Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Be kind

“Hey hey hey! How do you say it? Who ate all these three snacks? Obviously you came and ate all the snacks first! I didn’t even eat one of my farts!” The man with glasses widened his eyes, really no I thought that Li Teng could still reverse black and white like this.

“You really opened your mouth when you lied! Forget it, it’s boring to fight with you.” Li Teng shook his head.

“Damn! Is there any reason for this? Who is lying?” The glasses man made his brain hurt.

“Brothers, don’t have a general knowledge of that kind of leverage. I don’t bother to care about him with his quality.” Gao Fei comforted Li Teng a few words.

“Who do you say is low quality? Who do you say is low quality?” What the glasses man said to Gao Fei became even more angry.

“Did I say that your quality is low? It was you who added the word’low’ after the quality. You really know yourself.” Gao Fei returned to the man with glasses.

“Don’t pay attention to him, the more you pay attention to him, the more energy he gets.” Li Teng persuaded Gao Fei a few words.

“Well, ignore him, he seems to be of the same quality as him.” Gao Fei nodded.

“People like you, I…I…I…” The man in glasses looked at the sky with both eyes, and was about to be furious.

“You should have seen all of them just now? Who ate all the snacks? Would you be fair?” The man in glasses walked to the staff and asked them for help.

The staff looked at the man in glasses blankly without saying a word.

“Say a word!” The glasses man felt a little weak.

The staff still ignored the man with glasses, turned and walked into the cafe.

“I’ll go!” The man in glasses guessed that these people could not be counted on. He played against Li Teng and Gao Fei by one enemy and two. He must not have the advantage, he should go to pour a cup of free coffee and drink to calm down.

At this moment, the female white-collar worker and the girl walked over from the corner of the street and sat down at the coffee table.

Gao Fei divided them a cashew nut.

“There are still snacks today?” The female white-collar worker glanced at the three empty plates on the table.

“We were late and were all eaten by the guy wearing the glasses. We only grabbed a few cashews.” Gao Fei pointed to the man with glasses standing by the coffee machine.

“Yeah, I’m afraid we will eat it. Watching us come over and put a lot of stuff in his mouth. You see he choked so much that he drank several glasses of water.” Li Teng also glanced contemptuously at the man with glasses next to the coffee machine.

“Just a few snacks, as for?” The girl shook her head.

“He’s too much, anyhow save us some.” The female white-collar worker murmured a few words.

“What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Hey hey hey! It’s obviously that you ate all the snacks, it’s interesting on my head?” The man in glasses was picking up coffee, and he trembled with anger when he heard the discussion behind him.

“Forget it, don’t be familiar with this bar, it’s not worth it.” Li Teng persuaded everyone.

“Yes, it’s not worth it! Let him eat! Choking him!” The girl echoed Li Teng.

“Damn! I’ve learned a lot today! Someone’s ability to reverse black and white is really superb! The key is to believe it!” The man in glasses sat down with his coffee cup back to the coffee table and looked at the street in the distance. Sulking.

At this moment, the staff who walked into the cafe just walked out of the shop holding a tray with three plates of snacks on it. I don’t know if it was because there were more people who saw the scene, or the protest of the man with glasses just had an effect, and the crew added an extra snack for the group performers.

The man in glasses smelled the aroma of coffee in his cup with his back to this side. He didn’t notice the staff coming. Gao Fei gestured to the others to keep them silent, and then quickly divided the three plates of snacks into four and placed them in four. In an empty plate, one person offered one.

The man in glasses felt that besides the aroma of coffee, he smelled something else in his nose, as if it was… the aroma of French fries?

When he turned his head, he happened to see everyone eating there with a plate of snacks. There were only two empty plates left on the coffee table.

“Hey, hey! Why is there no mine?” The man with glasses widened his eyes.

“You just ate three plates by yourself, and you are embarrassed to have it again? How can you be so greedy?” The girl ate the fries and glanced at the man in glasses.

“Sister, I really didn’t eat it! They ate it!” The man with his eyes wanted to cry without tears.

“It’s really boring, just a little bit of food, it reveals your true colors, as for?” The white-collar worker said something to the man with glasses while eating cookies.

“No… I’m hungry! I didn’t dare to spend more points to buy food. Who doesn’t like this free? And I just didn’t…” The glasses man continued to defend.

“Stop it! Give you a biscuit! Be kind.” Li Teng interrupted the man with glasses and reached out and handed a cookie to him.

“You…” The man with glasses glared at Li Teng, and suddenly he realized how terrible it was that he offended Li Teng.

Guo Zhipeng’s evaluation is correct, this is a scheming BOY, with superb acting skills, he simply can’t afford it!

Just like now, I told him to give him a biscuit, but why are you pinching the biscuit so tightly in your palm? Five fingers are protected together, should I use my fingers to pick it? Doesn’t it all break your hand?

“What did you do for him? He ate so much just now!” Gao Fei reached out and stopped Li Teng.

“That is, your heart is too kind, he has nothing to sympathize with.” The female white-collar worker also stopped Li Teng.

“Big brother, you should save yourself to eat. You don’t have any points, you must not have enough to eat. At this time, you still think of others.” The girl also said a few words.

“Well, since he doesn’t want it, then I will eat it.” Li Teng took the biscuit back and stuffed it into his mouth.

The man in glasses rolled his eyes with anger. He knew that Li Teng was playing tricks on him, and he was not even ready to give him this biscuit. Such people are too sinister! A few plates of snacks can give him such a big conspiracy, let alone other things.

No wonder Guo Zhipeng was able to kill Guo Zhipeng like that on the set last time.

Stay away from him in the future, otherwise it will definitely not result.

“Okay, all the group performances for this performance by the crew are all here. Don’t walk around anymore. After five minutes, we will wait for three high-level actors to come over and we will announce the plot of the performance.” The woman wearing an alloy mask The director came to the coffee table and announced a few words to the crowd after counting the number of people.

“Are the group performances all? Where is the mother-in-law sitting next to me?” The girl asked the female director strangely.

“She was getting older and was in poor health. In addition, she couldn’t make it through because she was exposed to the sun for several days in a sunny day. The body has been transported back to the studio.” The female director replied in a non-emotional tone. Teenage girl.

“She’s dead?” The female white-collar worker widened her eyes.

Li Teng was also very surprised. He had a good impression of the old woman. He seemed to be knowledgeable and very intelligent. He didn’t expect to hang up like this!

But it is not surprising.

Even a strong man like Li Teng has been on the verge of death several times on the top of the stone pillar. The old woman is a little older, at least over 60 years old, how can he tolerate the thirst and the thirst on the top of the stone pillar? hunger?

It’s so miserable to die like this!

The white-collar worker covered her eyes and sobbed.

The girl also cried.

Li Teng and the man in glasses both bowed their heads in silence.

The death of the old woman, everyone present felt the same.

“You are just a bunch of bastards!” Goofy stood up and pointed to the director’s nose and cursed.

The two bodyguards beside the director each stepped forward and stopped in front of the director.

“Don’t be impulsive!” Li Teng hastened Gao Fei.

“Young man, don’t be impulsive!” The old woman’s voice came over.

Everyone looked over there, and sure enough, it was the old woman who appeared on the street.

“Mother-in-law, are you okay?” The girl rushed over, and the white-collar workers also rushed over, supporting her from left to right.

“It’s okay, I’m going to the wax museum later, now come over to tell everyone individually.” The old woman laughed mockingly. After her body was brought back, it was placed in the medical cabin to rescue her.

Escaped death, but couldn’t escape the ending as a wax figure.

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