Twin Demonlords | Elaria Chronicles

Chapter 22 – Cuddlebugs

After walking in on us flirting, it took a bit of explaining to get Mina to come inside. She brought enough for the four of us to eat, so we started chatting over a meal. Mainly just bantering about Mina’s cooking.

After the meal, we started getting into the heavy stuff. All four of us are sat in front of the fireplace, with Lulu laying her head on my lap. As I run my fingers through it, I look over to Alice,

“How’d you end up in such a bad state?”

She sighs and shakes her head before saying,

“The damn cult. Apparently, their so-called holy country was in desperate need of food, and one of them overheard us talking about the deal the other night and decided to take matters into their own hands. In their infinite wisdom, they thought that killing me would somehow make the granary master desperate for another deal. Despite the fact that I don’t own my father’s company.”

I nod my head,

“It seems intelligence isn’t a tenant of the cult. We also had an encounter with one of them. Though, ours was so low level that I feel like a child could’ve killed him.”

Alice rests her head on her hand and gives out an exasperated sigh. She continues as she wipes a stray hair out of her face,

“Mine wasn’t low level. At the least, with how he thoroughly overpowered me, he would have to be at least level 25, maybe even 30.”

I analyze Alice’s status to get a read on how strong that guy could be,




[Name:] Alice Drakea

[Race:] Demonic Human (3x - Stat Gain | 2x - XP required per level)

[Tag:] Infernal

[Class: C | Shadowkin]



[S Kin of Lust]

[D Daughter of a Merchant]


[Level: 9]



[STR: 170 -> 510]

[DEF: 160 -> 480]

[DEX: 380 -> 1140]

[INT: 400 -> 1200]

[WIS: 290 -> 870]

[Stat Total: 1400 -> 4200]


[Skills:] (Note: Skills marked with * are new)

[Active Skills: [D->C Magic Thread], [D->B Summon Dagger], [E Knife Throw], *[B Disguise Self], *[C Shadow Movement], *[D Silent Step]


[Passive Skills: [U Master Haggler], [C Regeneration], [(TABOO) Eldritch Aspect: Palm Tentacle], *[C Dagger Arts], *[C Shadow Kin]



[ RUINED | Haggler’s Garb (Set)] 

[ C | Amulet of Protection]

[ D | Bracelet of Neutralizing]

[ S | Stigmata of Carnal Desire]

}~~~~~{Status End}~~~~~{


Damn, quite the power buff, huh? Her current strength can’t even be compared to before. Assuming that guy is within the 25-30 level range she gave me, she should be pretty set to fight him. Seeing her shaking slightly, I gently wrap my arm around her and lay her head down on my shoulder. I speak to her in a warm, comforting tone,

“It’s okay. You’re safe.”

She shakes her head, but leans into my shoulder anyway,

“It’s not that… I feel so… Incredibly… Angry. Angry at myself for being too weak to fight back. Angry at that cultist for being such a dickhead… Haaaah… Thank you guys for saving me.”

I shake my head and place my hand over hers,

“No need. Lulu and I care too much about you to not help you. Rather… I’m sorry… The only way I could save you was by turning you into a half demon…”

The room goes silent for a second, the sound of the crackling fire and the rustle of leaves filling the air while a stiff tension began to build before finally, she says,

“Please, if demons are all as cute as you two, I’m happy to join your ranks. Honestly, now that I’m no longer human, I feel… Liberated, I suppose? I always felt wrong, and even a little envious of the races like elves, beastkin, even demons. I’m sorry for that hatred I showed your kind previously… I guess it was more a hatred of myself and jealousy of demons that made me act that way.”

I smile as the tension fades away, and feel warmth building in my chest as she finishes her sentence. Lulu speaks up from my lap,

“To be fair, Lily and I have never met another of our kind before. Not even our parents. For all we know, demons could really be evil.”

I nod along with her. She looks up at me and puts her hand on my cheek, rubbing it with her thumb before continuing,

“I’d like to think we’re special, though.”

We continue to speak to one another, casually throwing flirts, with even Mina joining in on them. Eventually, I take Alice’s hand and look at where the scar from her taboo used to be, finding no more scar.

I smile at her, earning a confused look from her, before taking her hand in mine and lifting it up, showing her the lack of scar. She immediately goes wide eyed and brings her hand up close to her face, examining every inch. She runs her fingers up and down the area where the scar was previously.

“N-no way… it’s… gone? Does that mean?!”

She opens up her status screen, finding the taboo still present. I shake my head and answer her question,

“No, you still have a taboo. However, taboos are no different than skills for us demons, and even monsters. You should try to use it, see if you can get used to it.”

I can see the eager excitement building up inside of her. Adorable. She holds out her hand and activates the skill. Her palm splits open in a little slit as a thin, long, peach-colored tentacle shoots out, almost too fast for me to react to. It flies out all the way to the top of the fireplace and wraps itself around one of the decorative pots above it.


Suddenly, the tentacle constricts, instantly shattering the pot before retracting back into her palm just as quickly as it left. I see a shiver run up Alice’s spine as she looks at her palm slit closing up,

“Ugh… That felt so weird. It’s definitely gonna need some getting used to. Where does that thing even hide?”

Lulu and I shake our heads, while Mina answers her,

“Nobody knows. There’s quite a few taboos like this where physical things manifest from someone’s body in ways that make no logical sense. The general consensus amongst monsters is that they’re aspects from the demonic realm that are capable of physically manifesting using the body of the caster. Kind of a miniature summoning.”

I nod my head. That makes sense for the most part. That would also make sense why only demons and monsters can use it. Alice takes a thinking pose, rubbing her chin with her thumb before seemingly coming to a conclusion,

“A taboo may just be the opposite of holy skills. After all, holy skills can’t be used by monsters or, presumably, demons. Similarly to how angels are the opposite to demons, taboos may be opposites to holy skills.”

I nod my head,

“They’re tagged as infernal, so most likely. Though, what would that make actual infernal skills?”

All three of the girls shrugs before Alice says,

“Honestly, the best place to get these questions answered would be the academy. Like I said, they don’t really discriminate when it comes to knowledge. If anyone would know, it would likely be someone there.”

I nod my head as the conversation starts to wane, giving way to a comfortable silence that fills the room. The crackling of the fireplace giving the only sound. As we sit there, Alice leans over onto my shoulder and wraps her arms around me, while I reach around her body and nestle my hand on her waist.


I look down at Lulu after hearing her yawn, and see her closing her eyes, ready to take a nap. My fingers lightly massage her scalp as I run them through her hair. I then look down at Alice, and see her eyes closing as well. I lean my head down slightly and place a kiss on the top of her head. Earning a smile from the sleepy girl.

I look up, seeing Mina looking at the three of us with a bit of envy. Alice notices this, and motions for her to come sit next to her, which she does apprehensively. She sits down next to her, to which Alice quickly reaches over and pulls her into the group cuddle. Judging by Mina’s expression, and the blush building on her face, I’d say she enjoyed it.

Sorry for how long chapters have been taking me. I've been writing a transgender sci-fi girl's love story for a while and have been debating on whether or not to make it super kinky and upload it here or keep it relatively tame and upload it on my other account. I haven't seen many good sci-fi GL on here sadly, so I've been 'studying' with some short stories.

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