Truth Of The Forgotten Age

1-04: Second Kiss

The "dorms" they were placed in were quite small. As in everyone was placed in one of two different dorms, male or female. When Veronica first entered, she was given a slip of paper, and told to never lose it. It was her applicant number, W-37.

Luckily for Veronica, Cassidy was already in the dorm. Talking to another girl, who seemed to nod in agreement of whatever Cassidy told her.

Cassidy waved Veronica over excitedly, a smile on her face, and the girl next her waved as well. Though, her wave was slower, calmer, as if she were expecting Veronica.

"Ver! Get your cute butt over here!" Cassidy yelled out, causing a few people to look over at the commotion, before returning to what they were doing. Veronica, on the other hand, blushed up a storm due to the attention, but she still made her way to Cassidy and her new friend.

"Hey Cass. Who's your friend?" Veronica asked, giving a respectful nod to the other girl. With a better look, she was able to take in her features better. Tanned skin, more tanned than the headmaster, with short, white hair and gold eyes. Average height, but she definitely exercised often.

"Ver, meet Aviris. Aviris, this is my best friend, Veronica." Cassidy motioned between the two girls.

"It's nice to meet you, Aviris." Veronica greeted, hand extended, assuming a handshake was in order.

"The pleasure's all mine." Aviris greeted back with a smile and accent, accepting the handshake. "I heard you need help with a challenge for yer class?" She asked, slowly pulling away.

"Cass! What did you tell her!?" Veronica nearly yelled, wondering why Cassidy would reveal such sensitive information.

"Just the basics. You have a challenge for upgrading your ability, and it requires five different people. I'm one. So you need four more. And Aviris here might be willing to help~." Cassidy answered, like it was just another day for her.

"I-I don't- Look, I‐ Nevermind. Sorry about that Aviris. It's just that the challenge is... odd, and I don't want to accidentally ruin someone's reputation. It's not even an important ability! I think..." Veronica defensively stated, causing Cassidy to laugh.

"See! What did I tell you? She's adorable, isn't she?"

"She is quite the darlin'. But, if it's somethin' she don't want others involved in, then you shouldn't push it."

"C'mon, trust me! It's fine. Tell her, Ver!"

"No! It's- ugh, fine. Just, please don't think of me wrongly. I never asked for these kinds of abilities."

"It's fine darlin'. Just take your time."

"It's uh... well... to kiss five people. And uh... it's not the short, friendly type either. The romantic one..."

"That it? Ain't too bad. Though, I wonder what kind of Spirit who'd have abilities like that."

"I wonder that too. But, you don't have to help if you don't want too! Cass is just... a little eccentric."

"I perfer the word 'infatuated'." Cassidy added on.

"Darlin', if it's just a kiss, I can help. It's not like yer asking for my virginity. Just setup a time and place."

"See, Ver? I told you she could help. Plus..." She leaned into Veronica's ear to whisper, "she's a total hottie, wouldn't you say?"

Veronica blushed harder and lewd thoughts quickly entered her brain. She shook her head, trying to clear those thoughts out. She didn't want to get hard right here, with two very beautiful girls staring straight at her.

"Alright, f-fine. Aviris, w-would you like to... h-help me?"

"I already said it was fine. Just tell me when and where."

"How about now, and in the bathroom? We still got an hour before we do anything. Plus, no one would find it suspicious that three girls are going to the bathroom together. Its normal!" Cassidy recommended, standing up, slightly tugging them along.

"Wait, three? But, you already counted, a-and I don't think it counts twice." Veronica asked, her brain becoming a mess from everything going on.

"I wanna watch. Maybe even give some tips." She said as she licked her lips, as if she's about to eat a treat.

"I don't really mind, but if Veronica is uncomfortable, then it should be up to her."

"Well, it would be good for her to build some self-confidence, don't you think? She can't be meek and submissive all the time."

'No, Cass' is right. I'm a warrior class. I need to be stronger. More confident. This... this could be a good way to build it up, right?'

"I... I agree with Cass. I need to become more c-confident."

"If that's what you want, that's what you want. Alright then. Lead the way, Cassidy." Aviris relented.

And so, Cassidy lead the two other girls to the nearby bathroom, where, luckily, no one else was in there. The three of them squished themselves into a small bathroom stall, which was quite tight with the three of them.

Veronica and Aviris got into position, with Cassidy blocking the stall door, watching them.

"Alright. Ver, you'll be taking the lead this time. So, Avi, can you squat down a little? Match her height." Cassidy motioned for Aviris to get a little lower, while carefully studying the two, making sure it's perfect.

"Avi?" Aviris asked.

"Yeah. Avi. That's your name. Short for Aviris. Don't like it?"

"No, it's fine. Never had a nickname like that before." She responded as she started lowering a small bit to match Veronica's short stature.

Veronica's heart, unbeknownst to the other two, was beating rapidly.

'Be quiet, be quiet, be quiet! It's beating so loudly I can barely hear what they're saying."

"Nice. Now, Ver, take one of your hands, and gently rest it on her cheek, like your caressing her face." Cassidy instructed.

Veronica did just that, and put her hand on Aviris' cheek. Her skin was soft and comfortable, she wouldn't mind staying like this.

"W-What now?" Veronica questioned. Sure, it wasn't her first kiss. But, she isn't being surprise attacked, and she's supposed to be taking the lead.

"Is it really necessary for a long setup like this?" Aviris also asked, as this was taking longer than any other normal kiss.

"It's her first time leading. Plus, I caught her by surprise last time. Anyways. All you gotta do now is lock lips and dance with your tongues!"

Veronica gulped as she tried to focus herself and leaned in. Both she and Aviris closed their eyes and their lips eventually met.

They stayed like that for a few seconds before they opened their mouths a small amount, and Veronica slowly entered with her tongue, taking her time to "explore".

Aviris' tongue was just as soft as her skin, if not softer. Both the girls gave a slight moan as they gathered a little more air.

"Okay, that should be-" Cassidy tried to speak, but noticed that they were continuing even more, causing her to raise a smirk.

Veronica was practical drunk on the kiss. She kept going deeper and deeper into the kiss. Her face burning, and her new addition stiffening. For once, she forgot about it.

Aviris, seemed to be enjoying this a lot more than she thought. She started to moan after each slight parting for air.

It took a while, but Cassidy was able to eventually split the two.

"Okay, okay, that's enough. Time to actually breathe for once." She said as she laughed a little.

Both Veronica and Aviris had to come down from their respective highs.

"That was... the best kiss I've had... you sure yer inexperienced?"

"Huh? Yeah... I am. I don't know what... just happened." Veronica answered, still a bit dizzy, primarily due to lack of oxygen.

"Man, you two were just going at it. But, we should... yeah, we should probably go before anything else happens." Cassidy said, as if she noticed something the other two didn't.

Veronica and Aviris nodded their heads as they caught their breath and got out from the stall. Aviris was fine, but Veronica was still a little wobbly.

"You should definitely work on your lung capacity. For now, kisses should be quicker. Or, at least have long breaks for breathing."

"Right. Yeah. Good idea." She stated, slightly slured. So, she and the other two took things a bit slower, allowing Veronica to regain her senses. And when she did, they returned to the dorm.

Veronica had decided to look at her status once again, seeing if anything changed. And something caught her eye, more than the challenge.



Classification: Warrior

Name: Infernal Knight (Evolvable)

Level 1: EXP To Level 2 (0/1,000)


Commander's Body, Body becomes more similar to the body of Lilith Odessa. [1/10]: Upgradeable! Challenge: Kiss five (5) people [2/5]

Next Upgrade: Awaken Spirit, gain 2 inches to package, grow 5 inches in height.

Light Weapon Master [Evolvable], Become more proficient with One Handed Weapons. [0/4]: Upgradeable! Challenge: Defeat fifty (50) opponents with a mace [0/50]

Next Upgrade: Bonus Damage with Maces and maces are easier to handle, you and your partners can handle larger insertions.

Charm, Using Seduction on others is easier. [0/5] Upgradeable! Challenge: Obtain one (1) lover [1/1] Ready to Upgrade!

Next Upgrade: You are more likely to influence someone by showing off your breasts.

Sure, she had the second of five people for the kiss. But...

'When did I get a lover!?'

She never confessed to anyone, nor anyone to her. She doesn't recall holding any affections like that for anyone. When did this happen? Should she upgrade it? 

But it says lover. What exactly does it mean by that, as it clearly doesn't mean an official relationship. Who is considered as her lover in the first place?

Veronica sighed as she laid down to collect her thoughts. She had decided to not worry about it for now. She should focus on getting accepted into the academy first.

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