Triple Strength

309. Retirement Plans: Wiremu

309. Retirement Plans: Wiremu

“How on earth did you move the Dire bear without me knowing,” Longstrider said.

“People who watch late into the night get sleepy and tend not to admit that to their superiors,” Tabitha said. “The important thing now is what we are going to do about the imminent discovery by the Inquisitor.”

“I can draw them away,” I said. What Longstrider said about the slavery taking decades had got me thinking. My work was mostly done. I helped Mayakku crack the slave class and distribute it. I got a lot of satisfaction dealing with the quarry. What is important now is to let Longstrider and Tabitha establish the underground operation and then spread it to other cities. They are the best people for that, and this is Tabitha’s home territory.

“It would have to be you, Modrica and Umreti. It will also have to be a big distraction, and that will draw out the garrison.” Tabitha said.

“I know. It means we won’t be back here,” I said. This will mean we run far, probably out of the empire.

Modrica growled low and rumbling.

“No, you will need me,” I said. “We will be in the wilds, and I am the Hunter and Tracker.”

Modrica growled in displeasure.

“I will stay with Tabitha,” Ruku said. He looked at Modrica, “I will take over your role as Chief Enforcer. I am a Warrior and Commando. I will back up your Krvne Sestre.”

Modrica grunted her assent. She turned to Longstrider and rumbled in a very threatening way at him. Matt was about to step in when Longstrider stopped him. “She won’t have trouble from me,” he told her.

“Where will you go?” Tabitha asked.

“I remember a nice lake at the bottom of a nice peaceful valley. It is a good location, with some good hunting.” I replied.

Tabitha nodded, understanding I meant the lake at the base of the gorilla valley. It was about midway between the Empire and the Free Republic but off the main travel routes. It would be a good semi-permanent base.

“We need to get going,” I looked at Modrica, “Get Umreti to meet us at the second safe house. I think a smash-and-run attempt at the Monster cores will get their attention, successful or not.”

Modrica nodded, and a hornet flew off shortly thereafter. Then Tāoke came out of Camouflage in the rafters above me and dropped onto my shoulder. This caused Longstrider, Snake and Matt to tense up again. Just goes to show their senses still need work.

Longstrider’s eyes narrowed at me, “I had heard there was a snake,” He pointed at Tabitha, “I will talk to you later about information allies should know. Right now, I need to get my people under cover,” Longstrider said, and he, Snake and Matt headed off in different directions.

“We will come with you to the safe house,” Tabitha said.

We made our way briskly to the safe house through the morning crowds.

Once we were there, Modrica got to loading supplies onto Težka, and Tabitha grabbed me. “This is insanely risky. You know the Affinity users will be after you.”

“I know. I also know that if we don’t do this, the Inquisitor will just keep coming, and even Longstrider will be at risk.”

“Fuck Longstrider. I have already lost one brother. I don’t want to lose another.”

I took her hand, “You know how good I am at surviving. I will be fine. I also have Modrica at my back. All three of us are good survivors. Umreti has a Class for it.”

“It will still be years before we see each other again, and it won’t be here.”

“I know. Yelets will be off-limits for us. I will build a supply base at the lake. Nyx should be able to find us. I will stockpile cores there.”

“Bloody hunter.”

“Always. But I am going to give you five years. Then I want to hear the Black Butcher has infiltrated the empire and liberated all the slaves. This is how you redeem the Black Butcher name.”

“You bloody idiot. Wiremu Hunter frees the slaves, not the Black Butcher.”

“I am just the assistant. This is the Black Butchers show now. Make it a star performance, then retire rich and famous.”

“I am not retiring by a lake in the middle of nowhere. I will need somewhere to spend all my coin.”

“I think you already have more coin than you could ever spend.”

Tabitha just grinned at me, though sadness was showing through. She hugged me. She almost never hugs me.

Ruku came in with Umreti, and we laid out a rough plan. Umreti and I would do the smash and run, and Modrica and Težka would get us out of the city. We moved Težka to this house because it is not far from the gate. They already know about the Hornets, so we might as well use them. Then they will know they are with us and will stop looking for them. Once we are out of the city, I will be the one to try and lose the pursuit. Hiding Težka and his tracks will be a problem. We will need to get into the bush as soon as possible. We didn’t plan much more than that as we didn’t have time, and it will get messy anyway.

I grabbed some mugs from the kitchen and poured some ale for everyone. “To our continued health and a long retirement!”

We all drank.

We didn’t have time for long goodbyes as Cooper could be rousing the guard any time now. Nyx was the key to communicating between us as she was the fastest mover. Tabitha also had Dusk, so she had the next fastest transport on the continent, not counting the Avions.

“The Affinity users and Trackers are your biggest threats,” Ruku said.

I nodded.

“Apparently, Earth, Water and Fire. You and Modrica know what earth-sensing can do. For water, watch out for the Skill Sensing Water. I only picked it up when we were in the desert, so I am still learning it.”

I raised an eyebrow at that.

“I spent the first sixty years in or on the ocean, sensing water was useless. My Sonar was much better. The sensing distance is based on Spiritual Strength. Sensitivity is based on Spiritual Perception. Your Lava Body will not register.”

I nodded, “but will flare on any Thermal sensing.”

“Which the fire user will have,” Ruku said. “Hopefully, you won’t have all three after you. Watch those Trackers and Hunter Marks. Modrica won’t be sensitive to them.”

I nodded. We were in familiar territory now. We both knew we were stalling.

“The best strategy is to go fast and get out of range and stay out of range,” Ruku said.

I nodded, “Thank you for everything.”

“Be safe, son.”

Ruku and I shook hands, and then it moved into a hug. We understood each other, and I would miss his fatherly input. And fishing.

Umreti and I needed to go. If the guards were roused and searching the city, this was the best time to raid the supply stockpile. You never know. We might even get something. More likely, we will just cause mayhem and destruction, and Tabitha and Longstrider will make off with the goods while we run as the decoy. Or nobody will get anything, and we just get chased. That is our job. The rest is no longer our problem.

We left Ruku and Modrica loading and armouring Težka. Tabitha slipped out into the crowd. She would be looking to profit from the opportunities we create and perhaps ways to help.

Umreti had a small pack on with a few hundred hornets. Težka will be carrying the main hive. Umreti was the Weapons Master, and I am not sure how many weapons he had on him. I could see a short and a long whip. He had knives and a short bow. Let's just say he was leaving his options wide open. At least he had left the long pole weapons behind.

I wore my leather armour. I put a cloak over the top even though it was really too warm for it. My bow was back on Težka. It would be my most essential tool once we are out of the city, but it will only be of limited use until then. Tāoke was on my shoulder in Camouflage. I had a fresh stock of throwing darts and small stone-throwing knives. I had a mace on one hip and a baton on the other, next to my sling.

As we threaded our way to the Guard storage building, the lunchtime crowds were out. This was close to the wall but quite far from the gate. There were a lot of patrols on the move.

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