Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 21

Chapter 20: After The Founding Of The Yuan Dynasty, It Became Obsolete After 20

Although this war was provoked by the Leyi and Hu tribes, Dayan was already preparing for the war, so the result was no suspense. The loud noise and gunpowder smoke scared the courage of the two tribes. The 20,000 cavalry remained in the land of Dayan forever, and more than 40,000 young men, including the leader, were captured.

. The problem is that basically all the strong men of the Leyi and Hu ethnic groups are here, so should we continue to fight this battle?

If we fight, the two clans are located in the grasslands, and the clansmen are mainly nomads. After the fight, if there are not so many people in the garrison, and it is not easy to manage, but if we leave it alone, I am afraid two or three Ten years later, it will grow up and disturb the border again.

The DPRK and China are arguing about this every day. Some say that they are afraid of attacking these two barbarians, and they dare not raise troops for decades. Neither of the two factions persuaded the other.

At this time, a suggestion was handed to the emperor through the hand of the little emperor. The idea of the suggestion was quite bold, and he wanted to change the way of life of the two tribes for thousands of years, from nomadic to settled! At first, the ministers only thought it was whimsical, but as the person analyzed the current situation of the grassland in detail, and listed the implementation methods one by one, they slowly realized that it seemed feasible, and after listening to the whole policy theory, they all endured it. Can’t stop complimenting.

“What a genius!”

“I also ask Your Majesty to introduce you to the ministers. How amazing and talented people can make such a strategy?”

The little emperor snickered in his heart when he saw the praises from the court above. He just hoped that they would not be too frightened when they saw people. .

So, in the spotlight, a person walked in gracefully, wearing a simple light blue dress, and his long hair was only fixed with a wooden stalk, before going to the temple to kneel and salute: ” Mu Zihuai greets His Majesty.”


He thought he could force her to come back to her senses, but who knew that she was so hard-hearted. He had no news for eight years. He thought that this daughter had already died. How can I break my little pride?

Absolutely not. Some people even bluntly said that women should spin and embroider at home, and teach their husbands and children. It is a shame for the family to show up.

How could Mu Zihuai, who had expected it for a long time, be frightened by these remarks? If she was as weak as she looked, she would have died when she sneaked into the grasslands in those few years. Later, the ministers discovered that this little girl was not only good at strategy and theory, but also excellent at distinguishing talents.

The deeds of the admirable and great women of the past dynasties are well known, and she said them one by one. Few of the people present dared to say that they could compare with them, but Mu Zihuai dared to stand up. Straightening his back, he said, “I can do it too.” After a hundred and a thousand years, her name will definitely be left in the history books, not the Mu family engraved on the tablet.

In the end, at the insistence of the little emperor, Mu Zihuai was awarded the Shangzhou Sima and was sent to the grassland as a deputy. It is not an exaggeration to say that she has reached the sky in one step, from a white body to a grade five, especially she is the first woman in history to enter the court with a civil service and have a formal official position.

“Mother, am I doing a good job?” After going to court, the little emperor took advantage of the time left before class, and ran to his mother to ask for credit.

Ying Lan looked at his staring look, rubbed his head with a smile, and said, “Very good.”

“Is there any reward?” Zhao Yanghua’s eyes became bright.

“What reward do you want?”

“I want to leave the palace!” Zhao Yanghua tugged at his mother’s sleeve and acted coquettishly, “mother, please take a leave of absence for me and my grandfather, every day I study in the palace, I’m going to be stupid, Besides, when I go outside the palace, I also observe the people’s feelings! As the ruler of a country, if I don’t understand the suffering of the people at all, how can I manage the whole country well when I become the government? Besides…”

“It’s alright,” Ying Lan interrupted him funnyly, “When I don’t know if you want to go out to play? I also understand the public sentiment, who sneaked out last time, outside the palace After eating too much, you came back with abdominal pain for three whole days?”

Zhao Yanghua suddenly felt guilty, but still said stubbornly: “That’s because I want to know what the people eat, this is also the livelihood of the people…”

The words of the argument were getting smaller and smaller under the eyes of her mother who was smiling but not smiling. Ying Lan laughed and scolded ‘stinky boy”.

The little emperor couldn’t help but jumped up and ran out: “Mother, then I’ll go back and change my clothes, I’ll bring you a gift at night!”

“Wait!” Ying Lan stopped people, “Get dressed and come find me and take you to a place.”

“Where are you going?” Zhao Yanghua’s face fell.

Ying Lan couldn’t help but knock him on the head: “Go where you’ve always wanted to go.”

Zhao Yanghua rolled his eyes twice, and suddenly said in surprise: “Tiangongfang?” Seeing his mother nodding, there was a little bit of disappointment on his face, and he was overwhelmed by the deep joy. ” I’m going to change clothes right away, my mother is waiting for me!”

It’s no wonder he is so happy. He has long heard that Tiangongfang is very magical, but every time he said he wanted to go, his mother always said that he would cause trouble if he went. He mentioned his mother many times and never let go. Originally, he thought he had no hope that he would give up, but he did not expect that the mother would take the initiative to mention it this time, so he still ran quickly so that the mother would not regret it.

Ying Lan saw that he wanted to fly back immediately, just smiled and let him go. Tiangongfang was built by her Chang Xiaozhi leader over the years. The little girl is quite talented in creation and invention, and she occasionally pretends to point her inadvertently, so Chang Xiaozhi’s inspiration has exploded for a few years. , and came up with a lot of things one after another.

Firstly, the papermaking technology was improved to make low-cost paper, which can be said to benefit everyone in the world, and the name of Tiangongfang was opened; then, toilet paper was created, which changed the generation People’s living habits; in the past two years, the country has been booming in water conservancy, and the cement produced by Tiangong workshop not only saves manpower and material resources, but also is sturdy and reliable, once again pushing the reputation to the peak.

These are all on the bright side. Secretly, Tiangongfang is also responsible for weapon research, and it shines in the war with Leyi and Hu people. The one named musket also comes from Tiangongfang. Yinglan didn’t let the little emperor go there before. That’s why the musket would explode if he wasn’t careful when he was using it. When he was doing research, there would be explosions in the workshop almost every day.

it is good. Now it turns out that Zhuangzi was requisitioned to develop weapons specially, and Tiangongfang has also moved to a new place, but he can let him go and have a look.

The new Tiangong workshop is located in the west of the city. Yinglan specially demarcated a piece of land, designed by Chang Xiaozhi himself, and it took half a year to complete the construction. Different from the current upright mansion, from the outside, Tiangongfang looks like a monster with claws and claws. The five-story building is enough to stand out from the crowd in this era, and the three characters of “Tiangongfang” are embedded in the top three. The layers can be seen clearly from a distance.

“What a style!” Zhao Yanghua rode on his horse and lowered his head to discuss with his mother in the carriage, “I also want to live in such a high building. Can my mother ask them to build a new bedroom for me?”

“It’s not impossible,” Ying Lan thought about it and said, “It’s just that it’s a waste for you to live alone, wait until you get married!”

“Mother, why are you mentioning this?” Zhao Yanghua’s face suddenly turned red into a tomato, and he turned his head and pretended to look at the scenery.

Seeing that he was shy, Ying Lan did not intend to continue laughing, and a group of horses drove directly into the Tiangong workshop. When they came, they didn’t ask anyone to give advance notice. The owner of the workshop, Chang Xiaozhi, happened to be out on business, but An Lezhen came first to greet him.

I was not surprised to see her Yinglan. It is very expensive to engage in research. Although she has always been supportive of Chang Xiaozhi, the little girl herself always expressed embarrassment and kept using hers” Private house money”, it happened that An Lezhen was very interested in her inventions and creations. When the two first met, they hit it off, one provided technology and the other was in charge of management. Tiangongfang’s current reputation is inseparable from An Lezhen’s series of campaigns.

Speaking of which, An Lezhen is still a wonderful woman in the eyes of other noble women. She was born in a noble family, but she is obsessed with business affairs.

So the fame spread, and An Lezhen was only in her early ten years. She was a good daughter-in-law wanted by nobles from various aristocratic families, but An Lezhen was unwilling to be just a good housekeeping wife. Her ambition was to become a famous businessman in the whole country!

She not only thought so, but also clearly told the world what she thought, and the result was ridiculed. Today, the social status of businessmen in this society is low, and if a good family does not do it, is it not willing to degenerate if they want to go to the ninth-class industry?

It is impossible for Anjia to be indifferent to this. Reputation is very important these days. If such a daughter is born, the reputation of the whole family will be affected. Jane is just stubbornly holding on to her ambitions.

An’s father is also ruthless, even though he was the most beloved daughter in the past, and if it affected the family, he would give up if he gave up. The queen mother held a banquet and summoned the second girl of the An family to the banquet.

This banquet was exactly the famous chrysanthemum banquet two years ago, but An Lezhen earned it by herself. She is really talented in business, and she doesn’t control people’s hearts like a teenage girl at all. How can she not know what her family is like? It can be said that she exposed herself premeditatedly after finding out the situation, and she had already found a backer before that.

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