Twin Demonlords | Elaria Chronicles

Chapter 2 – It’s a litRPG!

“”We’re… Twins?””

In my past life, I had never had a sibling. I had always been an only child. Honestly, I don’t really care that we’re twins. It was like the second I saw her, I felt some kind of connection. It could be that twin connection thing, but it felt more… Loving… In a non-family way. It feels like she’s my soulmate.

I can only hope she still feels the same way. I open my eyes and look back at her, and see tears starting to build in her beautiful red eyes. I can’t help myself from reaching out and placing my hand on her cheek. She leans into my hand and puts her own hand over mine.

“What’s wrong?”
She starts to sob while answering me,

“I-I know that we’re… Twins… Somehow… *hic* But I can’t help but… Have feelings for you! I can feel it in my heart! We just met, but I’m so madly in love with you! It feels like you were made for me!”

I bring the crying girl into a hug again, feeling her tears beginning to coat my still-naked shoulder. I start rubbing her back in a comforting manner before talking to her in a caring tone,

“Princess… I don’t care if we’re twins in this world. I feel that same connection that you do. We’re soulmates, I can tell. Even in my past life, I felt like there was a hole in my heart waiting for someone to appear that could fill it. When I woke up and saw you, that hole was filled.”

Her hands wrap around my back, shaking slightly.

I hold her for a few minutes, letting the girl calm down before we can talk again. 

She slowly pulls back from the hug and wipes the tears from her face. While she wipes away her tears, I surprise her with a gentle kiss. She jumps slightly and blushes as I pull back, but then begins to laugh,

“Hahaha! Wow, we just met and yet you already know exactly how to comfort me. I love you, Lilith.”

I chuckle as well before answering her,

“I love you too, Lulura.”

It takes a few seconds before both of us realize something.

“”Wait, we never said our names?””

I think for a second before I remember something from all the web novels I read in high school,




[Name:] Lilith Fellgrim

[Race:] Demon (5x - Stat Gain | 3x - XP required per level)

[Tag:] Infernal

[Class: B Infernal Mage]



[U Summoned Demon: Immunity to enslavement]

[U Sin of Lust: Gains experience through sexual encounters]



[Taboo of Corrupted Twins: Gain extra experience through sex with twin]


[Level: 2]



[STR: 70 -> 100]

[DEF: 100 -> 170]

[DEX: 110 -> 210]

[INT: 130 -> 330]

[WIS: 90 -> 190]



[Active Skills: D Infernal Fireball / F Lesser Heal / D Charm / (TABOO) Enfeeble]


[Passive Skills: U Twin Connection / L Demonic Growth / B Lesser Infernal Element / E Lesser Fire Element / E Lesser Illusion Magic / (TABOO) Insanity Immunity]

}~~~~~{Status End}~~~~~{


As I read my status board, I can’t help but feel the excitement building up inside me. I get a wide smile on my face and excitedly grab Lulura’s hands,

“Say status! Look what shows up!”

She looks shocked at my sudden excitement, but starts to smile at me before teasing,

“You’re too cute when excited~ Status. UGYAH!”

She jumps back as she says this, not expecting the red screen to pop up in front of her. She falls backwards off the altar and lands on her butt. I lean forward and hang my head off the edge, looking down at her while she scrolls through her status bar. I get another idea while waiting,




[Demon Princess Panties]

[Demon Princess Bra]

[Demon Princess Dress]

[Demon Princess Hair bow]

[Demon Princess Collar]

[Demon Princess Wand]

}~~~~~{Inventory End}~~~~~{


‘Oh! Clothes!’

I get excited and tap on the panties, bringing up a big display screen showing me how they look. They’re an adorable pink pair of panties. They’re sheer, and have small red hearts embroidered in a pattern across the entire fabric. On the front, there’s a little red bow. On the back, there’s a small heart cut out that will show off a little bit of butt cleavage.

The bra is much the same, but instead of the cutout being in the rear it’s in the front. My nipples show through it slightly, but it’s just opaque enough that you’d really have to focus to see them.

The dress is flowy and comes down to halfway up my thigh. It’s got pink frills around the edges and feels incredibly soft like silk. The dress is much cuter than the word demon would make you think. Though, looking at Lulura, I can see why it’s so cute.

When I click on the hairbow, my hair style immediately changes. Two braided buns appear on the sides of my head, each tied with pink bows that sit on the top.

‘Now, this is interesting. Collar? Like, as in a dog collar? I’d rather not wear a dog collar. I may be freaky, but I’m not that freaky.’

The thought of Lulura looking up at me with a pair of dog ears and a collar appears in my mind. She’s kneeling on all fours and holding up her hand while saying ‘woof’ in an embarrassed manner.

‘Okay, maybe I am, in fact, into it.’

Pressing on the collar, I can see that it’s more like a choker than a collar. There’s one long strip of stretchy hot pink fabric with sheer pastel pink frills along both edges. In the center is a large red heart made of glass.

It’s a very pink and heart centric outfit. It’s cute, though, and that’s all that matters!

When I equip the full set, I feel power surge through my body. A loud ding rings out in my mind again,





[ L | Demon Princess set (pink)]



[Physical Stats x2 | Magical Stats x3]

[Conceals all instances of tag:Infernal from view.]

[Permanently reveals hidden statuses]

[Permanently unlocks active skills: (TABOO) Affliction / D Speed Burst / B Infernal Shield / S Brainwash / SS Universal Appraisal]

[Permanently unlocks passive skills: B Regeneration / A Fire Immunity / A Soul Drain / S Curse Aura / SS Demonic Royalty]




I’m gonna guess this means this set is majorly OP. Considering it unlocked more skills than I even have available right now, and can reveal hidden things in my status. 

I look over to Lulura on the ground and see that she’s equipping her clothes as well. Hers seem to be an exact copy of mine, just swap out the pink and red for baby blue and dark blue. Damn, if we had black, yellow, red, and green, I feel like we could have a kick ass theme song.

GO-GO DEMON TWIIIIINS! *insert awesome guitar solo here*

Or something like that, anyway.

As she finishes equipping the entire set, I can see her eyes start to widen as she reads her new skills she gained. She looks up at me with her ruby eyes, filled with a childlike excitement,

“We’re so fucking OP!”

Her two little fangs poke out between her teeth as she flashes a stunning smile at me. I can’t help but smile back,

“God you’re gorgeous!”

She blushes at me, and I swear I can see steam coming from the top of her head before she says,

“S-So are you!”

I chuckle at this and reach down for her hands. She grabs onto them, and I help her stand back up while teasing,

“Of course I am! I look like you!”

As she reaches my height, I pull her towards me and place a quick kiss on her lips. The soft feeling of her adorable, pink lips makes my heart flutter. She puts her arms up on my shoulders, and slowly pulls back, panting slightly. Her warm breath flutters across my face, leaving behind the sweet smell of citrus and lavender. We slowly open our eyes and look at each other, and I swear I see hearts appear in her eyes.

I reach up and cup her cheek, before she rubs her face on my hand. I rub her cheek with my thumb before sliding off of the altar and standing up. I take her hands,

“Alright, let’s get out of this cave! Ah, but first-”

I reach over to the altar and store all the blankets and pillows.

“Alright! Now let’s go!”

I figured out how to upload images! Praise me!

Ah, yeah, here's art of Lilly and Lulu:

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