Twilight: Primordial Chimera

School time

Izzy and I walked into the school, after I had dealt with that idiot jock. I glared at the Asian with the camera that was about to walk up to us in the hallway. I sniffed when he caught my eye, getting that familiar whiff of lust, arousal.

His eyes widened in fear, when I began glaring at him, my eyes glowing with my anger at him daring to lust after what was mine. He walked right past us, cowering in terror of me. I smirked; it was good to be the Alpha of wherever you were. Izzy rolled her eyes at my scaring off guys around her. I would not let anyone go after my sister. Not a jock, not a nerd, and especially not a vampire.

We took ourselves into the school office. Izzy tapped onto the secretary desk, alerting her to our presence. She raised her head from the computer. "Hi, we would like to get our class schedule." I tuned them out as I looked over the fliers on the post it board., the guitar lessons seem interesting. I grabbed one of the many fliers about the guitar lessons, and folded it, putting it into my back pocket.

A quick shuffle of small feet, the sound of a filing cabinet being opened, and then a crinkle of paper informed me that the secretary was opening our folders to get the schedules. "Alex, I got the schedules. Let's go." Izzy said.

I turned and walked out with her, looking at her. "So where is our first class of the day, Izzy?"

"The gym, o' brother of mine!" she exclaimed, grinning. We went into the gym. I could see the interest in us in almost everyone's eyes.

As the metal doors closed, the loud click directed the gym teacher's attention towards us. As he got off his chair, putting down the magazine in his hand. I caught him staring at the girls in shorts and the gray T-shirt. A perverted gym teacher, this place really was cliche. The gym teacher was a fat, potbellied ginger-haired man. He even had that shitty pornstache.

His stomach shook as he walked towards us, staying outside of the line that stretched across the gym, forming a large rectangle. Inside that rectangle was primarily white teens playing volleyball and basketball "So, you two are Charlie's kids, huh? You don't look like him. Not at all.  Especially you." he said, leering at Izzy.

I pushed Izzy behind me, sucking my teeth in disdain at him. The man chuckled at me. "I'm Coach Clapp. We don't have gym clothes for the both of you today, the administration is a bit slow in this school. We'll have them for you by next week. For now, you can sit on the bleachers until we can get you clothes." Izzy and I walked over to the bleachers, sitting down, watching the volleyball basketball games.

Only a few minutes later, a volleyball bounced towards Izzy, hitting her ankles. "Hey, pass it over!" A pretty, oval-faced, brown-haired girl with rather large breasts yelled over to her. Izzy picked up the ball, looked at it for a moment and tried to throw it over to the girl.

Unfortunately for both Izzy and the guy that the ball was heading to, Izzy had no aim. It hit a blonde-haired boy playing basketball, in the head. He groaned, gripping the back of his head in head, crouching. Izzy may not have aim, but she does have strength.

She went over to the guy she accidentally hit with the volleyball. I quirked my ear towards her. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked him in concern.

He raised his head and looked at her. Then he kept looking at her. I was happy when the girl who had yelled to Izzy go, stepping between them and breaking up his staring at my sister. "Hi, I'm Jessica, sorry about that." She said, her smile fake, a try hard smile.

"Hi, I'm Mike. Newton. You're Isabella Swan, right?"

"You're from Arizona, right?" Jessica asked her.

"No, I'm actually from Forks. My dad is Charlie, the police chief." She said, smiling broadly, proud of having Charlie as a dad. He might not be the most handsome man, but he is an amazing dad.

The school bell rang, and I stopped listening, getting off the bleachers and going over to them. I didn't try and scare off the teen just yet, but when Izzy saw me, she did wave them off and walk towards me. We walked past the doors and went to the cafeteria.


Please, if you see any mistakes, tell me, I will fix them. I am always looking to better myself as a writer. Hope you all comment, I really appreciate it. The comments are actually why this one came and why I am writing the next one already. I am already 300 words in. Hope you all are having the best day.

I am thinking about starting a Twitch channel involving my writing and certain shows that I will be going through on twitch. If you like it, please subscribe to my channel or tell me what you think in the comments. This is to add something to my income as this right now isn't giving me anything. Hope to see you all there.
I am @kanais3akajamesshinto
If any of you are on the Samwitwer stream on Twitch, you'll see me there.

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