Truth Of The Forgotten Age

1-08: Slow Down

The following day was a surprisingly easy day, primarily focusing on mental aptitudes. However, over the course of the day, whenever Veronica looked at Tisha, she grew red. Tisha also did the same, growing red at the sight of her student. They both wanted to forget what happened, but it is quite hard when they're next to each other every day.

As noon crossed, all the applicants had gone on a short lunch break, and so, Veronica wandered the halls aimlessly. Her head was filled with what happened the pervious night. Tisha's body was sculpted perfectly. Scarred, but the scars were oddly beautiful.

Veronica's thoughts were interrupted by Aviris pulling her to the side.

"O-Oh! Hi, Avi. What do you need?"

"It's want. And I want a kiss."

"O-Okay. That's fine." Veronica said, not really thinking of much, but not really doing anything.

Aviris got tired of waiting and decided to initiate the kiss herself, but it wasn't nearly as good, disappointing herself.

"Veronica, what's wrong? You seem out of it." Aviris asked worriedly.

"Huh? O-Oh! I'm sorry. It's just... something happened last night, and my brain is still trying to process it."

"Last night? What happened?"

"Um... It was... uh... I can't really tell you right now. Sorry..."

"It's fine. But if you ever need to talk I'm here. So is Cass, I think. Considering you two have known each other since childhood, right?"

"Yeah. That's right. Well, if I... ever decide to talk about it, I'll come to both of you."

They were about to finish up when a couple of obviously rich female applicants walked past, with nearly a disgusted face on themselves.

"Ugh, what's a school like this thinking, allowing backwater sluts and uncivilized tribals into even the application process."

"Right? Like, they totally need to redo the entire school system."

'Tribal? Are they talking about Avi?'

The two left quickly, as if they were going to get diseases from being near them.

"Which realm of the Seven Hells did they come from? Rude... and what did they mean by tribal?" Veronica wondered aloud.

"They were talking about my tribe. They just hear 'tribe' and think that we're uncivilized. But, my tribe has been civilized for about eighty years now."

"You're tribal? You don't look like a tribal..."

"Yup. Again, from a civilized tribe. The Kanhawsa Tribe. Translated, it's 'Lost Oracles' I think. The proof is on my back."

She turned around and lifted her shirt, revealing a very large, detailed, and artistically pretty tattoo, depicting a Rogue like character slaying a large beast.

"It's my tribe's tradition to receive a Hasha, or divine tattoo, of our calling. Mine is that of a Ranger."

Veroinca was in awe at two things. The tattoo, which was really pretty, and the fact that Aviris wasn't wearing a bra.

"You're uh... not wearing a bra..."

"Hm? Why would I? It's too constricting. Why the sudden change of topic anyways?"

"Sorry, lost my brain in thought. But, your clan requires you to get those tattoos? Doesn't that hurt?"

"Not at all. These are done with magic. They're enchanted. So, you could say it's more like a painless branding."


"Yeah. It's not much. It pretty much makes sure that we always stay in our prime. So, we can really only get stronger, and never weaker."

"That's... really neat actually. I've read of different tribal customs, but never something like that. I've also never heard of your tribe before."

"Well, there are many different tribes. Plus, we leaned more towards advancement rather than staying how we were. We still embrace our traditions and heritage, but with what modern luxuries we can. Like indoor plumbing. Who ever thought of that is a genius."

The sudden joke by Aviris caught Veronica off guard, causing her to burst into a laughing fit.

Aviris, unbeknownst to Veronica, who had her eyes shut from laughter, grew red, seeing how cute Veronica's laughter was.

"Hey you two! I convinced the next one!" Cassidy's voice rang out behind Aviris, causing both of the girls to look behind them, and Veronica quickly regained her composure

"Cass? Who is it this time? And please tell me that she knows exactly what it is."

"Not even a 'hello'? You break my heart!" Cassidy purposefully overreacted with an over exaggerated heart break motion.

"Don't avoid the question, Cass." 

"Okay, so it's this cute girl, she's a support Mage with some physical combat skills. Her name is Eleanora. And she's willing to talk over terms and conditions tomorrow!"

"Why does that name sound familiar? And not in the good way..." Veronica sighed.

Aviris shrugged and Cassidy just smiled like nothing was wrong.

"Oh, and I'm in talks with another one. So we just need to get one more..."

"Actually, that's all we need... I um... already got the third one. Last night. On accident."

"My baby's growing up! Tell me, who did you seduce? Was she cute? Who was the dom?"

"Accidentally! I didn't mean for it to happen. She just kissed me and we did... other things..." She said shyly.

Cassidy's face changed from ecstatic to depressed for just a slight moment, but back to be happy.

"Well, if that's it, then that's it. But, anyways, Flanne wants to discuss things tomorrow. I'll come by and take you to her. A-Anyways, talk to you later." She quickly ran off with a slight twitch in her eye.

And, soon after, Aviris and Veronica parted, leaving Veronica to wander around once again. Until someone came up to her.

"Are you W-37?"

"Yes, that's me. What's the matter?"

"Headmaster Ardenmeyer wants to see you in her office. As quick as possible, preferably."

"Right, I'll be there then."

The person left, and Veronica sighed, and was now quite a bit worried.

'I'm starting to wish things would slow down a bit today...'

Veronica went towards Ardenmeyer's office, slightly shaking. When she knocked on the door, she was greeted inside.

"Come in." The headmaster said.

Veronica did just so, and noticed that it wasn't just Ardenmeyer, but Tisha was also there.

"Veronica Dornan, W-37. Please, take a seat."

She nodded doing just so, and now she was extra nervous. What was going to happen?"

"Let's get right to the point. Miss Tisha here claims that she may have laid hands on you inappropriately while she was in an altered mental state. Can you tell me what happened, as she can't seem to think straight from it."

'Well, at least she didn't mention my... addition. Besides, I'm not going to ruin her career because of MY skill that I didn't know would affect her that way.' 

"I'm sorry, Miss Ardenmeyer, but I don't know what you're talking about. All I did last night was take a shower and go to bed. Perhaps she simply had an odd dream that seemed realistic?"

"You claim nothing happened?"

"Nothing at all." Veronica took a quick glance at Tisha who looked both relieved and worried for a completely different reason.

"I see. Then, we shall simply say it was what you said it was, an odd dream. You're free to go."

Veronica nodded her head and left, taking a deep breath after stepping out.

'That was intimidating! I hope Tisha isn't in trouble. And hopefully, we can put it all behind us after that. Right?'

And so, the day continued as normal. Or, well, as normal as it could be in Veronica's circumstances. Just a few more days, and she'll know whether or not she passed the applicant exams.

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