue, they notice a faint orange glow at the end of the dank tunnel. The brothers exchange a brief glance, barely able to see each other's faces, the faint warm glow at the end beckoning them further. Oleksandr moves ahead, his steps agile, trying to get a better look at the source of the light. Thekkur follows closely behind, his eyes glued to the orange glow at the end of the passage.

Oleksandr reaches the end of the passage, the warm glow suddenly growing brighter. He steps out of the darkened passage and into the room, his eyes widening as he takes in the scene. Thekkur follows him out of the darkness and into the room, his eyes widening in awe as he takes in the sight before him. The room is lit by a series of torches lining the walls, casting a warm and flickering light across the cobblestone walls and floors. Their eyes adjust to the light, and they take in their surroundings. The room is not large, but it has a high ceiling, the stone walls reaching upward to form a domed shape. The floor is polished and smooth, its surface glimmering faintly in the torchlight. At the center of the room, they notice a large, luxurious bed. The bed is a sight to behold, with a lush surface and silken sheets. It's a stark contrast to the rough and treacherous path they had just walked, its presence in this ancient passage puzzling and unexpected. As their eyes adjust further, they are taken aback by a peculiar sight... a girl, laying in the bed.

Oleksandr and Thekkur stare in shock at the sight of the girl under the velvet sleets. Her alabaster skin contrasts starkly compared to the rough and worn surroundings, her long raven hair like a waterfall that flows down the side of the bed. She appears to be sleeping deeply, her breathing slow and steady. As they stare at the bewildering sight before them, they couldn't deny it, the girl in the bed was unlike anything they have ever seen. Her beauty was that of an angel, with flawless features and porcelain skin. Her eyes flicker open, and her gaze lands on the brothers, revealing a mesmerizing gold, with feline-like pupils, giving her an otherworldly appearance, adding to her already unreal beauty. The girl sits up in bed, the blanket slipping off her, revealing a nubile naked body, her skin dewy and supple.

"A hero... not one, but two... am I seeing double? Do my eyes deceive me?" Her voice is low and sultry, her eyes flickering between the twins as a smile quirks at the corner of her lips. The brothers feel a flutter in their stomachs at the sight of her, and Oleksandr responds.

"No," he manages to say, his voice rough, "your eyes do not deceive you." They watch in mute fascination as the girl stretches her thin, long legs on the bed. Her movements are graceful and languid, her body as flawless as it was when they first saw her.

"Hmm..." She muses, her voice low and breathy. "Not one handsome hero who has come to save me, but two..."

"Indeed," Thekkur finally manages to say, his voice soft, "it's our pleasure to... rescue you." Oleksandr and Thekkur follow her every movement with rapt attention, their eyes darting over her as she leans back into the pillows, her body assuming a tantalizing pose.

"Are you ready to claim your reward, boys?" Her words linger in the air, the implication clear. Oleksandr can feel his heart beating faster as she speaks.

"What kind of... reward do you have in mind, my lady?" He asks, his voice huskier than usual.

"One that is just... deliciousss..." She whispers with a hiss escaping her lips. Oleksandr's breath catches in his throat as the girl pushes back her hair, revealing the full expanse of her body. Her slim form and flawless skin shine in the torchlight, the light playing off her curves and leaving nothing to the imagination as she takes on an inviting pose. The brothers exchange a brief glance, the implication of her reward becoming clearer.

"Just delicious, hm?" Thekkur asks, a hint of a smirk on his lips. The brothers are unable to resist her beckoning gesture, her finger calling them to her with an almost magnetic force. They step closer to the bed, their eyes roaming over her body as they approach.

"Come to me, Oleksandr... Oh, my precious Thekkur... Come to me, touch me and caress me, let me kiss you and... taste you..." The girl's voice is like a siren's song, her hissed words sending shivers down their spines and drawing them closer. For a moment, they almost stop to replay the encounter in their heads, wondering if they ever spoke their names, but they're too entranced by her beauty to care. Oleksandr steps to the edge of the bed, so close he could touch her if he reached out his hand. Thekkur follows, the lust in the air palpable as they stand on each side of her bed.

"Touch you, taste you," Oleksandr repeats in a whisper, the words sounding like a promise on his lips. As they sit on the bed, she pulls Oleksandr's hand to meet the smoothness of her hip, the feel of her skin sending a jolt of electricity through his body. As she leans in to kiss Thekkur deeply, Oleksandr watches, his hand gripping her hip instinctively, the intimacy of the moment intense. She pulls Thekkur's hand to her breast, and he watches as the girl then turns and kisses Oleksandr on the lips, the sight stirring something deep inside him. Her lips trail down his cheek, then to his neck, sending shivers down his spine. Oleksandr responds to her touch, his hand on her hip unconsciously pulling her closer to him. As she lingers at his neck, licking it slightly, Thekkur feels a sudden chill at the sight of her cat-like pupils spreading and turning the gold of her eyes black. Her eyes now resemble those of a predator, staring at him with a hunger that makes his heart throb in his chest. She opens her mouth, revealing a set of sharp teeth, and moves to bite his brother's neck. Just as she's about to sink her fangs in, Thekkur reacts quickly, grabbing her by the hair and yanking her away with a sharp tug.

The move is swift and unexpected, causing the girl to let out a banshee-like screech, the sound echoing in the chamber. The brothers watch in shock as the girl skitters away on all fours, moving up the wall and backwards like a spider. Her movement is nimble and uncanny, her body more flexible than what seemed possible for a human being. With a yell, Oleksandr holds up the spear, pointing it at the girl as she scuttles up the wall.

"GET BACK, DEMON!" He barks, his hands shaking slightly as he holds the weapon. The siblings watch in horror as the girl hisses in anger, her eyes narrowing in fury and disgust at the sight of the spear, her body half-way up the wall. Oleksandr's grip tightens on the spear, his arm tensing as the weapon trembles in his grip. Thekkur steps slightly forward, drawing his scimitar, his eyes never leaving the girl as she perches on the wall. Oleksandr and Thekkur listen to the unintelligible curses spilling from the girl's mouth, her voice raspy and harsh. Her finger, now boney and weathered, points with an almost accusatory menace at them, her eyes glowing brightly with anger and hatred.

They slowly move closer, causing their shadows to move up the walls. They watch in amazement and horror as the girl, obscured momentarily by their shadows, transforms into a swarm of bats in the shape of a woman in the instant that she was hidden from the light. A screeching sound fills the room as hundreds of silken wings flutter off in all directions, the noise deafening and unnatural as they filter through the entryway. With the swarm of bats gone, the room's atmosphere instantly shifts. The once-sensual and eerier feeling disappears, replaced by a cold and sterile emptiness. The bed, which was once soft and plush, is now solid and cold, carved from a single piece of smooth marble. As they look around the room, they notice a new passageway where the wall had once been solid.

The stones around the opening are worn and crumbly, the path leading into the darkness. The sight is both intriguing and slightly unsettling, wondering what could be down the new passage. As they enter the hallway, they notice the surroundings gradually becoming less and less man-made. The walls begin to show signs of age and decay, with cracks and fissures running along the stone. The dank path twists and turns, the tunnel becoming more natural and less structured as they proceed further in. As they turn a corner, they are suddenly met with the warm glow of natural light. They step out of the narrow passageway and are greeted by the sight of the other side of the mountain range, the sunlight streaming in through the foliage and casting shafts of light across the ground. They take a moment to breathe in the fresh air, the scent of the forest and the sight of the natural light a stark contrast from the dark, ancient and otherworldly tunnel they just walked through.

"That girl... That must've been what they refer to as 'vampires.'" Oleksandr nods in agreement, his mind still on the strange encounter they just had.

"Yes," he says, "that's exactly what she was. A vampire. I've heard stories about them, but I've never seen one before." He looks to Thekkur, trying to gauge his brother's reaction to what they just experienced. Thekkur shakes his head, wiping the sweat off his golden brow.

"She was so beautiful... I... I couldn't help myself. We almost fell right into her trap, just like that." Oleksandr can sense the conflicted emotions in his brother's response. He knows all too well how the girl's beauty would've ensnared him, if Thekkur hadn't saved him at the last minute.

"I know what you mean," he says, a grim tone entering his voice, "she was truly beautiful, but that's their deadliest weapon."

"Like a siren."

Oleksandr nods in agreement, the comparison clicking in his mind as they continue on their path. "Exactly. Like a siren. A deceptive beauty meant to draw in her prey and ensnare them. If we hadn't been so vigilant, we would've walked straight into her trap." Thekkur smirks.

"You speak of vigilance, when she was inches away from biting your neck! You were lost in her kisses, brother." He teases. Oleksandr raises an eyebrow at Thekkur's comment, a hint of a blush dusting his cheeks. He can't deny that the girl's kisses had stirred something in him, her seductive charm almost impossible to resist, but he can't let his brother know that.

"Perhaps," he says, trying to maintain his composure, "but I was only admiring her beauty. I would've pulled away before she could bite me." Thekkur chuckles.

"Oh, yeah, right." Oleksandr rolls his eyes at Thekkur's unbelieving tone, but can't help the small smile spreading across his face.

"Oh, shut up," he mutters playfully, giving his brother a light shove. "You weren't immune to her either, you know. I saw you practically swooning when she was kissing you."

Thekkur responds with a small smile. "Aye, I was." They continue on their way in silence for a while, the only sound being that of their footsteps and the wind blowing through the trees. Thekkur can feel a tension in the air between them, a result of the girl's seductive influence and the reminder of how close they came to making a mistake. Finally, he breaks the silence, his voice soft and cautious as he speaks up. "Did you... feel something when she was kissing you?"

"Yes... It was strange; like she cast a spell over me, breaking away all of my control and discipline. I was ready to just... have her, there and then." Thekkur listens intently, understanding exactly what his brother is describing. He, too, had felt a strange pull towards her, a sort of mental fog that seemed to cloud his judgment and lower his guard.

"I know what you mean," he says, his voice low and somber, "she had this power over us, a sort of magic that made us want to give in to her completely. It was like she could take away our control and discipline with just a look." Oleksandr ponders silently for a long moment.

"Something about that long black hair and pale skin..." He shakes his head, feeling himself fall into her seduction again, like her spell still lingers. He can feel the pull of her memory, the image of her enchanting beauty still lingering in his mind. It's like the memory of her is a spell in itself, one that wants to draw him back into the seductive trap she had laid for them. "Yes," he says, more quietly this time, "Her inky silk. Her skin, smooth and flawless like polished alabaster..." He pulls himself together again. "But that's all she is, a demon. I'll just find a human woman who looks like that." He half jokes. Thekkur laughs at the joke, though he knows there is a hint of truth in his words. He too wouldn't mind finding a human woman with half the beauty and allure as the girl they'd just encountered.

"Yes, I suppose that's easier said than done," he teases, giving his brother a friendly pat on the back. "But I suppose we can dream, can't we?"

"Mmm." Oleksandr hums. "Maybe we'll find love in Greece, brother. Perhaps a set of twins." Thekkur laughs heartily at his brother's joke, the mental image of a pair of beautiful Greek twins already forming in his mind.

"Oh, yes," he says with a sly smirk, "that would be something, wouldn't it? A set of stunning sisters, one for each of us. A golden-haired angel for me and a raven-haired beauty for you. We'd be quite the envy of every man in Constantinople." As they walk and laugh together, the sun gradually begins to dip lower in the sky, their surroundings taking on a golden hue. The forest becomes quieter as the night creatures begin to stir, their various calls filling the air with a natural symphony.

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